
Spiritual Health Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"You are stewarding your spiritual soul and your body."
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers."
"The sin which is indulged to the greatest extent and which separates us from God and produces so many contagious spiritual disorders, is selfishness."
"There's certain boundaries and certain things that you can't cross around me because I have to guard my heart spiritually."
"In January, you're really focusing on your well-being, being healthy mentally, spiritually, and physically."
"We need healthy relationships. We need a healthy professional life. We need a healthy spiritual life."
"As you begin to recognize who you are, who you are is not vulnerable to the human foibles. Nobody can do anything to your soul."
"Let us envision health and happiness for ourselves, health and happiness for those that we love, for our family, health and happiness for all beings, and a beautiful world where we enjoy ourselves, music, art, dance, beauty, and appreciate the spiritual dimension and the spirit beings."
"The greatest danger to our souls is that we might abandon abiding in Him, following Him, and finding our joy in Him."
"The health crisis we experienced is certainly cause for concern and caution, but there's another epidemic that can be extremely damaging for us as God's children: it's the epidemic of fear."
"You have to learn how to preach the grace of God to yourself."
"He does not want you to go from healing to healing, He wants you to go into divine health where nothing by any means shall harm you."
"Healing ain't pretty, and we may not understand it, but we can't look at the physical level. We gotta look at all levels."
"Trust the present moment; live in the now to receive."
"In that space you know as your heart chakra heals a lot of other things about you and your life will begin to naturally change because the energy of the heart chakra has shifted."
"The hour of my death now drawing on forceth me... to put you in remembrance with a few words of the health and safeguard of your soul." - Catherine of Aragon
"It is wise to nourish the soul; otherwise, you will breed dragons and devils in your heart."
"The blood of Jesus Christ purifies and cleanses our spirit, soul, and body."
"When you forgive, you set two people free and one of them is yourself."
"Sin in our spirit is far more deadly than cancer in our bodies."
"Meditate. Meditation is great for your soul, mind, and body."
"Fasting benefits: clarity, ministry establishment, favor, healing, spiritual preparation."
"We need to start healing our country, spiritually, mentally, emotionally."
"Frankincense oil, very powerful at improving spiritual awareness and enlightenment."
"The word of God is health to a man's whole body... guard your heart."
"The joy of the Lord bringing strength and vitality."
"This is going to help you to purify your energy, but definitely make an investment into some form of gold."
"Guard your mind as diligently as other aspects of your spiritual life."
"Delivering an act of unkindness hurts your soul it does I believe that completely whether you can see it or not it definitely damages your soul and your heart."
"Internal fighting in a church creates confusion."
"Shingles, asthma, gut issues, salvation, healing, and deliverance is yours."
"My focus is Jesus. Additionally, I am NOT interested in propagating pure emotionalism. Certainly, God's power does touch our emotions, but seeking an emotional experience for the sake of an emotional experience itself is not spiritually healthy."
"I cannot fellowship with that. I won't fellowship with that. And that's okay. That is actually a spiritual healthy practice to say no."
"I see that maybe you need to put a bit of energy back into yourself to really nourish yourself. I feel like you're in need of a little bit of nourishment right now, spiritual nourishment."
"The craving is spiritual... I was eating my way to feel good."
"With every choice you make, say to yourself... can I feel my frequency rising in making this decision?"
"The healthiest thing you can do as a believer is to tell God exactly how you feel."
"We have to have a healthy diet of God's Word, we have to exercise it."
"Could it be very possible that we're taking a spiritual poison that we think brings us life, but it's actually false doctrine?"
"When you have a symptom of sickness come on you, you just have to receive what He's already done."
"You don't neglect the physical because you think the spiritual is all that matters."
"We have every obligation to take care of our body, the point is for the soul to function in a healthy body."
"Having a good purpose contributes to spiritual health."
"Connecting to a higher form of ourselves spiritually has wonderfully positive effects on the body."
"Get balanced...eat better, get more rest...get your body prepared, but your spiritual body, because somebody wants show heart mind body spirit soul."
"How I am spiritually affects how I am emotionally."
"The nurturing and care of the energy body is very important to those who wish to use the gateway to intelligent infinity."
"I love who I am, appreciating the person that God created."
"The heart is afflicted by two illnesses: the subtle desires and the doubtful matters."
"Many people miss healing because they don't listen to their spirits."
"Plant-based diets help to open up your heart chakra."
"I truly believe spiritual trauma is real, it's always there."
"Your hunger is your spiritual thermometer; when people are sick in the natural, they lose their appetite."
"It's time for you to leave out of our TVs, out of our homes, out of our marriages, out of our kids."
"What really matters in the life of every person is the state of that person's heart."
"Brother, do I need to be diagnosed with something for me to wake up to myself and turn to Allah?"
"All of the money in the world, all of the likes in the world it means what if your soul ain't right, absolutely nothing."
"Guarding the eyes, ears, and tongue is essential to protect the heart."
"The powerful healing of eternal love is with me now and always. Divine Consciousness fills every cell. I am whole, healthy, vital, and at peace."
"No matter what I go through, God will go through it with me."
"I promise to help you stay healthy spiritually during this time."
"When we live in sinful Lifestyles... our minds become weakened spiritually."
"Protect your energy, that's a spiritual attack. There's a lot of people who are not saying [__] to your face but they got so much to say in their heads."
"We're trying to get rid of all the dense energy and the toxic energy within us that we've all been hit by over the years."
"All false religion is self-centered. The root is pride, and the fruit is bitterness and bondage."
"The Holy Spirit cannot possess a vessel that is filled with toxic emotions."
"Clean your surroundings. Cleanliness is next to godliness."
"The peace that comes from casting our burdens on God affects our physical and emotional well-being."
"If your spirit ain't right, nothing will fall into line."
"High five to having a healed home and healed auras."
"God wants every one of us to have thriving healthy life-giving relationships."
"When you bring your life into the light with the right people, I guarantee you that you will not only find love, but you will find hope, and you will find help, and you will find fellowship."
"The favor of God goes before me today, and I am blessed with divine favor, prosperity, and divine health."
"You are healed by the power of the living god."
"Heal all my wounds, Lord, and take away every sickness."
"We constantly fight against air pollution, but do we fight against soul pollution?"
"You need that rest, you need that recovery, you need that spiritual rejuvenation."
"How's your connection with Allah? If you haven't been taking care of that, then don't look at anything else until you fix that point."
"Stop saying things that are hurting you, hurting your body, hurting your spiritual life and get into the word."
"God's not just your healer, but God is your health or you are your health. You don't just heal yourself, you are good health, you are perfect health."
"Understanding our Sexual Energy as it is spiritually linked to us, emotionally linked to us, thus the more we know."
"God wants you well and God wants you to receive his grace."
"Your body is perfect, even as the spirit within it is perfect."
"God wants you to be whole, outwardly and inwardly."
"This is a spiritual challenge for the heart and soul of America itself."
"Sin grows in the dark and dies when you bring it into the light."
"The health of a church should be in that church."
"To return to the true basis of health, which has to have a spiritual connection, is part of what I would think of as a healing journey."
"Release toxic energies to make way for blessings."
"When you heal yourself, you heal everybody around you."
"God's ability is being released in your health, in your finances, in your marriage, in your mind."
"What your soul needs to be happy is to be truly in its higher frequency."
"It is a thing to do to protect your heart, to protect your mind, your spirit, to be above reproach. Be above approach, that's good."
"The real issue is the condition of my soul and the condition of yours."
"Remember that when your spiritual energy is drained, people can pick up on it, and also when your energy is really high vibrational, people can be so much more progressive towards you and in regards to opportunity."
"Lukewarmness is poison to the body of Christ."
"There can be a happier or healthy way to even serve God."
"Your whole body will be full of light or full of darkness."
"Some of the fallout that's happened in the Christian culture pastors now cannot get people to come back, and it is very unhealthy spiritually when we don't support each other."
"Your ability to be nice is evidence of the health of your spirit."
"Focus upon divine health, prayers, God, and Archangel Michael."
"Forgiveness is for you, actually, and your soul."
"Anything that separates you from the Most High is demonic in nature."
"I said it yesterday, you need to learn to fellowship with your vision. If you spend your extra time fellowshipping with your vision of what God's called you to do, you'll never get depressed or discouraged."
"Let go of that which does not serve your highest good."
"Forgiveness is like almost one of the strongest keys to freedom that people don't know."
"The chakras control the flow of spiritual energy."
"Material affluence does not make us happy if accompanied by spiritual poverty."
"I decree that I am totally and permanently healed in Jesus' name. By the anointing of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I break the bond of sickness over my life."
"Debt is a spiritual poison; it's time to cleanse ourselves of that poison." - Travis Shakespeare
"Spiritual fitness gives you wisdom and allows you to stay calm in the midst of a storm."
"Opening the heart chakra fills you with love forgiveness and compassion."
"Protect your spirit from situations that are going to deplete it."
"Don't let the battle with the virus cause you to get a spiritual infection called bitterness."
"It's really key to introduce the foods that help raise our consciousness."
"Don't be fooled by nostalgia, it's just a symptom of something much greater going on with us spiritually."
"The hard heart ceases to care about other people, a major symptom of hardening."
"Increasing the nafil and sunnah acts softens the heart."
"The soul dies when you don't know your tribe, your people."
"Father, give me health on the inside so I can go from enduring to enjoying."
"Create a healthy spiritual ecosystem by expressing yourself to the spiritual."
"You are definitely protecting yourself from these [psychic attacks], you're protected already."
"Finances does not mean happiness... you got to heal your soul too, let's not forget about the spiritual aspect of being financially free."
"This is what's going to keep us spiritually healthy, you know."
"The more we take care of ourselves spiritually, the healthier we'll be spiritually."
"Every wrong association and wrong relationship that will not promote your spiritual health, I cut you away from it now."
"Hardening of the heart spiritually is a lot worse than hardening of the arteries physically."
"Some of you, if I was to look at you in the natural, you look good, you got weights, you got you in shape, you strong, but your spirit man is malnourished."
"It is important for us to know and understand the illnesses of the heart because once you know that a heart is ill, then you can work on curing it and rectifying it."
"Don't let what fastens to your hand infect your heart. Don't let what fastens itself to your hand infect your heart because remember your hands represent your works."
"Your spiritual health is more important than anything else."
"You missing God if you're not taking a vacation. He got some rest. He rested. So that's the first thing I challenge you to do: get rest."
"The soul has to prosper so that we indeed will possess our possessions."
"Thank you for grounding us, grounding our spirits to our body, our bodies tethering our spirits to our bodies and keeping us mentally sane, emotionally sane and spiritually grounded and sane."
"We also need to address the spiritual component of this."
"Prayer is the spiritual pulse by this the spiritual health may be tested."
"If we want to treat the spiritual ills of ourselves and of the whole world, we gotta look not at racial pictures, not at national pictures, not at deathly pictures, we have to keep it focused on the human picture."
"Your mind, body, and spirit is coming into alignment, it could be something significant about your creativity."
"I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers."
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever."
"We need spiritual health which includes virtue that gives us great meaning in our life."
"Your hunger is your spiritual thermometer."
"The church is like a body, a human body; in your body you have a liver, it filters out poisons. People that have the gift of discernment are sort of like the spiritual liver of the church."
"God desires a holy people who will also be a healthy people and a happy people."
"When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like grass."
"Almighty God, who sees that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves, keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls."
"Lean on Jesus and my friend you will be successfully guarding your heart in a healthy and a godly manner."
"It's important that we spiritually cleanse ourselves from time to time because we don't know who we come in contact with on a daily basis."
"Not only just physically, spiritually too."
"If you really want spiritual health and wealth, learn the Torah."
"Your soul has to be healthy; you have to succeed spiritually, or else nothing else matters."
"God wants you well; He said, 'I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.'"
"A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."
"The Lord's bringing me into the best shape of my life, hallelujah, I'm delivered, I'm healed, I'm strong, I'm blessed."
"Sanctity and sanity go hand in hand."
"In the midst of our hectic, overscheduled lives, caring for the soul is imperative."
"If my appetite for God started decreasing, then the appetite for something else going to start increasing."
"It cleanses our mind, body, and spirits at the same time."
"I'm in a good place spiritually. I think this is the best place I've been."
"Unequivocal allegiance... is an extremely toxic type of spiritual abuse."
"Alone time is crucial for spiritual and mental health."
"Beloved, above all things I wish that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."
"Obedience is the true test of spiritual health."
"The psychic protection protocol... creates the shell of protection all around us and that is our spiritual immune system."
"Anytime I look at those [spiritual wounds] for any length of time, I can feel the plans of heaven conspiring to bring health and wholeness to those things."
"The aura does two things very important: it attracts the good things and repels the bad things."
"We would all be spiritually healthier if we are a little more careful with the use of our tongue this year."
"If the eye is single, the whole body is full of light."
"It's amazing what exercising with good people will do for your spirit."
"God's Word is health into all of your flesh, life to them that find it."
"Letting go of my anxious attachment to people who are no good for my spirit."
"Help us also to forgive others, because that is so necessary for our own freedom."
"She always provides nutrition, purifies the soul."
"It might be very beneficial for you to take a spiritual cleanse."
"You're supposed to be wealthy, happy, healthy in your soul group."
"I pray above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers."
"All people, places, and things that do not serve my highest good is now cleared from my energy and spirit and in flesh."
"Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light."
"What was unique about this man was that he had a transforming effect in people's lives; his thoughts, his prayers, what he taught had a way of transforming people's lives and their health."
"Holiness means wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken in your life."
"We're trying to look at how do you build your spiritual immune system."
"I also really try to create yoga classes that focus on your emotional health, on your mental health, and on your spiritual health."
"Spiritual health care, that's real self-care."
"Forgive them, or you're carrying that stuff around."
"The muscles of faith atrophy due to misuse."
"Love spiritual health in exactly the same way."
"The key of the voice of God, the Rhema word of God in your life, is a key that brings about ultimate health and flourishing."
"The whole purpose of salvation is to stop the sin and disease process in man."
"I'm doing great, thank the Lord, I feel really good about where I'm at right now."
"Heal us spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, and physically, make us whole by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ."
"He desires above all things that you prosper and live in health, even as your soul prospers."
"The platforms for the emotional and spiritual growth of our patients."
"We're not perfect, but we do have to be mindful of what we're pouring into our spirit, what we're pouring into our mind."
"Spiritual health is what helped me also get through all the devastating things that I've had to go through in my entire life."
"Peace starts in your body and your soul and in your spirit before it can manifest."
"The Divine Consciousness fills every cell. I am whole, healthy, vital, and at peace."
"I hope everything going good for y'all in your life, and I hope that y'all are okay mentally and spiritually."
"I declare that I am redeemed from sickness and disease, poverty, lack, problems in my relationships, and failure in my career."
"We live in a society that's becoming increasingly toxic, particularly not toxic to our physical well-being but to our spiritual well-being."
"As our body needs water to stay hydrated, so also do our souls need the Water of Life to stay alive."