
Global Issue Quotes

There are 295 quotes

"The deterioration of mental health is increasingly becoming a worldwide epidemic."
"If you change the world's climate...it will be costly."
"Loneliness is on the rise globally and it's being declared a health risk."
"There's today more people suffering and dying from dietary excess than dietary deficiency throughout the world."
"If these predictions are even half accurate, migration will become a necessity for all nations and not an option."
"Financial illiteracy is a plague not just in the United States of America but around the world."
"Valuing yourself, respecting yourself as a human being is actually one of the great crises in the world today."
"Unmitigated climate change is an existential threat to everyone on our planet."
"Obesity is an epidemic in the modern world, with two-thirds of Americans being obese and two billion people around the world."
"Climate change poses a national security threat for the U.S. and for everyone else."
"Climate change is the single greatest threat our world faces."
"We've gone over every continent in the world. It's an evolutionary trap."
"Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world."
"Online harassment is nothing unique to any single region."
"It should just be a healthcare right because if it's not, then all the women are going to be dying around the world."
"Prince Harry said the misinformation is a global humanitarian crisis affecting everyone, not just in America."
"Misinformation is a global humanitarian crisis."
"There are at least 12 million stateless people worldwide, with the actual figure thought to be significantly higher."
"It's not about being an American, it's about being a freedom-loving human being. Freedom versus tyranny is not an American problem; it's a global issue."
"This is supposed to be the common enemy. This is global. This is big. This is real. This is not a political entity; it is a viral entity."
"Getting this virus under control is one of the defining challenges of our time."
"The biggest single reason women die worldwide is domestic violence."
"The magnitude of human trafficking across the globe, especially of children, is so sick."
"The year is 2075 and Earth is going through a serious water shortage. Sea levels are falling, it never rains, and infant mortality rates have spiked as people desperately consume contaminated water."
"Fake news has become a global problem, distorting audiences' understandings of various subjects."
"Violence against women happens far too often globally, and is an epidemic of sorts."
"This is the largest amount of global inequality that we've seen since World War II."
"33% of all humans in over 100 countries are lonely."
"If it represents an alien presence in our atmosphere with us, then we have a very serious global security problem."
"The largest humanitarian disaster in the world."
"Human trafficking is very real and it's everywhere."
"Global warming is an existential threat to humanity."
"Identity theft is a huge issue all across the world."
"Tobacco and its health implications concern every country in the world."
"It is very unfortunate that corruption runs deep in most of the governments in the world."
"Nigeria is now the breeding ground for world terrorism."
"Around one third of the food we produce globally never gets eaten."
"Solving the global mental health crisis - it's a first-order problem."
"Within hours, a worldwide cyber attack had been shut down."
"Climate change, global warming is an existential threat to humanity."
"A tidal wave of biosphere collapse looms over our Collective heads."
"But it’s going to require action from more than just one country to save it."
"Racism still very much exists in all countries."
"Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide."
"I think misinformation is the most harmful thing in the world right now."
"Corruption remains a critical issue that deeply affects nations worldwide."
"There's a devaluation of human life tragically happening all around the world today."
"Sleep paralysis is not a normal part of sleep. Something is going on. It's global, it's universal."
"The magnitude of this achievement is hard to appreciate without first recognizing that slavery was a worldwide institution."
"The energy story is likely the most important story of the rest of our lives."
"This is a problem for all 7 billion people on the planet and we all need to be driving... for a change in the way we run our society to become very low carbon and very quickly indeed."
"The transition from fossil fuels, in my opinion, is the most pressing issue facing humanity. This is an all hands on deck problem."
"Sudden death among healthy working age people worldwide is skyrocketing."
"Human rights should be protected. If one person is being abused, this is an assault on humanity."
"Racism absolutely does exist all around the world."
"The most important issue that humans have faced in their history is the impending catastrophic climate disaster."
"We all need to be doing our bit because climate change is happening right now in our lifetime."
"There is a dangerous rise of anti-Semitism all over the world, including Europe. Everywhere, mainly because of the new social media."
"Humans are treating our planet very poorly and we've really got to cut that shit out soon or we're gonna be in big trouble."
"There are more slaves per capita today than at any other time in human history."
"The worst energy crisis in decades is currently happening across the globe."
"This is the singular issue of our time that will determine how we live, where we live, and if we live."
"It is the greatest existential threat to human life currently facing us. We need to take care of it while we still have the choice to do so."
"Climate change is getting worse and worse each year."
"Any genocide is a global issue not just the particular Community issue."
"The climate crisis is gonna be probably the most defining thing that happens in our lifetime."
"It's a global problem and a global problem of how humans get our energy."
"Meta-human trafficking is an international scourge."
"This is the most important issue of our time because it connects every other issue."
"We're fighting for the future of the planet."
"It goes without saying that the climate crisis is not an American issue it's not a Chinese issue it's not a Russian issue this is an issue that is going to impact every country on the planet."
"The Doomsday Glacier is collapsing, a truly catastrophic scenario."
"Pollution is a big thing worldwide, with around seven million deaths globally per year related to pollution."
"Testosterone levels have precipitously declined across the globe." - Jay Campbell
"Plastics never breaks down and now it's kind of taking over the world."
"Human trafficking is now at the highest level in the world."
"Food security is something we should all be very concerned about."
"Animal farming is an absolute menace and it's an absolute stain on our world."
"The preservation of the environment is a problem in which everybody needs to become involved."
"Racism exists worldwide, and the UK and Ireland are definitely not exempt from it."
"The un believes that the challenge of energy consumption must be solved first."
"People on the planet are getting clobbered by climate change."
"Anytime you attract millions of people from around the world to essentially turn themselves over to the Mexican cartels..."
"Domestic violence is something that occurs across this country, really around the world."
"Unfortunately we're about to lose our beautiful world."
"Money laundering is one of the biggest crimes in the world."
"Plastic pollution is taking center stage again."
"Surfactants and PFAS forever chemicals are found in every single drop of rain everywhere on the planet."
"Consider this: Almost a third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally."
"The greatest spiritual, social, economic, and psychological curse on humanity today is fatherlessness in every country."
"Thanks to these factors, the world wastes one third of all the food we produce."
"Climate change has already and will continue to have devastating impacts on poor communities across the planet."
"A quarter of the world's population faces extremely high water stress each year."
"This is an existential crisis that we're facing."
"The fallout from the operations occurring in our skies is ubiquitous all over the world."
"There's a real issue for health provision to examine around the world."
"Obesity has trebled globally in my lifetime, completely unprecedented in human history."
"Iodine deficiency is the commonest cause of mental retardation throughout the world."
"Climate change is the most burning issue of this decade."
"This is gonna become more and more of a problem all around the planet."
"No one can ignore the fact that the biggest story by far facing all of us is climate change."
"We have a major challenge in enabling nearly eight billion people to feed themselves nutritiously and well day to day."
"There are 821 million people who were labeled food insecure."
"Such disheartening experiences persist in several countries around the world where racial discrimination is not just a problem, but an alarming reality."
"Chronic disease is the largest problem that Humanity faces."
"Child marriage is a global issue and has devastating consequences all over the world."
"Air pollution affects 90% of the world's population."
"Air pollution is a global crisis."
"More than 10% of the world's population struggles with hunger every day."
"Many people around the world don't have access to clean water like some of us."
"A rice shortage continues to grip the world."
"Cybercrime is not a problem of Nigeria or for Nigeria. It's a problem from every part of the world."
"I'm really glad they talked about climate change, and it's obviously one of the biggest systemic risks that we're all going to face down the line."
"Climate change is a huge and scary problem."
"Climate is the all-encompassing story of our time."
"Depression is very high... in Japan and Sweden."
"Human trafficking knows no bounds."
"Peace is what the world is looking for today."
"On the one hand, you have many countries that don't have access to vaccines. On the other hand, you have a country like the United States where we have enough for everybody."
"There's a huge shortage of doctors globally."
"Of seven billion people in the world, close to two billion are either underbanked or unbanked in some way."
"Financial exclusion remains a global issue, with 2 billion people worldwide still without a bank account."
"Over 100 million people around the world are calling to take care of their minds."
"You have to have a bigger vision, you have to think global because this is a global problem."
"You are all representative of how herpes affects billions of people around the globe and why this research is so important."
"We have enough food to feed the world today, and yet two billion people don't get enough food."
"The world is facing a global food crisis in which the poorest nations face catastrophic consequences."
"Extending the human health span is a global priority."
"852 million people across the world are hungry."
"1.2 billion people live below the international poverty line."
"Every year about ten thousand works of art are reported stolen around the world."
"Heart disease is the number one killer globally."
"The health of the standard American and people around the world is failing, and it's failing because they're not getting enough fruits and vegetables in them."
"More than 600 million people worldwide can't afford basic needs, like enough food, clean water, or basic life-saving care."
"Almost 40% of the global population today are overweight."
"If everyone in the entire world gave two percent, there wouldn't be a single starving person."
"Shortage of supply chain professional is hitting pretty much every company in the world."
"Protecting our earth is a global issue."
"Pollution is killing seven million people a year, that is happening right now."
"Apathy is a really dangerous thing in our society, and around the world."
"Forty-two percent of the world's population lacks access to proper sanitation."
"The greatest humanitarian crisis of our time."
"This is not a national problem, this is a global problem that we're all going to have to face."
"By 2021, the global cost of cybercrime will reach six trillion dollars."
"Everybody in the world deserves healthcare."
"It's the WHO estimates that about a third of the world's population in fact have latent TB."
"Water is a huge need around the world; it is the lifeblood to everything we do."
"Personal stress worldwide is now at near record levels."
"Her brother died because, like a billion other people around the world, her family doesn't have access to safe water."
"Over 5 billion people will face severe water shortages by 2050."
"Unfortunately, mental health has been yet another issue of this global pandemic."
"Kolkata is the number one place in the world today that has the greatest amount of exposed population."
"If we're going to really eradicate child trafficking, we have to reach the masses."
"The nations of the world can be free from the menace of organized crime."
"This center is a test case for other nations who are also dealing with increasing Internet addiction."
"One out of 10 people don't have access to clean drinking water."
"Unbelievably in this golden age of science, 40,000 young children die of hunger and related diseases every day."
"The need to stop oil transcends sport, it transcends motorways, it transcends everything."
"Transnational organized crime is a global threat."
"This is not a Europe or a Pacific fight; this is a global message to a bully superpower."
"The vast majority of the world has no idea where their food comes from."
"Corruption is not African at all; it's a global problem."
"Purifying water remains an issue in much of the world."
"It's not worth taking your life over, it's a scam with a global reach."
"Let's all understand that terrorism is a horrific problem that is threatening all of us."
"Terrorism is not an Israeli problem; it's a global problem."
"Slavery is transhistorical moral evil and it needs to be removed from the face of the earth."
"Cyber security and privacy breaches is a growing concern across the world today."
"Climate change is the most dire and immediate calamity facing the world today."
"Over half of the world's population is at risk of being affected with malaria every single year."
"Gentrification... it's not just this borough, this city, this country; it's happening all over the world."
"Social stratification is growing stronger both globally and in individual countries."
"Every day countless people around the world disappear. It's much rarer for someone to disappear without a trace."
"1.8 billion people in the world drink fecally contaminated water on a daily basis."
"Global warming is a very real problem for everyone, for humanity."
"One billion people in the world are estimated to be deficient in vitamin D3; they're still alive, but are they healthy? No, they're not healthy."
"The United Nations estimates close to one and a half billion people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water."
"Economic inequality is rising dramatically in almost every part of the world."
"Right now, 44 million people in the world are living with Alzheimer's disease."
"A year passed without any births, and the world cried in pain."
"Poverty is an international problem that affects men, women, and children all over the world."
"Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the leading global cause of morbidity and mortality."
"1.1 billion people around the world suffer from lack of access to safe drinking water."
"With 8 billion people on earth, I believe it is gross negligence to overlook this issue."
"Workers, migrants, people around the world are paying more than they can afford to get jobs."
"It's pretty much a global epidemic."
"This isn't a time for blame; this is the time to solve this global problem."
"No single country can actually address the issue like a pandemic which is actually borderless."
"Let's treat it like a global priority."
"Wealth inequality... is a lot bigger in many countries."
"Climate change is the most pressing problem humankind is facing."
"Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced globally each year."
"We need to get the pandemic under control from a global perspective."
"Mental Health gets the short end of the stick in all parts of the world, it seems."
"Safety in schools generally is a global issue that needs to be addressed."
"Misinformation is a huge global humanitarian crisis."
"Slavery, if it was taking place in Wales, it could take place anywhere."
"Tick-borne viruses really a global problem."
"Depression is among the leading cause of disability worldwide."
"The world is still not nearly alarmed enough about climate change."