
Epidemic Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"The deterioration of mental health is increasingly becoming a worldwide epidemic."
"Loneliness is an epidemic that has grown unchecked for quite some time and has been exponentially worse as a result of the pandemic."
"One of the greatest epidemics in this world today is not physical but spiritual."
"There is an epidemic of loneliness in the country."
"This is a worldwide epidemic really where we have heart disease as a number one killer or number two killer in just about every country on the globe."
"This epidemic may be the century's most terrible disaster, but I'm convinced that we, as doctors, are the only ones able to defeat it."
"We must learn lessons at the right point, but what you don't do frankly is do that in the middle of something. We are nowhere near the end of this epidemic."
"What we're talking about really is an epidemic."
"Diseases of the body can spread through a population and reach epidemic proportions, but so too can diseases of the mind."
"This epidemic will fundamentally shaken the rule of the Communist Party."
"It's a red dynasty ending epidemic already happening in front of Chinese people's face."
"Violence against women happens far too often globally, and is an epidemic of sorts."
"This plague should never have happened. It could have been stopped, but people chose not to stop it. And it's a very sad thing for the world."
"The Seventh Seal takes place in a distant past during a different crisis, an epidemic that threatened all of Europe: the Black Plague."
"Surreal optimism at the very moment that the epidemic is about to reach its peak."
"We can end this chronic disease epidemic once and for all."
"The sad fact remains that there are people dying now of this infection who would have survived even if they'd had fairly basic medical treatment."
"We have the tools to end this epidemic; it is up to us to utilize those tools to their maximum."
"Take care of yourself, your immune systems, because it's crazy out here in these viral load streets."
"Thousands of people are crowded behind the city walls and in these cramped conditions, an unnamed plague wreaks havoc."
"This silent epidemic should be addressed appropriately with concrete public health action."
"Innsmouth used to be a decent town but had recently fallen into ruin after a nasty epidemic wiped out a lot of the population."
"One of the interesting things about loneliness, there's such an epidemic of loneliness in this country."
"The Antonine plague was devastating, spreading across the Roman Empire and killing upwards of 5 million people."
"We're in the middle of the biggest epidemic that the world has ever seen and nobody's talking about it. It's a massive Mental Health crisis."
"We have a major epidemic in the U.S. of people being oppressed and victimized because of the color of their skin, and this has to stop."
"The country is best and worst prepared for an epidemic, and the United States is now rated number one."
"There's going to be an awful lot of people still getting sick in india right up until august."
"If this mysterious outbreak began to spread across the country, the effects could be devastating."
"It's a pig apocalypse in China... Pig Ebola is highly contagious."
"We are all joined together as a country, fighting an epidemic that could end up killing more Americans than died in World War II, World War I, the Civil War, and Vietnam."
"Overcoming the epidemic requires collective action and personal sacrifice like not panic buying and staying at home when you're told to."
"There's accountability - mugging is bad, but there's an epidemic. What else can be done?"
"Every day, hundreds of thousands are getting sick, thousands are dying."
"If this virus comes to this continent, there will be chaos."
"An epidemic or pandemic that would actually wipe out millions of people have probably done more harm than any actual cult has."
"The Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, decimated the population of Europe during the Middle Ages."
"The reality is that not only is the medical system in metropolitan cities close to collapse, but the outbreak has spread like wildfire to the rural areas of China."
"In the face of this epidemic tsunami, the Xi Jinping government has chosen to lie completely and utterly flat."
"Disease much like famine epidemic disease was a common fixture of 17th century life."
"August 1665, the number of deaths reached almost 7,000 a week, each plague death marked by the letter P."
"You see it in the self-cutting behaviors, a tremendous epidemic of cutting now."
"Black nurses were called to assist during the flu epidemic when thousands were wiped out."
"Italy has now seen more than a hundred and sixty confirmed cases."
"We do have epidemics, but you won't hear them on the news."
"I decided to become a doctor since there's a shortage of doctors and nurses and we have to take care of people cuz there's actually an epidemic going it's right behind you isn't it the a one what."
"Saturn's giggle has affected more people in the world than HIV. It is the ultimate infectious disease."
"Statistics show that Saturn's giggle has killed over 120 million people worldwide, worse than Spanish flu. I'm just stuttering all over the place tonight."
"We're suffering an epidemic of common chronic diseases."
"The US Surgeon General today declared a new public health epidemic in America: loneliness."
"If you need those sort of wartime powers, this is Ebola. It's spreading, the deaths are just absolutely outrageous. We have reason to believe that the vaccine is working."
"We now have an epidemic of obese newborns."
"Cholera tens of thousands of people died in Paris, including the well-off and the more secure."
"Epidemics are a product of the collective becoming toxic and now we are living in an era of one epidemic surfacing per year."
"At the height of the Ebola pandemic, almost everyone in the world was paranoid because of the terrifying and seemingly uncontrollable nature of the outbreak."
"Loneliness isn't something that's new, but what is new is this epidemic of loneliness that currently defines our culture."
"This drug epidemic has just swallowed a good chunk of the country."
"History is full of diseases that once caused terrifying epidemics and then disappeared as mysteriously as they had come."
"Our lifestyles invite epidemics; air travel makes it possible to spread infectious agents across the planet with amazing ease."
"...blindness in the Bible, especially spiritual blindness, is an epidemic."
"Gun violence is a public health epidemic plain and simple."
"Feeding your gut bacteria, keeping them happy, growing more of them, bringing more diversity to it... is our way out of this huge epidemic."
"Our world is plagued by an epidemic, by a disease that shows no mercy."
"Loneliness is epidemic right now."
"It was here in 1925 that victims of diphtheria came for treatment, sparking an epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire population of Nome."
"There's like an epidemic of marriages, okay? People are getting married all the time, marriage after marriage, wedding after wedding."
"After a year, the Great Plague epidemic in London was coming to an end."
"Towns across Britain were hit by plague again."
"Plague again swept through towns like Colchester and Cambridge which had suffered terribly the previous year, and this time the outbreaks were even more severe."
"Loneliness is not just a Public Health crisis, it's an epidemic that urgently needs our attention."
"Could a tropical virus attack suddenly and then vanish just as quickly?"
"We're dealing with a metabolic disease epidemic and... that's almost entirely preventable."
"This movie follows two people who risk their lives to make sure that the Ebola virus was contained before it had a chance to become an epidemic."
"We've been fighting the Obesity epidemic for the last 50 years and we've only gotten worse."
"It's no secret that in today's modern world loneliness is something of an epidemic."
"We're now facing an epidemic of loneliness."
"You can't fix this epidemic of poor health without fixing the underlying terrible food and terrible dietary intake."
"We've declared AIDS public health enemy number one."
"This epidemic has no discrimination. It affects everyone."
"...many adults have gone and still go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and this is a real, it's a... in my opinion it's an epidemic."
"The AIDS epidemic is one of the most tragic periods in American history."
"The 1981 HIV and AIDS epidemic was also credited by the CIA."
"I see it as an epidemic a public health emergency and I think that we can turn it around by mass uh education efforts."
"Global viral outbreaks like the coronavirus once rare will become more and more common"
"Needless to say, an outbreak of the plague in 1900 San Francisco would be disastrous."
"I'm relieved we've taken a step towards improving the terrible opioid epidemic. Hopefully, this means we'll see fewer cases of overdoses in the hospital from now on."
"The people of Phoenix are facing a crisis. Almost every home in the city has been stricken with the plague." - Arizona Republican (newspaper), November 8th, 1918.
"We are in an epidemic of Superstar players getting traded way too often."
"...loneliness will be classified as an epidemic by 2030."
"I think what we're seeing with the rise and normalization of online gambling is the potential for a public health epidemic."
"Childhood diabetes is an epidemic right now."
"We should take a lot of the knowledge and approach we used with the prescription opioid epidemic and apply this to benzodiazepines."
"The AIDS epidemic caused by HIV found its way to the United States between the 1970s and 1980s, causing mass hysteria and extreme attacks of violence."
"The warnings that the epidemic of type 2 diabetes is bankrupting economies around the world are heading in that direction."
"They're calling it a silent epidemic."
"I believe that the number one fueler of this loneliness epidemic is in fact capitalism."
"There is a loneliness epidemic that's running rampant amongst young people."
"We share his story to hopefully help other people who are in this hell that we are in because it is an epidemic."
"The real epidemic isn't just obesity or heart disease or diabetes, it's the depression and loneliness and isolation."
"The hope of all the programs being implemented to fight this epidemic is to save lives and to get people into recovery."
"The opioid crisis has touched every corner of the country, an epidemic that is being called the deadliest public health crisis in US history."
"The fact that you know that word really signifies that this may be a bit of an epidemic."
"It was behavior change that stopped the epidemic."
"There's an epidemic of extreme obesity. It's the way our lifestyles are being led here in the West."
"I heard so many tragic stories... one man lost his whole family in a single accident and another had a son and his girlfriend both commit suicide which is a huge pandemic in the nation."
"The fundamental crisis that resulted from from the, from Covid-19 was a social one I I I think that it was it fundamentally it's a social one or at least the one that will last longer than the epidemiological crisis."
"The epidemic of atherosclerosis which began in the 20th century is nothing more than history revisiting us."
"As you can see, our latest case count is over 40,000, far above the SARS outbreak."
"The word 'quarantine' originates from the days of the Black Plague when ships entering Venice were forced to remain anchored offshore for 40 days."
"No panic. They realized, you know, we've probably got an epidemic on our hands here."
"If Ebola or Zika was killing 11 million people a year, don't you think there'd be a massive global collective effort to change that?"
"We're in the midst of an epidemic of overfat."
"Unlike dormant ancient viruses, this actually affected human beings - the Siberian anthrax outbreak in 2016."
"We have the worst chronic disease epidemic and the lowest life expectancy of any High-income country in the world."
"U.S faces an epidemic of loneliness."
"If you treat everybody, you stop the epidemic."
"Plague epidemic reached Seville and it ravaged the city."
"This fentanyl epidemic has contributed to a staggering increase in drug-related deaths in the US."
"What kind of virus makes people do this kind of thing?"
"Well, we're in the middle of it right now, too, with medication for, for, we're starting to give kids, like, ADD medications. That is an epidemic, bro."
"AIDS is a plague, and nothing fuels a plague like ignorance or indifference."
"So disrupted sleep is now almost an epidemic because all the devices and lights that are near us that are tripping up that circadian rhythm we talked about the sunrise and sunset."
"The only way that we can end this epidemic is by adopting the All Hands approach that brings everyone together."
"We're 10 years into an epidemic, with our second president who doesn't give a damn."
"The plague was present somewhere in Europe in every year between 1346 and 1671."
"In 1929, a virus went from a chimp to patient zero, and since then we've had 78 million infections, 39 million deaths. One monkey did all this."
"We've all seen epidemic and zombie films, yet a majority of those stories take place after the chaos."
"Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, announced just days ago it will build 19 new hospitals for people infected with the coronavirus."
"South Korea is now the worst hit outside China with over 800 cases."
"It's one of the epidemics driving the rise of mental health challenges in America."
"How dehumanizing the symptoms of plague were, and that's tremendously important to the way that societies experienced its outbreak."
"We need to do what it takes to stop the epidemic and get people healthier."
"If we have one epidemic, it's loneliness; people are just dying."
"We are in the midst of an unprecedented epidemic when it comes to type 2 diabetes."
"We're in the middle of a worldwide epidemic of sleep deprivation."
"If you're worrying about where epidemics are likely to come from, it's a question of the state structure's ability to deal with it."
"The fight against the epidemic is not over, the danger remains."
"There's a loneliness epidemic that's happening."
"An epidemic that turned humans into living statues."
"Across the country, pet owners are facing an epidemic in their own homes, a crisis affecting more than half our nation's pets -- obesity."
"This is the story of the 1793 yellow fever epidemic that transformed a thriving city of the early United States into a hell on Earth."
"The drug continues to remain an epidemic in other countries, most notably spreading to Brazil where its legacy as the zombie drug lives on."
"Avoiding narcotics is key; there is an opioid epidemic going on in this country."
"Alzheimer's is an epidemic; it's been increasing everywhere."
"This is an epidemic that's occurring in the unvaccinated."
"This is the story of one of the weirdest epidemics to ever hit the United States: the plague of the Henry Cogswell drinking fountains."
"News of the epidemic quickly reached the Border Town, sounding eerily similar to the infamous Black Death."
"It's a worldwide epidemic, there are now 148 countries that report cases of AIDS."
"By some estimates, it killed over 50 million people, which was about 60% of the entire continent's population at the time."
"We could be looking at double the number of cases in one week and 16 times as many in a month if we are not able to stop the spread."
"What diseases do Europeans bring over that just wipe out 90%? Smallpox, measles... those are the big ones."
"Political battles, military campaigns, and economic vicissitudes pale in importance when measured against the impact of even a single epidemic."
"Mouth breathing is a silent epidemic that's affecting the lives of millions of people."
"It is a silent sleep loss epidemic and it is fast becoming the greatest public health challenge that we now face in the 21st century."
"We have these tragic pandemic -- you have obesity epidemics. In the United States the conservative estimate is obesity and diabetes, the direct cost to health care is $1 billion a day."
"If five out of five of us are working on our mental health, I think that's how we take on the mental health epidemic."
"The Dancing Plague of 1518 was a case of dancing mania that occurred in Strasbourg, Alsace."
"It's pretty much a global epidemic."
"There is a raging epidemic of violence against women everywhere in the world."
"A condition that wasn't worth mentioning in a comprehensive textbook of Ophthalmology 48 years earlier is now an epidemic."
"Domestic abuse is an epidemic, so I want to keep women and children as safe as possible."
"Traumatic brain injury is an under-recognized problem but a major public health epidemic."
"We made mistakes before the epidemic and not investing more, and then during the epidemic, we also made mistakes."
"Loneliness is a human epidemic right now."
"Aids is a terrible epidemic plaguing our world, but two things make it even worse: ignorance and fear."
"...since 2020 there have been huge epidemics in Europe, 14,000 outbreaks and people had to cull 96 million farmed birds..."
"When you have an epidemic that is transmitted by a vector... if you can control the vector, the epidemic reproductive cycle is broken."
"This is a dystopian novel that takes off after a flu breaks out and ends up taking out like a majority of the population."
"Here's a country, France, which has managed to make its epidemic drop, and it dropped precipitously."
"Loneliness has become an epidemic we can't control nor understand."
"There is a growing epidemic of obesity and related fatty liver disease."
"Two billion people are affected by food-related diseases."
"That is the foundation of why we have so many chronic diseases in our country and why so many people are sick."
"Loneliness has become an epidemic."
"We've got an epidemic of heart disease here."
"If an epidemic stays for a long time, it is declared as endemic."
"An epidemic is one affecting many persons at the same time and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent."
"An epidemic is a very scary thing, even Shield magic won't save him since it's short-lived."
"Why did Ebola spread so rapidly in some places and not others? Why did some die and others survive?"
"The Bengal famine had begun, the famine was a tragedy within a tragedy, an epidemic of hunger and disease that saw between two to three million people die."
"Diabetes is pretty much epidemic."
"Diabetes is really a huge epidemic in our country."
"The HIV/AIDS epidemic is both a scientific challenge and a human tragedy."
"I really believe that low self-esteem is an epidemic in this country."
"We have these interventions that we can do to solve today's epidemics of these major health problems."
"The stress of living in the Roman Empire allowed that disease to spread and by 172, the Antonine Plague, whatever it exactly was, had affected nearly every corner of the empire."
"The most notable one here was porcine epidemic diarrhea virus that killed about 12 million piglets in the U.S. in 2012."
"Overweight is a problem that affects one out of two adults in our country."
"We are seeing flu rates spiking right now, COVID is also on the rise."
"Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, is a growing global epidemic."
"Hepatitis B is a true global epidemic."
"Every year it takes between half a million and a million lives around the world."
"We're making dramatic strides in combatting the opioid epidemic."
"There was a need to establish some greater degree of clarity on the level of mortality or morbidity the government and society were willing to accept for an epidemic."
"A disease that turns people into iron has reached this city."
"It's taken a global epidemic to get people to understand the importance of a strong immune system."
"According to the World Health Organization, stress has been classified as the health epidemic of the 21st Century."
"My mission is to create an epidemic of health."
"I hope everyone is feeling good, I hope you don't have this crazy bug that's going around."
"Obesity started to increase along with heart disease, hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes."