
Media Analysis Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"How did this massive media empire, famous for its fan culture of unbridled positivity and fervent dedication to these brothers, turn into this? The answer is complicated."
"The culture on YouTube is largely changed, in the sense that there's now this gigantic industry of video essays analyzing culture mostly from a left-of-center perspective."
"One of the biggest shows to come out of the last decade, Stranger Things, has been attributed by viewers and media analysts alike as being a huge catalyst for wave of 1980s nostalgia."
"Videos like this are why I started my channel. There needs to be more depth with media exploration on YouTube."
"Noah called Wall Gervase is a video essayist who produces lengthy videos... offering greater depth in understanding aspects like imagery, theming, or style in a work and why they may strike us a certain way."
"Length does not create depth; it's depth-neutral, simply a result of one's ability to focus their efforts."
"It's much easier and quicker to make up bullshit than it is to rebut it."
"My critiques are not hatred or dislike; they come from the show's lack of willingness to do something new, to challenge the world it's set in, and thus our world."
"The way they tackled the theme of fate in Golden Wind has truly been a golden experience."
"We're going to learn a lot about the inner workings of the media and why we experience lies and manipulation."
"Despite its imperfections, Gilmore Girl remains an unmatched piece of media that has yet to be replicated decently."
"Human connection becomes the central force of Sex in the City."
"Analyzing the content of media, the ideas it's communicating and not just the form is the best way to improve your own writing."
"I feel like we should talk about which ads are good and which ads are bad rather than all ads are bad or all ads are good."
"Black Mirror is a piece of media itself, and like one of its sentient computer programs, the show has become increasingly self-aware of this Dynamic."
"Experiencing a piece of media with one of the core elements missing is absolutely one of the best ways to understand just how important that element is."
"Don't Hug Me I'm Scared specifically feels so ahead of its time."
"I like this one a lot. I think it represents sort of a turn into an anti-capitalist aesthetic that many of these types of posts have started to incorporate."
"Any divergence is a detriment, but there are cases when an adaptation happens where they actually change things and it improves it."
"At the end of the day, I feel like Stephen A. Smith is in a very tough spot in the sense that he needs to fill up two hours of time each and every day."
"Media literacy is the ability to critically analyze stories presented in the mass media and to determine their accuracy or credibility."
"Crocodile is the gold standard not just for One Piece villains, but villains in media in general."
"Picking apart media, seeing what makes it tick and how it got to be what it was, is incredibly fascinating to me."
"Criticism is not designed for the explicit purpose of shaming admirers of a piece of media, but to help us question what we enjoy, the society that helped create it, and the subculture it in turn created."
"The idea that all media is political is one of the most destructive ideas when it comes to media analysis and art creation."
"There's no world in which a sane rational person looks at what Tucker Carlson does and says he's making this up."
"Plot should come from character. The plot of Titans revolves around Rachel Roth."
"This is the great reset, and you as a watcher and a viewer here of slightly offensive are going to go with us on an amazing ride."
"Half the time Insatiable isn't sure what it wants to say and the other half what it does have to say is not great."
"That's the most shocking thing about modern Star Trek, isn't it? The dumb, the dumb, the dumb."
"The Blair Witch Project as a piece of media is a brilliant trick that can likely never be played again."
"The amount of views is great, but who is watching matters."
"With a clearer picture of who and what's in store for the MCU, we'll look back and see how the groundwork was laid in phase four."
"Dr. Stone is the very best kind of edutainment, the kind that's so fun to watch and read that you don't even realize you're learning stuff while you're learning."
"Last night Tucker Carlson presented footage to the American people into the world showing that the January 6 select committee and Democrats were lying about what happened on January 6."
"Welcome back to New Rockstars! I'm Eric Voss, and this is a breakdown of the new trailer of 'The Matrix Resurrections' - a film that reloads the Matrix trilogy."
"I want to show you this video and then we'll obviously get more into it here's a perfect example of that."
"Social media reflects the outcome instead of affecting it."
"I will never be part of that, and this is where we circle back to Steven universe."
"This is single-handedly the best piece of video I've seen from CNN. The description and the breakdown of the military-industrial complex is spot-on."
"I guarantee this story would have just kind of faded away as some minor piece of controversy in the history of YouTube if it weren't for the fact that what I've talked about only covers the first eight minutes of her video."
"The show ended well on its own terms, a rare feat in today's televised animation landscape."
"Watching this scene multiple times to construct this review was actually quite a challenge because the song evokes that sentimental bittersweet feeling of something you love coming to an end ever so well."
"Let's see what Kate Milner PhD candidate by the way candidate at Anne Berg School for Communication hmm okay I'm a FEMINIST media scholar and such I don't believe in gender essentialism while sex is biological gender is a social construct."
"Is this show really just the stuff of freaky weird nightmares or is it a dramatized reflection of our conscious wide fucking awake reality?"
"I personally happen to think Tucker Carlson tends to do a much better job than the left in his segment."
"As much as I'd love to be bashing the show for how stupid it is, and it is really stupid still, it is starting to get slightly better at this point, at least in a sense of pacing."
"This is beyond the scenes, damn it! This is where we dig into your favorite segments from The Daily Show and we don't stop until we solve them, no matter what the cost."
"The movies had Vision created by Ultron using vibranium, but as soon as he's brought to life, he's a good guy."
"Television gives us characters who actually are a lot more like us in real life."
"Andrew's channel consists of bite-sized discourses on the art and industry of moviemaking from Hollywood to foreign films, from classics to current blockbusters."
"We're gonna talk culture, we're gonna talk about Tucker Carlson's response to Media Matters hit job and why that matters to all of us."
"One cannot understand conservative propaganda without first understanding negative space."
"Ground news is super cool it's a website and app that shows you the latest breaking news stories how biased the coverage is left-leaning right-leaning or in the middle how accurate and factual the sources are."
"Somebody compared it to the rose's pink diamond theory and honestly I would say that's probably the most accurate comparison that you could ever have."
"I want to shine a light on the alt-right playbook by Innuendo Studios. It's a very good explainer and an astute assessment of right-wing thought."
"Really great layered nuanced storytelling with fine details."
"Plot twists are kind of a hot topic these days, or at least they were several weeks back when Game of Thrones ended its ten-year run, everyone lost their minds, and I decided to start writing this talk."
"The trailer begins immediately with the prevailing color scheme being an icy blue."
"That's why some of these common criticisms of Outsiders kind of don't hold up to me."
"How dare we pick on video games by not focusing ONLY on graphics and gameplay?"
"The fact that it's ending is kind of interesting, it's odd, you know, it's something that all along the way there were so many wrong horrible decisions, so many great decisions."
"So, if a talented director recycling material from one of the worst pieces of Star Wars media ever made has created something so fantastic and so beloved, maybe it's about time we start looking back into the archives again."
"Ignoring evidence to make an erroneous point, if I weren't on a CinemaSins video, I'd have thought this was ResetEra."
"What makes a remake great, and perhaps more importantly, what makes a remake suck?"
"There is something about Rogan's success where I'm like, why are they ignoring it?"
"So much to discuss but not in a cheap way... they earned it."
"We'll be back every now and then to talk more about Star Trek because there's lots of little nuggets in this."
"Realistic violence has a place in media, especially in war films like 'Saving Private Ryan.' War actually really sucks."
"This film molds the audience's assumptions through omission of facts."
"It's been contextualized as more than a movie so now we got to be critical."
"I like that it's feeding you data, it's making you feel like everything's alive."
"Unlike my analysis of spoof movies, this isn't just one genre. There's action, horror, animation, comedy..."
"The juxtaposition between these two Disney character-led animations feels both intentional and tragic."
"Do I think they succeeded? Yeah, yeah I do. For the time period, animated films were indeed starting to take a hit."
"So well, I'll probably make a video on this and I'll give my take because I feel like there's a lot of things that are being lost within the conversation."
"Welcome back to Screen Crush! I'm Ryan Airy, and this is all the Easter eggs, references, and little things you might have missed..."
"Tune in for analysis, charts, and breakdowns on these projects."
"Job well done to Rebecca Valentine. This is an excellently reported piece."
"Considering how strict tv censors can be, especially in children's shows, it's a wonder how some of these things got through."
"Riko kills Seth because Neil roasted him on TV... he tortured the out of Neil... that's messed up dude what are we doing."
"What have we done except show you the clips of exactly what happened unedited and then just given the perspective of hey normaly versus basically Insanity what do you choose."
"These details give a new layer of meaning. It's not always an easter egg pointed to some character's arrival or some big theory that's been confirmed, but it just shows you that this is art and there's a lot of craft that goes into it."
"You made a great series analyzing an awesome show, thanks for that."
"To truly understand what the happened to Jennifer Love Hewitt, we must begin at the beginning."
"User scores are important. Sometimes critics miss things, sometimes critics are biased, sometimes critics are just wrong."
"ESPN realizing politics are bad... Fox News is dominating."
"Encanto is obviously the point where this trend passes over from 'explicitly part of the experience' to 'literally what the movie is about.'"
"This would be an in-depth exploration of her character's Origins."
"This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God."
"Your health is worth at least a billion dollars, and we should act like it."
"I actually think it's much more powerful as you touched on when you have PBS you know trying to quote unquote fact check Trump as he's speaking in a much more academic sounding way but Fox is out here apologizing for this."
"Teen Titans Go serves as an excellent case study of the power of nostalgia."
"I hope you've enjoyed this deep dive into how darn gay the series was."
"And I watched it and I was like which is amazing like the writing the characterization the attention to detail uh the performances everything's amazing about it."
"Fantano didn't just understand his demographic, he was his demographic."
"Alright now as I noted in my emoji review a lot of characters died right but some only died so let's talk about the legit debts first."
"Why is it that The Mandalorian resonates so well with a lot of us whereas the sequel trilogy is much more divided?"
"My concerns are obvious by ignoring the games and why many fell in love with his franchise it could result in massive backlash if the show is not good."
"And this is why I say this video was the return of Base Bill Maher. I think he's right on this take. Unfortunately, it's frog and boiling water type stuff where it will slowly but surely this is the direction we're moving."
"We should always be critical from the left of the government and of big Pharma and of the establishment media."
"Re:Zero gives a return on your attention well worth the investment."
"If you're a fan of something, being critical of it is a good thing."
"It's perfectly possible to be critical of something yet love it at the same time."
"Being critical helps you recognize what makes something great and how it could improve."
"And as always, remember, it's all just a theory. A FILM THEORY!"
"Is Gravity Falls actually subliminal messaging for these secret organizations?"
"Almost forty percent of the viewing audience were Asian and Asian Americans."
"I almost want to take a sin off for the show pointing out that Borat isn't all that funny."
"The most important thing that can be analyzed about any work of media is how it can influence its audience."
"The entire thing is built around true love and its power... Despite the silliness and despite the camp, I think they do a great job." - Cucumber
"The nature of the show being a cartoon is the reason why the comedic timing works so well. When things get dark, those moments now feel more impactful and meaningful."
"We're very fortunate as game critics to be able to deal with a medium that is as much science as it is art."
"Over the Garden Wall captures something that has become vanishingly rare in children's media."
"This guy has done a ton of reporting on Ubisoft... and he's never really been wrong."
"I've never been this close to a show in terms of knowing the source material and re-watching many times over everything they've done, and I'm just left so curious on what's gonna come."
"Stating that the video is deceptive... presents the statement as fact, not opinion."
"It’s impossible to talk about Death Note without diving into justice because at it’s core, justice is the underlying theme of the entire series."
"Do you not care? Do you really care? At what level does a show have a free pass to not take something seriously?"
"There are so many layers to this thing that I had to split this video into layers too."
"Each YouTuber will give you a different, but important perspective."
"But I do think, look, Fox News has cornered the market on half of the country’s television viewers."
"The cartoons you are about to see are products of their time. They may depict some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that were commonplace in American society. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today."
"But I think there's importance in trying to find the motivation behind this eight-part series."
"The violence in The Last of Us, even though it is insane, never feels out of place."
"Adulthood, fulfilling dreams, planning for retirement and midlife crises await."
"Media analysts are mystified, especially the media analysts at CNN. Why don't people want to watch CNN Plus?"
"The media's treatment of this issue has been absolutely incredible, just astonishing."
"As one prominent commentator Eli Honig said, 'After these allegations surfaced, Willis somehow made it even worse, and we were watching this train wreck in real time.'"
"Ground news is the ultimate way to make sense out of chaos."
"The 24-hour news cycle was a real game changer."
"Here's our take on the history of queer coding and why for the love of Sappho it needs to stop."
"It's a perfect example of a disconnect between the Old Guard media and the New Media."
"Almost every objection is being refuted by the headlines."
"Representation matters, and changes in adaptation are important, according to Robert Kirkman."
"A whole industry bashing white people, y'know?"
"So in a way, this one kills two birds with one stone, and it's just so fascinating to know that something that was once nothing more than fan theory has actually been confirmed to be true."
"Queer coding can be very severe or very subtle, and it's good to put it in comparison to the other ships."
"There must be a degree of that being the case but also I think some of the criticisms that are being raised here suggest that there is actually something genuinely of merit in the show itself."
"The soundtrack is always deadlocked on the exact right feeling for each scene."
"But while Too Many Cooks says that’s because this kind of nostalgia is a lie and ultimately useless, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared ruins our childhood because it loves us."
"To make sense of SpongeBob's enduring legacy, we need to talk about childhood."
"It's probably pretty safe to say this is like the best on-screen portrayal of Nightwing slash Robin slash Grayson probably that's out there."
"The author of this article can't really be trusted... but whatever let's not let that distract us."
"I think this show having such fleshed out lore is great."
"Every way the show undercuts its own violence, masculinity, and the stories we tell ourselves to justify them is a statement, a critique, and a challenge to its audience."
"I think that mainstream media, or, what I like to call the reality-based press as opposed to the extreme right wing press, should redefine itself."
"Rotten Tomatoes is an aggregator site, not the ones behind the reviews."
"Want a balanced analysis? Want the truth from a woman's perspective? Then you're going to want to subscribe to this Channel."
"That's a thin line, the tread, and early SpongeBob knew exactly where that line was."
"There's a big distinct difference between blatant exploitation of a death and criticism of somebody's exploitation."
"I do actually think that this is a top tier trope."
"Nostalgic properties appeal to an audience's need for familiarity, comfort, and even validate your personal emotional investment in media."
"BoJack Horseman is a trendsetter... it set a new trend that some people gotta actually start paying attention to."
"But Vanguard proves that more grounded stories can work, and the success of sports anime like Haikyuu!! demonstrates that you really don't need big, dumb anime magic fights with massive stakes on a world-changing scale to keep kids engaged."
"The genre as a whole really could be talked about and we could all really benefit from a discussion about it."
"I think 'Attack on Titan' is a series about war."
"Welcome to Film Theory, the show that sometimes actually talks about films."
"I'll be honest, after watching Dune for the first time, I didn't like it. But after all the research I had to do for this, I'm pretty sure I'm a fan of the franchise now."
"Become your best you, start straightening your teeth today."
"It's quite a bit different than the meta score for the combined 94 critic reviews versus the 3.3 average for user reviews based on 3,800 people."
"Commentary as a genre will never ever truly die."
"We'll all kind of decide where this movie belongs in the ranking for the MCU."
"It's not our aim to prove Walton is telling the truth nor are we here to suggest he's a liar."
"It seems like there's a deeper message in this movie."
"Top 10s revolve around the best, worst, easiest, and hardest of things, not only for click-happy buzzwords but because talking about the meh, the average, the inoffensive is so empty."
"They're literally reporting on a study that somehow measured the wokeness of various companies."
"It's been seen a lot and I understand we're not the first people to say that the Simpsons predict stuff."
"If there's one thing that I really wish is that people would understand that... a lot of the stuff on the content creation side... everything is based on something."
"There is always going to be a secondary meaning or some kind of a clue."
"Tucker was and is different even though he was one of the Prime Time hosts at Fox he was in a sense in his own category in his own League."
"Black women, you need to understand that this movie, it can be based on true events and it can still be pushing a narrative. The two aren't mutually exclusive."
"You deserve more because what I deserve should be much deeper, much more meaningful, much more valuable, and a lot more what I want."
"Shorter, more concise shows have a better chance of having a satisfying conclusion."
"This creepy little doll running around killing people, but then it's actually kind of doing a little bit of work with screen time in kids and over Reliance on devices in Tech childhood trauma grief and attachment."
"This is something that I felt needed to be said this is something that I have to talk about since I believe critique is a massive part of our culture and I want to see better."
"Their videos are extensive dives into the media they talk about breaking down their narratives and themes within and usually finding their own reading to interpret."
"There's just something so damn endearing about its characters and world on a surface level and when you look closely you can really see how much the writers are trying."
"At the end of the day, what is a streaming service? It provides entertainment."
"Formal media is becoming more like social media than social media itself sometimes. It's a more reliable source than formal media."
"More Russian videos are coming, going over other stuff people aren't talking about right now."
"Welcome back to New Rockstars, the Book of Boba Fett just threw a hut-heavy bone to those of us here at Wookiee Leaks by leaking an actual Wookiee, and not just any Wookiee, a big boy by the name of Black Krrsantan."
"There's one search that stands alongside these huge topics that curiously doesn't get quite as nice of a reception and that is A Day with SpongeBob."
"I think killing off a character is one of the rawest things you can do in any type of media."
"Katie's report also marks the start of Lucifer's image being rehabilitated."
"The work of a critic is easy... we thrive on negative criticism... but the bit of truth we critics must face is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful."
"What's the deal with Chris Evans being referenced in this show?"
"Fair stories present both positive and negative viewpoints."
"Seeing her make the American population hate supervillains who, as we know, are all made up of minorities, definitely feels like it's touching on a lot of social commentary."
"Homelander wants either people in the Seven that he can control through fear or he doesn't want them at all."
"The male gaze is part of the appeal of the character."
"This particular video is not just for Muslims handling that Muslims will watch it then they'll see the deception that's gone on."
"South Park becomes a petri dish in which satire can grow."
"Attacking mainstream narratives enhances our critical thinking skills."
"We go beyond the headline." - Dr. Rashad Ritchie
"How the [ __ ] is that show still in the air? It's like the longest-running TV show on MTV for sure or something."
"Some of the cooler concepts are undermined by a lack of internal logic backing them up."
"The world's gotten more complex in terms of narrative... our focus is on the way the narratives are being spun."
"Even if some stuff might not be in the original, it probably has heavy references."
"Representation matters, and here's why. And the other one would be my video analysis on dope and identity."