
Energy Storage Quotes

There are 390 quotes

"What do fats do? What is their purpose? Okay, in nature, they hold essentially two purposes. Well, three, I'll give you three. One, a reservoir of energy. You get fat so you have resistance against starvation."
"Antor's batteries sit at over 2000° C, that's a third of the temperature of the surface of the Sun."
"There are other amazing thermal energy battery systems out there, but the not-so-secret weapon that makes it possible for Antor's batteries to store and release heat at such high temperatures is the solid carbon."
"No, if I was to pick one technology that would have the biggest impact on our society today, that is within grasp, it would be cheap, scalable energy storage for the grid."
"Massless structural batteries that generate their own power... this is amazing, right?"
"The true Holy Grail is developing cheap storage that will be able to store all that excess power in the summer months and allow us to spread it out throughout the year."
"Grid-scale lithium-ion batteries are our current go-to chemical energy storage solution, but they present their own challenges in safety, sustainability, cost, and longevity."
"The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow, so we need to have cheap, reliable energy storage to save excess renewable energy production for when we need it."
"We’re talking batteries that store excess energy as heat in water, molten salts, sand, gravel, and, more recently, brick and rocks."
"No chemical reactions means sand batteries are low maintenance and have long life spans."
"Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility... one of the biggest challenges that energy providers will face as we rely more on renewable energy is maintaining a regular supply of electricity."
"And with the recent failure of the power grid in Texas and brownouts in places like California, energy storage is becoming necessary to keep power up and running."
"You can't really talk about energy storage without talking about Tesla."
"But what if it did? If your stove had a battery to serve as an energy buffer, it wouldn't need access to a huge power supply."
"If somebody comes along with the way to change the way we store our electricity, you watch, [the reliance on traditional fuels] will plummet."
"People would be very interested in shoulder-fired rail guns, but that is all predicated on a massive increase in energy storage technology."
"It's really not about batteries." - Matt Farrell
"The energy storage segment growing faster than Automotive."
"Innovations in energy storage and consumption."
"What you should know before getting a Tesla Powerwall."
"China claims its flywheel energy storage's Peak output power is twice that of the US; however, industry experts point out that this may only be based on certain experimental data or design indicators."
"So what we need most right now is a cost-effective long-lasting energy storage solution we can build easily and quickly anywhere in the world."
"Lithium-ion batteries are the reigning champion in the chemical battery arena, but a 137-year old concept might be what knocks them out of the ring."
"We have developed a groundbreaking energy storage technology that will enable a planet powered by renewable resources."
"Increasing a full order of magnitude in capacity will totally change the game in energy storage."
"Energy Dome's battery would be 50% cheaper than a similar-sized lithium-ion battery."
"We need energy storage to make them work over long periods of time."
"Some researchers and companies are trying to develop underwater storage systems that turn the ocean and lakes into a battery."
"Storing large amounts of power is a necessity for the decarbonisation of our energy system."
"Pumped hydro or pumped storage hydropower (PSH) accounts for 94% of the world’s energy storage capacity."
"Large-scale A-CAES may be a more worthy deal compared to lithium-ion batteries in the short term."
"Energy storage is becoming necessary to keep power up and running."
"Flywheel energy storage systems excel at providing short-term surge power for critical infrastructure."
"The first commercial application of the P-Volt, a battery electric system developed by Rolls-Royce, will have a capacity of about 600 kilowatt hours."
"Neoen now has four sites in operation or under construction in Australia with almost 1.3 gigawatt-hours of battery storage."
"Tesla's energy storage business will grow faster than their electric vehicle business long term as well."
"Tesla had yet another record-breaking quarter for energy storage deployment."
"It makes sense to consider storing that energy when it's cheap... self-consuming that stored energy when energy from the grid is more expensive."
"Tesla sold four gigabyte hours worth of energy storage products... more than 15 percent of the 25 gigawatt-hour global market."
"Scientists have taken advantage of Thorium to develop a new clear battery with an extremely long lifespan."
"Sodium ion batteries are very similar to lithium-ion batteries. They have a cathode, an anode, a porous separator between the two, and an electrolyte."
"The good thing about hydrogen is that it’s a versatile form of energy storage, and when it’s created using renewable generation, the goal is to come out with no harmful byproducts."
"Everything is going to run off our batteries so that's where we start."
"The challenge is that wind and solar Farms, which are among the cheapest forms of power generation, don't produce electricity at all times and need large batteries to store their output for later use."
"Faster-charging, longer-lasting, and cheaper energy storage options are something that will benefit our daily lives."
"Solid state batteries can hold up to 50 percent more energy than lithium ion batteries."
"Solid-state batteries are seen as more efficient and they're considered the next big thing."
"I actually think it might define the future of home battery storage."
"Tesla continues to innovate, raising their own bar again with the launch of Powerwall 3."
"Yes, I'm going to do everything you do and no, I don't care if you approve it or not I don't need to take your moral judgment into consideration because you are immoral."
"You might well be better storing it during the day from the solar panel generations into the batteries so that you can use it at night."
"The current levels of gas storage are the highest that they've been at any point in the last 3 years."
"Over 90% of the world's grid battery storage market is currently accounted for by Li-ion batteries."
"This is actually a very good way of storing energy long term."
"The Tesla Powerpack delivered 100 megawatts of power into the grid in just 140 milliseconds."
"What is money? Money is economic energy stored in different assets."
"We think at the cell level probably we can do better than a hundred dollars per kilowatt hour."
"Wouldn't it be great if people could store that energy in a battery rather than exporting it to the grid?" - Joe
"People who are fat are actually rich in energy, they have a big fat bank account of stored food."
"We’re talking about now having enough energy storage for a village for a couple of thousand dollars, which means that you could have entire villages, entire towns all over the world which are off the grid and have unlimited clean energy."
"If a quarter of the cars in the U.S were Nissan Leafs, there would probably be enough energy storage equivalent to the entire grid." - David Slutsky
"Tesla has lowered the price of the Powerwall 2 to $8,400 before incentives."
"Tesla could create a breakthrough in energy storage... it's possible that Tesla could create a breakthrough in energy storage."
"That's the trifecta of Tesla: how we store energy, how we consume energy, how we produce energy."
"Tesla is saying battery day was super important, more important than people realize."
"The humble brick could actually be turned into a battery."
"Australia... the Indian Market has really strong potential for storage going forwards."
"The Turkish market... they're basically going to Tender about 20 gigawatts of storage."
"According to a recent McKinsey report, long duration energy storage has the potential to deploy as much as two and a half thousand gigawatts of power capacity by 2040."
"A world record-breaking zero emissions energy storage facility has stirred into life which doesn't contain a single lithium-ion battery."
"If we're ever gonna get serious about renewable energies, we have to find some kind of storage solution for the energy that gets produced."
"Flow batteries are designed to be scalable and simple."
"Flow batteries and other energy storage solutions are the key to making renewable energies the energy of the future."
"Tesla: the world's only major vertically integrated energy storage provider."
"Calories is stored energy. Think of it as a battery."
"We see Tesla as the ultimate battery capex play."
"Tesla deployed 530 MW of energy storage in 2019, surpassing all prior years combined."
"Tesla has a quarter of the entire global market for energy storage products."
"Tesla is a world leader in energy storage, industrial robotics, and various fields within artificial intelligence."
"Lithium-sulfur batteries may be the holy grail of power storage."
"Could this lithium sulfur discovery make it the future of battery storage?"
"Energy storage is the key to the future of renewables."
"Their unique solution eliminates polysulfide creation completely."
"This technology would change the way we think about energy storage for good."
"Energy storage deployments increased 360% year over year."
"Mega pack can connect to any grid globally, it's the most energy dense Solution on the market at upwards of 300 megawatt hours per acre."
"Tesla aims to take costs out across multiple fronts: the vehicle, the battery, and the power train, plus manufacturing and Manufacturing."
"This particular technology is really cool because it utilizes a super capacitor instead of the traditional compressed air."
"That would be like the best battery of all time."
"It's made out of three amino acids and it's essentially well it does does a number of things but its main role is as an energy buffer."
"Solid-state batteries represent a significant advancement in battery technology."
"Renewables and energy storage are already cost competitive."
"The development of solid state batteries is seen as the best solution for these problems."
"Lithium batteries are definitely the best choice for a large bank that you want to last for a long time."
"Global demand for lithium batteries is expected to surge more than five-fold by 2030."
"Energy storage is the key to a lot of things."
"In a nutshell, batteries and ultracapacitors are complementary technologies."
"The major benefit with supercapacitors is the amount of power they can output in a matter of seconds, something batteries cannot do."
"Fundamentally, we don’t actually care what type of energy is being stored or how, we just want to be able to store our energy for easy withdrawal and little loss."
"The future of energy storage will come down to two competing technologies: do we go hydrogen or do we go batteries?"
"Life is special in two ways... it's got in its storing energy and so that makes life very difficult to explain."
"You have two storage forms of energy one easy to use and one not so easy to use"
"Working on energy storage that's economical, lightweight, and environmentally friendly."
"Exploring Beyond Lithium batteries for future energy storage."
"Let's talk batteries and charging for a second."
"The flexibility we could get from batteries is pretty immense for the networks."
"This particular breakthrough comes from MIT researchers... revolutionary way of storing renewable energy."
"You couldn't argue with success. The Hornsdale battery worked on every metric: speed to install, cost of the project, safety. It paid for itself within the first couple years."
"Tesla deployed 4 gwatt hours of energy storage in Q3 of this year."
"Perhaps in the future, lithium-ion batteries will be reserved for those applications where only the highest possible energy densities can be used."
"Mega pack gaining traction, increase in utility level storage projects."
"There's going to be a lot more batteries storing energy on planet earth than there are today. Tesla in the pole position once again."
"Tesla’s energy storage business is exploding, and that will continue."
"Even with all that we're going to need a lot more electricity storage in the future than what we have now."
"There's so much incredible developments in the world of renewable energy, energy storage, massive batteries being installed all over the world. Globally, there's an enormous shift going on."
"If it's for real... chemical batteries will disappear in favor of solid state."
"The Moss Landing battery project will be the largest of its kind in the world."
"Aluminium battery holds... a hybrid super capacitive battery."
"Tesla is gonna start transitioning their vehicle lineup to hybrids of ultra capacitors and lithium-ion batteries."
"They don't really degrade because there's no chemical reaction, so they can charge and discharge almost instantly."
"For solar applications specifically, lithium is preferable in every way."
"I'm expecting Tesla energy storage deployments to jump back up."
"The other thing that these crystals do is act almost like little batteries."
"Graphene batteries and super capacitors... is a very, very big area of research."
"Battery capacity is the ability of a battery to supply a constant current or a constant amount of energy into a load for a given amount of time."
"I had excess solar and managed to put that into the thermal store."
"Renewable energy needs some kind of storage solution in order to meet 24/7/365 demand."
"Batteries can be exceptionally useful as they allow you to power long-term powerful workings without having to sit by it every waking minute of the day."
"Tesla's core competency of battery technology has been more proven than ever."
"Solid-state battery development is being looked at by everyone from home hobbyists in their garage to the biggest universities on the planet. Everybody wants to discover the Holy Grail."
"The big orange thing is an energy cell, it's a giant battery basically."
"The human body has a tremendous capacity to store fuel."
"Tesla sees continued acceleration in energy storage."
"This is a LiFePO4 or lithium iron phosphate battery chemistry, rated for around 3000 cycles where you can maintain at least 80% of its original capacity."
"I upgraded to two battleborn lithium batteries which gave me more storage of the power of the solar that I bring in and they lasted longer."
"Energy storage deployed was at an all-time record high."
"The very walls of your future buildings could have these kinds of batteries inside them."
"Batteries and other forms of storage are the missing link."
"Let's build the lowest cost 4 plus hour battery we can."
"We're on our sixth generation of our industrial product, which is the MegaPack XL, that we're building out of Lathrop, California."
"If you install a home battery in your home, and nothing else, you'll still reap many of the benefits that a solar and battery installation would provide."
"We've built cells and we know that it can deliver at half the cost lithium-ion can, last twice as long, and it's inherently safe, water-based, no risk of fire, no risk of explosion, and it can be produced at a massive scale."
"Make sure you charge your batteries up completely at least once a month."
"Just don't worry about that. So listen, let me ask you a question, right? So, the reason why you stored body fat, you got, you know, I'm asking you, have you got body fat that you got loads, yeah? Load, okay, so this is energy."
"Insulin matters for obesity, and when insulin is high, it's promoting more energy storage and fat cells are growing."
"We have nearly 700 amp hours of lithium battery."
"That's why on this particular property, we expect our biggest ever battery storage system. 60 kilowatt hour battery is going in here in the next few months."
"You could effectively run everything on this panel for an entire week... 90 kilowatt hours of energy storage, that's like a Tesla Model S energy storage capacity to power your home for a week."
"...sand batteries probably aren't going to take off for residential use..."
"The Lithium-ion battery is an incredible invention."
"So, yeah, definitely the energy storage technologies will diversify."
"Inductors store energy inside the magnetic field. When you apply a voltage to it, we can store energy in a magnetic field."
"If you already have an EV or if you're planning to purchase an EV in the near future having this option where you can use that battery as your home storage battery as well I think it's just a no-brainer."
"...the multi-plus will convert all the 120 volt AC power into 12 volts DC power to be stored in the batteries for use later."
"But what if there was a battery that could store massive amounts of energy and be cycled every day for decades without losing any of its capacity?"
"This cool station...that's kind of got this giant battery...able to take the energy very slowly."
"You can discharge the lithium iron phosphate battery to empty and then recharge it and you don't suffer a large penalty."
"Bronze users, or Sentries, can presumably sleep for days at a time, and then tap that store to go without sleep."
"Batteries are a Cornerstone of our modern technological World powering everything from Tiny hearing aids to cell phones to entire vehicles."
"...the lead acid battery the world's first secondary or rechargeable battery."
"...the nickel Cadman battery invented by Swedish engineer valdemir younger."
"If you've got solar already and you're wondering, should I add more panels, should I add a battery storage system, how do you know whether it's worth it or not?"
"The amount of energy density in a battery is much more useful over a long period of time than the energy density in a capacitor."
"They're tested, they're safe, they're made specifically for energy storage and mitigation."
"Sand batteries... they're the up-and-coming thing and they're super interesting because they can store heat."
"Turns out sand is pretty awesome for taking our energy in quickly and letting it out slowly."
"The essential things for a battery are the cathode, anode, and electrolyte."
"Capacity is equivalent to how many electrons are transferred between the anode and the cathode."
"The Tesla Powerwall 2 has a continuous power rating of 7.6 kilowatts with surge power up to 9 kilowatts."
"Capacitors think of them as like mini power sources."
"These batteries are the next generation of AGM batteries with an extended service life that delivers exceptional performance."
"Also, being water based batteries they can't spontaneously explode or catch fire."
"The battery is here for a reason, it's here to enable the client to make the best use of the solar energy that's being produced on their roof."
"We're not talking about weeks of energy storage; we're talking less than a day in realistic net zero scenarios."
"This is basically a big box that contains a very powerful lithium ion battery inside."
"The Mango Power E microgrid power station offers 3,530 Watt hours worth of capacity."
"The inductor is actually storing energy when it is connected to the input and then delivering this energy to the output."
"Adipose tissue stores excess energy and provides insulation for heat retention."
"Graphene can store over five times the amount of energy."
"Essentially what plants are doing is they're literally just storing energy in C6H12O6."
"It's not about how much power you can make, it's about how much power you can store."
"This video will show you from the beginning the empty space you have already seen to the end where the complete ESS system is installed and the battery in my house network comes to the running."
"Electric car batteries can serve as energy storage devices, helping to balance the electric grid and support renewable energy integration."
"Lithium-sulphur chemistry could theoretically store five times as much energy as a standard lithium-ion battery, which would be nice, wouldn't it?"
"Nanotechnologies could potentially turn bricks into batteries."
"Capacity is the maximum amount of usable energy your battery is capable of storing."
"This Jackery scored 2618 watt-hours out of 3024 for 87% usable capacity."
"There's 600 amp hours of lithium batteries in this pivot slumber."
"Batteries are great; they can protect you from both your electricity retailer's price rises and blackouts."
"With 460 amp hours of power, that gives us the ability to use an induction stove."
"It's this separation that allows the device to store energy and release it quickly."
"Supercapacitors start to bridge the gap between battery and capacitor."
"The potential is there for supercapacitors to take charge of the energy storage game and redefine what energy storage really is."
"With Tesla's Battery Day event not too far off, it's worth taking a closer look at supercapacitors."
"What exactly is a supercapacitor and what makes them so different from batteries?"
"Both batteries and capacitors are a method of storing energy."
"Capacitors don't rely on chemical play in order to function; instead, they store potential energy electrostatically."
"The development of safe and effective systems of energy storage is the trump card for the electric revolution."
"The energy storing capability of electric vehicles will solve the major problem of Renewable Power."
"Tesla will have the best value proposition in automotive and stationary storage."