
Workplace Relationships Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The relationships at work are important. What do you think is the most miserable time, on average, for a person during the day? It's time spent with the boss."
"It's just really comforting to do one-on-ones with people that have the same role as you who understand what you're going through."
"A tendency to overreact can indicate that they'll be extremely difficult to work with."
"Can I have a hug? You can always ask for a hug after being weird with me on set. You got to keep the same honesty."
"It's amazing to work with people you love; it checks a lot of boxes."
"The people that you work with are, when you get down to it, your very best friends."
"That sure beats just getting frustrated with the people you work with."
"People want to work with people they like, and kindness will always take you further than any other emotion."
"I think incentivizing a team through shared goals builds relationships."
"I think the fans of Barstool would idealistically assume these guys are buddies, but you don't have to be best friends to work together."
"He took the time, he had the thought, he put in the effort, he cared about me and my co-workers."
"If you are missing just one of them you have slower growth at work, less productivity, more difficult people in your life."
"Focus on your work, your business, your career. Some of you are gonna find love at work."
"If you don't trust me, you don't respect me. I don't want to work for you."
"A workplace romance is just really fun to me."
"Wow, this person is interesting and I think I could see myself working with them or like getting along with them at work."
"You don't realize how important it is to be in the same company with your partner until you get the chance to do it."
"Call him your colleague, they're not your friend."
"Feeling like you're close to someone and you can trust your superiors. Interestingly enough, it doesn't really appear that co-workers had any effect there much as with norms."
"Workplace relationships are like dancing in a minefield."
"Always take your dick out of the job box. That's a really good metaphor for workplace relationships."
"That's a banger that Glenn Greenwald promoted we should we should catch up with our Word document we're probably we've only done one oh yes yes of course yes Blair see how this plays out."
"Mentoring happens when somebody cares about you beyond what they need to care about you for the job."
"Make your boss look good. That's what I want."
"You don't have to like your co-workers and be best friends with them, but you do have to love them as a person, as a human being, as a fellow worker."
"It's time to move on if you're in a place where people won't work with you or won't respect you."
"Be smart enough to carefully invest your time in the people that you think love to work."
"She quickly became the one person I counted on during my shift."
"The relationship you have with your immediate supervisor is crucial."
"The CIA culture is such that they encourage CIA romances because you're both cleared so you can talk about you know [ ] at night when you're laying in bed and you're not violating your secrecy agreement."
"We are not family at work... be very careful with that because they're probably trying to manipulate you on some level."
"There is nothing more fun than having a work crush."
"If there's anyone who doesn't want to work with John, then John, you do not want to work with that."
"I'm not really their boss. I'm their friend, and I just happen to be their boss."
"I don't know how adults just can't get along with the head coach."
"Staff might be co-workers but they're also very much friends."
"Watch for fatal love attractions in the workplace."
"I love that he explains it and also apparently they did not leave on a good note like Bruce Banner or Hulk is like oh I'm not you're not my friend from work you're the guy at work who always you know takes the last doughnut I hate you."
"Popularity among colleagues and upper authorities is crucial to one's success."
"I think you'd like to get along with your bosses."
"If I wasn't mean, would you have been working with me for the last seven years?"
"Once you're out of the work setting, see how the interaction is then because I think that can be really telling."
"He's a friend from work." - A classic line that captures camaraderie.
"I didn't even know he worked here until yesterday."
"A lot of couples have met each other based in the workplace."
"I just like working with people that I enjoy."
"Four out of 10 workplace relationships result in marriage."
"I really enjoy the people that I work with."
"83% of people say they will not quit a job because they have a best friend there."
"Be intentional about communicating with your coworkers."
"Encouragement of friendship is almost forcing people to think I should be friends with them when actually the most important thing is to ensure that the work is done in a professional and friendly manner."
"The best thing I ever did was stay loyal to the guy I was working for."
"Improving your communications and human relationship skills can help you get along better with coworkers and managers and increase your job satisfaction."
"I loved that job and I loved the people that I worked with so much."
"A work wife is a term spawned from office wife which dates back to the 1930s."
"More than 50% of female employees and 44% of male employees said that they had a work spouse at some point in their careers."
"My time in 15 was well spent; there were wonderful, wonderful guys, some of the best I've ever worked with."
"I like the people at Wells Fargo more; they seem to be more genuine, more invested in me."
"Most of it is really down to respect. If you work with people, you have to be tolerant and you really have to understand a lot of psychology too."
"A friend is just a coworker you haven't worked with yet."
"Real connections with colleagues are far more important to most people than a pay raise."
"Building relationship in a workplace is very important."
"I've worked with some lovely people despite what other people might think."
"People who say 'I have a best friend at work' tend to have customers who are happier, they're more productive, and they show greater profit."