
Longing Quotes

There are 8602 quotes

"If I had been born in space, I would long to go to Earth much more than I long to go to space."
"This longing for a deeper spiritual experience, this longing to know God in a more intimate way."
"She's been extremely unsettled ever since she disappeared, missing her and wanting only to find her."
"I'll dream each night of some version of you that I might not have but did not lose."
"We miss you, remember about you, we wish you were here."
"As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God."
"Can I fly you to the Moon, can we play among the stars? I've been thinking of you lately, to control of my all."
"Nostalgia is longing for a better, simpler time."
"Prayer is the bridge between longing and belonging."
"You're both longing for each other, missing each other, wanting a reconciliation."
"You don't seek a guru, you create a deep longing, and what you call as guru will happen to you."
"Everyone is just longing to feel understood and loved and cared about but also just be understood."
"I'm never not thinking about you and I wish we could be more than friends."
"I just want her back, whatever that means, just, I just want her back."
"In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised you'd take me there again someday. But you never did."
"He wanted to look at her like he wanted to breathe, like she was breath and he was drowning, and every moment of his not looking was a struggle towards the thing he most needed."
"I want to hold you, miss you, and long for you. I'm constantly thinking about you and fantasize about us being together."
"For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee."
"They want to rebuild that security, missing you and wanting to be close again."
"I just want to be held. It's been nearly a year and a half since I hugged anyone, let alone had any sort of emotional intimacy."
"America...so far away." "Not so far away that I'll forget you."
"It is difficult to put into words what I suffered. The longing that seemed to be tearing my heart out by the roots, the dreadful sense of being alone in an empty universe."
"It's been so long since I saw you; I missed you guys so much."
"I wish I was able to give you a hug and tell you how much you were loved."
"I feel like this person is spending a lot of time going inwards, thinking about you, daydreaming about you."
"They feel as though there's unfinished business between you."
"I miss being alive, but not the life I had." - Gilbert
"Longing is at the heart of every good story."
"My heart in all its Brokenness will always look for you."
"A longing is an ache that is out of your control and so undeniable that it becomes a part of the undercurrent of how you show up in your life."
"Where are you now? Was it all in my fantasy?"
"Children rush to hug their mother, wishing that their parents could stay a few more days with them."
"I feel like I've been missing you my whole life. You're my lost paradise."
"I've known victories. I've prayed about victories. I've seen God's hand. I've been delivered. But in spite of all of my deliverances and these flashes of blessing and anointings, there's something that is not steadfast. There's something I'm longing for, unshakable and uninterrupted, some kind of a walk with God that I've not yet seen or experienced."
"I really, really wish I could go back to being a kid."
"Those who suffer loss live suspended between a past for which they long and a future for which they hope."
"I've been praying for this as long as I've understood what a baby was. And it's a big deal."
"Some of the best works of art are like that, leaving you with a deep longing by the end."
"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
"I'm longing to hold you again. When I finally do, I never want to let you go, ever again. You are my forever."
"I felt literally empty. My chest, she was like literally a shortness of breath in my chest every time when I think about her. Literally, there was a vacancy in me."
"Lie to me. Tell me all these years you've waited. Tell me." "All these years I've waited."
"Hey baby, do you believe me when I say I miss you so?"
"Deep down, all these people are always longing for something more meaningful."
"I know you miss me because I missed you too a lot to tell you."
"They buried their heart in ice, it is black and cold, and the heart longs for light."
"I just want my life back, and that's saying it minimally."
"They think you are incredibly beautiful. Please don't feel insecure. It's nothing you did."
"They want you to know that they really miss you. They feel as though they are addicted to you."
"A shattered nation longs to care about stupid stuff again."
"I couldn't do anything. I just-- you know, I says, well, I need to see her."
"They're really missing you they're thinking about you all the time."
"This person is secretly longing and yearning for you."
"They definitely see you away from them as a better choice for you but it doesn't mean they don't miss you."
"I'm still desperately longing for you, I'm still tormented by this connection."
"I miss my best friends or family when we were apart for a long time."
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I miss you dreadfully."
"They're crossing that ocean to connect with you again, to be with you again."
"They feel like this emptiness, this space, your absence, this is representing the absence of you."
"God gave such a beautiful gift to a young man that longed for it for years and years and years."
"Please Kylie, come home, I want nothing more than to hug you."
"I'm dreaming of a kiss from you and hoping it will be me too, but this is my imagination and it's me, a girl in love."
"I haven't seen these people that I care about a lot in a long time."
"All that she can ask for right now is his memory."
"Do you dream of distant planets, stars, and galaxies? I do crave real adventure, I do."
"I wish I could go back and do it for the first time all over again."
"Sometimes Matilda longed for a friend, someone like the kind courageous people in her books."
"If I could have only one superpower right now it would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hug."
"There's also a pandemic, nothing makes you yearn for a competent government like a global pandemic."
"They've been wanting to reach out to you for so long."
"I dream about you almost every night, I hate waking up to find you aren't here."
"If you could say anything to your daddy right now, what would it be? It would be 'I miss you and I love you.'"
"They feel like you're the one that got away."
"Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board."
"I feel like you're the one that got away. Now they want you that you got away basically."
"All that I crave when you're away, nights are sleepless."
"Even if they try to find new love, they'll still always want to go back to you."
"Would sell my soul to experience this for the first time again."
"The grass is always greener on the other side... sometimes they seem a whole lot more interesting when they're an ocean away."
"People are starved in today's media for proper beautiful depictions of men and women."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder for sure."
"How do we get back to a position where I can see my loved ones?"
"You wouldn't even be able to long for love unless you knew love on some level."
"I'm going home to where stuff makes sense." - Sokka
"The longingness and Nostalgia for the 2010s is already here."
"They miss you a lot, even if it's been a while since you spoke."
"I long for the girl and boy that cried and laughed."
"I need a good cry, I want tears to come out of my eyes, this stone heart of mine needs to feel something."
"For a child, there is a longing for the original intactness of their being."
"They miss you but they don't really feel like you miss them."
"Only you, Lord, can satisfy every longing need in the human heart."
"I miss you and I wish I could hug you through the screen."
"I look for you everywhere I see you everywhere I go I look for you even in other people."
"It represents how very much like James Harry is and his constant desire to have that father figure in his life."
"They feel lost without you, they don't like to be apart from you."
"I want more of this, I want more sunshine, more happiness."
"You mean everything to us, and until you come home, this family is not complete."
"You don't know me yet, but you always miss me when I'm gone."
"Even the things that most annoyed you about that person, you wish for that every moment."
"Slow hands, like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry."
"Feeling that you want to remember but you don't."
"This person definitely misses your presence."
"Every child wants their mom, and every mom wants their child. I know you do, so okay, we can meet."
"They really miss having you in their life and they're not giving up on resurrecting this connection."
"You're so far from your weapon and you just want to go home."
"The intense feelings of sadness and longing overwhelmed him."
"We never wanted closure, even if there was such a thing. We only wanted Christina."
"I really miss our village and dream of returning there."
"This person is sad when they can't be with you."
"It's been far too long since Beautycon Dallas."
"I really miss people... It's all about the people for me."
"I want Blair back. I want him well and healthy. I want him to knock on the front door and come in. But obviously that's not going to happen."
"They feel a lot of heartbreak that you're not with them, missing you, thinking about you."
"Friendship... I wish I had a friend like that."
"Nostalgic longing for something you know you'll never have is the tie that binds."
"I miss you so much. This whole world misses you so much."
"I miss you so much that it hurts... it was always you."
"We long in our souls for a restoration of truth and of purity goodness dogma charity hope faith."
"I only wish that I could have held your hand one last time."
"This really is the end, I wish I could have one last taste, one sip, one step of an ice-cold Noble Pursuit."
"There is a desire, a hunger, a longing on the inside of you."
"They see you as the one that got away, even though they're the ones that seem to push you away."
"For now all he wanted was to go home and see his mother for a while."
"It was all about connection and finally meeting someone but you can't have them."
"If she could get one wish to come true right then, Tsubasa would wish for a pair of wings, a pair of white wings on her back so she could fly away like a."
"And all she ever wanted was a friend, bro. That sucks right there, man."
"Returning love... They truly love you and they're not over you."
"They want to know, do you miss us the way that I do?"
"I do miss you a lot. I miss hearing your voice."
"The amount of love I have for my family is exponential that it's never going to die and they need I want them back."
"They want you to know they love you, they miss you, they want to fix things."
"My heart feels like I just want to go get her and hold her and take her."
"I can't wait to receive the Eucharist again."
"I think it's a grace to realize that we miss the mass."
"No father wants to be separated from his children."
"Well, hurry back. You've got someone little waiting for you."
"The musical theater ballad sees Ariel singing about how she's unsatisfied with her life in the sea and wants something more."
"He misses you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and very much physically."
"Your soul feels this extended, insatiable call somewhere."
"This person is missing you... they're feeling intense sadness right now and they are grieving something major that's happened."
"They're feeling this way but it's not in a really codependent desperate kind of way. It's not like a healthy way, like they just miss your presence kind of thing."
"When you're lost and like nobody has made you feel, and you don't have anything right and you feel like, oh it's better over there they tell me that they really have culture chat..."
"Facing their inner fears to be with you, longing for you deeply."
"You can get used to just about any situation... That time was crucial for us to de-stress and process... We want it again."
"Hello from the other side. I must have called a thousand times."
"Feeling like I have everything in life except love."
"Let's go to bed. I want to leave this island as soon as possible and return home."
"They feel like they've lost you... they long for you..."
"I never felt something like this before, and I keep coming back for you time after time."
"Probably to Spain to see my family because it's been about three years since I've seen everyone, so definitely, definitely to Spain."
"We miss you, we want you back home, we don't understand."
"I will miss you terribly until then."
"I want to see my family again. It's been so long, bro."
"I miss you so much...I wish I could tell you this."
"It shouldn't surprise us that God's own dream come true for us, that we be one, just happens to be our own deepest longing for ourselves."
"Some of you may be yearning for that sort of connection with the pack."
"Kids, when you miss someone, you see them everywhere."
"They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I can't stand being away from you."
"They miss you and they really want to hear from you."
"Did he grab that penny wanting Ellison close to him now?"
"All I wanted was your love, all I wanted was to feel you, all I wanted was support and your care and your truth."
"Somebody desires you just as much as you desire them."
"I just want them to come home safe like wherever they are I hope they are safe and I really I really hope they can just come home."
"Can't stop looking at your pictures and rereading messages."
"I've been begging and hoping that we come back to a day of normalcy like the good old days."
"I miss your touch, I miss being with you in the present moment."
"I've been really, really focusing on work lately, but part of that is spurring me to want to come sailing towards you and communicate with you."
"I want to feel that. I want to experience that."
"Maybe the trees represent a vision of the Noldor's longing to return to Valinor."
"So they miss you, and they think about you a lot. And they do value you. And they have a lot of faith in this relationship."
"You have someone desperately craving to have their youth... be restored."
"It's clear as day that she missed him terribly."
"I miss my family and I just want to be with them so badly."
"I crave you, the touch of your hand, the look in your eye, every single piece of you I need to have again."
"If I could have my babies back home right now, I would."
"I've never wished harm. Just seeing that picture, like, I need them, I want them just to run through that front door and just grab me or just barely tackle me, knock me to the floor, bust my head, I don't care."
"Chemistry and passion rushing in, absence felt, longing for embrace."
"He's craving you. He's missing you because this man has clarity. He knows the truth about you."
"Let me be mad, mad with the madness of absence, the wildest, most luxurious madness in the world."
"A woman with broken petals yearns for the sight of her husband. She has not seen him for so long."
"Someone is missing you, longing for your warmth."
"The deepest longing in the heart of man is to see the face of God."
"They're very much attracted to you, and they are missing your warmth and the joy that you bring into their life."
"They're frustrated by the obstacles preventing them from being with you right now."
"If you're not together, this is something that they yearn for."
"I remember saying as a kid, 'I wish they'd come home.' As if I said it enough, they'd come home."
"I just wish I could go back and discover it again for the first time."
"It's about you and this person, the one that is in your heart, the one that you miss when they're gone."
"I want to reach out to you and talk. I wish I could be with you. This person is missing you so much."
"They wonder what it's like to be loved by you."
"They definitely view you as their unique and special one, that's why there's all this longing going on for you."
"You make me feel things I can't even describe, I'm fantasizing about you."
"I cried seeing Mickey, I miss you I miss you so much."
"I miss being together so bad, I just feel like running up and hugging everybody I see in a grocery store, you know?"
"How I wish you were here with me now, the hardest challenge of all is losing you."
"They miss you most at night and need you with them."
"I just miss her a lot. I wish she was still here with me."
"I actively think about you, and it's not like... why don't you just come see me?"
"Someone wants to come back towards you, even if they're with someone else right now."