
Romance Quotes

There are 20352 quotes

"Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive."
"Go on, give the roses to her and say, 'Will you be my Valentine?'"
"As soon as I saw her, I didn't let her go for a good three hours."
"True love, this is the romance of a lifetime."
"You want the romance that's intense. You want intense feelings. You want fireworks. You want Sid and Nancy, Bonnie and Clyde."
"Friendship can just be as powerful, or sometimes more so, than romance."
"You are moving in the direction of adding more love and romance into your life."
"Are you a broom? 'Cuz you swept me off my feet."
"Your dreams are going to be coming true soon, especially when it comes to a romantic partner. This person is going to bring you nothing but peace."
"Serial romantic. That should be pretty achievable."
"Will you be my girlfriend? Yes, a million times yes."
"This is a very romantic relationship, exciting, a lot of passion is coming for you guys."
"I pledge to be the most romantic guy in the Kingdom. I have no ideas."
"Find a boy who doesn't ruin your mascara but ruins your lipstick."
"Express your love; go ahead and make the romantic gesture."
"What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down."
"A new romantic relationship will be there; you'll be achieving dignified status, precision, honor."
"Let me break it down, be mine. I'm telling you, this is a sign. Be mine, we'll celebrate with some wine."
"Better is coming. One of the things I see coming for you is maybe before, the people that you were with didn't take you on dates, didn't try to impress you... But the person that you're coming, your soul mate, is in the future."
"Make time for dates and fun. Reignite the passion. Take the initiative. Try surprising them with a romantic gesture."
"I want to show everyone in the world that true love is out there."
"I still get butterflies when you touch me, kiss me, or look in my eyes."
"Their love story was free of the dramatic ups and downs that usually fill tabloid pages, instead, it was filled with moments of genuine affection, understanding, and shared dreams."
"Is your name Google? Because you're the answer to everything I'm searching for."
"Can I fly you to the Moon, can we play among the stars? I've been thinking of you lately, to control of my all."
"If you are meant to be with someone, the universe will find a way to put the two of you back together at the right time."
"Sacred union: Partnership and romance are on the horizon as you do your inner work."
"I'll always be a hopeless romantic and always want to be in love and definitely love sharing my life with someone."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, pack your bags, I have a surprise for you."
"We're taking a romantic date night just the two of us."
"Tales of deep emotional romance and magical girls dominated this style, and were usually written and drawn by women."
"You thought you could get away with it, didn't you? You thought you could come in here, look in the way you do, and steal my heart. Well, you're not getting away with it."
"You have arrested my heart because you are so stunningly beautiful."
"Sparks are just as bright as they were back in 2015. You're making me believe in love."
"Anna actually liked me back. No, in your first story, you said you sent a note and the other girl sent one back then it says 'I like you back'."
"Are you kind of excited for our first kiss tonight?"
"It had a really wonderful romance, it was a well-written book."
"The quickest way to ruin romance in any relationship is unkindness."
"What happened to us sitting on a swing? What happened to me sitting next to a boy waiting for the movie to start?"
"A stargazing date will have me teleporting. It's cute. You're sitting down, you're just looking up, looking at the stars."
"This little anime serves us with a pure heartwarming romance and a little bit of comedy."
"It has a good story, a good amount of romance, and amazing visuals, making it a hidden masterpiece."
"Horror stories are romance stories if you just change the lighting and the background music."
"In the romantic scene, the couple must find their way back to each other but must quickly embrace as they prepare for impending doom."
"Being intentional about sex... feels super romantic and fresh and brand new."
"Cooking is romantic, so for that reason, I love it, even though I am personally impressively bad at it."
"Friends to lovers...if they've grown up together, best friends, and then they grow older and now suddenly things have changed and they end up together romantically."
"I remember the first time I saw her, I was in the audience for a play she was in. She was laughing and smiling and enunciating her sentences perfectly."
"Hey, could you give me some advice about, well, romantic stuff?"
"Fight Club is essentially a romance where this person transcends his own kind of isolation to bond with one person."
"A new romantic cycle begins. It's time to take action."
"This relationship is like very abundant and very like fertile with romance."
"Past Lives is a simple yet tender and powerful story about what happens when you reconnect with someone who meant the world to you years ago."
"When it becomes romantic, you need that strong foundation of friendship to help you endure tough times later on."
"You've been single for a minute, but in August, somebody's gonna come in and swoop you up with the quickness."
"I love a hot tub but you know I love a hot tub in a cold environment and a fire pit, just upping the romantic ante."
"A loving, wholesome relationship where people love and support each other even though they inevitably disagree is a good romance plot."
"Honestly, I feel like low-key we could end up with a romance between these two."
"Valentine's night dinner with Keith: romantic and spectacular. Tonight we're going out back and filling ourselves with hot Australian beef. I hope you're excited. I sure am."
"Every taste just makes me fall deeper and deeper in love with you, Valentine. You look beautiful, by the way. I don't know if I forgot to say that."
"The whole thing with 'The Dark Knight Rises' is the movie where the romance kind of sneaks up on you."
"A romance novel to me is about two people that meet and they both have their own lives... When they meet, they have this instant connection... They must see each other again... They struggle with this vulnerability and fear... They communicate and realize that this connection is even stronger... They find that they just can't not be together... It's like two souls meeting."
"Enemies to lovers is a trope I'm obsessed with in any romance novel."
"It's not the sex scenes that draw me in... it's the intense chemistry between the two characters."
"This has definitely restored my faith in romance as a genre or at least my enjoyment of romance as a genre because now I know that there are plenty of books that I will love and will enjoy."
"It's kind of Titanic-esque, but you get to explore different worlds and also have a romance story that's evolving alongside that story."
"It's a romance story set during World War One, which is something that you don't see that often."
"Is the first supernatural romance Jane Eyre?"
"I love a good unrequited romance trope, but when the love on it is unrequited on both sides, like they both think it's unrequited but they both love each other, it gets me every time."
"I love the whole opposites attract thing going on."
"This is intended to bring you insight as to timing when you're going to meet your next romance, what you're working on emotionally and spiritually during your singlehood, why you're single, and a bit of information about your new romance."
"The tension is so perfect that when they finally get together you are just like cheering and you have butterflies."
"I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars; so underrated, I love this romance book."
"The union of hearts is a love connection that defies explanation."
"Okay, romance - so 100% the focus of this book is not romance, in fact, it's a very minor minor minor thing that happens on the sidelines. However, I loved the way it turned out."
"Every now and then a romance is written in a way that I'm like oh, I'm so glad that was here, it was really cute, and I was invested in it."
"I think that their personalities compliment each other quite well, and I really like this pairing."
"Imagine a date there, overlooking the water."
"The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood; if you want a good romance book that will give you butterflies, read this."
"Fantasy and romance... the perfect combination for an enchanting read."
"The City of Brass: a tale where magic, politics, and romance intertwine in the most captivating ways."
"A Discovery of Witches: where academic pursuits meet ancient magic, igniting a forbidden romance."
"If you were obsessed with romantic movies growing up, you have high standards, and keep them because you're worth everything."
"To say I love you would be an understatement. I am and always will be yours, for now and forever, all my days."
"This show is merely an exceptionally character-rich love story with a hilariously clever premise and a wickedly sharp sense of humor."
"It's a year full of romance and dreaming of all the potentials and possibilities."
"Expect to make room for a passenger in your car, it could be romantic."
"Any marriage, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting than any romance, however passionate."
"I live for your smile; I would die for your kiss."
"You're going to attract romances you've never expected."
"He looks sad because he has to part with the woman he loves."
"This could be the one; you've already met the romantic partner you seek."
"I've been in love with you since... wait, stop, and don't say anything more."
"I love you, but it's impossible not to fall for you."
"Listen, I'm a romantic. I believe that there's somebody for everybody. In fact, there's probably multiple people for everybody."
"I want a guy that plays music and will write love songs for me as we eat grapes in front of a fireplace on a cold winter night."
"Are you a magician? Because every time you're near, everything else disappears and there's only enchantment left."
"I love you, Cassie. I got tired of being in the friend zone."
"If you like to vacation with a little romance, these novels here are only one dollar each."
"They are here for romance and nothing but that. This is not someone who wants to be your friend; this is someone who wants to wine and dine you, have a bit of fun with you."
"It feels like a dance, feels like a romantic movie."
"It's romantic, it's warm, and more importantly, it's sexy."
"It's kind of like in a romance novel, you kind of have to know who you're rooting for."
"The movie with them actually knowing each other allows us to watch their love and loyalty to each other bloom throughout the story, which feels organic and rewarding."
"Hopefully, he will respond in kind, we'll have a big hug, it's gonna be a very romantic thing, and we'll live happily ever after."
"Romance: It is sacred power, let it come to me this hour."
"To recapture romance, allow your inner youthful spirit of fun to shine."
"Wall-E is a beautiful cocktail of science fiction, romance, and animation that would give any human love story a good run for its money."
"With Leo, make sure the drama of you expressing your feelings is there...passion, expression, surprises, adventures, romance, that's what they require."
"The drizzle was sad, melancholy, but now her hand is in yours as you walk, now the drizzle is something to cherish, to celebrate."
"Friendship is more important to me than romance at the end of the day."
"A love forever Stone and it will be the key to her heart."
"The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere; they are in each other all along."
"When it comes to love, shouldn't it always be a little magical?"
"I'm here to state that 'Love & Basketball' is actually much more timely than ever as a love story because it's much deeper and more complex than most of us who watched it at 18 years old 20 something years ago could really give it credit for."
"Imagine having like a little hot chocolate here, maybe sitting down watching like people ice skate. It's a very romantic location actually."
"This is going to be a very Disney love, very cute."
"You know, we've had like multiple dates, we've traveled all over the world basically in one day."
"I consider it one of the most romantic things you can do because you trust the other person, you love each other so much, you're so comfortable with the other person that you are comfortable enough to say, 'This is my body and this is what I like.'"
"Ujun... it brings me back to Bali, and we actually fell in love in Bali."
"Your romantic life will be very physical and emotionally rewarding."
"A successful seduction is the result of two people who are mutually sexually attracted to one another having an effortless, romantic, playful, safe, and fun experience together that leads to love making."
"Women dream of a man who will show up and know exactly what to do to make them feel safe, comfortable, and totally sweep them off their feet romantically."
"True love is showing up as well. This is the romance of a lifetime."
"The show's most endearing quality is perhaps the romantic element between Arnold and Helga."
"Romance is like beauty. It's grace, it's a gift. But you have to work at it."
"I always say to my friends, like the most romantic thing in the world is someone who's trying to build relationship competence."
"We are made for each other, and yet we are mysteries to each other. That's the essence of romance."
"It's important to have a friendship first before you even get serious."
"I'm in love. Romantic love is one of the most exciting and fulfilling kinds of love, and I think there is a potential for it at any stage of your life."
"Romance, as we defined it, was that little spark between you and your loved one that has kept you going all these years. That brought you together, that made you fall in love."
"There's a difference between seeing two characters fall in love and being told that they are."
"I remember when I first started dating my wife Kathy... I just wanted to see her again. I was interested, I was interested in reciprocating, I was interested in building a relationship."
"Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it, but a kiss can be even deadlier if you mean it."
"Poetry, beauty, romance, love - these are what we stay alive for."
"She appreciates the fact that I'm a hopeless romantic."
"Black women want their love story too. Black women want their fairy tale too."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, you're all I think about, and it's so true."
"The romantic part is that you met and built a life together."
"Living only a block apart, our romance could be seen as a soap opera cliché where neighbors seek solace and sex, but our longing and lust soon turned to love, for we found in each other what we'd been missing and desperately wanted: closeness, joy, and fun."
"Every movie needs a beautiful, awe-inspiring scene of characters in love with each other, flying."
"They're very romantic... They have so much love to give. They're in love with love itself."
"In a relationship, the romance... the flame... it can be fleeting, but the connection remains."
"Our first kiss was perfect. It was everything it had been building up to be."
"For women, romance, courtship, and intimacy is a slow process that takes time and cannot be rushed."
"It's dangerous stuff. We think we're playing with romance, but we're playing with our time."
"You never stop dating, you have to keep winning the person over and over again."
"The moment where Guts and Casca fall in love is one of the most beautiful moments throughout all of Berserk."
"Nothing says spring like me blooming for you."
"There's nothing better than that butterfly excited feeling that you get when you're really attracted to someone or you have a crush on someone."
"Some things transcend football, some things transcend politics...Ronaldo coming back to Manchester United, it's just romance, pure romance."
"Even my disdain for the Glazers...but Ronaldo back to Manchester United, it's just romance, pure romance."
"There would be a movie about this couple that got to the love stone ceremony and they shunned the new partners and they started the whole thing over again together."
"The loved ones unsurprisingly is a movie that deals with the concept of love while simultaneously teaching us the horrors of what can happen if you don't."
"Pleasure: You excite me in ways I never knew existed."
"If you were any card in a deck of cards, I think you would be the queen of my heart."
"The real emotional expression was a secret. Our real feelings, a real romantic inclination, where our feelings naturally flow."
"You're my dream girl. You make the stars shine."
"You got a new love either in your life right now... you're going towards what you want."
"Lie to me. Tell me all these years you've waited. Tell me." "All these years I've waited."
"Soulmate AU is romantic escapism at its finest."
"I think dancing with the one you love and listening to the melody, you can almost hear love."
"Even if I lost all my memories, I'll still fall in love with you again!"
"Every time I think of you, I always catch my breath."
"A pinch of comedic romance with its fair share of Palace politics."
"Crime romance and melodrama are the main themes."
"The dance that Elizabeth and Darcy have... literally acts out their mutual fascination."
"Your next romantic match is someone that's going to teach you a heck of a lot."
"I'd live for your smile and would die for your kiss."
"I've been in love with you from the moment I set eyes on you."
"It's time to create a brand new book of our love life, completely different from the last."
"Your heart begins to blossom and open, fueling that fire with that dragon card."
"I'm like, 'Tonight's the night I fall in love and I find that one person who I could be with forever.'"
"Leo, can you hear me? You're the love of my life."
"I'm no longer a werewolf, if this doesn't work to get Greg then I don't know. Well, we're gonna work it out, we're gonna work it out."
"This isn't a date for two anymore, it's a date for three."
"They see you as their true love, the one they really, truly want to be with."
"This person really feels like you're their destiny."
"It's like you're trying to be romantic with his wife, goddamn he's trying to reconnect with her."
"Anime I recommend: Oregairu. It's probably the best rom-com anime when it comes to storytelling and characters."
"Love at first sight is absolutely possible and not unrealistic."
"The Disney remake of Cinderella is the best example I have ever seen of doing love at first sight perfectly."
"Unbeknownst to her, Minhyuk was instantly captivated by her charm and couldn't take his eyes off her."
"Together, they were an inseparable couple filled with warmth and affection."
"Every bit of complexity she gets to have afterwards is focused on her romance with Chuck."
"You want to have a romance with price action."
"Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?" fucking SENT me.
"Even back in 'Call It What You Want,' she asks her lover (cough Joe) if he’d run away with her, and now it seems they’ve indeed run off. They’ve run off to the lakes."
"This is new love coming in for you, something fresh and new."
"Girl you got what I need, this love I got for you too much I can't measure."
"Having great sex and having great relationships and having a great romantic relationship will improve every area of your life."
"Love hotels offer hourly rates and an isolated Hideaway for couples looking for romantic interactions."
"Wall-E is a charming, awesome love story... It's the best science fiction movie of all time." - Mike Carlson
"It's your year to be summer in 500 Days of Summer, where someone is hopelessly, madly in love with you."
"Don't you want someone to love while the world is smoldering around us? It's so romantic."
"I do see you having a future with this person."
"Have you forgotten all of the intimate moments that were shared between the two of us?"
"The stage was set for the battle to decide Aquilonia’s fate."
"Even if she lived longer than him, he'd make sure that she'd never forget him."
"Not only did they go to Disney at the same time, but they ended up in the same childhood picture together. Meant to be, indeed."