
Transient Nature Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Happiness is not a permanent condition; it comes in little bits."
"Enjoy the present moment as well... Embrace the dewdrops of life before they disappear with the morning sun."
"We are just caretakers, stewards right now, and we'll be gone soon enough, but we need your support."
"This too shall pass; what you're going through right now is going to not only pass, but it doesn't need to be your entire focus."
"I'm trying to enjoy it and extract as much enjoyment out of it as possible because I know that tomorrow it could disappear"
"Things that are false, things that have a short lifespan, they're not going to last."
"But fame can be as fleeting as an image on a television screen."
"There's lust and then there's respect, love doesn't last long."
"Political Cults are never good, often rise always pass. May that time come sooner rather than later."
"Understanding the transient nature of fashion trends."
"The music scene has become these nuggets that you can consume and then it just goes away."
"I didn't just spend a year and a half of my life like putting everything towards this and Gathering all these different people for it to be some moment that just exists and then it's gone."
"Enjoy the life around you because life goes by super fast."
"Life is an ice cream. Enjoy it before it so."
"We want to be that mysterious, terrifying force that comes, destroys, and vanishes as quick as it came."
"Be in the moment, enjoy every smile, every little moment, because it flies by."
"Life's beginnings and ends, a fleeting beauty."
"It's not like putting a thousand bricks together; it creates a collective structure that has collective power but then it can disperse very quickly just as it formed very quickly." - Austin
"This is a temporary energy, it's going to pass through you."
"Grace is the kind of thing that comes in and says you'll be all right and goes away."
"Don't forget that everything shall pass and everything will be okay."
"A new justice is born and dies on the lips of each man who would pronounce it."
"Most people make content that's jumping on a trend for that week, and it's kind of dead after that week."
"Why can't we be like anger, very quick to dissipate?"
"This will pass, just like with everything. Life will just keep on marching on."
"There's a strange sort of beauty in that, enjoy it while it lasts."
"Cities are vibrant living breathing communities, and whatever we think the current state of affairs is, it's not going to be forever."
"You're just dropped in for a moment to experience this moment. Don't worry, the moment will come and go and so will you."
"Language can be rapidly made, seen, and then discarded again, like we throw away the newspaper. That means it's a really living, vital thing in our world."
"This life is but a mist... it just evaporates... and in a millisecond of time in the scope of eternity."
"All this will pass... what's right before us right now is something absolutely beautiful."
"Emotions are what they are, they're all transient."
"Everything is transient; what you're feeling now will not be how you always feel, I promise you."
"Happiness is fleeting. It's all on borrowed time."
"The hate is so short-lived and it's just such a fleeting feeling."
"Your life is a series of moments, and moments pass, so let's make each one last as if it's all we have."
"One thing I've learned in wrestling is to just enjoy things while you have them. Nothing lasts forever."
"Don't invest your life in things that are gonna burn."
"Everything is temporary. This right now that's going on, this is temporary too."
"Everything you know around you now is not going to stay this way"
"This foggy veil will eventually dissolve, and like all things, this too shall pass."
"It's just learning things I guess, if that's all it is, it'll be out here pretty quickly."
"She had passion and I saw the intent of her message."
"It doesn't matter what people say about you. Of course, they'll say something else tomorrow."
"Reality TV and this show won't be here forever, but that will."
"This too shall pass in its way. Yeah, the Earth shall abide."
"The internet is essentially a dream from which we will all one day awake."
"Life has always poppies in her hands. Of course, now and then things linger."
"Miracles, even big miracles, can have a short shelf life in terms of our memory."
"Life is not all bad um yeah there are bad days but it's not a bad life and everything comes to an end."
"The beautiful thing about the internet is like if you just don't respond it just there's so many other things that people that go on so you just like make it go away again."
"Everything that comes is bound to go, and everything that goes will leave you better than before you gained it."
"Sometimes it's better literally not to fight it because it will pass when it passes."
"Just because they're not with you forever doesn't mean they didn't serve an important purpose in your life."
"This feeling will pass, and you will feel okay again."
"This too shall pass, I think didn't Jesus or somebody say that?"
"Money comes and goes, and for me personally, it's important to make sure you're making smart choices with your money when you have it."
"These feelings are designed to pass through us, but they can never exit until they are acknowledged."
"All Dharma's arise from conditions and all Dharma ceases to conditions."
"Cravings... they pass and they go away if you can just sit with them for 10 or 15 minutes."
"In the spirit of old vines and long gone miners, just passing through."
"What we have built on this Earth is a transient building, and the essence of what we have done is what's going to count on Judgment Day."
"The process is the value, the product is momentary."
"Islam came as a stranger and will return as a stranger."