
Relationship Values Quotes

There are 280 quotes

"The most important things to me are: do we actually love each other, do we respect each other, are we loyal to one another?"
"Mutual respect, trust, and emotional support are fundamental values in a healthy relationship."
"I want to get to know her heart before her body."
"Having a good relationship doesn't mean making millions of dollars a year; it's about having decent morals, ethics, and being a good person."
"Jay showed me how much fun being in love can be and showed me that a sense of humor is really important for me in a future mate."
"A good woman will be proud of you, who you are, and what you do. She will encourage you to go for what you really want and take the necessary risk to achieve your goals and become all that you are capable of becoming."
"Personally, I can say that one of the top qualities I look for in a woman is kindness."
"Relationships are about the value you bring into each other's lives."
"Money only impresses lazy girls. If all your partner looks for in you is money, you're bound to have an unhappy life."
"Just being genuine, no man, just being real. Getting your own Ubers when you know when you want to come see me. Just little tiny stuff like that means a lot."
"When you offer to pay your half, that means wow, you want to be here, you ain't just come for no free meal."
"Sex is not a consumer good...it's a covenant good."
"To truly love someone, they have to make me a better person."
"It's not about their looks, their money, it's about loving them for who they are."
"Love and affection and gratitude are the things that we really need in our marriage."
"A good man respects your voice and your wishes."
"Age is just a number, as long as you love each other, that's all that matters."
"Zendaya and Tom were never looking to put their romantic life in the spotlight. 'I think loving someone is a sacred and special thing,' she shared. 'It's something that you want to experience and enjoy amongst the two people that love each other.'"
"Women want to feel valued, included, and respected."
"When you get into a relationship with someone, you're in that relationship because of who they are."
"What's the point if love's not in it? I agree we are accepting here that uh the love we used to share as a union."
"If you cheat on a good woman, you usually don't get another one."
"They are proof that when you find the right person they will love and accept you for who you are flaws and all."
"Relationships are founded in mutual respect, trust, humility, and listening."
"True love isn't built on expensive gifts, it's made up of little things like this."
"The ring doesn't make dedication, what's in your heart does."
"You've got somebody that doesn't involve... She's a very loyal. She doesn't value honesty, she doesn't value communication, she doesn't value commitment."
"There will be men who want you, but more importantly is for you to receive the man who values you."
"When I don't feel appreciated in general, it's kind of like what's the point of being in this relationship."
"Building a solid relationship is about so much more than just if you get on if you support the same sport team if you watch the same TV shows those things can all be important by the end of the day you need compatible morals."
"There is no excuse for cheating, and to do it during a bachelorette party shows you have no respect for your partner or potential marriage."
"It was the femininity that made him marry me not the promise of sex."
"Men do not value women when she only has her sex to give."
"That's really not the important part. Friendship is."
"Respect goes beyond admiration. It's about considering each other's wishes and rights."
"Relationships are more important to me than being right."
"The red pill is realizing that no there is sexual market value women value things like Fame, physical attraction, resources... That's the red pill."
"A real woman loves and cherishes a real man."
"If a man says he doesn't care about your income, even better."
"I feel like that really helps you connect with the person because it shows that's not what it's all about in a relationship."
"Only one in three young people today believe that marriage is important for a lifelong relationship."
"Being able to have that in my life is so powerful and that I put above anyone bringing in conscious spiritual intention and energy into a relationship."
"Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude, and it keeps no record of being wronged."
"If you find the right partner, they're not going to care."
"Because if somebody is not adding to my life and not living up to the title that they're supposed to have, that bloodshed really don't make much of a difference for me."
"Family matters. Trust is something that's earned. You don't just get that away."
"A grown woman gonna realize that's temporary, but if you have character, she's gonna realize your character is forever."
"Loyalty and trustworthiness are essential. Stand up for him, keep your promises, and earn his trust."
"This person has your best interests at heart, they deserve your loyalty."
"I love you exactly how you are, no changes, nothing."
"Be courageous enough to challenge other people's projection of what your life partner should look like. Take the time to understand yourself, list out the values that are important to you, and see if that person matches those values."
"She's teaching you that even if you're a thin white woman and you have this kind of attitude, you cannot get a high value man to stick around."
"For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her, and he will have no lack of gain."
"Love is all, and like you can buy, money can buy well, money can buy happiness but money cannot buy love."
"Love rules, love reigns. Who I am in love with is who I speak to."
"You don't want to be a lottery ticket to a man, you don't want to be a meal ticket to a man."
"I would like to have a guy that I can trust. Even if I disagree with him, it's like, you trust his judgment."
"You have to have the person that you want to love and be with for the rest of your life. That's it. That's all that matters. Not cheating, that's a big one."
"We just want to be good to the people who love us. That's what lasts in the long run."
"Respect is as important if not more important than love."
"Your partner isn't going to care if you have stretch marks or if your hair is a bit shorter or if you have hormonal issues that cause your skin to look a certain way or your hair to fall out early or whatever the heck it is."
"A man will invest in what he likes and what he loves, but he will never invest in something that he's not serious about."
"Does religion matter when it comes to love? It does because it's for you to ask yourself, are you ready to uphold the virtues that they uphold as a person?"
"It just shows how much you love me and care about this relationship."
"What do you want? You want a life without romance? It's like, how much pleasure is there in life?"
"They care about each other, and that is an amazing thing."
"It's not about just commitment and loyalty, and moving forward in the relationship with both parties feeling safe and sound."
"Relationships should be based not on money, they should be based on that person being solid, being honorable, 100%."
"Love is not that strong if you buy a more expensive ring. Do you really love someone more?"
"It's not about that, bro. It's about you honoring your word and keeping the commitments that you made to your woman."
"Consistency, loyalty, and love. That's how we keep such a healthy and strong relationship."
"I'm in love with you. I'm here, you matter, we're important, I've got your back, I'm not going anywhere, and I only want you."
"Look for a man who loves God more than he loves you."
"I'm not with you for your money, I want to build a life with you."
"Openness and honesty, that's the most important thing."
"If you're going to have openness and honesty, you have to have forgiveness."
"What does it mean to be valued in a relationship?"
"Honestly, it's not about the height, it's about like, inside, how they treat you good inside, I truly feel."
"Guys care about a woman who treats sex seriously, who pairs it with emotion, who wants a connection with someone who's looking for something real."
"Your future partner is very devoted to the things that they love."
"Queens are attracted to the spiritual aspects of the man, the immaterial and the spiritual aspects of the man."
"There's a love that will pursue you if you don't have to leave don't leave."
"I also think from me that when I realize how happily oriented you were there was a major part for me."
"The thing that's important for me is having someone in my life that cares about something outside of me as well."
"You want someone to be attracted to you for you, not because they're just waiting on the next gift to come or the next paycheck to get here."
"Don't you want a guy that actually sees the best in you?"
"The best thing about our relationship is probably universal, which is just like love and being yourself."
"It is still extremely essential to emphasize not just how important fidelity is to you but also to explain why it's uniquely necessary for you to love and feel loved."
"It's not about what we do or how much money you spend, it's the fact that we're doing something together."
"Love, understanding, and mutual respect: the foundations of any relationship."
"Love is love, it's supposed to be unconditional."
"Love is about putting someone else before yourself."
"Respect, communication, honesty, beautiful and may I add also mystery."
"Find a man who values you, who's really honored to be with you, and he'll show that through his actions."
"Trust and honesty are the seed with this relationship."
"Trust, honesty, and effort is what holds it all together. If we feel we cannot be truly honest with someone or them with us, something is terribly wrong."
"Love, for me, isn't what I can give you. Love, for me, is what I'm willing to sacrifice for you."
"I just want a guy that has similar values and yeah like I don't know how to be to be quite honest with you."
"Men are looking for traditional women. Modern women were never taught to prioritize marriage or relationships."
"Either the vow means something or it doesn't. Either marriage is something or it isn't."
"If someone is just trying to sleep with me, then that just tells me they value attraction over anything else."
"It's comforting for me because you're so not money motivated at all."
"Trust and love: the other person's interests matter to me."
"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself."
"I love a man that's gonna protect my heart and protect my body."
"I love you too no matter who you are whether a game developer or a homeless man."
"Relationships are no good if they're only on TV, right? Right? Maybe you're only on Instagram, that's whack and lame."
"I don't need somebody to be perfect. I just need them to be real."
"Honesty in any relationship is definitely a must. I don't trust you to that's putting a lot on [expletive]. So, I don't do trust."
"Humans crave dignity and respect in relationships."
"Why do you want a man with money? Do you not want a man that's honest, that spiritually connects with you?"
"He made me realize the family, it's everything."
"If you care about Noelle, you should care about the things that she loves."
"True love does not exist unless it is loyal."
"Nobody wants to [ __ ] be in a relationship with someone who treats them like an object and who devalues their very humanhood."
"Relationships are about a shared sense of commonality and love and empathy, not about trying to Gaslight and to trap somebody into being stuck with you."
"It's not about the time that you keep somebody in your heart, it's about how deeply you place them."
"There is real love there for you, whether you're in a relationship or single."
"Remembering to honor each other's humanness, honor each other's vulnerabilities."
"A real man won't marry for convenience or money, but for love and commitment."
"To love someone not despite but because of their flaws."
"What's important for you is important for me."
"Maturity is when you realize self-respect is greater than love..."
"You're not actually in a relationship for the sex."
"We don't need an excuse, we don't need a reason to love."
"Faithfulness was the number one priority we had as women we wouldn't be picking men in this top 10 percent."
"Honesty is what I require from a relationship."
"Humility and servanthood are so huge to have a good marriage."
"At its core, love is making the decision, the conscious decision, to show that person you value them in the ways that they want to be loved."
"If you love the women in your life, you want them to be happy."
"If you don't know what value a woman brings into a relationship other than physical intimacy then he doesn't deserve a woman."
"It's love and respect, and it's very important."
"It's not about exclusivity, it's about warmth and love."
"Guys want relationships built on trust and emotional safety."
"Love Him fully; sometimes we cling to things because we believe they are the best things life brings."
"No man should have to give up his kingship in order to be in a relationship."
"Foster relationships grounded in truth, loyalty, and mutual esteem. These souls will be your pillars of support, your beacons in the night."
"Everything's [__], and if you find someone who loves you and respects you and trusts you and that you trust and that makes you feel good and like gets you, there's not much better out there."
"Sex isn't the main thing but I don't buy a house just for the bathroom... respect me cheating for a man is providing and resources for another woman."
"You want it to be honest... you want it to be truthful."
"It is the understanding man you should marry more than that, otherwise you won't be happy in life."
"I want a person who's nice, and there's reasons I want someone to be nice. There's no reason I want someone to be tall or short."
"A connection with mutual feelings, ideals, and values."
"That's my kind of girl, you know, thoughtful, intelligent, and funny."
"You want someone who contributes and benefits you, not someone who takes away."
"I've never seen a real quality solid authentic man ever pack up and leave an authentic, loving, supportive, nurturing, caring, submissive woman."
"Not every relationship is about stability or family approval. Sometimes, it's about finding true happiness."
"The loyalty and the love, that's what it comes down to."
"Be with somebody that loves you for who you are, that's what's important."
"Abstinence with my girlfriend is not waiting to love her. Abstinence with my girlfriend is loving her because I'm doing what's best for her."
"Follow your heart, pick a love that needs to be celebrated."
"I want to be with someone because they love who I am as a person."
"Sex is wonderful, it's beautiful. So, if you really love each other, you don't care about the little things."
"Actions being louder than words when it comes to relationships."
"A good wifey is loyal, loving, kind, you know, supportive, caring, all that."
"I respect Lauren London and Nipsey for always keeping their relationship pretty private."
"I'd want to be with someone who learns from their mistakes and owns up for what they did."
"Love doesn't lie, love rejoices in the truth."
"The most important thing is that she respects me, she's very supportive, and she loves me."
"Honesty, vulnerability, and transparency are key."
"Commitment loyalty respect admiration monogamy those are the things that matter to me."
"Men are valuing peace, love, support, cooperation over everything, looks included ladies looks included."
"Being on the same page is crucial. No time for games or wasted efforts."
"You deserve someone who values you and wants a genuine relationship."
"Could you imagine being so shallow to return an engagement ring because it was too cheap?"
"Oh, that's actually really sweet. He's willing to give up a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant. It shows how much he cares about."
"Love is supposed to be gentle, respectful, and embracing."
"If you lie about small things, I'll never trust you."
"Women don't want to be attached to something that they don't think will endure the test of time."
"Falling in love with a man is not anti-feminist."
"If a person loves and respects you, you'll know by how they hold your values, not just their words."
"Love can be blind, it should be blind, that emotional connection is more important than physical attractiveness."
"Sex is like in a relationship with me. Sex is like the lowest of my priorities, like literally."
"Your feelings are going to be honored, you're going to have such a generous relationship."
"A lot of times, women mistake infatuation for love. Love equals respect and trust. If you don't have respect and trust, you don't have love."
"True love isn't about riches. I will choose Ben any day in any situation. It's not about money, it is about true love."
"The most important thing to a grown man is a woman who maintains a beautiful spirit."
"It's so important to be equally yoked because when you are very attracted to one another and the fire is there... it's so difficult when you're the only one in a relationship that has the value of sexual Purity."
"Build the honest relationship because I respect that more."
"Intimacy is not sex amen and amen and lust is not love."
"I want you to be happy, even if it's not with me. That's true love."
"We should pursue godliness in our relationships because we love God, not because we think we're owed a fulfilling, happy, ponies-and-rainbows type deal."
"I'm so lucky that I have someone who's so honest."
"Quality man has more depth, more substance, and passionate interests."
"Align yourself with relationships that embody your values."
"I love you for who you are, not what you are."
"I wanted to be with a person who would love me for me, and not what I had."
"A relationship's deeper than physical, that's the stuff that's gonna last."
"We get to go back now to a time where you can fall head over heels in love with someone and they will actually honor it."
"I would never [ __ ] do that if I didn't care or if it wasn't real I do not want to waste my time with somebody that I don't care about or who doesn't care about me."
"As long as they love them or care about them for who they really are."
"I'm very big on loyalty when it comes to relationships... I'm a caring ass [__]."
"My idea of being in a good healthy relationship is being with somebody who... I trust my woman."
"Relationship isn't about money or fame or whatever like that, it's about the connection that both people have."
"When you say you're sorry, it doesn't mean that you are wrong. It just means that you value the person and the relationship."
"You should not be marrying a woman based on her look; she should marry her based on her character."
"You want a man who has a heart, who is not afraid or ashamed to come and say, 'I'm sorry, I apologize.'"
"If the friendship is lost because of the fact that you have feelings, it's not a friendship worth having."
"Do I want a high value man or a high quality man? Those aren't necessarily the same thing."
"Loyalty... you just show them you're here about it and you'll be faithful."