
Public Policy Quotes

There are 830 quotes

"This evidence highlights the deliberate approach used by the food industry to influence public policy and public opinion in their favor."
"We need to make sure that appropriate regulatory protections are in place."
"We think it's our obligation to do the work both on technology and public policy to form a basis for making an informed decision."
"We're quietly privatizing public higher education throughout the country."
"As Home Secretary, I have a plan to bring about the change that is so urgently needed to deliver an immigration system that works in the interests of the British people."
"I think if we put that money towards infrastructural and economic development, that would actually aid us not only in making our citizens' lives better but it would probably also aid us in fighting off Chinese hegemony."
"I think it's reasonable to draw an analogy here with wartime."
"Canadian Healthcare isn't just a public policy; it's a symbol, a legend, a political debate, and a cultural identity."
"The best way to be accountable to the Congress and to the public is to explain what we think, what we're doing, and how we're going to go about that."
"We should take the views of scientists as seriously about climate change as we now take their views about pandemics and about viruses."
"I'm in favor of the Second Amendment, and I also want smart gun safety laws. Assault weapons shouldn't be walking the streets of a civilized country."
"It's still the case that if you were trying to design public policy that was of benefit to children, you would design public policy that would reward people for long-term monogamous relationships."
"We should be focused on identifying policies that can enhance the capacity of our country to respond to epidemics and also enhance the health of the US population with particular emphasis on addressing health equity and eliminating health disparities."
"In the last two decades following reforms, the annual rate of gun deaths fell from 2.9 per 100,000 in 1996 to 0.94 per 100,000 in 2016."
"Treating severely mentally ill people and drug addicts as though they have a right to sleep on the street and use open needles in front of your children is not compassion."
"Glenn Parsons’ work 'Beauty and Public Policy' claims that beauty produces a feeling of perfection in its particular context."
"We're working to get the pandemic under control, provide economic relief to the American public."
"Locking down is not the answer; treating people as rational human beings is the answer."
"We're in a deep dark hole, our government should be helping to dig us out."
"The whole idea of our framework for gun safety is to make sure people who are a clear and present threat can't get access to these weapons."
"Our number-one priority is to protect the health and safety of all Canadians."
"We have choices we can make: let fanatical religious minorities dictate public policy and drag our science education and literacy back to the Middle Ages."
"Politics is not about electing the right people; politics is about making the wrong people do the right things."
"We should try our very best to treat people without regard to race, both in our personal lives and our public policy."
"Public policy can greatly improve Americans' chances of achieving financial security."
"There is absolutely no wall that we can build high enough to keep infectious disease threats away... unless we think about how to manage not just COVID but all other infectious threats globally."
"No person should be homeless if we can have public structures and public policy to allow for people to have homes and food and lead a dignified life in the United States."
"Defunding the police was a bait and switch; it's refund the police. We're going to give them more money so they're better cops on the ground."
"35 billion dollars is basically couch money for the world. We could probably afford 35 billion dollars a year. The benefit would be that we would avoid 4.2 million deaths each and every year."
"Can you imagine a country that had proper public infrastructure?"
"College is still transformative. It was transformative for me. I think the onus is on us, and universities and as voters, to expand enrollments at our great public universities."
"By early 2022, about 95% of Americans had contracted COVID despite the harsh countermeasures in most states, including confinement of broad populations, business closures, cessation of religious and other gatherings, school closures, and widespread violation of civil liberties."
"I think honestly, people are going to look back at the last couple of years globally and see lockdown as a pretty serious public policy mistake."
"Public policy's purpose is to better enable people to pursue happiness."
"We're not defunding police; we're going to fund them with bonuses."
"We are opening this place up, there is no alternative."
"Speaking of 2020, if you guys want a better public school curriculum so that you don't get idiots like me, make sure to vote."
"Singapore has completely removed housing from the free market. Prices are set based on one’s ability to pay, individuals can’t own more than one public flat at a time."
"My argument is that we should try our very best to treat people without regard to race both in our personal lives and our public policy."
"No one wants people to die; we have to acknowledge that there are trade-offs to public policy."
"Public policy has a big impact... There are people that are opportunistic that will commit crime if they think there are no consequences."
"Imagine the good that could have been done with five billion dollars: the roads, the infrastructure, schools, medicine, education, healthcare. All of that was taken away by a handful of people."
"If you can get millions of people health coverage and better protection, it is, to quote a famous American, a pretty big deal."
"Anybody who's telling you this is an easy calculation is not looking at what's happening in other parts of the world."
"Oregon voted to decriminalize personal possession of hard drugs like meth, cocaine, and heroin."
"I understand that's his job, his job is not to heal the economy. But here was Fauci being asked about the job losses, and here was his answer: 'I mean, I know it's difficult, but we're having a lot of suffering, a lot of death. This is inconvenient from an economic and a personal standpoint, but we just have to do it.'"
"You may not be able to tackle the hearts and minds as a vice president, but you can tackle public policy, and that influences the hearts and minds. That's our challenge from a public policy standpoint."
"What we are doing right now seems like a smart policy in terms of the lockdowns."
"This is pay for play, and...if you want to have any hope of getting all of the things addressed that Americans prioritize, you have to have candidates that aren't taking money from those interest groups. Point Blank period."
"What about a people's quantitative easing? What about QE for the people?"
"The market cannot deliver what is needed; only collective public action led by government can protect our people and our society."
"Every public policy decision comes with risks and it comes with benefits."
"Of course, we have to have that conversation. We're talking about the greatest public policy, either failure or success, in the history of the world right now."
"There is a huge Mental Health crisis happening in this country... it is insanely cruel to watch people die on our streets."
"Our overall aim has always been to make sure that everybody can have access to critical care if they need it."
"Every single analysis that is worth its salt looked at the impact of policing on crime... you get less crime when you increase policing."
"If you don't trust people to make decisions on even what is to be covered by their health insurance, are you going to trust them on things like carrying a weapon?"
"Our tax money should not fund people's drug habits."
"Sugar should be regulated like tobacco and alcohol."
"If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it's free."
"Mitigation does work the reason we know it works is the question that was asked about the numbers that why they came down of the projections."
"People should look this up for at least 15 years standard pandemic management said lockdowns are harmful."
"We cannot allow big oil companies to use Ukraine and inflation as an excuse to rip off Americans."
"Policy based on compulsion is misguided and counterproductive."
"My infrastructure law will supercharge our effort, upgrading everything from roads and bridges to ports and airports, railways, and transit to make the economy move faster and reduce prices for families."
"Now that the religion is almost gone, maybe those exemptions should be too."
"Don't mandate it, don't force it on people, but if you educate people, I think that number 30 or 50 percent will come way down."
"Every single public policy should have a secular rationale to support it."
"Nobody wants to take your guns except for presidential candidates literally saying I'm coming to take your guns."
"There should be basics of housing, health care, certain basics."
"People must feel safe, and we must make sure that businesses are safe in the city."
"The left love science... What they like to do is speculate about science and then use the weakest possible scientific findings in order to push the idea that public policy should be shifted in their direction."
"Too many Americans are paying for the price of inaction with their lives."
"At its core has been effective governance, whether that be through housing, public savings, pro-business policies, or how it invests in its greatest asset: people."
"Bad science with regard to sex and gender leads to terrible public policy ramifications."
"Lockdowns cost lives and cause a lot of problems."
"This is about mass movement to shift mass public policy for fundamental change."
"Now we're talking about whether or not someone's personal religious beliefs can be forced onto other people, that's the conversation we're having and the answer is a resounding no."
"One of the best ways to help any community is to put the dangerous people in that community in prison."
"Leftists demand privacy rights in public places but deny actual rights for those with opposing opinions."
"The reason they did this is because the American government said we broke something and we're going to repair it."
"Americans need recurring payments to survive this economic crisis."
"All the technological advancement and public policy decisions... have they contributed to promoting a longer and healthier life course or a longer and sicker life?"
"Inflation and the cost of living are really important issues that need to be addressed."
"I think we need more funding for police, I think 'defund' is the wrong thing."
"Taking money away from the police just makes everything more tense, more dangerous."
"Bad ideas have consequences, bad policies have consequences."
"People want this country open... there is a danger to too much being confined."
"They gotta get rid of this mass crap too because people mob going into stores with masks on is no good."
"We need to give people a New Deal for the American people."
"UK to close all travel corridors to stem the spread of new CCP virus variants."
"Democratic governors botched this thing royally, including Andrew Cuomo."
"Reducing the accessibility to firearms decreases homicide rates because it's more difficult for people to kill one another."
"No Bank should have more than 10% of any of the populace's money."
"Ultimately, policies are going to improve your life."
"Our policies will be determined by the American people, not the NRA."
"This is not brain surgery, people. This is pretty easy stuff to forecast."
"That's why the mandates and these requirements are so onerous to many people because they take away the nuance in this. They take away our autonomy and our capacity to make even nuanced decisions by painting everything with one brush."
"Finland offers free education even at university level."
"Finland made broadband access a legal right for everyone."
"We want everybody to have the basic protections that make sense."
"In Italy, 77% of healthcare is publicly funded by the government."
"Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson: 'We're going to keep doing everything we can to ensure everyone can vote and that we can trust the results of the election.'"
"Protesters across the country demanded that lockdowns be lifted."
"Surprise, surprise, crime goes down when you fund the police."
"He banned sodas and then of course, represented the ban was promptly shut down."
"Should we create a government program to take care of veterans? That's where you get the VA."
"Canada Healthcare is a gem famous for its publicly funded and universally accessible nature."
"So you see what's going on here calling for sunday laws saying that this is a good thing it'll help your health it'll help you to have balance between rest and work it's going to be good for society."
"How are there politicians advocating for the right to have open borders in the United States but for themselves they live behind a 24/7 gated and armed Community?"
"The present COVID-inspired forced lockdowns on business and school closures are counterproductive."
"We need to address the outsized influence of gun manufacturers in our public policy debates."
"This is sick, folks, and it's hurting our state and endangering our people, and it's got to end."
"The president has laid out a clear path for our First Amendment to be exercised in a way that is safe and robust."
"The president wants to see these communities open."
"We will do everything that is necessary to make sure that when we ask people to do something tough... that you're not disadvantaged."
"Joe Biden is exactly right; interest rates are now low, we've got to invest in the American people."
"You have to write down... bad debts... a different Financial system... make credit a public utility."
"New York is the poster child for bad governance."
"You know what's actually dangerous? When you leave hundreds of thousands of people to fend for themselves on the streets."
"Subsidies, you just take money from someone and you give it to another person in the hopes that second person is going to use the money better."
"The American people need more than change as a slogan; we need change that makes a real difference in your life."
"It would be a huge benefit savings to the American people."
"Americans want to be open. A prolonged lockdown combined with a forced economic depression would inflict an immense and wide-ranging toll on public health."
"If we stopped every vehicle, gosh, there would be some pretty long tailbacks, wouldn't more border staff pay for itself?"
"Even without draconian restrictions on people, you can stop it very quickly."
"Barack Obama touches off a battle on the left by suggesting that the slogan 'defund the police' is actually a bad idea."
"Social service investment is really, really great economically because it pays back."
"Let's deliver things to the American people, let's make sure we protect people's freedoms."
"The Cure cannot be worse than the problem itself. We've got to get our country open."
"The best thing that government can do when it comes to regulations is to set guardrails for companies and the industry that put hard stops in place beyond which the companies and the technology shouldn't go."
"They were doing the frickin most, but Congress was growing suspicious."
"San Francisco, first US city to ban facial recognition... they want it banned from public spaces."
"Shift funding away from cops and towards schools and education."
"The best way through this pandemic is to get people vaccinated. That's how we end the disruptions to our supply chains caused by this global pandemic." - Prime Minister
"The evidence is there, the scientific evidence is there, and yet it's being ignored."
"After four fuckin' years, can we not just get a better common sense, just a bit of relief?"
"Let's toss education, health care into the mix, but let the rest of the people decide."
"The previous 20 years have been...saying what we were going to do and not doing it."
"In whose interest is the secrecy maintained? It's in the interest of the state."
"Public policy should not force conformity to evidence-free belief systems."
"We basically threw away our authority by basing recommendations on nothing worthwhile."
"We can't keep our country closed down for years and we have to do something."
"No one's talking about criminalizing poverty it is a criminal act to live on a public street."
"Millions of Americans understood that you need relief. You are owed a stimulus check."
"Lessons learned from the coronavirus pandemic depend on political will."
"We cannot afford a government that is 25 30 years behind anymore."
"I've been actually getting traction having lawmakers realize that when they invest in Public Defense they are investing in a resource that can be massively beneficial to their community."
"Ultimately, the goal is to ease the guidelines and open things up to very large sections of our country as we near the end of our historic battle with the invisible enemy."
"I want to thank Congress because they are really trying to get there and I think they will."
"Musk wants us to be cautious with AI and advocates for government oversight to prevent public harm."
"We need to reform the police, not defund or abolish them."
"The alternative is something that no one wants, and that's to shut down completely, and we know that's not going to be palatable to the American public, and that's something you want to be devoiding." - Dr. Anthony Fauci
"All I want with social media is for them to be beholden to the same laws as everyone else."
"I think this is a legitimate purview of government in the sense that this is a national security issue."
"The Optics of that are great. You reinstitute the Insurrection Act, send in the feds, clean this up, demand a bill and say we're gonna stop and we're going to do this the right way."
"Anything that we can show that can tangibly decrease the amount of violence and tangibly save lives should be implemented."
"Virginia is a big believer in public-private partnerships and points to successes like the express lanes."
"Sweden asked only seniors to shelter in place rather than shutting down the rest of the country."
"Sympathy and crappy policy matter a lot more than sympathy and good policy."
"You either get a shot or lose your job." - Cheryl Chu
"If we're doing something that is illegal, then we have to enforce that even if the people wish that we wouldn't."
"She spoke directly to people's needs Medicare for all free College living wage ending the wars green New Deal abolishing ice."
"De-racializing some of these issues would allow us to say okay as a matter of public policy."
"Tonight, here, I want to present to you an economic case for an authentic democracy."
"We're gonna have to have the government get involved as much as that bothers me, it's the right thing to do."
"Decentralization is federalism in action on behalf of the people."
"It's about time the bloody British people legalized and decriminalized it here."
"What is the alternative? I keep hearing people like 'well you're saying lockdown needs to end too early okay you tell me when do you think it's safe for lockdown to end.'"
"Does it matter that the bill is damaging and idiotic?"
"Are there ways that we can get green energy to grow exponentially by making cool solutions as opposed to telling everyone you need to switch out your electricity with a windmill?"
"Finally, children under the age of 14 can play outside for one hour a day."
"These decisions might seem really difficult and hard to kind of untangle even two years in but the fact is, we are one country with many different subpopulations." - Dr. Craig Spencer
"I would vote no on lockdown, I would vote yes on liberty."
"The annulment of concealed carry laws reflects a seismic shift."
"Making good people helpless does not make bad people harmless."
"Let's get the murderers off the street, let's take care of the crime, let's rebuild our infrastructure."
"We really think we need government regulation here."
"Preserving public education, especially in science, sex, and social studies, requires defense of the First Amendment."
"Democrats, meanwhile, are delivering for the people," another caption states.
"I was disappointed to see within hours of assuming office the new administration was more interested in helping illegal immigrants than helping our own citizens."
"MP materials crushed it, absolutely destroyed it."
"If you are attempting to crush private religious practice that has no impact on public policy because you don't like that religious practice, you are a bigot and you're a tyrant."
"We need to remove these assault rifles from people's possession because essentially people don't know how to act."
"It is a stark reminder that any policy that obstructs or inhibits vaccine production risks being self-defeating for the rich countries."
"The mere concept of defunding the police should never again be stated or even heard. It is so ridiculous and so dangerous."
"Defunding the police means shrinking the scope of police responsibilities."
"Law enforcement is taking a safety approach."
"We don’t lack regulation, we lack enforcement."
"This ain't like hypotheticals, it's like this happened, you say you want this, this happened," - Commentary on progress
"You can't do things year after year that affect millions of people when the risks are getting smaller, when the potential harms are large, without running some robust studies. You have to be honest about uncertainty."
"Defund the police is not about taking money away from all policing. It's about reprioritizing what policing means to a community." - Dr. Rashad Richard
"We really need to make sure we are building an infrastructure for every single person to get the care that they need."
"The damage done by lockdown will exceed any savings by a huge factor."
"We're not opening up too fast because we want to be in a position to control it."
"New York's response stands as a notable example of a proactive approach to firearm regulation."
"We cannot sustain our country on a complete shutdown."
"I think it's a better system when we can include the public and listen to the public and respond to what they want."