
Environmental Concern Quotes

There are 742 quotes

"I care about the world we're leaving behind. I care about the sustainability, the ultimate sustainability of everything, the human enterprise as it were."
"I lose sleep over it every night... global warming is the number one issue in the world."
"Meteorological experts have stated that since the Songhua River and Hai River basins already have elevated water levels, a new round of heavy rain might lead to rising water levels and even potential flooding in certain regions."
"Our water availability was lower than I would like it to be, so we're going to add to this."
"I didn't do those videos because they're Aboriginal. The reason I don't like the fact that Rio Tinto left a uranium mine in the top end abandoned and have no intention of treating it, it's because I don't like the idea of little kids, regardless of their race, playing in uranium contaminated mud puddles."
"If you care about yourself, you'll care about everything around you."
"The outcome has to be a very beautiful outcome for a new future. Now, the only question is how much craziness and damage we might do to the earth and to each other before we get there. But it needs to happen, and it will happen eventually."
"When we run out of sufficient fossil fuels, some people are going to start freezing. We will be much, much more worried about cold waves than heat waves."
"Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier, popularly known as the Doomsday Glacier, is currently in danger."
"It's pretty important that we accelerate the transition to sustainable generation and consumption of energy."
"The Green Swan is something that terrifies me. You know, when I think of what's happening in South Africa at the moment, the hundreds of people that are dying because of flood."
"I care about climate change. I care about immigration, inclusiveness."
"Our present civilization is not sustainable."
"Water security is emerging as an increasingly vital issue for the region."
"At the basis of it all is this colossal increase in the human population... it's reaching plague proportions."
"The Arctic is warming at nearly twice the rate of the rest of the world."
"We are in danger of the extinction not only of the animals around us but also we face the risk of the extinction of human beings."
"Climate change is likely to alter the world forever."
"What I found in East Palestine was a tiny village being consumed by fear, private police, confusion, sickness, and entirely captured and corrupt environmental protection groups."
"I firmly believe that that's what's happening in Austin around Ladybird Lake."
"Humans are now racing towards the extinction of our species. We not only lack dominion over nature, we're subordinate to it."
"Culture has passed down toxic messages for men and women and children and animals, and we are seeing the effects in the ravaged earth and mental illness."
"I think it's incredibly selfish and I personally will not forget because the older generation don't have to live here as long as the younger generation."
"Our earth is in distress and needs attention... a clarion call to start to love our earth."
"No country has been able to find a way to safely and permanently dispose of highly radioactive nuclear waste."
"I would do anything to go back in time to send a message to everyone inhabiting the planet, saying that we should have stood together."
"If the salmon is lost, then we're not just losing our roots. We are losing our future."
"Are these balloons just the distraction? Is the real disaster toxicity in your drinking water? Let's have a look at these two stories, how they compare and contrast."
"The vast majority agree that human beings are negatively affecting climate change."
"Microplastics have a high probability of ingestion."
"What bothers me so much is just the circus or the play that has been written that we're all in and don't recognize it. I mean, I believe in global warming. I believe it's insane to think that we don't have an effect on the planet."
"Every day it gets worse... What's happening to the environment... My seven grandchildren, they have no future."
"If you're progressive, if you care about the planet at all, it's a perfect place to put your money."
"I do have anxiety about the way the planet is hurting right now. I do feel like this is a time for extraordinary measures."
"The climate crisis we face today would be exacerbated tenfold."
"If you have any interest in human civilization persisting past the end of the next century, you are probably not going to want Donald Trump as president."
"Either we figure out a way to rein it in, or it will rain us."
"The greatest concern and the greatest help that I get for my environmental stands are from young people because you get it, you get what's happening."
"Large parts of the world are suffering from deforestation."
"Scientists estimate that the plastic in the ocean will outweigh the fish in the ocean by 2050."
"The outside world is knocking--the question now is how Socotra will answer."
"If I thought that we mankind were damaging this beautiful little sphere... I would be terrified."
"Without proper management, the future for all fisheries may be an empty net."
"Any disaster in any of Ukraine's nuclear power plants wouldn't just be a catastrophe for Ukraine but could potentially be a catastrophe for a much wider area in Europe."
"Our culture's soul is severely wounded, we are in a planetary crisis."
"More than 40,000 species of the insects are now threatened with extinction."
"Global warming is the number one problem facing the world today in my book."
"In a world filled with amazing technology and big political changes, Elon Musk wants us to pay attention to something quieter but really important: the fact that the world's population is not growing as fast as it used to."
"Just outside our Earth's atmosphere, there are thousands of pieces of space junk flying around, like satellite parts that were disposed after orbit."
"I think it's a big deal for all humanity to have mountain ranges getting less snow and snow packs that are melting sooner."
"It's a pretty cool idea to be exploring and definitely better than plan B sending a load of oil drillers up there to new kids."
"Our planet cannot take any more mindless and endless consumption."
"Looks like the city's a little strict when it comes to light noise usage, I appreciate it though."
"It's very good getting all this knowledge and information, but what do we do with this? If we don't put it to any good use for humanity and our planet and our future, it's all a bloody waste of time."
"At a certain point, our resources will run out. That's the big problem."
"It's leading towards a genetic apocalypse of across the planet."
"If we genuinely want to reduce our risk of zoonotic diseases developing... we simply cannot continue to ignore the elephant in the room."
"It'll cut taxes, lower costs for the American people, create good-paying jobs, invest in our future while tackling the climate change crisis." - Bernie Sanders
"Sustainability, it's more than an environmental issue."
"The monarch butterfly is in so much trouble. Most of the pollinators are in trouble."
"The Amazon rainforest, it's lost in the past 40 years, an area the size of California."
"The common good doesn't matter to us anymore and letting water fountains die just means that Nestle and Coke can sell more bottles of water."
"Climate change is the biggest anxiety-inducing one, but there are plenty of other resources that could become depleted."
"The polar bears are gonna be okay, however with you gone and with no children to share your ideas there will be no one left to protect those polar bears."
"You know we're kind of deciding whether or not there will be a future, you know for the planet for not just future generations but certainly our children because things are accelerating to that extent."
"It's a form of pollution in my opinion where we're polluting our own environment."
"You can't look at a fire like the Dixie fire and just expect that it's the last one we'll see."
"To see any animals losing their habitat is heartbreaking."
"What we have to be concerned about is whether or not the world we live in will be capable of sustaining us in it."
"The most popular weed killer on the planet causes a rare form of cancer."
"If it's not for people and the planet, who is this report really for?"
"It's just sad dude, these trees are dying bro, you know, normally it's all the defaults are dying."
"The vast majority of people in the United States want action on climate change."
"I think the average person is concerned about climate change."
"The floods have caused concerns over further economic downturns and threats over whether the Three Gorges Dam can take the pressure."
"Food waste is a huge problem in North America."
"Your food should be grown as close to you as possible... I don't see that anymore."
"This might be not destroy ourselves and destroy the planet."
"What happens to the natural balance when half of the species are decimated?"
"So what do you do with those dirty plastic bags?"
"What kind of world are you leaving for them?"
"We are in the midst of climate madness which it doesn't stop... chunks of it are going."
"We are going to pay a huge price for this, and I'm becoming emotional because I'm thinking of my children, of the younger generation."
"There's been nothing like this... literally destroying the prospects of human life on earth."
"It's about whether we're going to be passing a habitable environment to our kids and grandkids."
"We need a new kind of society in which concern for needs of others and of nature as a whole will predominate over self-interest and fear."
"When 11 year old Gitanjali Rao saw her parents testing the water in her home, she was appalled."
"Overconsumption is something that I think about all the time."
"It's really interesting that even young girls express more concern for the environment than boys."
"I'm just thinking about the fact that if I had kids, I genuinely have to worry about what kind of world they'd be living in."
"We are destroying the environment at an accelerated rate and it's now at a point of no return."
"They are very concerned about the environment and what they're doing to it."
"That plastic bag you see in the gutter or floating in a stream or washed up on the beach, multiply that by 100 billion. Yikes, am I right?"
"Climate change is the clearest existential threat to our way of life and our entire species."
"We were there working non-stop every day, just making as many songs as possible, writing about what we were going through."
"The world's most popular banana may be on the verge of extinction."
"If you want to live on a planet that is like, you know, has clean air, water, and soil, alright, let's set carbon emissions aside for a second 'cause there's a lot of controversy on that, but like everyone wants clean air, water, and soil, right?"
"I want you to panic for a while... because we do."
"I hate people that litter, so bloody selfish."
"If insects continue to decline, expect some pretty dire consequences for ecosystems and generally and for people."
"If you're 75 years old and you're retired already, you don't give a [__] about whether your grandchildren are gonna survive on this planet or not."
"Extreme heat in oceans past the point of no return."
"If you have kids or grandkids, this is going to be the world they grow up in."
"Venice faces the serious threat of disappearing."
"If we keep staying sleepy, you won't even be able to grow food in your backyard."
"It's not really about lithium or copper itself, it's about the pollution."
"It's like a 13-story dumpster right in the middle of this revival."
"Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning."
"We either have to stop this and actually begin to address it or literally we are going to see a world where for the majority of people life is simply going to be impossible."
"This is an animal which is on the brink of extinction in this area."
"This vision of the future is a terrifying world where the climate we all depend on suddenly turns against us."
"They're saying that this is a fire season unlike any other."
"Pray for the whales, pray for the situation, the creatures of the sea struggling so bad."
"We have too many people, there the population of the planet can decrease by the billions."
"The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years."
"Human-made climate change essentially implies that humans are at fault for some of the ways in which the climate is basically getting messed up."
"Wouldn't it be great to have a fully electric MX-5? That chassis, that feel, the steering, the simplicity..."
"Climate change is the greatest threat facing not only our country but the entire planet."
"We have to start a process where we care and what we think we can make a difference."
"The world is in the river running dry, but don't you worry, baby, I got you."
"The greatest experiment the world has ever known."
"Habitat destruction, degradation, that is the biggest threat to these animals."
"It's like watching the human species fall off the edge of the cliff in real time."
"Dr. Nicholas thovany's research illuminates the path ahead, enabling us to understand the causes and potential repercussions of our planet's weakening magnetic field."
"Financial Think Tank Planet tracker estimates that by 2050 there won't be enough Seafood to feed the world."
"The water coming out of American taps has got glyphosate in it, it's got drugs in it, it's got fluoride in it, chlorine in it, it's a bunch of chemicals."
"500-year events occurring only a few days apart. What could it mean?"
"The evidence is clear in the data points: records being broken, patterns changing."
"Climate change is radically altering our planet, and not in a good way."
"Sea levels are rising faster than expected, which isn't cool."
"I'm so sorry to my world... This is not what we want."
"I think our culture, our society has put itself above all living creatures, creating needs purely to support destructive economic practices."
"Earth is going to face a massive population collapse over the next 20 to 30 years."
"This is the story of how a mountain climber-turned-dumpster diver built a billion-dollar company by being socially and environmentally responsible."
"It never cared about being cool or maximizing profits."
"Changing from a war economy to a peace economy is as important as changing from a dirty economy to a clean economy."
"Drought indicators showed a potential worsening in the coming weeks."
"What happens here in this election impacts our kids for future generations and the entire planet."
"This person truly cares about people, about animals, about the planet."
"We might want to look up what's in biofuels because it's very toxic to kill plants, bugs, and drought an area out."
"Welcome to the New World, welcome to what is scientifically termed Canfield ocean."
"Has there ever been an organization in history which has dedicated itself to the destruction of the possibility of organized human life? That's actually what we're facing."
"The manufacturer that is most consistent in the sustainability approach."
"We want the best for this planet and we don't want to be hurt."
"Costco confirmed they will no longer be carrying roundup or any glyphosate-based herbicides in their stores."
"The situation is dire and getting more dire every day."
"Sustainability should be our top priority before we get to anything else."
"I think human pollution and expansion it cannot be infinite. There will come a point where we do overpopulate."
"All of our drinking water comes from mother nature but it might not always be there to meet our demands."
"The fate of the Amazon: most of the Amazon region is in Brazil... if the destruction of the forest continues there won't be enough moisture produced to reproduce the Amazon."
"Temperatures just keep breaking records in what meteorologists are calling a once in a thousand years heat event."
"What we have to remember is that I have been to Beijing on a Sunday morning. The air was so polluted coming back, I could hardly breathe. And that was on a Sunday in Beijing where factories shut down."
"I have faith in us to at least try to free as many people before the earth sneezes."
"If you could solve one problem in the world today what would it be? Obviously that will be the environmental pollution."
"Thank you for your help with sounding the alarm. It's our collective efforts that can yet make a difference."
"Climate change: a real concern with global implications."
"We're draining our soil faster than we're building it up because of our poor farming methods."
"I really do care. The brands I buy from care a lot about the environment and where their materials come from."
"The brands I buy from care a lot about the environment and where their materials come from."
"The unyielding data unequivocally indicate that catastrophes on Earth are escalating in a geometric progression and within a mere 13 years our planet will cease to sustain life."
"If you care about the environment, why are you shilling crypto?" - The Kavanagh
"A future that is 2 degrees warmer is no kind of future for you for our children or for their children."
"What we're all doing this for is to help save this country and save this planet from tyranny."
"I hate jungle with a burning passion, so how appropriate that the jungle is now burning."
"There appears to be something darker behind the effort to subjugate humanity and wreck the environment than simple corporate greediness or political power grabs." - Jim Marrs
"It's projected that 2023 oil consumption around the world is going to be at a record high."
"The crisis is we're burning up the planet and AOC says we're going to die in 12 years."
"Climate change is one of the primary existential threats that our planet faces today."
"You're removing our soil which is the heart and soul of our country."
"Endangered turtle nests: 'Why now? Why this time?'"
"A time has come on this planet which is small and fragile for all of us to come together."
"This is no minor issue. This is not a little thing. This is not something that you can just say oh it's not happening because I can't see it."
"Why we would turn our backs on it to invest in new coal-fired power stations... just nuts."
"You won't really have anywhere to live in 50 100 years time that won't be there anymore."
"Fossil fuel corporations have no concern for the environment."
"Unexplained mass extinction in Russia: a troubling sign."
"Scientists found deep water coral reefs, but in the same moment as the excitement came the realization that these coral reefs are dying."
"Humans are treating our planet very poorly and we've really got to cut that shit out soon or we're gonna be in big trouble."
"Will our grandchildren hold us in disdain, that we sacrificed their world in order to starve the leviathan, our bestial savior from armageddon?"
"The world's getting very dangerous. It's heating up."
"He believes the world to be dead and we will soon have used up all of the resources and be gone with it."
"Turkey's sinkholes have started to show up with alarming frequency."
"The visitors are continuously warning us about the danger of nuclear proliferation and environmental catastrophe."
"Weather is getting worse and more chaotic... the damage that's being done to the climate doesn't just take a break because the political news gets wild or whatever."
"Hopefully that leads to a better, you know, more sustainable future."
"Unused ships often left to rot make for a jarring sight."
"They have their capability to experience abundance, but I also sense that this person loves animals and they direct their life towards animals and also the environment in nature."
"Conservatives are the only ones who actually care about human life. This is going to blow your mind, conservatives are the only ones who actually care about the environment."
"We have to make it clear that our concern is really for our species."
"Just try and be a little bit more ethical when it comes to consumption because it is truly getting scary how big Shein is and how little people seem to care about it."
"Christmas cards and another plastic thing for fishing."
"So why run this crazy experiment where we take trillions of tons of carbon from underground and put it in the atmosphere and oceans?" - Elon Musk
"It does boggle the mind as to why this proposal has been approved and is going forward despite NGOs and organizations protesting and giving valid reasons for why it should not go ahead."
"Permafrost, which is thawing out at alarming rates, presents us with one of the biggest problems we've ever faced as a species."
"I think this planet is so amazing...we have to go to space to save Earth."
"We once saw the stars, now we'll see fire. Vote Democrats, fight to see the next fight."
"The ocean is on fire. Hello? The ocean is made out of water. It shouldn't be on fire!"
"Can you show me one instance of corruption?" demanded a resident. "Residents inside and out of the town just want to see Otter Creek restored to how it used to be."
"Nighttime temperatures rising so fast not cooling off at night very very alarming harbinger of what's coming."
"Our greatest threat is ourselves, not just to ourselves but to the entire web of life."