
Appearance Quotes

There are 17743 quotes

"You're working to enhance your natural gifts, taking your looks from good to outstanding."
"It's just easier for hot people, it's just everything's easier for hot people."
"Cyclops was a giant beast of Mythology and it had one huge eye in the center of its head."
"You don't just want to look the part, you want to be effective."
"That which you are experiencing as Samsara is actually an appearance; it's not an absolute reality. What is reality lies right there."
"When somebody's that good-looking, you just, people try to be them without even knowing it."
"If you were born looking like your parents, when you die, you die looking like your decisions."
"With his eyes shot blood red, he radiates an immense amount of power."
"Stop putting your self-worth in your looks because that is something that's very, very dangerous to put your self-worth into."
"A simple haircut changed way more than her look."
"I mean let's be honest though, this looks pretty tight."
"It makes your skin look really fresh and dewy without looking oily."
"When I wear this, people ask me if I've had my lips done again. I haven't; this just makes your lips look juicy."
"Washington... it's insane the amount of time and energy that he put into not only his appearance but that of his whole household and even that of his troops."
"You look absolutely beautiful today, by the way. Loving the hair."
"The shiny chao will have a brighter, sparkling coating."
"My face changes a lot depending on lighting and angles and makeup."
"Your energy is more impactful when you walk into a room than your physical appearance."
"In your 20s, you need to focus on improving your appearance, your image because once you look good, you feel good."
"Smile, my dear, you know you're never fully dressed without one."
"Keanu Reeves is often spotted with a scruffy appearance, exuding a rugged charm that has become part of his on-screen persona."
"When you put that energy on your appearance, it's going to transform you."
"You have a really good look for the sorority. I'm not gonna lie."
"If you look good, you play good. You play good, they pay good."
"Hudo noticed how ridiculous she looked, so used his powers to hide her demonic features."
"It's always nice to keep things original and looking original on the outside."
"I don't think looks are completely irrelevant... there's an intersection there where if people are not especially handsome and they have some personality issues... that's going to make forming a relationship really, really difficult."
"This is delicious, buttery, juicy burger. Beautiful, scrumptious patty with a nice sear."
"The bias in favor of conventionally attractive people is pretty robust."
"Not only does dressing well change how people perceive you, you gain self-confidence because you think you look good."
"Increasing flexibility in the shoulders is going to give you a better posture and is going to make you look a little taller."
"You guys are a match made in heaven. Everyone can see it. Have you looked in the mirror? You two look perfect together."
"We've been taught that since we were little kids, we don't judge a book by its cover."
"Despite my issues with weight, I've learned to appreciate that my value and what I have to offer have nothing to do with it."
"I've had to learn that my worth isn't tied to my appearance or what people think of me based on it."
"Having good posture is very important, especially when you're tall."
"Seeing the smile on my mom's face, remember how my mom was dressed? She was dressed like she had a million-pound business meeting."
"What you look like has no impact on how you can positively impact this world."
"We can't judge other people only by appearance."
"If I walked in the house looking all fit, then you would just say, 'Hey babe, you look jacked,' or would you say, 'Hey baby, you look snatched?'"
"You're going to put a lot of hard work in right now, but it's going to be easy as you get older and you're going to look better than most of your peers."
"I'm really excited and really nervous about the hair part and just going out in public with that baggy of clothing."
"Chef Alex is on the go today. You look so fabulous in this little apron."
"The EnVista does have a surprisingly luxurious look."
"Studies show that our appearance affects our mental health."
"Get you a girl who can do both, wear a sweatshirt and sweats, and at other times, dress up and do her hair and makeup."
"I'm never scared, and I know I'm red from my sunburn. Thanks. I'm actually peeling too."
"It's not about how you look; it's about how you act."
"Lemonheads and comment down below, 'Looking good girl,' because uh, Cassandra is looking real good, which she's totally upgraded."
"Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
"Our outer appearance is a manifestation of our inner state."
"Do you like my haircut? Do you like the new...well, I'm glad."
"Women are also more highly judged on appearances than men are."
"On the outside looking in, this family looked like your typical All-American family."
"It looks otherworldly. I mean, it looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie."
"I got my haircut, beard trimmed, all that stuff, just to look good for you, my fan base, my audience."
"The Lord's anointed is not determined by appearance or countenance, but by the anointing of God."
"I wear nice clothes, but I don't dress nicely."
"Whether a Pokémon is cute or not is highly subjective and in the eye of the beholder. Who am I to judge a Pokémon on its appearance and deem whether it's worthy of being called cute or not?"
"Black men, if you want to move up into upper management, you are going to have to become clean-cut and represent the brand."
"Attacking people for their looks or appearance or [stuff] they can't control, or using it as a way to tell people to kill themselves, yeah, that's never the answer."
"Looks like some sort of magical elven queen or princess."
"The upper half of the face says a lot about how we're feeling. It tells us if we got great sleep, if we're aging, if we're looking angry, happy, well-rested, or if we have energy."
"The essence and the look of the person hasn't changed, but the eyes look more rejuvenated and refreshed."
"Having your image together as a bigger man or shorter man, you get confidence points."
"If someone gave you 200 dollars because you're ugly, would you take it? Absolutely. I'm ugly, not stupid."
"Looks go away with age, so it doesn't really matter."
"All the looks-maxing in the world isn't going to help you if you don't have a good foundation to work with."
"Sometimes what we perceive is not how it actually is. There's a difference between what we call appearance and then reality."
"I prefer to wear a suit and tie now because it hides the mistakes that I made in my past in getting tattooed."
"Supergirl looks great too. The classic Supergirl with the skirts looks really good."
"I look incredible... I wasn't sure about some of these color combinations, but I kind of like the contrast."
"A mere appearance of evil is as much to be abhorred as the evil itself."
"In psychotherapy, the core psychological issue is essentially the same: not accepting the way we look."
"It's very nice and then obviously he got his gold eyes. He's so happy. He looks so happy."
"Beneath this goofy and flashy outfit is a pretty serious guy."
"It's better to arrive late than to arrive ugly."
"You look gorgeous. A very nice compliment to give, just be careful with the way that you say this."
"You look good, man. I hope I look as good as you when I'm your age."
"I just love the way it sparkles and shines. I hope everyone at the party likes it too."
"It is better to look good than to feel good. You look marvelous."
"She has seven wins under her belt, she has a body for days."
"The Savannah Cat...has the look of a real wild cat with the behavior of a domestic cat."
"It looks better in person. I can't believe it. So beautiful with blue eyes."
"You're judged on your skills and your academics in Greek life oftentimes you're judged on looks... who's gonna make us look like the hottest girls on campus."
"It may look rough like they've been through some things, but they got a good heart."
"Do you like how this jacket makes me look like an NPC who dispenses side quests in an open-world game set in the not so distant future?"
"The effortlessness is achieved through effort. It's ironic, but yeah, the whole point is to look like your style is effortless."
"You need to love yourself regardless of if you look like this or if you look like that."
"Inner beauty: I guess you can tell if someone's beautiful or not from the inside."
"You look like an offspring of a waterbug and Lil Wayne."
"If you're still ugly on the inside, your hot face can only do so much."
"You can invoke the smoke and the mirrors and the spells and the pentagrams and turn into a pretty passable person."
"People make snap judgments about you all the time, every day, and a lot of that is based on what you're wearing."
"Rule number one in the military is look cool."
"Boxy literally looks like a golden marshmallow."
"You have something unique about your appearance... those features that you were made to feel were not attractive actually make you stand out and be special."
"Don't put all your value in your appearance...personality and your passion are what make you inspiring."
"It's very cool looking. I just want to say it's very handsome."
"I can't stop looking at myself in the viewfinder; badass boss."
"Remember, there are no ugly people, only broke people, so Erica's getting there."
"I like that haircut, looking good. Beard and goatee, dude, I'm liking this old you."
"You're walking in there like a bag of money."
"It takes a lot of time to look like you're not wearing any makeup."
"I'm watching these kids walk in front of me. They got high-top fades, fresh from the barbershop...they just look like culture."
"Gregory Helms, my boy, looks like a movie star. Like a movie star."
"Your appearance is very important... you dress how you want to be addressed."
"It doesn't matter what you look like, it doesn't matter if you're tall or short or whatever, I think the world of you."
"The black and yellow superhero skin, also known as the Bumblebee, just looks so, so sick."
"Dress like a CEO and then you'll become a CEO."
"If it's worth doing, it's worth doing looking good."
"Stop being so caught up in the way that you look. Just be you."
"The most famous office in the world... it's very smart, it's very tasteful."
"You were too pretty. I was like, they are catfish."
"This is like my go-to look if I want to look like a Barbie, if I want to look put together and feel good about myself."
"There is no better compliment than your best mate saying he thinks you're looking good."
"It only takes one look at Kirk Douglas's chiseled face to realize he was no ordinary Hollywood heartthrob."
"Guys are just like regular looking women are fine."
"The rose was as ugly as his horrendous face."
"I love what you did with your hair, it looks so good today."
"The action doesn't become worse because the person is wearing hijab."
"Ultimately, changing your appearance benefits you."
"I'd much rather not be disturbed now. Look at his little body, he's built like a bowling ball with legs."
"If somebody walks into the room with a cape, I'm listening."
"The best colors are going to make you look alive and well, and the ones that are like washing you out or making you look a bit sick are not your color palette."
"She's wearing a wolf skin on her head, and has some like paint under the chin, that seems to be stealing a lot from Indigenous North American and Maori stuff."
"Roland immediately appeared at the hand of delre."
"Do you want to win or do you want to look good losing?"
"The way you looked was a big part of it, but it wasn't the only part of it."
"You did everything you were supposed to do, and you look good doing it."
"You want a suit that makes you look awesome."
"There's more to looking good than your physical appearance."
"Shanks showed up in the final chapters of Wano and gave us the wildest hockey feat we've seen."
"I do love the Jeff Flake looks like he just stayed a little bit late at a wedding and had to make it on time for the State of the Union for the State of the Union hit again."
"You guys deserve to look and feel your best."
"This is the secret to get long-lasting, luscious, beautiful, fresh, and clean hair."
"Molly Holly really can pull off a bald head. I mean, that's hard for men to do. It's even harder for women to do. But she really does. She absolutely smashed it."
"Regaining his confidence and his badass confidence related look as well."
"I am super zoomed in because I have something important to say, and not because I'm bald right now."
"Everyone can look their best with Stitch Fix."
"I gassed when I saw you in linen you looked so hot."
"The way you look on the outside has nothing to do with who you are and it doesn't necessarily define you."
"How does the devil come as in angel of light? He doesn't come with a trench coat any massive horns, he comes innocently."
"He looks like a lead actor in a CSI crime show."
"Maybe I don't need to get the power increase but I at least want to look more badass than everybody else."
"At least you can go look like a badass by doing all this hard stuff."
"It's somebody who when the aeroplane lands in a foreign country and is there to represent us walks down the steps of the aeroplane and looks like a prime minister."
"Forget about the other parts of my body but because of this face the moment you see this face that is the problem."
"When you feel better, your clothes fit you're better you walk with more confidence don't you like absolutely?"
"He's a handsome devil, that G. Nice hairline."
"Many historians say that a major reason JFK won the presidency was because he was simply better looking."
"Red hair is the rarest color so they're exotic."
"You don't have to look good to bring about good outcomes."
"Just because someone has good skin does not mean they have an amazing skincare routine."
"Eight out of 10 times, it's your skin tone that is making you look more tired and aging you."
"Wielding an enchanted sword is always a cool thing because if the glows and looks like looks like you're just so cooled and beast."
"The left eye to me looks like he got punched."
"I feel like Connor potentially feels a little bit threatened by you because you got you know better hair and things of that nature."
"You're not wearing those clothes out, are you?"
"I feel like my face looks dream we smooth and glowy and healthy and flawless and it's all because of you guys."
"Real Barbie Doll... paid more than 1 million dollars to look like Barbie."
"Open your body language, get your hands out of your pockets, have a nice smile."
"She's more sophisticated than she looked in the pictures, and she's gorgeous."
"As for looks, I'm actually giving this a thumbs up."
"She's got those shooter boots on, you know what that means."
"She looks fantastic because she looks happy."
"Even without the hair, I still got the guru shine."
"He'll send me like a random comment from the YouTube comments that's like you should keep the beard and he's like I second this mission."
"I wish there was no such thing as a face, then everyone wouldn't have to be judged by whether they are cute or not."
"I always wanted to grow one, I suppose. I've always had stubble, so I thought, you know, screw it."
"Wow, you look great, kid. Natural. Definitely not going to die on your first bounty. All right, I guess we'll give it a shot."
"The core of who I am hasn't changed. I have a beautiful silk dress on, but I do have sweatpants underneath."
"Now the power is in my hands, the power is in my hair."
"When we try to look younger, we end up looking clownish and foolish. When we try to look modern, we actually look a little younger."
"People wanted to dress cheaply, but they also didn't wanna look cheap."
"You look just like a knight now. It's as though you were born to wear it."
"It's a very pretty, very lightweight, and I feel like my skin's very glowy and bronzing and just looks so nice."
"Dressing is very important. Dress to impress."
"Maturing is realizing that the shortest crop top and the most makeup doesn't make you mature."
"She looked like an angel in a cloud and it was so beautiful."
"That guy was wearing orange, just going to lure them away."
"If you're gonna comment on someone's looks like that, you better look like goddamn supermodel and if not, prepare yourself because I will absolutely say something rude back."
"Your hair looks cool bro, your hair does look cool now."
"Jeff Bezos looks more and more like Lex Luthor every day."
"Now that I look like a studious well-put-together Slytherin."
"It's starting to look even more gross, disgusting, oh yeah."
"Some things look nice, cute, and neat, but they cannot handle the weight of Who You Are."
"Not every guy with a beard is Eddie Burback."
"Just want to tell you that you're looking great."
"Still bald, dude. Why did they make Justin bald?"
"Both girls look ravishingly lovely in the soft lights."
"Physically if you got your full hairline, you got a lot of hair, you got a beard or you got a nice ass like, you know you used to play football or something."
"Jocelyn Wildenstein has acquired what can be best described as a unique look but has denied ever going under the knife."
"Do not look at his appearance, for man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart."
"I don't think that you're ever going to be able to wear enough makeup to fundamentally change your face."
"My appearance doesn't dictate my value in the world."
"The only opinion that matters when it comes to the way you look is your own opinion."
"You look super cute in those clothes, lovey."
"Your lip gloss is popping, your lips not that dry!"
"He was a skinny man with worn clothes that seemed far too big for him."