
Life Value Quotes

There are 1123 quotes

"You come to life a billionaire... you start your life with a credit of two billion [heartbeats]... every second that passes, you're spending from your credit, exchanging it for other things in life."
"What really makes life worth living at all is our relationships, our connections."
"Life is precious; well, if it's eternal, how freaking precious can it be? There's an infinite supply."
"Somehow in the world we live in today, an ordinary life has become synonymous with a meaningless life."
"Accepting that you deserve love, despite the fact that your life may not amount to anything, is so much harder."
"Don't forget that, or else I'll be really disappointed in you. All of you were put on this earth for a reason, and all of you deserve a really nice life and deserve to keep living."
"Even a one-day-old embryo is killed or something, especially if it's done through human intervention... even if it's a future person, I think that still counts."
"The good of life outweighs the suffering that we can experience."
"The finiteness of [life] is the thing that makes it special."
"Your life is worth living; it's worth remembering."
"What if life were given back to me? What infinity! And it would all be mine! Then, I’d turn each ‘minute’ into a whole age; I’d lose nothing, I’d reckon up every minute separately, I’d let nothing be wasted."
"What is the maximum amount of money that you would pay to not die? People will pay anything because they want to live."
"My family has kept me alive. They are my reason for living."
"If you kill one innocent human being, it is as though you have killed the whole of humanity."
"Nothing can ever be as forceful as taking the life of someone who does not wish to die."
"You were given the precious gift of life. What did you do with it? Did you use it well or did you squander it?"
"It seems to me positively irrational to prefer death, futility, and destruction to life, meaningfulness, and happiness."
"Most of us don't know when we're going to die... That money represents all of the experiences that we didn't spend that money on."
"Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and remember that you are loved... there's only so much time we have on this Earth, so make good use of it."
"The value of life isn't measured in how happy you are or what percentage of the time you're happy."
"Motivational Bacon: Don't hate yourself, Ju. Your life is everything. You serve all purpose."
"I think there's two things that make life valuable: I think consciousness, the ability to experience pain, senses, and stuff like that, and personal identity in particular, psychological continuity, identity."
"Everything and everyone must die, of course, but that fact alone doesn't justify taking life."
"Just because you don't have control over something doesn't mean that your life is something that's not worth living."
"If anyone murders an innocent person, it will be as if he has murdered the whole of humanity; and if anyone saves a person, it will be as if he has saved the whole of humanity."
"The fact that it ends adds to its value; it doesn't diminish from it."
"The real magic of life, the real true currency in this ephemeral life is sort of the communication that happens between people."
"Minimalism and the process of decluttering can be a path to discovering what truly brings joy and value to your life."
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
"By saving lives, you're actually helping the economy."
"The most prized, the most significant commodity of your life is time. You can't get it back."
"I don't believe that potential life has the same value as actual life."
"The early Christians because they valued life... would go out and pick up the children who had been discarded and raised them as their own."
"The real content and value of a human life is in the relationships that they have with other people."
"You can never take time for granted, and life really is too short."
"We live shorter lives than women. We get into our value later than women. What does that mean, gentlemen? You don't have time to waste."
"I view myself as a positive nihilist... Life has the value that you ascribe to it."
"It is the useless things that make life worth living and that make life dangerous too; wine, love, art, beauty. Without them, life is safe, but not worth bothering with."
"Life is not worth living and there is no limit to our sorrows if we indulge our fears to the greatest possible extent."
"Euthanasia and assisted suicide are a defeat for all."
"Life is not subject to your perception of the value of life; life is of objective merit."
"It's not over for you because you are still here. So make the most of your life."
"No afterlife is required for a life to be precious."
"Knowing that you have about 3 billion heartbeats allocated to you makes every heartbeat seem precious."
"Courage is what makes life worth living. If I thought I was okay being a coward, I would think that my life might not be worth living."
"Death shows us how precious life is because it ends; therefore, it's precious."
"Taking one innocent life is like taking the life of all of humanity."
"Giving up on life... that's just an insult to life itself."
"The scarcity, the fact that we are going to die creates the specialness in the life that we have."
"Life is precious, and I bet that if you could speak to any of the people who lost their lives in this story, innocent or otherwise, they would simply wish that they had taken a different and more positive path."
"Losing a loved one, not even my loved ones, just seeing that, reminds you how important life is."
"The time between your birth and your death is a precious thing that is more precious than everything."
"We're gambling potential future economic loss from which we could recover against a certainty of loss of life."
"Your life is precious, and you can't stake your life on the changing of somebody else's trauma because you never know what stage someone is in at dealing with their trauma."
"You're probably asking yourself, 'Is life worth living?' It will be, next week."
"You are the gatekeeper of your life. Your life is precious, and you should treat it as such."
"The demon stated that one should value one's own life, for there would be no other such life."
"What we are gambling is potential future economic loss from which we could recover against a certainty of loss of life."
"What better motivator for one to keep on living than to spend more time with the one you love?"
"Even if your soul went nowhere after you died, to live in that state for five seconds would be worth your life."
"If life was really as valuable as you make it out to be, then why do you waste it the way that you do?"
"We're not telling them what they can do to their bodies, though. We're telling them what they can't do to a baby, a precious life."
"Can we shut down and find value in our life without making something every second?"
"Suicide means you've killed the most important existence of all - yourself."
"Once you have life, you have the power to change anything."
"You need to know that your life is never worth deleting over women."
"Life is important, no matter what the color. Life is important."
"Time is incredibly valuable and how you spend it is incredibly valuable."
"Time is the most valuable asset you will ever have control of."
"I don't want to die but more than that I want to be able to live without fear of dying."
"The hard things are what make life worth living."
"Well, regardless, man, whatever it was, it was not worth someone's life."
"Death, the final ticket at the end of life, makes it all incredibly precious."
"Life is precious, and it's a gift and we need to really just really value it."
"Life is so precious. It's going to happen to all of us. It kills me when people say, 'I'm shocked.' And I say, 'Why? None of us has an expiration date on the back.'"
"Your life, his life, even my life, it's not up to me."
"You can't just kill a healthy person to save some more people's lives."
"Your life is precious. Don't ever contemplate suicide."
"I am the byproduct of a rape. My mother was 11 years old when I was conceived. My father was 21. I was not just a lump of cells, as you can see. I'm still not just a lump of cells. My life has value."
"If people don't value their children before they're born, why would they value their children after?"
"You survived for a reason, you survived for a purpose."
"The measure of your life will not be in the duration of your life, it will be measured in the donations of your life."
"We need to wake up and we need to decide if we want life or not."
"Most people have a full measure of life, and most people just let shit slowly drip away."
"Life really is precious when we don't know when our time is up."
"If you've got air in your lungs, you have something to give."
"You can't take your life, it's not yours to take."
"Life to me is a gift that's the reason that I stay sober today."
"Every single second on this Earth is precious and time is fleeting and it's the one constant that we're all working against."
"Life's fragile... you've got to grab it while you can."
"Every life matters, but on an economic level, somebody passing away at the age of 95 is not quite the same thing as somebody passing away at the age of 20."
"Sierra's life was worth far more than the 20 years she was able to live. She inspired people she did not know."
"Every life means something every life has meaning to it."
"Life is a precious gift from our creator. We are all part of one large family, the human race."
"I think too many people have lost sight of the value of each life. It is a sad situation when someone can callously take the life of another human being."
"If it does indeed turn out that life is incredibly precious, then I guess that just really reemphasizes my original point about how precious human beings are on this Earth."
"We must move swiftly to advance the legislation because if a single life can be saved it's worth the effort."
"Every minute that you've spent in prayer, every penny that you've donated to a church, all of that has been a waste of the one and only life that you know you're gonna get."
"Time is the most expensive thing that you can never get back."
"Does that mean that even if we believe in a person's right to life we should still kill this one person to save the ten thousand?"
"You clearly have zero understanding of the pain that kind of loss can cause, the irreplaceable value of life. A single life is as important as the entire universe."
"You make a difference. Your life matters, you matter, and use your life work wisely."
"It's human, it's our nature as humans to think life is precious."
"We need to be focused on securing our streets making sure no lives are lost because all black lives matter."
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
"Life is worth living, you know. And if I have to be terrified, you know..."
"This type of circumstance must be overcome because it destroys the value of lives. It frustrates the entire purpose of growth."
"He loses his life with every hour he sits on the sidelines."
"If unborn children are dead, why do you need the abortion? The abortion is procured precisely to cause the living child to become a dead child."
"My feelings don't matter, that baby matters, her life matters."
"Everybody who is for abortion has already been born, it's almost like they have already gone up the ladder and they're happy to kick the ladder out for someone else."
"The life issue for me, it's the philosophical issue of does life even matter. If it does, then let's focus on it."
"I lost everything and gave up on life, but you reminded me that it was still worth living."
"Our life matters because He's an awesome God who loves us with all of His heart."
"No property is worth more than a human life."
"That's what makes life meaningful, our time is so precious."
"The baby didn't do anything wrong. So why are you punishing the baby? If you believe it's a life and it is ending a life, you're ending the life of the innocent baby."
"In your life you have great value, the life experiences in and of themselves are as much as any sort of degree or letters after your name would give you."
"What's one life if you have eternity to live in this paradise with your family?"
"My prayer for you is that you don't have to get to a place of death before you value what you had in life."
"Stick to the fundamentals of atheism and you come to the conclusion that the life we have is precious because it's the only one we get."
"Life is finite, make it count, make your life count, make this moment count."
"Why are you scared of death? Because this is the only life we have."
"Life is so short and so precious, and I've wasted years of my life with people who didn't deserve my time."
"Life is precious, and there's so much more to life than your block or your ops."
"People need to realize that death is no joke."
"I believe that killing any innocent human is wrong."
"It really makes it feel like you have one life and it matters."
"The greatest thing you have in this life is your soul."
"Anyone who does not support the implementation of at the very least a public option is pro-death."
"Do you realize how important every single day is?"
"Does what I'm doing provide enjoyment or value to my life?"
"The gift of human life is so incredibly rare and priceless."
"He had his own dreams, his aspirations, and life. So why does he have to die here?"
"The point of the story is if you're a parent reading this please listen to your child. Do not take away from their final wish and make sure they're happy because every second is precious."
"Life is temporary, fleeting, impermanent. That's why it matters."
"Honestly, this challenge just comes down to knowing your opponent, and how much they value their life compared to the money."
"You or anybody has no right to take life yourself, somebody else's, that is a given."
"The higher the sentience of a life form, the higher its moral value."
"Your time is your greatest resource. No one's printing time, no one's refunding time, no one's handing it out, except for maybe presents around the holidays."
"Death is tragic and goodbyes are inevitable, but this is what makes life precious."
"Every moment of your life is important, prepare yourself."
"Life is precious...that’s what you learn when you live forever."
"If people don't even care for more than a few weeks that we died, why do we ascribe so much value to how they want us to live?"
"Our essence is not infinite. Let's make our today's better than our yesterday's because we truly have no idea if tomorrow will ever come."
"If you put things into perspective, life as far as we know, we get one life."
"I would say it is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human life. Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human life. Therefore abortion is wrong."
"All life is valuable. All life is valuable the moment of conception is value."
"I want to live a long life. I don't want to die. I can't die in a place like this. Never."
"Life is precious, don't take it for granted, you only get one."
"Life is precious and it should be protected and it should be guarded in all respects."
"Life is precious; you have to watch your energy, watch the things that you put out there, watch the things that you consume."
"The value of life does not consist in its length but in its depth."
"Life's short, like it can be taken from you in the snap of a finger."
"Life is a precious thing and you're definitely here for a very short time."
"They write a check, don't they? That's cashable at any time up to and including the value of their own lives. And if we don't respect that, then who are we as a society?"
"He should be the poster child of what it looks like when you're not aborted."
"There's still hope... where there's life, there's hope."
"You are not allowed to kill yourself. There are people who will miss you, who need you, whose lives won't be the same without you."
"It turns out that every human life is worthwhile every single one."
"Life is short. Either it ends here for Tony or some other time. But in spite of that, it's really worth it. So don't stop believing."
"Let that sink in your head... You got One Life to Live."
"What is it all worth if you can't feel gratitude? Be present in your own life."
"It's only worth living if you're being loved by a kid."
"Babies are the greatest gift from God that you're going to have in this physical world."
"Existence is worthwhile, and we should all work for its furtherance and benefit."
"Money can't buy life. I'm gonna tell you what else can't buy life, that's true money can't buy you life."
"Acknowledging and celebrating differences can tip the balance between life and death."
"There's only one thing that's more valuable than life and that's the value of it."
"If life were meaningless because it's limited, then gas in a car tank would be worthless."
"Saving one innocent life is like saving the life of all humanity."
"Time is finite but the fact that it is limited gives our experience on this planet value."
"Persona 3 is a humbling reminder that while death will come, life is still worth living."
"Life can never be safe and if it's safe it's not worth living. It really isn't."
"Everybody is surrounding the field trying to get this person taken care of so they do not die and unfortunately the results of this match between two people is not more important than a person's life."
"Surviving is the priority sometimes... this is the last second of our life."
"If your life is worth living, it's worth remembering."
"Your life is your life because if your life is worth living, it's worth remembering."
"Life is short and happiness is hard to find and hard to keep."
"The little regard he showed for Sydney's life makes it all the more likely that he felt the same toward her mom."
"Just remember you will get through this have you lost your money you can rebuild nothing is worth your life so I got be blessed."
"She didn't lose all empathy and respect for her life because that's the whole reason why she wanted to live."
"Those who would take life don't deserve it. Individuals who would bring harm or bring pain and suffering to innocent people don't deserve to live."
"That's family, bro. Without them, you wouldn't even be alive."
"A person's life is the most important asset that person has. If a person loses his life, he has nothing."
"What would your life be like if every moment was sacred?"
"Every single life is so important. We need to protect kids and protect lives because we don’t know what kids could grow up and accomplish."
"A human life is more valuable than property."
"Guys, even if you think your life isn't cheap, it's because you don't have anything to compare it to."
"No solution that involves killing half of life is ever going to be acceptable to a humanist." - Jim
"Life has value, womb to tomb, and inherent dignity, womb to tomb."
"If we won't think for ourselves, if we will not entertain thought, then we waste our lives."
"What if there isn't an afterlife? How am I gonna make this life count?"
"Each life we create, even if it began millions of years ago, is precious."
"Surely but it is from suffering alone that hope rises and with no hope life simply isn't worth living."
"Your life is worth more than that, don't sell your time that cheap."
"You are an important person, you matter, your life is precious, your life is valuable."
"A baby is always, always, always a blessing."
"Success under capitalism is defined by capitalism. People could still live valuable lives without being forced to rapidly innovate."
"Everyone who was killed should still be alive in the real world."