
Emotional Eating Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Mindfully considering the emotional component of eating is the way to lose weight."
"Understanding those principles, like a snack is always an emotional event, it's never a nutritional event."
"Food made me feel better. It made me feel happy."
"So many of us have allowed boredom to basically take the place of hunger, stress, if you haven't slept enough, you're gonna feel hungrier."
"One bite, you forget why you were ever mad at each other in the first place."
"Our relationship with food becomes so complicated and at times very difficult."
"I need a feast I need a appetizer I need a entree I need a dessert I need everything right now the way I'm feeling."
"The craving is spiritual... I was eating my way to feel good."
"Intuitive eating is not a straight road you are going to have times when you eat emotionally and that is perfectly fine."
"The stress associated with this makes people unconsciously crave unhealthy comfort foods to make them feel better."
"Eating can be a coping mechanism that allows you to avoid the resolution of emotional issues that negatively affect your life."
"One of the first steps to dealing with emotional eating is to help identify and differentiate physical and emotional hunger."
"I was full, really full, and I stopped obsessing over food because I'm not hungry. When you're hungry, you obsess over everything."
"Food's always great after a good cry, you know?"
"The perfect guilty pleasure for anyone wanting to eat their feelings."
"Food is a comfort, it's like your friend. So when you're on a diet it's like losing your best friend."
"Binge-eating could be a form of emotional flashback... a way of dealing with them."
"Why are we still struggling with weight gain? Well, we're not addressing why we're eating. We're not addressing the fact that we used to use food to address a hole in our stomach."
"I'm definitely an eater, I definitely go to food when I'm upset."
"There's the joy that you get from eating a slice of pizza, and you need that joy more I think when you're eating for two."
"It doesn't matter if I think I have a good reason for stuffing my face, my body is going to process it the same as if everything was going well that day, and I shouldn't throw away weeks of work for a moment of panic."
"Emotional eating isn't inherently bad; it's about moderation and balance."
"When I feel empty on the inside, I can fill my emotional hole with hamburgers."
"I eat my feelings because I'm sad that you're gone."
"I felt so bad about eating that, and I like felt [crappy]."
"I'm a food addict, I emotionally eat, I am weak when it comes to my addiction."
"Overeating is an emotional reaction. No one says, 'Gosh, I'm so happy, my life's so amazing, I need pizza, ice cream, and Pringles and beer.'"
"This is like your girlfriend breaks up with you, you thought everything was going fine, and she's like, 'I just saw you as a friend the whole time,' then you come here and you eat your emotions."
"It's not what you eat; it's what's eating you."
"If you ever eat your feelings, it's a great comfort food."
"People get a tremendous amount of comfort out of food, particularly overeating can be very comforting."
"Esther indulges in an unhealthy amount of cake, overcome by her emotions."
"There is an emotional and spiritual cause for eating and not exercising. There is an emotional and a spiritual void that you are trying to fill with food."
"...food should be fuel it shouldn't be a weapon against ourselves when we're angry or emotional or anything else like it is intended to fuel our body."
"Food was my crutch, it was an excuse, it was a way to not have to feel things, it was an escape."
"We solve a hunger issue by eating, but we can't solve an emotional issue by eating food."
"The standard view is that traumatized people are prone to emotional eating, true enough, trying to stuff down feelings with food probably sometimes true, and many of us grew up neglected or poor and didn't learn healthy eating habits, and yes, that is sometimes true."
"I just wanted to numb myself, very much like emotional eating."
"What you were doing with food was trying to meet an emotional need... it seems to fill the emptiness and so they begin to eat whenever they feel any emptiness."
"I just want to emotionally eat. I want to just like watch YouTube or a TV show and just like... snacks."
"Intermittent fasting corrects emotional eating, not nutritional eating. When we say we're hungry it has very little to do with our nutrition, it is primarily an emotional event."
"Stress can lead to emotional eating and weight gain. Find healthy ways to relax."
"I retreated to the barn with some snacks to eat my feelings. I know it's pretty cliche, but I was sad."
"Anxiety is a significant trigger of emotional eating."
"Have a plan and write it down to combat emotional eating."
"Food really is a fuel for our bodies to help create new cells and to give us good energy. And even though some of us may know the basics of good nutrition, we still often use diet and food to punish ourselves. It's another way we stuff ourselves, or stuff our feelings."
"Emotional eating becomes a problem when it becomes the primary source of coping."
"Tune into yourself and ask: Am I eating because I'm physically hungry or emotionally feeling something?"
"It's not about what you're eating, but what's eating you."
"It's not food. I'm not looking to food to compensate for stresses in my life."
"It's turning to the food instead of doing whatever I was doing before."
"A lot of people kind of eat their way through hard moments in their lives, but a lot of people don't realize that eating isn't the only thing you can do with food."
"We might eat because we're bored, or because we're tired, or because we're stressed or sad."
"Replace emotional snacking with a fun activity."
"Eating out of boredom or sadness is a very common reason for overeating."
"Tracy suffers from emotional overeating but now she has identified what triggers this she's taken the first step towards healthier eating habits"
"The truth is, when I drink ketones on my fast like this, it is an emotional reason to eat. It's not a hunger reason."
"We're emotional eaters. We're grazers."
"I use food as a coping mechanism to feel better."
"For the bulk of our evolution, we have used foods to fill a hole in our stomachs, but today we use food to fill a hole in our hearts."
"Food should never be the answer to not deal with something."
"Do you think people know that the way to our heart is through our stomachs?"
"Food should be emotional. It has nostalgia, it can serve as that pick-me-up, it can bring you joy, and it should."
"If hunger isn't the problem, food isn't the solution."
"You get good at what you practice, and most of us emotional overeaters are very good at eating instead of feeling."
"It's never about real hunger; it's psychological."
"Using carbohydrates as a drug of choice to deal with emotions prevents us from learning healthy responses and impairs our personal growth."
"If hunger is not the problem, food is not the solution."
"Most of the time the source of wanting to eat is not hunger; it's something else."
"When you are turning to food to satisfy other appetites that food simply isn't capable of satisfying, you can eat an infinite amount because you're still empty somewhere."
"Encourage people to use food for hunger, not emotions."
"Comfort eating can affect anyone but studies have shown that it can affect women more than men."
"Now I can go to heaven, you're like sorry, but you know when you eat something good, you just can't stop going 'mm-hmm'."
"Love does not equal food; food does not equal love."
"I eat because I'm depressed, and I'm depressed because I eat."
"Food equals comfort, food equals self-soothing, food equals happiness."
"You don't get to be the weight that I am by just eating too much pizza or just liking cake too much; there's an emotional thing behind the weight."
"Processed food digs the hole of hunger that I've had inside me my whole life and these drugs fill that hole in."