
Personal Meaning Quotes

There are 387 quotes

"No matter how much I improved myself, only one person benefited. But if I could somehow influence other people in a positive way... then it made my life more meaningful."
"What's meaningful in life is basically what we find meaningful, what we experience as meaningful."
"Most of us can't really define exactly what happiness is or means for us."
"Games can carry as much weight and meaning as you bring to them, which makes Cave Story one of the most important and yet meaningful games I've ever completed."
"It's up to me to decide the meaning of my life."
"Don't ask what the meaning of life is; ask what is the meaning of your life."
"It only has to mean what it means to you, no more no less."
"To me, it's the literal meaning of happiness."
"Ask yourself a question: What does wealth mean to you?"
"Every individual has the capacity to make their own meaning, to set their own purpose and that's not some platitude, that is what we are because there is no fundamental answer."
"Meaning is what you make of it, so think about what you want to care about and make that the meaning in your life."
"The value of an object is decided by its owner."
"My whole like the thing that brings me the most fulfillment and meaning is teaching."
"Tattoos just have to have meaning to you because you're the one that lives with them."
"If deep down it's not something that you find meaning in, then you're never gonna live a meaningful day in your life."
"We don't value things; we value what they mean to us."
"In the space between stimulus and response is our power to choose, and in that choice lies our growth and our freedom."
"The importance of meaning and purpose to life is so central."
"The meaning and purpose of my life are mine. Why would I want it any other way?"
"I like to keep them very visual. I like to stick things down that either have a meaning to me or from my real life or just things that I like the look of."
"Interacting with all of you in a meaningful way is very meaningful to me."
"It comes down to what skateboarding means to you and what you're trying to get out of it."
"The great religious myths state that continued pursuit of meaning, adopted voluntarily and without self-deception, will lead the individual to discover his identity with God."
"It's a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful."
"It's not necessarily about deciphering it. It's about what it means to you."
"The more exclusive something is, the more meaningful it is."
"That's the beauty behind music, how people can interpret different things and grasp onto it and make it their own meaning."
"Many of us exert enormous amounts of effort towards goals that are not actually personally meaningful."
"There's a lot of intrinsic meaning to be felt in that."
"The only meaning your life will ever have is what your involvement means to someone else."
"Symbols mean what we choose them to mean. Like, we create the meaning. They don't have intrinsic meaning or anything like that. It's not like... this jug of water delivers me delicious hydration. Okay?"
"Far from home would mean a lot of different things." - Kevin Feige
"When you hear that song on the radio that just really speaks to you, or you think of that song that would really speak to you right then and help you through a certain situation, that is a sign your spirit guides are around."
"The meaning of your life is what you make it."
"What theistic human beings call God, that is the meaning in their lives. Others would simply call meaning."
"Question the meaning you're adding to each experience."
"Life has no objective meaning, but you make your own meaning."
"The Lord is my shepherd. What is the Lord is my shepherd? What does that mean to you? The Lord is my shepherd means something different from me than the Lord is my shepherd means for you. It meant something different for David."
"Every time I hear that song, it means something to me."
"I think that meaning in a video game is something that's very subjective."
"The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be."
"Number nine to me has always been the number of unpacking."
"Meaning lies not in ultimate cosmic victory but in the pursuit of that which matters to you."
"This tattoo represents life and it represents the good things that come out of fighting."
"People's people find their most meaning in their lives from genuinely meaningful relationships."
"The goal of life is to identify something that matters, something that speaks to you, something that's important."
"Everyone has a reason to be alive... You have a purpose on this Earth."
"The will to matter, the profound longing not to be as nothing, is there any will deeper than that in us humans?"
"The constant creation and recreation of identity... create the unique meanings of the places we call home."
"For me, meaning is something you create. You have the power to create meaning in your life and in the lives of others."
"If you don't have meaning without your job that means you need your job a lot."
"This journey has a bigger meaning... it is nothing compared to what's coming."
"Opal's name means 'jewel,' like so many jewels and precious stones, have deep meaning and symbolism."
"It's all about what they mean to you at the time."
"Strength" - a constant companion on my wrist.
"The quest for the Holy Grail: searching for meaning in their lives and searching for the Grail within."
"Jewelry has a lot of sacred meaning and value. It's not something that you just go buy for yourself when you want to treat yourself."
"What it means is up to me. What you do is up to you."
"It's because of them to me socialism means self-determination."
"Life has no meaning other than the meaning you give it."
"The meaning of life is the meaning we give to it."
"You're the only one who can assign meaning to your life experiences."
"Faith should be a personal journey to finding meaning."
"Creating what we want is what makes life meaningful."
"A name is more than just what everyone calls you. It's what you feel yourself to be."
"My company was actually my friendships, it was actually purpose, it was actually meaning."
"The erotic is not the specific thing you do, it's the meaning you give to the thing."
"Meaning is subjective, you give meaning to whatever you decide to give meaning really."
"The words of a critic can't diminish what art means to the person it's made for."
"Choose those words which mean something to you. They will give your desire form."
"Everything in life is has no built-in meaning other than the meaning you give it."
"Life is meaningful within its own context. I create meaning within that and live within that context."
"Finding meaning is in your own life, in who you are as an individual and what you stand for."
"You got 60 years to be better and you could be way better you could be incomparably better across multiple dimensions and in pursuing that, that's where you'll find the meaning in your life."
"You're ready for something that means more than just getting through something."
"It's got to be about something... something that means something to me."
"We've got to create that meaning and can't depend on other people to do it for us."
"I love when people interpret their own meanings of what's going on."
"Without you, life would have no beauty or meaning for me."
"The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. You are who you are because of the luck of the draw."
"Nothing ultimately matters, gives us the freedom to decide what means the most to us."
"The center is where you find the deepest meaning. That's the foundation of everything else in your life."
"Certain places hold special meanings for different people, they bring to us a sense of childlike wonder, a newness that reminds us of our first times exploring the world and journeying into nature."
"Every symbol on my tattoo has significant meaning."
"I just wanted it to have a brushed finish because to me the brush finish meant imperfectly perfect and I feel like that's how everyone who's ever been in between the Beauty narrative has ever felt."
"You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't."
"Be about your mission and what that means to you."
"The flow state is deeply connected to meaning in life."
"Life is what you're making and I assign meaning and purpose to my life."
"When I'm not challenged, there's no meaning in anything."
"Meaning arises in the combination of representations in your head."
"Life is as worthless or as meaningful as you choose to make it."
"I think to me home means somewhere where you truly feel at peace."
"The thing about humans is we get to actually decide how we derive our meaning."
"Nobody knows what it means to you, that counts."
"I have a tattoo of a past loved one and if it didn't look like that person I'd be bummed out about it."
"Successful means something different to everyone."
"It's important that you give your own life meaning."
"Every single one of those women were people of meaning to other human beings."
"The meaning of life is that you have to struggle to find your own meaning."
"There's no purpose to life, just make it worth living."
"Being born without meaning doesn't mean that you don't have any incentive to be a good person or lead a happy life."
"Video games can obviously be used more than entertainment... the meaning is what you ascribe to it."
"Every dream is a direct, personal, and meaningful communication to the dreamer."
"I really enjoy your content, love from Canada, by the way, my name means 'knight of the lily' in French. From fatigue, mine is sleep apnea."
"It's all about how you personally find meaning so trying to find meaning every day."
"Nothing is meaningless if you give it meaning."
"What is your meaning of life? Probably curiosity."
"My name actually means a gift from God, so you are my gift."
"You should find meaning wherever you want to find meaning in."
"You lose your faith, you lose the sense that your inner life means anything."
"Y'all have given me like a purpose... more than I could ever ask for."
"Daily success, daily progress, money, women, relationships, experiences - all those things, that is a man's search for meaning."
"Our life has no meaning unless we give it a meaning."
"Success if it isn't deeply meaningful to you then it just isn't going to mean anything."
"All I know is that Animal Crossing New Leaf is the best representation of what Animal Crossing means to me."
"What does vitality mean to you...what does it mean to have vitality in your life?"
"Every movie has a meaning even if it's not trying to have a meaning at all you would sign your own meaning to it."
"Meaning is not something you find, but it's ultimately something you create."
"Find meaning within the confines of your own authentic individual life."
"Peter Quill's t-shirt slogan actually means something."
"I want to help people live, love, and matter."
"I really believe that it's part of the reason that I was saved."
"If you see something happening unfavorably, know that it was meant for you."
"Meaning will keep you alive, but meaning is to come from you. You are the father of the meaning. You must invent it somehow." - Viktor Frankl
"The purpose that I found in Dark Souls is about the journey and the meaning we put into that journey that matters."
"Life has meaning and you have to create that meaning for yourself."
"Love Never Dies, what it means to me... it's just mind-blowing."
"How do you tell the difference between a song that has significance to you because god is giving it to you as a message and a song that has significance to you because your brain is injecting that significance to it?"
"It'll put you into the right state and the meaning for yourself when you start thinking like this about those problems."
"It's just super super important that you find something that gives you meaning in life."
"It's all well and good having this giant structure, but if you don't have anyone to share it with, what does it truly mean?"
"Kurt Cobain named his band Nirvana because in Buddhism, Nirvana means ultimate freedom and individuality."
"Every single thing in life is the meaning we attach to it. We have the power to unlearn the lies we tell ourselves."
"From our private experience, when we find a partner, it changes the meaning that we assign to our existence."
"It gave me a sense of meaning to my life and a sense of purpose."
"We've all had that experience where we see the 1111... those numbers mean more than just a random pattern."
"It's hard because people ask these questions, 'What does this mean to you?' and it doesn't mean anything other than being very grateful that I'm able to do it."
"Every single dream is going to mean something important."
"If you've got something that means something to you or you just think is cool for some reason, that can make a great accessory."
"Balance is a subjective word because it means something different to different people."
"Love means something different for everyone."
"Your own interpretation of the cards will always be more meaningful and helpful to you than anything a book can say."
"Paris means something different for everyone."
"With a Ghibli film, you're going on a journey, and what it means to you... I think what you bring to it is what it means to you, you know?"
"Reading is about what it means to you."
"Create your personal meaning and values to liberate yourself from societal Rat Race and the pursuit of externally defined success."
"Those two fights have the most storyline that mean a lot to me."
"Some people ask you about tattoos and what they mean... like, 'I don't want to talk about it, that ain't for you.'"
"These things don't have to mean anything to anyone if it means something to you."
"The goal was special, but it was just what it means for me, for me, it meant so much more."
"Don't worry about being understood. Worry about meaning something to yourself."
"The idea of the border has profound meaning to me."
"Burning bright, Second Chance, those are songs that really kind of have personal meaning to me."
"Christmas can mean different things for different people. For me, I'm celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, my savior."
"I enjoyed all of the restaurants that I visited because they kind of mean something to me."
"The fact that they put so much thought into this name change and that it truly means something on a very deep personal level is awesome."
"That simple. All I know is everywhere I've been, everything I've felt, every person I've met. To you, this island may just be a set of beaches and a good time. But to me, what sacrifice means is the definition of why I took off to travel this world for oh so many years."
"Occurrences or weird coincidences can happen that appear meaningful to you and your experience."
"You're creating your reality in a moment basis contingent on the meaning and the value that you assigned to the things occurring around you."
"Every dream, no matter how insignificant to the outer world, has profound significance to you."
"All men have the Stars, but they are not the same things for different people."
"We get to choose the meaning that things have in our lives."
"That's a synchronicity is the meaning that is personal to you."
"I chose the song 'All of Me' by John Legend. The meaning behind the song for me is that you're leading up to the Olympics, it's giving all of me."
"All the meaning that's in your life is meaning you put there; otherwise it's not there."
"...what it means to people and he is our hero."
"Make it meaningful, make it mean something to you."
"I want to have a deeper sense of meaning."
"My favorite piece I've ever done is probably my daughter's footprints."
"Many ask the question, 'Why are we here? What is the point of doing these things, going after a goal, achieving a goal?' And although there are many interpretations, I honestly believe in finding your own internal interpretation."
"These films mean to me what Cornetto meant to them: nothing but then suddenly everything."
"Del Mar actually means 'of the sea', and since I was in the Sea Org, I felt that Del Mar - I belong to the Sea, so I belong to nothing, I just belong to the Sea."
"Juneteenth is very special to me."
"People often see cars as status symbols or things that are functional, but for me, there's always a little bit more to them."
"You have to find your own meaning. Any piece of wisdom that anybody else gives you... it's gonna sound like nonsense."
"I appreciate it means a lot to me."
"We must choose to live in this world and to project our own meaning and value onto it in order to make sense of it."
"We are making photographs to understand what our lives mean to us."
"The diamonds can be anything that you want."
"By all accounts, it was truly a perfect day, and this is what Rocky Mountain means to me."
"My Heart Will Go On, a song that has many meanings to me."
"I want my church attendance and my offering to mean something."
"I want it to mean something, Lord, first and foremost to you."
"Music's very therapeutic... it means something totally different for them."
"Symbology is a very complex language; we have our accepted societal ideas of what a symbol means, but we also have our own back catalog of what symbols mean to us on an individual basis."
"We don't always have control over the circumstances of our lives, but we always have control over the meanings that we give to the events of our lives."
"The circumstances of your life only have the meanings that you give them."
"Financial freedom can mean many things to different people."
"What does becoming a full-time YouTuber even mean? Or more importantly, what does it mean to you?"
"I cannot tell you how much this means to me."
"The fragrance is a fragrance until it meant something to you."
"Sun summoner means as much to me as to every hopeful song."
"We can give our lives whatever meaning and purpose we want."
"I am one of many wanderers searching for meaning in the story of the past."
"Strength doesn't just mean how much you can lift... strength is whatever it means to you."
"Everything in our life has no built-in meaning other than the meaning we give it."
"Write down what you like about the holiday season, what it means to you."
"They're the most helpful and meaningful tattoos I have, I think."
"You guys truly don't understand what this means to me."