
Societal Critique Quotes

There are 4180 quotes

"Puritanism, the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy."
"Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society, and welcome fucking reality."
"It is no measure of accomplishment to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
"Jamie Lee Curtis's quote: 'In the society, there is a genocide of authenticity.'"
"Capitalism has been making people insane for years."
"As a society, we must do better about telling young people all of their options before they ship off to a college to purchase a $300,000 degree."
"We are doing them all a disservice by trying to fit all of these students into this little cookie cutter model that only benefits colleges, the government, and the lenders."
"Capitalism is a system in which things are done because they generate profit, not necessarily because anybody needs or wants them."
"It's a cannibalistic system in a system that's hurting itself."
"We live in a society of rationalization, not rationality."
"The American dream has turned into a nightmare. Our families are hurting. Our country can do better."
"There's a gigantic scam being perpetrated right now, and it involves defining burnout as an individual problem rather than a systemic one."
"There's no such thing as an ethical billionaire."
"We live in a capitalistic society; it is very, very difficult to be ethical. There is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism."
"What troubles me most is this very lack of empathy among the policymakers for the common man and in general for people unlike themselves."
"Do we really need college degrees? We train our kids from the time they are born to study and to study not because for the love of learning but so that they can pass standardized tests."
"We know that the foundation of America is as racist as ever."
"It takes courage today to stand up and face the current and stand the ground when you find yourself in the presence of what you can clearly recognize as being absolute nonsense."
"When people are like 'well, everything's working just fine,' I'm like, 'is it though? Look around, the world is a freaking mess.'"
"You tear down the walls which distinguish inherently different things from each other, take fundamental human concepts and categories, and drain them of all meaning. Remove the definitions of words, replace those definitions with vague ambiguities, and you end up with unrestrained madness."
"In all of this technological and biological medical advancement, it feels like as a society, people have totally missed the self-development thing."
"A lot of men feel really like, what's the term, wanderlust, the sort of disaffection with the world as it is right now."
"It is relevant that much of the horror in 'It' is perpetuated by human beings rather than the titular interdimensional monster."
"Rebecca: 'Well yeah but I mean, you'd think that talent would be something that mattered when you're trying to get cast but it really doesn't, like if you're pretty that's great, if you're dumb that's even better then you don't have an opinion or have an idea on how you want to do the role-'"
"Social justice is such a privileged idea for privileged people."
"We were smarter than the underfunded schools you put us in, but you had your knee on our neck."
"Society compels us to repeat patterns and roles associated with certain identities, ultimately forcing people to live limited lives where their actions only end up representing the dominant systems of power."
"My next book is going to be entitled 'The Myth of Normal: Illness and Health in an Insane Culture'."
"Can people just live their lives and do their thing and not engage in this ridiculous moral panic?"
"We are supposedly shallow, obsessed with the self, narcissistic, and vain, building personal castles of consumption on the foundations of things we don't really need."
"We are now living in the fully subjectivist, hedonistic, silly ideology of self-fulfillment."
"Tourism is one of the most hypocritical industries in the world. Most people will moan off incessantly about how tourism is a plague on their city, then go to bed that night dreaming of their upcoming vacations to Rome, Barbados, or Blackpool."
"There is just something extremely sinister about profiting off of loneliness, profiting off of artificial love."
"Ultimately, I don't think this is good for humans and it gives off a very like Klaus Schwab depopulation agenda vibe."
"I still love the United States. I choose to live here. I wouldn't live anywhere else. But I recognize that I am living in an uncivilized country that has many other benefits."
"What they're looking for is a sort of moment online... but for me, it's so much beyond that."
"We live in a world that we want to be as comfortable as we can, and we wonder why we have no growth."
"A system that prioritizes constantly growing profits can make any interaction seem like some sort of transaction."
"Capitalism is built on white supremacy. It's built on patriarchy. It's built on cisheteronormativity, on ableism, on settler colonialism, on imperialism."
"Charities and philanthropies should be seen as signifiers of a failing in a society."
"In our country, we have kind of business interests that, in a lot of ways, have more influence over the politics than the politics have over the business interests."
"The absolute nuclear family promotes rife capitalism."
"What is the point in democracy and freedom if the two great modern examples of democracy and freedom, France and the United States, are burning down or spending all their money on war and killing?"
"I bet you love America a lot more than they love America."
"Living a normal, natural life... there is no single doubt that a huge number of people out there are completely out of balance."
"It's a world gone mad. There's no other way to describe it."
"You're listening to a bunch of people mad at themselves because they're living a life that is fueled by dogma."
"The point is ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works."
"Self-respect is poison to the politics of victimhood."
"We live in a system that requires people to desire to want more, and since the cost of living is so astronomically high, people work more hours for less pay."
"An examined life is worth living; question your own life and society."
"Late-stage capitalism or late capitalism for kind of short is a stage in which capital becomes so dominant that everything is commodified."
"Late-stage capitalism is the end result of capitalism: the final consolidation of power through capital."
"Americans now have the highest credit card debt in history, translation: you didn't learn anything. Debt is an invisible burden being carried by the country's most vulnerable."
"The slogan #BlackLivesMatter does not mean other lives don't. It's calling attention to the fact that society clearly thinks black lives don't matter."
"It's really difficult to justify dehumanizing a class of people without there being some kind of deeply rooted emotional contempt."
"The people that run this world, you know, want us sick, dying, fat, miserable, sad, and one day in the ground."
"Powerful forces for stasis, however anodyne they may present themselves, are in fact the agents of the establishment."
"We're living in a spectacle, an impersonation of reality."
"The belief that the world will be fairer if the rules are enshrined in code, enforced by computers, and made extremely difficult to change or circumvent is laughable."
"The problem is even bigger than that. Western society has been demoralized."
"People are saying video games contribute to violence... It's the same nonsense as saying guns make people kill others."
"I was horrified by the disrespectful nature of the commentary, especially considering the victim is 15."
"It isn't designed for people to be rich... the common man has to put in a certain amount of transcendent energy to pull himself or herself out of a system that isn't designed to assist you."
"Subset of the population exalting powerful oligarchs and hailing those at the very top of the societal totem pole as saviors of humanity is what starts to make me a little uneasy."
"It seems that there really wasn't one person in the world who took enough time to find these things out about this little girl."
"These postcards serve as a window into an unsettling era, one that treated the youngest members of society as mere products, complete with selling points and no return policies."
"These aren't just pieces of vintage art; there are windows into a world we can barely comprehend."
"The cover-up is usually greater than the crime."
"What if Call of Duty didn't ruin a generation of gamers but simply catered to, profited off of, a malfunction that was already there?"
"We are the middle children of history, no purpose or place. We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our Great War is a spiritual war. Our Great Depression is our lives."
"Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need."
"Philosophy comes from a Greek word 'philosophos,' meaning love of wisdom, and we definitely don't have that right now in our country."
"The more real you get, the more fake the world becomes."
"You can't fight the irrational people in this world; there's too many of them. But you can fight your own irrationality."
"It's a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And many Negros, by the thousands and millions, have been left bootless as a result of all of these years of oppression and as a result of a society that deliberately made his color a stigma and something worthless and degrading."
"Only in a society like ours, when nothing is real, does virtual escapism seem like a utopia."
"Our priorities in this country really need to change."
"The more power you have, the more you are able to get away with."
"As you elevate the amount of power somebody has, we are willing as human beings to allow those people to get away with more things."
"It's a ridiculous situation in 21st century Scotland that we have people who can't be happy and content with the fact that they're born in Scotland and they're Scottish."
"The greatest sin of people, over and above their individual crimes, is their absolute self-conviction."
"The family, the nation, community, religion, morality, art, philosophy have been lost so much of their societies are depressed to the point of committing suicide."
"The hard times are coming, politics becomes less democratic by the day, freedom is being suffocated, and as money is freedom, people having less money means they're permanently enslaved to the society that is controlled by people like Musk and Zuckerberg."
"You cannot escape capitalism. It'll find a way to suck you back in if you try to escape."
"Capitalism is just... it's so ingrained in us that we refuse to advance for the sake of a handful of huge wallets."
"The gap between the way the world is and the way the world could be is far wider now."
"Every villain, murderer, and kindergarten teacher that isn't carrying out party orders should head there."
"The real wake-up moment is recognizing that adhering to and reproducing patriarchy really only serves a few in our society."
"We claim to care about mothers and families, we do very little for them."
"Normal people are the roadblock to paradise."
"The American family trying to get by is sick and tired of this town continuing to do the same thing over and over again."
"We need balls in this country. I'm sick and tired of this spineless society."
"Sadly, not surprising at all because we have completely and utterly sexualized children in our society."
"Complacency is our biggest problem today because life in first world countries has become too easy."
"These issues with beauty are never completely black or white; it's more of a confusing English essay than multiple choice."
"We are not building an infrastructure that is reflective of this wealth, and that's silly."
"To see beyond the ephemeral manifestations of violence, gunshot and explosion, the clash of metal on metal, blood stains, and to discuss systemic violence, the violence inherent in our systems of living our way of life."
"We need to stop mindlessly scrolling across the endless amount of nihilistic, barren distractions that sell us filler to hollow out our lives."
"Pimps are shamed, pimps are put in prison, but in our society, pimps receive millions and are applauded."
"You really do need people who announce that the emperor has no clothes, who say in public what everyone else might be believing in private."
"All the time while they plunder and are plundered, life is without profit, without pleasure, without any progress of mind."
"The entire money-structured and materialistic-oriented society is a false society."
"If the profit were taken out of wars, do you really believe we would have them?"
"The truth of the matter is most people think their chains are jewelry."
"The number of zeros in the bank does not make you worth or worthy; it many times takes us away from worship."
"We've been totally successful at creating incredible technology... but now it takes two people working full-time stressful jobs just to own a home."
"Women are tired of just having endless people dancing for them. They want substance."
"There's a war on ownership in our culture. The powers that be don't want you to actually possess and own anything."
"By now, the majority of the human race has been enslaved by phones and technology."
"Comorragh exists as a city of paradoxes, where the pursuit of pleasure, sensory experience, and power coexists with both no risk and yet constant threat."
"The whole point of rejecting alienation was to basically maximize the freedom of the individual."
"It's important that we stop idolizing the rich and start seeing them for what they are—kind of a little sad."
"Why are men so obsessed with humbling women? Why does it hurt so much to watch a woman love themselves?"
"There is no joy in seeing the people of this nation shoulder burdens that should have been shed years ago."
"I really hope you know it brings up the corruption of Newton and other towns that have similar issues."
"Sometimes it's not that anyone is blatantly being evil; it's just that the system itself is set up in a way that you can't even begin to explain the issues you're having."
"We've got to find a way to turn this around and to say to people, you have not been told the truth. Our societies have flaws for sure, but broadly speaking, nevertheless, it's great."
"You've given us a mirror which shows us just how ugly our state is and surely any thinking person can only respond by saying I need to rethink."
"America is this country which loves to back itself as the Free Speech Nation, but it seems that so many people in that country sue people for slander if somebody says something slightly negative about them."
"Those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course."
"America says the sweat of your brow belongs to the poor, Russia says it belongs to everybody, and the church says it belongs to God. Andrew Ryan says he chose differently."
"The media has made this fringe lunatic faction the left. Congratulations America, your left wing is now a bunch of psychopaths."
"What kind of woman would tear down a dad who's trying to have a relationship with their kids? You know how many kids need a relationship with their father?"
"Our improvements in science and technology shouldn't be used as a justification to work more."
"No laws could have been able to prevent the hundreds of senseless tragedies that have occurred. We call BS."
"We don't get enough affirmation in this world."
"You can't get any more pathetic and trite than wanting to buy designer stuff in the face of societal collapse."
"The suppression of the normal sex instinct, for example, is responsible for a thousand ills in puritan countries."
"But there's so many people who are just willing to kiss our asses for doing nothing."
"It reads like a Utopia, but it sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it?"
"Elite can be defined in many ways; it can be defined economically, it can be defined intellectually, it can be defined educationally. But being an elitist is a mentality that says the rules simply don't apply to you because you are of the special ilk."
"I think that we should be careful of labeling people elite versus elitist because there is a difference, and there are a lot of people who are elite who are not elitists, and there are a lot of people who are not particularly elite who are elitists."
"The common theme of modern American politics is people constantly being disappointed by politicians who suggest that they are one of the people, that they have a heart for the people, and then when it comes time to actually apply the rules, they don't apply the rules to themselves."
"We live in an unrepentant, rebellious against God society."
"They say that the human race is doomed, that we have lost touch with our true nature. I disagree."
"As a culture, we've lost any sense of direction and parents don't care about what their kids are being exposed to."
"Damn, you guys ever think about consumerism and capitalism?"
"The problem in Orwell society is clearly centered around power and its misuse, but to Dave Rubin, the problem must be coming from the powerless, it must be coming from the bottom."
"The great dangers of the elitists...is they always make it seem...that because they are high IQ they have all the solutions."
"We are dying alone, each one in his cubicle; we are consuming ourselves in autolysis, then we die. The apocalypse is here."
"It's not one little problem; it's not some culture or [___]; work is where people are spending their entire days, the majority of their waking hours."
"The fundamental econometric flaw of the anti-woke mind is that it allows groups with historical power to play the victim by taking anecdotal examples and packaging them into conjured conspiratorial ideology."
"A cult at its best behavior is indistinguishable from a harmonious, loving community, and a particularly petty, suburban, gated community can become indistinguishable from a cult."
"The wealthiest people were the most mindless people, but they were mindless in the right way."
"We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise."
"Billionaires didn't just work harder; the system is rigged."
"I think there's one true justice and that's individual justice. All the other qualifiers are not justice."
"Saying it out loud is important though because it actually forces the system to acknowledge its own hypocrisy."
"People are so desperate to feel smarter or unique, so they come to these crazy fringe theories and end up just believing the wackiest stuff."
"We're literally all living in ugly shitholes, well, almost all of us."
"The more you think life is about money and status and showing off, the more likely you are to become depressed and anxious."
"We all live in a machine that is designed to get us to neglect what is important in life."
"All in all, you're just another brick in the wall."
"Admitting we've failed is a crucial step that's never taken, highlighting a significant flaw in our approach to addressing climate change and other societal issues."
"That is the definition of insanity. We are living in the definition of insanity."
"The truth don't always win. You got rich people who break the rules, they're rich, successful, and they're dying inside."
"Nobody seems to give a [ __ ] about a baby after it's born."
"If Roseanne can get rid of its toxicity to become The Connors, why can't we be better and remove the toxicity from our own world?"
"I think we have so hyper-emphasized the useful that people are often lost. They don't know what to do with their useless time, and therefore it's filled up with a lot of triviality."
"The trope frames female bodies as collectible, as tractable or as consumable, and positions women as status symbols designed to validate the masculinity of presumed straight male players."
"Success isn't easy... so many people quit. We live in a softened generation."
"We don't have a politician problem; we don't have a policy problem; we have a political system problem."
"You might recall that news story where a rich teenager drove drunk and killed four people before his lawyers said he had affluenza."
"That really sums up longtermism, the idea that we need to focus on some far off utopian fantasy to the point that we ignore or even abuse the world right in front of us."
"If somebody that's wearing horns and face paint can understand the problems of the world and explain them more simply than somebody that's running for president, we have a problem."
"It's so sad that there's like a fantasy world that they make a massive best-selling genre out of, of a genre where women are treated nicely."
"People are looking for authenticity. They are looking for a narrative that exists independently of what companies, media conglomerates, and the political elite class want you to hear."
"Western civilization committing suicide...reality is shown through deed, not word."
"Turns out the real villain of Mega Man Star Force is our underfunded education system."
"If you don't want those harms, to make it a personal responsibility for a systemic oppressive issue is what is inhumane." - Tristan Harris
"It's all about mutually coming together and making yourself feel good, or feel better 'cause you're pointing fingers at somebody else, and not saying, what can I do as an individual?"
"Equality of opportunity... point to me a single place in society where there has ever been equality of opportunity truly established. It does not exist."
"The elephant in the room here is race, and the fact that these stories hark back to a time when society privileged whiteness even more so than they do today."
"It's a very problematic system and very antiquated, very sexist."
"You are being kept poor on purpose; it's not because you're a failure... it's systemic failings that lead to your problems."
"We are desperate for meaning in a meaningless society."
"The happiest country in the world, so why do they have the high suicide rate? And then people are saying, 'Well, imagine everybody was happy around you, and you're depressed.'"
"We don't really have a democracy when we have this disgusting level of corruption where our lawmakers are much more interested in looking after... making sure that he's happy, making sure that him and his family are wealthy for generations to come while all of us suffer."
"Don't just think because you can't own a toy that you want or a certain item that we're like the worst country in the world."
"This is America. You don't like its history, fine, but to weaponize our own history against regular Americans? That's conflict."
"The people in positions of power, the institutions that are powerful benefit from us continually being distracted by these minor notes."
"In their otherwise-meaningless lives, folks are trying to find meaning and purpose in much dumber ways."
"The more radical that circle of higher power becomes, the more Americans are going to say, 'I don't want to be in your circle. I don't like your circle. Your circle's dumb.'"
"This whole plot to erase the debts and restart society, it's just a mass form of catharsis for all those strangled by the chains of their postmodern lifestyle."
"In the empire of lies, telling the truth is a crime."
"The takeaway from this isn't that landlords are [beep], it's that we've created a society where being an [beep] is highly incentivized."
"The United States is a pretty good country for most people. If the United States is a bad country for anybody, then it's a bad country for poor people."
"The need for charity is the failure of government."
"I would tremendously love to help and...make sure everyone has...equal opportunity, which in my opinion, I feel we do not have in this country."
"The world's mad, it's insane, and it's run by insane people. Therefore, if you're not seen as controversial, why not?"
"Society is broken, and the only way forward is to go back to the way things once were, innocent and pure."
"The ideology of apocalypse is that of questioning the assumptions we have made about the nature of society, what can and should be changed, and the capacity of people to change it."
"Joker shows the audience that some of them aren't the hero, some of them are everyday villains who wallow in hypocrisy and moral superiority."
"We're sacrificing a lot of privacy, and I think in doing so, we're losing something valuable."
"The necessity of charity is an indication of systemic failure."
"White majority rule in Africa is now confined to razor wire circled suburbs of Cape Town and Johannesburg, all of them constantly driving themselves and each other completely insane through fear."
"Elite universities are selling themselves, and look who's buying."
"America is a failed social experiment." - Cornel West
"While they trade meaning for happiness, masks lips nothing is real, nothing really matters, nothing. This is power."