
Work Ethics Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"I want women working with men. I want women understanding you're better off with a straight-up hard-working average everyday man."
"I only work with people who I feel are ethically aligned, who have a good energy, who I feel really good about intuitively."
"It is the capitalist's job to extract from you the most work possible, and it is your job to do as little as you can."
"One thing I love about this is the fact that this is a dispute about raising the pension age to 64. The king is 74 and still working full-time."
"Honest work is what you can describe to your mom and she knows."
"You don't have to be paid extremely well to take safety seriously."
"You don't associate professionalism with a lack of means."
"These last few days have been gut-wrenchingly difficult and overwhelmingly disappointing my work ethic morals and respectfulness have been questioned my character has been."
"Just because you only make 11.50 does that mean you should allow shoplifters to steal from the store?" - Brandon Tamayo
"I kind of agree. Yeah, I kind of agree. I didn't think about it like this before either but because yeah, I mean you're basically in a lot of ways doing the work that the employee is doing."
"It's way more important how you work and how you go about doing this."
"How you do things is just as important as what you do."
"Bring the people in as long as they're good people and they want to work."
"Men who work are happy, they have self-respect and dignity."
"Hard workers are dangerous. Lazy competitors are your friends."
"My biggest thing is [__] working for your oppressor."
"In life, particularly in work, don't just do what you can do, do what only you can do."
"Just because you're a smart worker doesn't mean you get to leave early necessarily."
"Shortcuts will get you results...hard work is going to give you misery."
"We will defend the dignity of work and the sanctity of life."
"It's the work that counts, right? Some things are more important than work, Prudence. Like helping a friend." - Yasmine
"I have to live with the fact that this year and most of last year I really treated you guys like a paycheck."
"Work is sacrifice, sacrifice of the present to the future. It's delay of gratification, it's maturity, it's sacrifice to something as well."
"It's not just how hard you work... you have to do it with half the work, half the energy."
"All work is real work... No job is beneath you."
"What helps you win is your bottom 100 worst working days."
"You get paid for the value that you provide, period."
"Corruption kills... It gives entrepreneurship... it kills professionalism and it kills hard work."
"When he works on stuff he doesn't show his hand. He doesn't tell people what he's working on. Nah, so I respect the fact that he kind of kept everything under wraps."
"Once you start doing it strictly for the money, you will eventually compromise yourself."
"We've got to be ready to start working, and a word that a lot of people aren't going to want to hear: compromising..."
"As long as we're honest... we can get our hands dirty."
"You have to like what you're doing, and if you don't like what you're doing, it's not going to work."
"There's honor and virtue in working with your hands."
"However you can get work, however you're earning your living is respectable."
"Don't condemn the people who want to hustle, hustling is a behavior."
"Judging me being a man is being a gentleman, going to work, doing the right thing."
"You don't have to like them but you do have to respect them because their work is good work."
"Men have always been willing to work and sacrifice if they were rewarded with a means through which to see themselves as worthy of respect."
"You can do what you want if you're smart about the way you work."
"Working to provide for your family should never be a death sentence."
"Work not for yourself but work perfectly altruistically, work for the happiness of others."
"There's a level of respect that's earned in the league and it's earned through communication and honesty and work ethic and discipline."
"By doing your work, you prove that you're a communist, a conscious species being."
"Patience, timing, and working smart, that's what we want to kind of leave it with today."
"It doesn't matter where you work, it matters what you do."
"When they were saying nobody wants to work, what they actually meant was nobody wants to work for the starvation wages that we were willing to pay them."
"I always believe that people who do the work should be paid."
"We're not playing a game. We're not trying to just do everything the way that you're supposed to."
"Those who work hard deserve gratitude and praise."
"Be smart enough to carefully invest your time in the people that you think love to work."
"Work is essential to building up our character and our self-esteem and a big part of recovery from addiction."
"We do this because we love doing it, not just for the money."
"We should work for satisfaction, not just money."
"Good intentions and professional pride ended up winning the day."
"Work is better when you don't need the money."
"He's got an anime profile picture, you see these jokers here and it's so easy to kind of forget like how serious this work is."
"Robots are always polite, they never take a vacation, they never show up late."
"You're just working every [__] day of your life to subsidize someone else's living conditions."
"Do you really think that working your best people to the bone is the right move?"
"90% of the job is integrity... nobody gives a darn about your home as much as you do."
"There is no shortage of work to do, but we need to decide to do it."
"It inhibits the growth of a society when we don't value people solely on their level of work and ethics."
"There's nothing wrong with blue-collar work... what matters is your character."
"Use your faith in your workplace. Part of the reasons why you're there is to make the company successful."
"You can't not look at it like a job. When you're at a job, you have to be there at a certain time."
"I think people make the mistake of working harder and harder, or not smarter."
"We got actual work to do now right, yep exactly."
"Barely, a highly sought after position. Be grateful you're even getting the benefit of being told how to do your job."
"I would work here for free if they didn't want to pay me."
"If you want to have more freedom in your life, if you want to have more freedom in the teams as an individual, if you have the discipline to do what you're supposed to do and do it well, no one's ever going to have to tell you what to do."
"If you're putting in the work and effort, you should be able to live with dignity."
"We believe in the dignity of work and in the sanctity of life."
"Your work speaks, and your actions speak more than the words."
"Retail work is hard, and the people in it deserve the utmost respect."
"Make your focus on providing value, on creating something that you can exchange for their value."
"If somebody is doing the work, does it matter what they call themselves?"
"No job is so important, no service is so urgent that we cannot take the time to perform our work safely."
"Unfortunately, if you let half a meter go on every job every day in the year, it's a lot of money."
"Safety first. I'm not gonna do half-ass work."
"Just a little comment of my own there, um you don't think hard work should be rewarded?"
"We built this with love and we've built this with integrity and a lot of hard work."
"Success is not directly correlated to how much work you put into something."
"People don't work with assholes. Be nice, be ready, be professional."
"This is the epitome of working smarter, not harder."
"The reality is this is my full-time job this is how I feed my family and myself and pay my bills and all that kind of stuff and I I can't afford to just work for free at this point"
"A 19-year-old woman is paving the way for girls by setting an aviation record as the youngest woman to fly solo around the world."
"It's disrespectful to accept money from somebody and not give your 100% or fucking 200%."
"Work really really hard for people who treat you like garbage."
"Even if they would be making more money from the government, they are choosing the dignity that is inherent with work, and that is something to be applauded."
"The best way is working, and I want to tell you guys something."
"People just don't realize... you gotta take this seriously and treat it like a [ __ ] job."
"They're taking all the risks; you're doing all the work."
"You get back what you put in. The more real work you put into anything, the more you'll get back. And essentially, there's nothing you can't work through assuming you have cooperation."
"I think something that I really would encourage everyone to do who works for themselves in any capacity is really call into question every single thing that you do for work that you consider as additive to your work."
"Enough! Stop asking of me. I work hard enough as it is, and if I am gonna work that hard, I want it to be something I believe in."
"You're the a-hole. The worker was just doing her job. It's not her fault you chose to lie to your children for whatever arbitrary reason."
"Life's not about reward, it's about being respected, it's about recognizing that you are doing a good job."
"Production is not a nine-to-five job, y'all." - Recognizing the hard work behind the scenes.
"Work hard, but make sure you're getting paid your worth."
"If you can work and other taxpayers are paying for your benefits, you should work."
"Humans are lazy, they tend to phase out what they don't like doing. This is why the people that make the most money or see the most success in the world are creative people."
"Professionalism is paramount in this industry."
"As long as the work is getting done on time and with the quality you expect, it really shouldn't matter."
"Because I'm not a right, I work for a living."
"Work ethics to me, I think that's the first thing."
"Employees refuse to confirm work leading to unexpected consequences and a silent rebellion against unfair job changes."
"Do you ever get sick of actors that make 15 million a picture or even 200 000 for voice over work that took a Brisk of 1 hour and 43 minutes to complete?"
"Engage in work aligned with your swadharma."
"I wasn't just late every day, I was really difficult to work with."
"I think all working people deserve a just day's pay for a hard day's work."
"It has become an act of rebellion to simply go to work, do the job that you're paid to do, and work the hours you are paid to work, meaning expectations is a revolutionary act."
"You want to get paid for the work that you do."
"I don't really think you can blame someone for going to work when they're ill if financially they're just playing the cards that they've been dealt as best as they can"
"I just want to have such attitude and work ethics."
"Winning a national championship takes tremendous dedication, tremendous work ethics."
"I don't trust almost any profession anymore because a lot of people don't seem to want to do the job that they're supposed to do."
"But work is work. Especially with superiors and subordinates."
"Nobody that ever earned tips for a living complained about being too busy."
"There's still a level of respect that needs to be deserved to anybody that's working for you."
"No one should work full-time and still live in poverty."
"I really want to promote pay transparency and make sure that we all are being fairly compensated for our hard work."
"You can't fix time and scope and hope to succeed by making people crunch down and just working harder."
"If your boss has ever said you have to work overtime or work weekends and you don't get any reward for it other than keeping your job, it's time to find a new job."
"Saying no to the wrong work is more important in 2024 than ever."
"The boss believes he is superior to his work team. The leader knows how each person works, so he distributes the work."
"You might be good at your job, but that doesn't give them the right to overwork you like that."
"It's a class issue, it's an issue about work, but it's a moral issue."
"I work ethically and commit to excellence."
"Professionalism and building trust are still important."
"Employer ghosted me to skip out on paying, so I blocked his access to three months of my work."
"The four cardinal pillars of this work culture are punctuality, professional competence, integrity, and a social commitment."
"I think these conversations are very important, and it's so rare to come across a guy who is just about his work and it is what it is, and he has no hidden agenda and he's very professional."
"You must only access, use, and disclose confidential information for a work-related purpose."
"For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn."
"Moral of the story: Be nice to the people that you work with, and don't have to post up online so you get attention from other people. That's just ridiculous."
"I possess strong work ethics, high standards, and also an ability to coordinate the toughest of projects through resilience and determination."
"Embrace the grace of God in your life, in your relationships, in your business issue, and the stuff at work."
"It's really important to me that we approach our work in an unbiased way."
"Your political view does not matter on your work."
"No game company or project is worth your health."
"Animals should never be forced to work."
"These are human beings trying to do a job, they do something's good, something's bad sometimes."
"It is unfair to someone as an artist to not pay them, compensate them for extra hours worked."
"If something doesn't match your morality, if something doesn't sit right with your spirit when it comes to work, you don't have to explain yourself nor do you have to stay."