
Stewardship Quotes

There are 1880 quotes

"You are stewarding your spiritual soul and your body."
"The parable of the talent teaches about stewardship, trust, and the rewards of taking risks."
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."
"The more we learn about planets, the better custodians of our own planet we can be."
"Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase."
"True spirituality requires acknowledging that everything we have is ultimately God's, and we are merely stewards."
"The divine gift of creation does not come without duties and responsibilities."
"In gospel terms, the word 'stewardship' designates a sacred spiritual or temporal responsibility to take care of something that belongs to God for which we are accountable."
"Enjoy life at a different level when you manage what God has given you correctly."
"Please remember we are just stewards of what belongs to God."
"Business management is a stewardship that should operate as a public trust for the benefit of all the people."
"It's a great responsibility too, because if we abuse our stewardship of the planet... that's intrinsically wrong."
"Places belong to those that love them and take care of them."
"I don't like humans polluting. I don't like people littering. Let's be clean, good stewards of the earth."
"We are temporary custodians of this planet, as the Na'vi are of Pandora."
"What we want is the ability to expand, to be good stewards of the earth, to live better longer lives, to travel the stars, to learn and understand and progress."
"He designed us for the garden, and so I think that if I'm growing food and I'm stewarding the earth, I'm just doing what I was designed to do anyway."
"I think the stockpile stewardship program is one of the remarkable successes of our nuclear architecture over the last 30 years."
"You must love why God has given you what he's given you more than what he's given you."
"Money isn't our idea, money is God's idea, and He calls us to be good stewards of it."
"Protect through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us the treasure which has been entrusted to you."
"The church has a responsibility to protect and steward the flock."
"There's a difference between God's love and God's favor. Favor is different because it is initially given to us as a gift, and its increase in our life is dependent upon our stewardship of what we do to gain God's favor."
"Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the Earth, subdue it, and have dominion."
"If you're not faithful over little, you will never be able to honor and respect much."
"Feeling grateful for our harvest and thankful to the ones that stewarded this place since time immemorial."
"Allah gave you money, children, skills, intellect...ultimately to help you worship Him."
"With great power comes great responsibility. We as humans do have power... we can either be tyrannical and abusive with our power, or we can be stewards and nurturers."
"As a gardener, you must see yourself as a shepherd of your land; you look after it, you nurture it, you protect it."
"God will only give to you what he knows will flow through you."
"We are just caretakers, stewards right now, and we'll be gone soon enough, but we need your support."
"Stewardship is not just about money...it's about time, talents, temple, testimony, and treasure."
"We're going to make it better than when we first arrived because that's what I believe is my job as a good steward of the land."
"Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful."
"One of the things we might want to do as a people is to treat the planet in a fashion that would care for it because this is a garden that we were given to caretaker."
"Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the Earth, subdue it, and have dominion."
"Securing the bag is not what we really want to do; we want to steward the bag."
"In this series where we're talking about stewardship and finances, maybe the best thing I could do is encourage you to open up your bag."
"We get certain moments in life that we never get back again. They come, and then they're gone, and I never have a chance to steward that moment again."
"Respect the resource. You can't control what you start with, but you can control what you do with it."
"I often wonder if our entire planet is also a huge sacred garden of a vivarium that a bunch of aliens, God, or some other immense entity out there is caring for, and observing."
"If you can't be faithful with the little, how on Earth can God trust you with a lot?"
"These bikes are eternal, you are merely taking care of it until it's assured on to its next owner."
"God's plan: man and woman have the vocation of stewardship over the earth."
"Your destiny was to come to planet Earth, to create humans, and the humans' destiny was to inherit the planet and take care of it, therefore you must help them."
"You never really own a Patek Philippe, you merely look after it for the next generation."
"Stewardship recognizes that human activities have accelerated changes in environments, often to the detriment of biodiversity."
"We must live in the truth so that we can continue to be stewards of Yah's kingdom."
"We have a responsibility to be good caretakers of the world."
"I want Australians to love this land and our species and become custodians and carers of that."
"The only question you have to ask is with whatever ability you have with whatever money you have with whatever time you have: are you being faithful to Jesus in those things?"
"I'm so grateful we finally got to this project because now I'll be able to be a better steward of the food storage."
"It's stewardship that the Lord is dealing with."
"We all have a responsibility to leave this land better than we found it."
"We would take better care of our earth if we realized we're all part of everything."
"God gave you a gift, He expects you to steward your gift."
"Prosperity enables us to do the right thing, to be able to help our fellow man, to be stewards of civilization."
"If God can get it to us, he'll get it through us."
"Sometimes the blessings you got ain't meant for you."
"True power is stewarded wisely, for it is given from the Divine, not from the ego."
"Just because we're playing the Diplomat, there's no reason we can't mix in a little bit of stewardship as well."
"We are being asked to be guardians not just for our people but for all people."
"They believe that we are on the planet, the land owns us, we don't own the land, the land owns us and that we need to take care of it."
"To steward well, you have to love well. In order to love well, you have to know well."
"Humans are God's Pinnacle of creation but God's given us animals to care for and we should Steward them."
"Self-care is not selfishness; this self-care is stewardship."
"Money is something that God deeply cares about."
"Be a good steward... all good stewards spend wisely, save diligently, and give generously."
"Our dominion on earth is directly associated with us remaining human."
"Every resource God gives us, whether money or time, we'll be held accountable for."
"It's something that changed the course of my stewardship from that point on."
"I am putting you in a season where I'm going to give you what you need, but it is not just for you to consume, it is for you to be a feeder."
"The money that I make is not mine, it belongs to my family."
"Kingdom wealth is not acquired; it is entrusted."
"Blizzard sees themselves as custodians of the universe the community will create."
"It's God's to give, but it's mine to manage."
"You can never keep anything you don't minister to."
"We just want to make sure that people are getting good direction on how to be good stewards of their wealth."
"The Earth is an ark and we need to preserve it."
"We're not giving it to Pastor Benny, we're giving it to the ministry to do the work that Pastor Benny has been entrusted to do."
"We need to make sure that we're good stewards of the taxpayers money."
"Our responsibility is to leave our children what was left to us."
"We have been given a purpose, we have been given a stewardship, we have been called into battle."
"Cherish what you have, take care of what you have, and you'll do great."
"The earth does not belong to the people, the people belong to the earth."
"He is the Lord of the vineyard, and we are His servants."
"When it comes to bodily health and exercise, you're a steward of your body."
"The Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the Earth."
"I realized I don't own this. I'm a steward when you know it's not yours. There's something on the inside of you that ought to make you want to Steward it better because I'm not the owner, I'm just the manager."
"God is not giving you this increase to be irresponsible."
"Stewardship is one of the keys to seeing that increase really in any aspect."
"Generosity and stewardship must go hand in hand."
"Trust is not about short-term gains or individual successes, it is about stewardship."
"Stewardship is my calling. It's not an option."
"I'm blessed not because I got more money than anybody, but because I am a steward over what he gives me."
"Being good stewards means taking care of what we have, big or small. We're stewards of the remote control kingdom."
"Every decision, every person, every soul, every staff member, every dollar is a stewardship."
"Freedom itself and liberty are gifts to be stewarded."
"Biblical truth is that we can use this planet, we can extract everything out of it with a responsible kind of stewardship."
"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. To His name be all the glory and honor and power forever and ever. Amen."
"Whatever God gives us is a tool to be used to further the will and kingdom of God on this earth."
"We are stewards of all of God's property, including ourselves, our bodies, our talents, our time, our families, and God's money."
"Expect a return as a good steward of what he's given you."
"My money don't belong to me. None of this belongs to me. It all belongs to the Lord."
"Let no man take your crown... You are given certain things to steward over."
"We are now transitioning from a predator species to a caretaker species."
"Let's do everything with reason, let's be reasonable with what we're doing with and be good stewards with God's money and let's further the kingdom."
"I am thy steward and I use thy gold in service with it. I do Thy will."
"Trusting God with our resources and time enriches our spiritual lives."
"He that is a faithful and wise steward shall inherit all things, amen."
"We are just trying to be good stewards of everything God has entrusted to us."
"The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof."
"We are just squatters in a world that didn't belong to us."
"That's the only purpose God has endowed any of us with any power, money, wealth: to figure out how to share that power with others so they can come up."
"The Earth is the Lord's, the real landlord is God."
"We know that they respect us as long as we respect them and the land we borrow."
"Be faithful with what God has given you, avoid debt."
"We are terrible stewards of the future because we are terrible stewards of the present."
"It's important that we steward this thing that God created well and be very mindful of it."
"I never want money to use me; I want to use money for God's glory."
"It's a sobering reminder that we're tenants on Earth, not its landlords."
"We don't inherit the Earth from our parents; we borrow it from our kids."
"We get this one beautiful life that we get to lead and the way that we steward our time, our energy, and our resources is so important when it comes to actually being able to do the things that we want to do."
"Being ourself, stewarding what we have, celebrating who God created us to be."
"I have to learn how to be a good steward of my gift and what God gave me."
"It's stewardship. They have entrusted us for a moment in time to do something. And let's fulfill that trust."
"If you are a Christian, it's God's; it all belongs to Him."
"No, we don't own the Earth, nature does, and the sooner we learn that the better chance we have of surviving ourselves in our own future."
"It's such an honor and a privilege that God would take a snippet of his mind and give it to you."
"As a species, we have appointed ourselves trustees of the earth and everything on it."
"I speak for the forest. The green places of the world, I can make an apple in my hand."
"To me, it's ultimately stewardship."
"Man was made to utilize everything in nature, and also protect it."
"Every homestead is looking to honor the land and looking to work it in a way that creates longevity."
"Leave it better than you found it."
"Stick around and learn a thing or two about keeping this beautiful space beautiful."
"Mother Nature is gonna have its say and all we're trying to do is shepherd it in the directions that we like."
"Remember to leave your campsite cleaner than how you found it."
"This is not about owning a piece of land, it's about conserving a beautiful piece of property forever."
"Buying into the idea that you can help nature along the way is super special to my wife and I."
"As a gardener in this particular planetary environment, it is therefore not only up to him to protect his own environment but the environment of all other things he has responsibilities to protect."
"I want to be a good steward of it."
"What a rewarding journey it’s been to steward them all these years."
"We see ourselves as stewards and custodians of Wrigley Field and wanting to leave that legacy played a role in every moment of every part of every thought we had."
"This is our place and we better take care of it."
"We're not the virus, we're actually the gardeners."
"If carbon becomes the basis for currencies around the world, then that will allow even the poorest farmer in say Africa to be paid if they are rebuilding soils."
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it."
"What better way then being the steward of the earth then through planetary healing."
"Waiting in the Lord is not just doing nothing, it's actively stewarding what he's called you to do."
"We've been entrusted with God's image on planet Earth, yes, to make it better, to bring His Shalom."
"We have to take responsibility for our actions."
"God put something in my hands to share."
"We are stewards of a better planet."
"I think God does give influence. So how do I Steward that influence in such a way that God is honored?"
"When women have a relationship with something, they take care of it."
"It’s not how much assets you collect over your lifetime. It’s working a steward of those assets you are."
"Fearing God means using your wealth to advance His kingdom."
"And this store means a lot to a lot of people. It's our job to keep it going."
"Being able to see what the Dixon vest represented to carrying on Bob Dixon's legacy. You need symbols and you need stories that represent why it's important to not be shortsighted and not be selfish in your outlook with doors."
"We really want to leave it better than we found it."
"I had an opportunity, I had a window, and I had a platform to be able to say something and speak into that moment so it was it was more of a stewardship and a burden."
"We have an amazing planet that we live on and we are, whether we like it or not, the stewards for that planet."
"We must never take more than the land can provide."
"In our year of God, nothing will be wasted. If God blesses me with money, I won't waste it. If God blesses me with food, I won't waste it. If God blesses me with time, I won't waste it."
"There will be many good things that come our way in 2024, but don't waste them. Make good use of what God has given to you."
"In this new era, Humanity's relationship with the Earth could transform from one of exploitation to one of stewardship."
"Leave it better than we found it."
"Teraa is proof that we can be custodians of the earth, stewards of the land, and architects of a regenerative legacy."
"Even creation is waiting for us to know who we are so we can take our place, subdue the earth, dominate and deliver it from its corruption."
"It's not about the success, it's about stewarding what God is doing."
"Give me a part in what it is you're doing and if this is my part to pay I actually need to steward that really well."
"The earth needs us, even as we need the earth. We were given charge of the earth, animals, efficiencies, and our first calling was to walk with God, have fun, make babies, extend Eden, and take dominion over the natural world."
"Cook is an incredible CEO and an incredible Steward of the assets he was left."
"...let my primary concern in this life be about building your kingdom, not my own..."
"...let a concern for your Kingdom be reflected in the way that I steward my resources, my relationships, and my responsibilities..."
"The world is in our hands, it's left to us guys."
"I feel that it's important to be a good steward of something this historically significant."
"Are you really learning how to steward your time, your energy, your resources?"
"I know it's not my energy, it's collective energy, it's human energy that is a gift to me, which I share, which I steward with others."
"I just want to leave it healthier than I found it." - Jamie Dimon
"The only creature that God said have dominion, dominate the earth, is a human."
"The idea is to manage and steward those energies rather than to feel that we are those energies."
"Stewardship will get you a promotion."
"Consider being a millionaire, quote-unquote, with the assets you already have. Are you being a good steward of the resources that you have now so that you can be trusted with more later?"
"Non-profits have no owners; the people who are governing the organization are really considered stewards, not owners."
"Leave it better than you found it. Keep doing the thing."
"Therefore, honor God with your bodies."
"We must constitute ourselves Trustees of this new Force to prevent his misuse and to turn it into the channels of service to mankind."
"Everything here is dead and we are the animating power. Without man, everything will be dead."
"The natural world needs you because of your gifts."
"If you can't be faithful with a little, then how can you be ruler properly over much?"
"We're all about financial stewardship and we're also all about giving, and that's giving is part of financial stewardship."
"I'm privileged to be there at this particular window in time as the custodian the majority shareholder."
"Humans have arrived at a stage at which they have responsibility for the fate of the world."
"God gave you the ability to produce wealth, so He expects you to use it."
"Strived to leave the land better than he found it."
"We're not the owner of our life, we're just a steward. The steward doesn't decide when he's going to cash in the check, that's the owner."
"We're explorers, pioneers, not caretakers."