
Scientific Method Quotes

There are 859 quotes

"It does not matter how elegant your theory is... if you try it in the real world and it doesn't work, it is wrong."
"Why shouldn't we use the best tools of understanding that we have, namely the scientific method, to address the questions that are the most important to us, as human beings?"
"Turn your life into a scientific investigation, a scientific experiment, and the goal of your experiment is to simply figure out what is reality, what is consciousness, what is life."
"If you want to say something true about the universe, use the scientific method."
"Once you understand why, now you have a scientific method to reproduce it and to teach that method."
"In science, you got to try to prove yourself wrong."
"Good evidence is able to be replicated; it's distinct; it leads to one explanation and not multiples with similar support."
"We expect scientific inquiry to be based on facts and reality, rather than belief in faith."
"I'm some of those people who think that when it comes to changes, the whole point about the scientist is there is a scientific process."
"The point of going through science and data is not to be right; it's to get closer to the truth with every passing iteration."
"A hypothesis is a testable statement...it's testable, for the hypothesis, and we can then go on and test this."
"I consider myself someone who is excited about the possibility that string theory is the right description of the world, but I reserve judgment to ultimately base my assessment on observation and experiment."
"This reaffirms my faith in science, for me personally, this whole experience has been about standing up for the scientific method as a valuable, reliable way of explaining natural phenomena."
"Stop with the incessant insistence on the naive scientific method; give yourself more room to imagine, more room to play, more room to be wrong."
"The empirical and rational hypotheses... we can't orient ourselves by the data alone because there's an infinite plethora of data."
"The notion that I think a lot of people believe in, in this day and age...is experimental validation ultimately the final test? It's absolutely necessary."
"When something makes falsifiable claims, which are then repeatedly falsified, that model must be rejected."
"The nature of science is where if you have independent methods that give the same result, your confidence in things grows and grows and grows."
"There is no question that is too taboo to ask, if research is done honestly, assiduously, with full adherence to the scientific method."
"That process of heating and cooling was named after him; so it is now known as 'pasteurization'."
"The scientific method... begins, I guess, with a hypothesis. You have a hunch... and then you perform some kind of an experiment."
"Science is the best method that we as humans have... to reduce to negligible the fact that we love to ascend to things because they're beautiful when there's not actually a pattern there."
"Belief in science isn't a thing that you should have, no matter what. You should have an interest in pursuing the truth and understand that the way to get there is by careful and replicated use of the scientific method."
"We have to use the power of mathematics and experiment and observation to peer deeper into the true nature of reality."
"A framework in which an important result can be derived from more fundamental postulates should, all else being equal, be preferred to one where it needs to be separately assumed."
"We have a powerful diagnostic that tells us whether we're going in the right direction: Can you make a prediction, can you test it with an observation or an experiment?"
"Science is the only method that systematically controls for our biases and cognitive errors and allows us to obtain reliable information."
"Every single scientific theory has to be, in principle, falsifiable."
"Science doesn't technically prove; it disproves."
"I'm just trying to get as much evidence as possible; this is the scientific method."
"The principle of science, the definition almost, is that the test of knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific truth." - Referencing Richard Feynman
"Pavlov’s true enduring legacy lies in the use of a rigorous scientific method to prove the existence of conditioned and non-conditioned reflexes, which provided a foundation for the study of acquired human behavior and the use of positive reinforcement in learning."
"You see something you don't understand, rather than jumping to believing the most exciting hypothesis, you say, 'Alright, how do I collect better data to understand what's going on?'"
"The closest to the best explanation right now is, 'Here's what the data are from scientific investigation, and this is the model that offers the best explanation.'"
"The scientific method... is the single most reliable, consistent, self-correcting method for discerning truth."
"When you're a scientist, you have questions in your mind and hypotheses, and you start to list the kind of thing you need to answer."
"The role of a scientist, in part, in the 21st century is to direct this sense of wonder that people have into a direction of the rigors of science."
"What can you do? Well, today we will be talking about a scientifically proven method that you have been waiting for, to help get your health back on track."
"I can produce a thousand white swans to support my theory, but you simply need to find one black swan to show that I was wrong."
"Objective truth... is what you establish to be true through experiment, observations, repeated, verified. And when that is done, it is true whether or not you believe in it."
"The way scientific thinking works is to rip an argument apart until you hit its empirical basis that cannot be taken away because it just sticks to the evidence."
"The scientific method works; we put the hypotheses on the table and we attempt to falsify them. At the point all have fallen but one, that one becomes a theory."
"I could burn every science textbook tomorrow and ask all the world's scientists to write new science textbooks from the ground up, and they would be more or less exactly the same."
"Consensus is not a scientific word. It has no place in science...it only takes one person to see, and that's how science works."
"The scientific method is their best way to get to the truth."
"Science works by making testable predictions."
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."
"You’ve really got to be willing to pick through an idea to start challenging any sort of instinctive distaste, and that eventually leads to gathering and documenting evidence and then creating falsifiable experiments to test hypotheses."
"Science is a process of verifying truth or falsity."
"Science is not a set of facts, science is a method by which we try to work out facts."
"Human trust is the key to civilization and to science."
"The numbers don't lie, they are what they are, and if you try to disprove your hypothesis enough, you can actually get close to something very few people care about nowadays: an objective truth."
"There's a lot to do here and the real work will begin once these skeletons are lifted and we can then approach the post-exclamation because that's the really clever stuff that's where all the Witchcraft happens."
"Science is all about evidence and reproducibility."
"The rigorous, well-defined execution of the scientific method."
"Science is not about polling too. All it takes is one to be correct."
"...updating data is not the exception in science it's the rule..."
"In science, we work to disprove the null hypothesis. If we fail to disprove the null, then the null is accepted to be true."
"Science is a type of knowledge that's able to disprove its old assumptions and accept new truths."
"It doesn't matter how brilliant your theory is, if it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong."
"Science itself is a process. It's the scientific process." - Josh Feuerstein
"Always number the carbon atoms in such a way that the substituents have the lowest numbers possible."
"Experiments are how we test theories and further the progress of science."
"We know that the brain was removed by some sort of force up through the nose with a metal tool."
"Forming hypotheses is one of the most precious faculties of the human mind."
"Define the initial state. Define the final state. Define the path. Get all of these really clear, and you've basically solved the problem."
"I'm not going to presuppose that I can tell you how this is going to play out... only that's the way science works."
"Science is a method of inquiry, a means of exploring reality."
"It's not just accept whatever you're told by experts without question. There's science, and if it's good science, you can replicate it."
"We don't have the luxury of ignoring evidence; in science, it's not allowed."
"Just because you can't directly observe an occurrence doesn't mean that you can't directly observe evidence of that occurrence."
"The rule is pretty simple. In fact, you can state it in four words. Let me do that. It's the rule that only empirical evidence counts, okay?"
"Anecdotes are fantastic sources for hypothesis generation."
"I believe in science completely... in its methodology which is this error correcting mechanism relentless unflinching and it's to me kind of spiritual discipline."
"Science has developed methods of avoiding fooling yourself... Scientists don't appeal to Authority."
"Science works because the method is so freaking robust."
"Follow the evidence and try and understand the anomalies."
"We need extraordinary evidence to even contemplate a neighbor. Well, guess what? If someone knocks on your door and you are not prepared for a neighbor, that would be too late for you to recognize that extraordinary evidence when you open the door."
"Good science always operates by allowing all hypotheses on the table."
"Rigorous examination of any theory is both admirable and necessary."
"The first principle of science is, you must not fool yourself. And you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman
"The history of science is really the history of most scientists being wrong about most things most of the time."
"Science is a self-correcting process. We need to be open-minded and critical to acquire better knowledge."
"The scientific method — it’s what makes the world go round."
"Let's get real here. If you look at scientific information as it accumulates, what is going on in January and February, what you know as a fact as data guides what you tell people and your policies."
"In science, this is the only field where we have the process of peer review and this is a layer of sort of security that can filter really bad and you know propagandizing research from you know the correct and exact research."
"So, let's get back to the science and first let's check about how you calculate when the switch between neutron star and black hole happens."
"Institutionalized disconfirmation: the reason why science is so great."
"Scientists should look for all the possible evidence without prejudice."
"The scientific method is a way to base our understanding of reality on what reality appears to be, on what reality tells us."
"The necessity of rigorous scrutiny in any scientific investigation."
"We should always be open to changing our theories if the facts reveal that our imagination is inaccurate."
"Humans must have what he called an abductive instinct which provides a limit on admissible hypotheses so that only certain explanatory schemes can be entertained but not infinitely many others all compatible with available data."
"The validity of the test kind of depends on the data that you sample to begin with."
"Observations are the only way of really knowing what the universe is like."
"Our journey to uncover the mysteries of the world around us by embracing a scientific lens we have ensured that our work is evidence-based and data driven."
"You can know in one week whether or not that's a significant - on a scientific basis - you know in one day just experientially."
"Science tells us what's true... science is still progressing."
"Science is not a set of facts and dictums, it's a method, it's a process."
"To be a scientist, you have to allow your investigations to reshape your own presuppositions."
"Evolution would be absolutely open to something coming along and proving it wrong."
"Science is testing things against other things."
"I love science and I think it should be done openly, barely with rigorous robust debate."
"I think that's what they did here, uh, one of the tenets of the scientific method is that, uh, any theory or, uh, idea is only as valid as the latest evidence shows."
"If new information comes up and the scientific consensus changes, I will change right along with that."
"Reproducibility is kind of super important in science."
"If you want to get the answer to the question you have to ask the right question and then you have to design the study appropriately to answer that question."
"Even if Galileo couldn't conclusively prove the heliocentric model that he advocated, the process of discussion and debate that books like his dialogue represented define and are absolutely crucial to the scientific method."
"Science is tested, science is questioned. That's how it works. If it can't be questioned, it's propaganda."
"Science cannot flourish under conditions that stifle falsification."
"Scientists look at the world, they try to find an actual explanation for that observation."
"X-ray crystallography is one of the most powerful methods that science has produced in the 20th century and has truly allowed us to see the world in a completely different light."
"We demonstrated that its best archaeological method was a scientific process."
"Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points."
"And just like that, a man 2200 years ago found the circumference of our entire planet with just a stick and his brain."
"There's this sort of group think even within academia where it should sort of be independent and people should be focusing on science and challenging assumptions."
"It's not enough to claim that the evidence is consistent with a hypothesis. It has to be discreetly tied to the specifics of the hypothesis."
"True scientists look for evidence to disprove their hypotheses."
"Questioning the science is how you do science."
"There's just something so beautiful about one right answer to a thing and being able to...make observations of the natural world so that you can make very meaningful and realistic and accurate predictions of what will then happen in the future."
"Occam's razor is probably the most important principle in science."
"This isn't a hunch, this isn't a mere hypothesis, this is a theory."
"We've gotten this far following the evidence where it leads."
"Science is the only reliable guide to truth."
"It's finding pieces of information that are testable that we can use to make predictions about the world."
"Science to the rescue! Let's do some controlled experiments and see what happens."
"The pursuit of truth must be guided by evidence-based reasoning, logical deductions, and the relentless pursuit of facts to shed light on this intriguing phenomenon."
"Science is not a consensus it comes from creating hypotheses and then supporting them through experimentation."
"Philosophically, we want to use the scientific method... rational objective hypotheses cast against empirical evidence."
"The means for social evolution lies in the intelligent use of the methods of science."
"Scientists should seek to disprove their findings. They spent 10 years trying to disprove it."
"All that data can be used later in a meta-analysis."
"Science bases itself on evidence as well as reason."
"A scientific theory must be tentative and always subject to revision or abandonment."
"Science is meant to take us beyond just our senses... it's about forming hypotheses and testing them."
"A good scientist has to be able to switch between being thrilled at the identification of a new idea and then has to turn around and throw everything at the process of trying to falsify it."
"The best science is always noticing the points that are off the curve."
"Good medicine comes when people look at data and make their conclusions based on data, as opposed to deciding what they want their conclusion to be and finding the data that fits."
"What we need is a scientific investigation with peer-reviewed research."
"The whole point of science is to question things, propose a hypothesis and contest the hypothesis."
"Don't follow THE science 'cause that's dogma, follow science 'cause that's a process."
"This is the beauty of archaeology, that you're allowed to evolve your theories."
"Try on more than one explanation, there's always going to be a different hypothesis."
"Not looking off to the side is what's hampered some scientists and that's unfortunate."
"Science is built off of questioning, science is built off of finding ways to refute those before you and improve on their research."
"Good science is to stimulate an environment of conjecture and criticism."
"If not for convergence, everything in evolution would be a single data point, and we would have no idea what's going on."
"The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and masks could work, we just need more studies."
"The more predictions you test, the more sure you can be of your conclusion."
"It's the predictions we can make, the obvious predictions that come completely and specifically true that show that science works."
"Science works. Hate the method for being so rigorous, hate the conclusions for not conforming to your expectations, but do not deny its power."
"The method that has allowed you to watch this debate and hear my voice is the same method that has been used to construct the theories that creationists deny."
"The scientific method: you make a mistake, you study it, you get the facts, and you change your mind."
"He didn't give us a single data point that would give us any reason to trust a biblical timeline over a scientific timeline."
"It's controversial, it's definitely unsettling, but the thing is, in my view anyway, David is remarkably careful and yes, scientific in his approach."
"No hypothesis is right the first time, everything can be refined, everything can be made more accurate."
"Science is not about proving things right, it's about proving things wrong."
"With cyanobacteria, I get any of the big clumps I can and then use a rifampicin to fight it."
"My atheism is a logical byproduct of my skepticism and my application of the scientific method."
"Perseverance is a key ingredient of research."
"Science requires that we challenge each other."
"My claim is that we can know through observation and testing."
"Our scientists have an honest way of dealing with the unknown we say I don't know."
"Whenever you have these kind of hypotheses, whenever you have these ideas, it is always a good idea to test them out."
"Science is fact... may not have all of the answers right now but what science does is it asks the question."
"What makes science different is that no matter where you get the ideas now you've got to make them mathematically precise, you've got to make testable predictions, and then you've got to go out and test them."
"They must find a single valid hypothesis and disprove all the others."
"A lot of reading, dozens of experiments, and lots of head-scratching... I've come up with a way to give me crisp, perfectly formed results every time."
"Science is about following the evidence wherever it leads, no matter what."
"You can't ignore the data just because they don't fit your preconceived ideas."
"The act of talking about all possible hypotheses is the scientific approach."
"Science is a social activity, the necessity that all ideas are open to fire by anyone in the community is an essential part of Science."
"A hypothesis is an educated guess with experience."
"Forensic science is the art of observation governed by science."
"Science is a method... it's a way of discerning valid information from invalid information."
"We're going to take a scientific approach because there's been so much noise on the internet."
"The burden of proof is on the person challenging the mainstream."
"In science, you try to prove yourself wrong, not right."
"Falsifiability means that a claim can be proven wrong."
"We have to pay more attention to inconsistencies, both inconsistencies between observations and theory, and internal inconsistencies in the theories."
"In cosmology, we make assumptions, derive consequences, and see if it works with the data."
"Science: when a scientific hypothesis comes about, people try to disprove it, not just prove it."
"It's like if we want to trust the science we really need to be basing everything we're doing on actual changing science."
"Well, what did we learn and what's the next experiment we want to run?"
"Falsifiability is very important in science."
"The only way to form conclusions about the world in reality is through the scientific method."
"For extraordinary claims you need extraordinary evidence."
"Scientists are often wrong but they are aware of it. They admit that they're wrong and then as a community move forward."
"True evidence-based practice is using scientific data to the best of our knowledge which is always going to be behind because that's how the scientific process works."
"Science works by making testable and potentially falsifiable hypotheses."
"Science is all about putting stuff out there and then letting everyone tear it to shreds."
"Science progresses by questioning science because we're trying to to prove science wrong is how science progresses."
"So we don't know we will never test the entire state so we extrapolate out we use the data we have because it's the most accurate we have."
"Science leads to absurdity because sometimes what seems absurd turns out to be common sense."
"The scientific method is you have a hypothesis, you do an experiment, you collect the data."
"It's completely absurd not to apply the scientific method to vaccines."
"Science demands the scientific method, whether it be a drug, an herb, or a yoga posture."
"We could reduce the risk by using the computer to figure out all the possible situations long before we went to the wet lab, long before we killed animals and god forbid long before we killed humans."
"Reductionist approaches in science ignore the holistic picture, akin to blind men feeling parts of an elephant."
"Shooting into water or clay directly doesn't always replicate normal expansion."