
Time Investment Quotes

There are 788 quotes

"You have to spend time daily for at least 63 days, which is nine weeks, in order to make it a habit."
"Self-care takes time. You can't rush through it."
"The only difference between someone who's proven to know what they're doing and a grandmaster is time."
"To move a casual friend into the real deep friendship category, it takes 90 hours."
"If you're going to see yourself doing this for the rest of your life, then why does it matter how long it will take?"
"This is the game that's been eating my life away... but it wasn't a complete waste of my time."
"When you shatter a stained glass window, it may take years to rebuild that stained glass window."
"TrueAchievements.com estimates it takes around 300 to 400 hours to get all the achievements."
"Children do not learn languages more easily than adults. The only reason it seems like they do is because they have a lot more free time."
"Real passive income takes time and consistency."
"Life is long enough, and it's been given to us in generous measure for accomplishing the greatest things, if the whole of it is well invested."
"As skeptical as one may be towards Classic's long-term retention, it is true that things like gearing just do take a long time in Classic."
"I wanted to start making sure I put in time to calling my loved ones, my friends, my family."
"College costs you on average about forty thousand dollars in debt and takes four years of your life."
"I think most people should understand the average player doesn't have the most time to play something every day."
"Developing a vaccine is a costly and time-consuming gamble."
"You see someone you look up to; they didn't get there overnight. It likely took them years and years."
"We spend an inordinate amount of time becoming a social animal."
"Spending the 21 minutes a year it takes to follow our procedure is perhaps the single best investment you will ever make in the quality of your life."
"When you're color changing a car, when you're going to this level of restoration, it's huge. It takes a long time, heaps of hours, stuff you can't anticipate, but all the different elements have come together really nice."
"Work to be the best version of yourself. It takes work to undo the damage that others did to you, but it is possible. And you have to know that that is going to take a lot of time."
"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."
"If I lived here, I would spend a lot of time out here."
"You have to submit to that length of time that's required for you, that's uniquely your growing pathway."
"Only present content campaigns really take a good six months to really kick in."
"It's just like relationships, you need time for all good relationships to bloom."
"It takes years to become an overnight success."
"It is just worth your time because they've done such a great job with this space."
"Well over 200 hours went into the making of this movie."
"Not everyone is going to build 10 different characters when a single playthrough can run up to 50 hours for a brand new player."
"I appreciate you so much for spending your time with me."
"I'm so excited for you I am proof that if you give yourself a consistency six months to a year your life will be different."
"They want you to invest an amount of time into the game to make you feel like you can't just walk away from it."
"You can make hundreds of thousands of coins every single day depending on how much time you have."
"Did it take 9 weeks to grow this tree or 5 years and 9 weeks?"
"For a 10-minute video, you're looking at many, many hours."
"It definitely does make sense for you to invest a little bit of your time to learn to play Sicilian Defense well."
"It didn't happen overnight, okay? It required a lot of time and preparation."
"Every puzzle in this game kills you instantly, and 1 millisecond of timing can be the difference between success and hours of your life down the drain."
"Now the cons is you have to spend a lot of time coloring but if you like painting word in line art this is definitely a pro."
"MMOs want to feel like their time invested is meaningful and matters."
"Why should you care? What are you going to get out of listening to this album? Is it worth taking any 30 to 90 minutes of your time listening to it?"
"Becoming an actual expert at something takes a lot of time, dedication, and mastery."
"Few years ago, author Jim C. Heinz did a survey of traditionally-published authors to see how long it actually took them to get published, and the average length of time was...drumroll...11 years."
"Do not expect to spend an hour and return thousands of dollars."
"The more time that you spend on it, the higher finish your slingshot is going to have."
"It took me close to a year, man, to just figure it out."
"It took 10,000 hours to learn the game but it took a lifetime to master it."
"Just playing through at my own pace, doing some of the side missions, public events, took me about 11-12 hours to beat it."
"Take your time, some people have spent a couple weeks working on a sculpture and that's totally okay."
"Even though it kind of feels like a wasted couple minutes every time I go, at least recently it's definitely worth it because one day I might find that one crazy pair of sneakers."
"Being successful in this business is a consistent process that takes time generally years."
"All in all, I definitely think that it was worth the time to write this up."
"Left 4 Dead 2... The thing is you could also multiply those hours by four essentially... 3200 hours, a lot of hours."
"Not that this was the most elaborate art ever but you know it takes you 10, 15, 20 minutes, three hours to do it and then in two minutes it's just all gone."
"Relationships are more important than money. Time is the highest level of value."
"No one is shipping a game like Horizon Forbidden West in like a year and a half like old tripa games used to be, they're all taking at least four years five years pretty much to develop outside of like Call of Duty."
"It's really nice to see us spend such a huge chunk of time kind of investing into the later parts of the run and then see it instantly pay off with just a 5 turn fight for 5 Pokemon."
"Building a community takes time and commitment."
"As long as I keep this challenge going, the longer I can spend time with him."
"The recipe for trust is consistency plus time."
"If you did, well, I'm sorry for wasting an hour and a half of your life."
"30 minutes of your time. Is democracy worth that?"
"This thing was honestly so worth the amount of time it took me to build."
"Saying you've studied for four years sounds impressive but at ten weekend's per year this is just 80 days of tuition."
"In-game power should only be achievable through in-game means and time dedicated to actually playing the game."
"Mythical isn't about skill, it's about time and grind."
"It's a huge investment of time and energy, you've got to be fairly relentless in terms of how you deploy it."
"That's a lot of goddamn hours, man. That's a whole lot of goddamn hours. For most people, that's a week and a half worth of work, goddamn."
"Is that enough to sell a game? You know what I mean? You just paid $60 to spend 80 hours playing a difficult game."
"Thank you again for being here and spending some of your time with me."
"With enough time, it works and you get the grammar."
"Each world takes about two hours to complete and so it's like playing a Disney movie."
"I could drop hours into this without even thinking about it."
"When a man really loves you, he wants to spend all of his time with you, not your friends."
"I've been playing the game for over 50 hours and I have not defeated The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild yet."
"Every overnight success takes about 10 years."
"That takes a lot of time, that takes a lot of work."
"We've spent weeks, Wano has invested a lot of time. Thank you, spent a lot of time."
"Kids don't just need quality time, they need quantity time."
"With the amount of hours that a live service game requires you to play..."
"It's a low price of entry game that you can spend hundreds of hours just enjoying."
"It's a really fun game, [and] I wish I could spend a lot more time with it."
"It's a good game and it's definitely worth your time."
"Overall though I don't consider my time in Night City poorly spent."
"I actually do think that it's probably worth your time."
"If it just helps one person make better decisions, then I think it was worth the time."
"It's better to spend time doing something that takes a while that matters."
"I feel like even after spending six plus hours here at the Min Wonderland I could spend another like 72 here and still not see all the little intricacies!"
"It's a long process, it's probably gonna take about half a year to a year if you're starting fresh."
"I could see myself losing a couple days to this game."
"I earned this thing that's only attainable if you're on an investment of time."
"Here's to the many hours we've all spent playing Jailbreak."
"I could just go stand in front of it for hours and hours."
"Your time is not wasted when you tell people about Jesus." - Pastor
"There's something super appealing about an online multiplayer game that is extremely fulfilling in 30 minutes to an hour."
"All these games can be enjoyed for hundreds of hours for free."
"I still kind of squeezed 50 hours out of it while doing this review."
"It made you feel like your time was well spent, and that is so important."
"You can completely change your entire universe with your trading success, but it's probably gonna take longer than you think."
"Overall, I felt like I could spend hours just theory crafting builds."
"You can see how long it took me just to build this part."
"This is still the game where you can put in easily 300 hours and keep exploring every part of it."
"Dead Cells has eaten up more of my time than any other game in these last two years."
"This new mode is gonna be sinking a crazy amount of hours."
"Wealth takes time to build and it takes a lot of effort up front."
"Making sure you have a good regular wash routine is one of the best investments of time you can have."
"If you're not making time for something, do you actually really want it?"
"They want to keep you around, they do want to see how this will unfold, but they really do feel like they have so much time ahead of them."
"I felt like I could have skipped eight hours into the 20-hour long audiobook."
"Your time is definitely worth spending in there but not good enough where you're really forced to go there unless you're a top-tier competitive player."
"Love, Death, and Robots exist as a fiction... to gratify our time and energy investments."
"It takes time, and yes, you need to put in the work."
"I could spend days, weeks, months, probably not months, but I could spend so much time here."
"A relationship built over one minute, three minutes, five minutes, ten-minute moments is gonna be a really good relationship in the end."
"That's the ultimate currency exchange: my time to your show."
"Risotto is not hard to make but it is time consuming to make so it took me about 45 minutes to make it but it's uh I think worth every minute."
"Invest your time into positive things, focus on positivity."
"Payday 2 has few rivals in terms of time commitment required and overall challenge."
"It's not about how fast you get rewards, it's about feeling like your time is being respected."
"Love each other and give some time to each other." - Gary
"There are just certain topics that are best enjoyed when you can actually sit down and dedicate time to the intricacies of a story."
"182 hours I have put in total into New World, probably almost 40 hours already."
"What better way to spend an hour a day or if you're VIP, two hours a day for five days than making sure you're able to unleash your calling?"
"Be patient with your process and commit to it for seven weeks; the more you put in, the quicker things will change."
"The new war requires several hours to complete. Prepare wisely. Loadout access will be limited."
"The honest to goodness secret and tip about how to find good things online is just you have to spend the time."
"We finally did it, it took how many years, seven years?"
"High value couples forgive each other and move forward."
"Affiliate marketing is more than a side hustle—it requires investment of time or money."
"I played this game for 300 hours as a teenager."
"These rewards are seriously good... you are getting very, very well rewarded for your time spent."
"Farthest Frontier is absolutely worth your time."
"The most important six hours of our week was that six hours right there."
"Some of you guys actually just spent whole days watching this playlist now."
"Generally, we say spend at least four hours with the person."
"You should expect around 25 hours from The Outer Worlds, assuming you do all the companion quests and most of the side quests."
"When you factor in all the time it's going to take to complete everything else this game has to offer, you're easily looking at well over 100 hours of gameplay."
"The same thing happens with those builds, and they're far and few between because it takes a lot of time, dedication, and you just have to have those creative juices flowing."
"This Prince of Persia game is stretched out over about 30 to 50 hours if you're going to go full completionist."
"No increase, we've been wasting our time for years and years paralyzing Pokemon so that we could catch it earlier only to find out that it didn't do anything at all."
"Now that I've got the spare resources, it'll take several hours to upgrade all the shells on that belt."
"These principles will help you so I think it's absolutely worth your time."
"The time that you put into this grind will never be taken away from you."
"It affected a lot of people including their time and their money, and hindsight it sounds like a fun prank to pass the time during quarantine."
"The more time you give an artist on something the better their final piece is gonna be."
"Skyrim is always gonna be the game that I will sink the most time in and that I will have the most love for."
"The value that you get is way more than the time you have to put in."
"So mind-blowing, it's like so good that it took five years"
"Hopefully that's something that people can forge over time with their partners."
"In the first hundred hours of getting to know one another, you should be vetting the [partners]."
"This research study was years in the making... it takes years to get research completed."
"This is how I knew we're gonna spend hours on Red Dead Redemption 2."
"Nothing great is built in a short amount of time."
"None of my hundred plus hours poured into this game have felt wasted..."
"Time is the ultimate currency for earning love."
"It's just like any relationship. It takes time to build it to perfection."
"You don't invest that type of time if you don't love a person."
"I know I can do it she's gonna take me a second here and luckily once you set it up it's a one time thing then after that you can just reap the benefits of it every 24 hours getting online so one and done kind of thing."
"The last thing we want to do is find out we have created a pile of unsalvageable garbage when we've already sunk 100 hours into the game."
"2023 is your year, give your all for one year just one, and you will thank yourself for a lifetime."
"We have spent five hours doing nothing but grinding for a fictional yo-yo."
"I like working when I feel like the time that I am spending working is like actually doing something."
"The time you spend researching your camera gear is a pretty small fraction of the time you put into making pictures."
"Every damn one of those 4,500 seconds are some of the most beautiful I've experienced in a game."
"Spend time with people you love and care and maximize those moments. That's great, love it!"
"I hope you will take some time throughout this year to love your porch and your home just a little bit more."
"I like to use like a lot of every time frame... we do a full analysis and sometimes it might be a 30 minute analysis just to have a 5-second trade."
"True love can only be developed if quality time is spent together irrespective of her beauty."
"These new courses certainly aren't easy but they're definitely a lot of fun, you'll spend a lot of time with them for sure."
"With the amount of hours I've put in scrap mechanic it might as well be real life."
"You can play for thousands of hours and still not find everything."
"The most valuable thing you can spend on somebody is time."
"I had never had like a serious boyfriend and I hadn't met anybody that I really wanted to spend that much time with."
"The total time to 99... is around 80 to 85 hours."
"It's not about time played, it's about skill."
"I got 30, I probably got 4,500 hours in this game."
"Everybody needs to take time for their family."
"No idea what the plot's about, I played it, I think I've put about eight hours into scarlet nexus so far."
"The cheapest route to 99 herblore will take around 68 hours."
"The more time you spend on your analysis, the better you perform."
"It takes time to build trust with another person."
"Free to play or a full price game don't warrant somebody's time."
"Wealth takes time, years, decades, generations to create."
"You can make a baby in five minutes, but it takes 18 years to raise it. Similarly, an idea isn't worth much until you breathe life into it."
"So, we wanna you know get to spend time with you guys as much time as possible."
"This game is one big AFK grind fest, like it's not a game that you're gonna get on and expect to get everything done right away."
"Your soul is calling you right now to follow some kind of passion or interest that maybe you haven't had a chance to spend much time on."
"I don't trust their integrity. I don't think it's a good investment of my time to build up my following on platforms that very frequently censor me."
"I guess it would just take me forever to re-equip like a bunch of rare and epic champions with this gear."
"Every overnight success I know took years to go."
"Crab is good, it is admittedly a little time consuming, but it is worth it."
"There is a wealth of outstanding games that properly appreciate your time."
"Invest your time or money to create a money-making machine."
"Why can't this game just stop being a pain? Seriously, I'm going to tell you now, never try this challenge unless you want to waste a bunch of time on a ROM hack that you can't even transfer the Pokémon from."
"Reliable picks for climbing and worth investing your precious time into."
"If you want to make a game game making is easy, but if you want to make a good game, well if you want to do it right then it's going to take some time."
"Spend time and energy with people who value it."
"Skill takes time. That's true. It takes time to be skillful."
"If it took me a long time to collect it, I'm like, well, how long will it take me in-game sure to replenish my stores?"