
Personal Realization Quotes

There are 768 quotes

"What is the good life to you? Each of us has to realize we are living our own best good life right now, despite the adversity, despite the challenges."
"Everything conspires for your good. Even things you don't like, things that appear funny, embarrassing, disgraceful, everything conspires. It's a matter of time you will realize it."
"People will have a lot of aha moments, a lot of realizations."
"My wake-up call was my daughter asking me if I was going home when I was actually leaving for work...that was like, oh my god."
"Because sometimes you aren’t just watching TV anymore, there are rare precious moments where you’re actually experiencing something, where you’re fully there."
"I never want to have that feeling again where I feel like I need to have stuff just for the sake of having it."
"It wasn't until I was in my early to mid-20s that I began to realize my impression of feminism had been completely wrong."
"You know that it's over when you don't really want it anymore...I love me, the reality of me, more than I love the idea of us."
"There was a point in my life where I assumed everybody was older than me."
"After having these little munchkins, I realized how badly I wanted a big family."
"The poet now realizes that there is so much that he doesn't know."
"Religion is realization, not just giving your assent to a set of doctrines."
"I spent the majority of 2023 overseas... other than family, is there stuff that you realize you were missing? Mexican food."
"For the first time in my life, I realized I was free."
"I've never understood what you guys have gone through until this moment."
"You don't know what you got until you lost it."
"We all have a ground zero where we all got the epiphany."
"What really mattered to me is how this all unfolded. What was it that sparked it, etc. Good on them for admitting that they were wrong."
"It's given a lot of people a wake-up call which I think they needed."
"That was the worst night of my life, but it was also the night that gave me the reality check that I needed."
"This is trauma. The world is different in a way that we didn't expect it to be."
"Once you experience it directly, there's no denying it."
"I guess now we know who was the grifter after all."
"I decided I was worth more. I was worth more."
"The aim of life is self-development, to realize one's nature perfectly."
"That's how all the best revolutions happen, somebody says Seth you screwed up you're wrong."
"I am the prayer of my ancestors fully realized."
"When you see somebody turn on you so quickly, you start to see the organization for what it is."
"I'm really happy because I'm not lazy... I have a genuine reason as to why I felt that way."
"Once you realize that, it's a disillusionment of all narrative in totality."
"You might be stupid. I think I've shared way too much with you guys."
"Your entire life has been nothing but an attempt to exert control, but you only have the illusion of control."
"This person is just going to unlock the key for you to realize what you're truly capable of."
"The day she turns 30, it's generally when a woman has her epiphany."
"Your imagination is a lot more powerful than you realize."
"I realize now more than ever how much you really mean to me."
"The more I realize the more development I do is the harder things that I build and create the more I need an actual ecosystem that works for me."
"Now they realize they're not impossible, so they're feeling much more secure."
"The time has come for me to bow out gracefully from the beauty community on YouTube."
"I didn't actually enjoy the act of doing people's hair and doing people's makeup deep down."
"I'm taking the company back, Alan. You were right about everything."
"What I came back with was a feeling of love that I was loved."
"I thought all rich people were like that but I was wrong again."
"Every time I do some sort of really well thought out workout I find myself thinking god like some percentage of this is so essential."
"Everything changed in her life the day she realized that she had enough time for all the important things."
"Didn't the haircut clue you in? Big mistake."
"I realized I already had the best treasure in the world: family, and nothing could ever take that away."
"2023 when I think about this year this is the year when people actually realize oh what what it can do for them yeah and how it actually can change their daily life."
"Just recently, I just out at the time had a realization like who gives a [ __ ] what people say or think they're you know I mean I'm gonna do what I think is right."
"Once I did start to believe that and understand that, I realized that there was no going back."
"What hit me like a lightning bolt was that I was making the suggestion not based on what was physiologically best for my patients."
"You don't know what you got till it's gone, man."
"When they realize what they're really saying is they're an atheist, by the time they get to that, they'll have already come to grips with you as who you are."
"Once you realize you're not supposed to feel pain, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore."
"This is the future man, little did I know how much of the future it really was."
"Despite what society tells us, I realize now that I matter."
"I joined the empire when they stood for something, and then I realized I was wrong."
"I was mad, I was pissed that I was lied to my entire life and I felt like an adult would still believe in Santa Claus."
"I always thought I was the master of my own fate, but now I know we don't always have control over our lives."
"Things did not change and in fact I had the complete wrong idea."
"So, at the end of the day, you lose your passion to search for new horizons."
"Put it very very bluntly global warming is not the end of the world."
"Self-worth is something that must be realized from within, not by the approval of others."
"I actually thought that everyone's parents hit them."
"It's starting to dawn on me that maybe this isn't exactly what is best for me, my kids, my family."
"Leverage is everything bro. It's very interesting how you don't understand that until you own why."
"It made me realize a lot about things that aren't necessary."
"College is not for everyone, and that's something I wish I had known as a high school student."
"I am a doctor. My name is Dr. Nasir Karma, which is absolutely wild to say out loud."
"Realizing how important self-love is, I also see that as well."
"Art becomes much more important than I previously gave it credit for."
"I realized I had been talking about a person that I didn't know."
"The Force of Nature: I was seriously wrong about it."
"Our love is eternal, I was silly to let you go."
"The moment that you realize your parents are human is like the gods crumbling from the sky."
"You have to come to a point in your life like I did to where you realize that your way your way is no good and I had to realize that the hard way I was in a jail cell when I realized that my way was no good."
"There's just certain things that you realize, no, that just came out of him."
"Something told me, and then you realize in retrospect that's something that told you was the voice of the Holy Spirit."
"I think I am where I am today because I'm unafraid to just be me."
"That was rock bottom for me, and when I had that realization, it was kind of freeing."
"My gift to you is I realize what a gift my father was."
"You're saying I know what my worth is and I can't see my worth with this person. I am my own worth."
"It's not taking him a year to find this out, he must know deep down."
"I think you've come to the conclusion with that previous or current lover that it's not your destiny for that situation, and you're ready for something new."
"When you know that the power that is life is inside you, you are in awe of your own divinity."
"In some sense, you think you want object x and then it turns out that you don't when you get it."
"It's happening and once we come to that realization it really changes our whole perspective in life."
"She understands that she is queen. She understands that she is deserving, that she is worthy, that she is valuable, that she is powerful just because she was simply born."
"I've never met anyone like me. I'm warming up to it. This can't be true, but it is."
"The grass wasn't greener on the other side. Guess what? Lesson learned."
"Well, the fact that I thought it could be real tells you everything that you need to know. That's true. That's the best way to admit that you're wrong without ever admitting that you're wrong."
"My own son is realizing that his dad is not as stupid as he thought he was."
"It caused me to realize I need to slow down and think a little bit more."
"He realized it at a time when he could have aborted."
"It's more interesting than I thought. That's how I look at it."
"You're performing and you're giving yourself that full 100 regardless."
"Once these beliefs fully sink in, you're going to see the specific thing that you want manifest."
"What happened was I realized that I was never going to feel like myself again as long as I was consuming kratom."
"The world is so much bigger than I thought it was."
"Our biggest realization has to be that we can't change people."
"If you think your parents are perfect, it's because you're not yet willing to acknowledge their flaws."
"Many people do wake up and they realize like holy crap what I was doing was wrong."
"I feel like our souls needed this more than we would ever have known."
"I thought love was war. I didn't know it was supposed to be peace and [ __ ] love."
"This King is much bigger than any of us expected."
"I felt I was dying and then a smile came to my face because I realized that everything was over."
"I understood that I can't get better until I've acknowledged where I am and I really don't like where I am."
"You are here for a purpose, learning, realizing what matters to you."
"Make myself look big? Apparently I've been overeating my entire life."
"Not many people want to be told that they're saying things that are incorrect. Rather, what can I old were you when you realize you had Asperger's?"
"For me actually the most important thing that if you have the right mindset and that from the get-go you actually start realizing..."
"You don't realize how much of a rut you were in until you're out of it."
"The truth doesn't work for everybody - sobering realization."
"When you see somebody give it a shot and then they figure out that it was a lot harder than they thought it was gonna be easy, that could be a good feeling."
"Love yourself first, and you'll realize you're not as bad as you think you are."
"I think the enemy you are referring to... it's hate."
"Obsession with wealth is boring and so I realized that I was being kind of lame by caring about this kind of stuff."
"I don't know what a militia was until after the fact, until November 25th after I was watching some of the interviews he did. I was like, 'I'm not in a militia. I don't know what that is.'"
"You don't notice the process of healing, one day you just realize you haven't cried in a while, you feel whole again."
"Maybe I'm deluded I don't know it's possible it's funny though people from my professional life keep asking me when I'm coming back to work and I just increasingly wonder what if this is the work that's all I uh."
"It's time to liberate yourself, it's time to look in the mirror and realize that you can set yourself free."
"Yeah, it's insane, I saw that and openly saying that and it's crazy just, you know, we still look back."
"They're the most important people in my world but I've been taken away I've taken myself away from them too much over the years in order to support them but actually the support they needed sometimes was me being there and that's the hardest thing."
"They just don't care... They showed who they were, believe them."
"The only way a woman's going to come back is if, at some point, she realizes you don't want to make a mistake and miss you."
"I'm sorry for exploiting you, but basically what this implies is that we've gone to a point where the normative position is like beyond what I ever imagined."
"I think the hardest thing in the world is, like, just saying to yourself, 'You're better than you think you are.'"
"League of Legends was the first time eSports really made sense to me."
"Sorry, you're a scroll yep hate to break it to you, Nick."
"An honest path of self-discovery leads to 'I'm broken, I'm a sinner, I'm in need of salvation.'"
"Discovering it is is a little easier than what most people imply. The hard thing is accepting that this is what you've got to do with your life."
"When you think it's all falling apart, that's when you're really waking up."
"It makes you realize everything you thought you knew maybe wasn't true and it makes you realize how precious the people that matter really are."
"If that's how he feels then this is not the right relationship for either of us."
"Trust your intuition and follow your heart. Any confusion you have, you need to follow your heart because big moment, big realization, it's about to happen."
"It's actually rotten when you think about what it does to you. It's actually rotten."
"That's the beauty of it, right? So sometimes it takes for people to come in to show you the brilliance that existed for you to really understand the magnitude of what you have."
"Half of what I'd been told was a complete and utter lie. The other half was a conveniently constructed lie. Where's the truth then? It's hidden in the lies."
"I seem to be thinking independently for the first time."
"I love what I do and I've realized one of the things that I really realized this month or last month is just like how blessed I am to just do what I, you know, I think is right."
"I know of no clearer definition of the means by which we realize our desires than to experience in imagination what we would experience in the flesh."
"Feel the vividness and distinctness of this new reality, and you will have it."
"I could change lives and that hit me more than anything."
"I just don't miss Starbucks. I think it's more of just a habit and a routine. So I think that's what I'm realizing."
"On your PB&Js first, I was surrounded by idiots and I felt right at home. God, that must say something about me."
"I knew I loved basketball when I played, I didn't realize how much I loved it till I retired."
"Austin says that he thinks that the drugs are evil and that they're killing him."
"I think there was just something inside of me that knew..."
"I now know that I do need you in my life. When I lost you, I lost me."
"When I realized that they couldn't, I was like, this is my jam, you know? I'm running with this."
"Maybe I wasn't the girl for you and I meant that."
"I realized that I've got everything already. I've got everything. I don't need anything."
"The day I turned 30 something switched in me and I suddenly felt kind of like an adult."
"It Dawns on them that maybe this whole thing was based on the false premise that I'm something I'm not."
"You are not who other people said you are, conclusions are within reach."
"Until you feel it yourself, it's hard to believe how beautiful you truly are."
"Search your life for your sick and tired moment because you may have hit your sick entire moment."
"I just can't believe I'm seeing you. I know it's surreal."
"It's like someone is like woken up and realizes that they're in love or someone's in love with you. Okay, it's like a huge wake-up call energy with the knight of wands."
"Did you start to realize was it just when you took second at that Olympia was it that when you realized that you could win or what was that did that trigger you at that point because before that you said hey look I wasn't really."
"I think you fail to realize the situation you're in."
"You're realizing that someone is two-faced, or who they present themselves to be is not actually who they are."
"Just go with it because it's you awakening from the depth of your soul and remembering."
"You can't see it over there, you have to see it right here. Feel it. You gotta feel it right here like I am."
"Self-awareness, self-accountability, self-responsibility, you know, that's why I kind of started realizing, well, like, that makes much more sense."
"Imagine you find out you're so far but you had no idea."
"Some of y'all are starting to realize for the first time ever that you're actually happy without them."
"God has helped them see who you are and what you mean to them, a divine intervention."
"I learned that my feelings were being manipulated by the people that I trusted."
"I wanted to fit in for a long time but I just realized like why though?"
"So if I didn't understand I was being asked to be best man, it is because I never expected to be anybody's best friend."
"Greg's admission of his mistake is a hard-hitting moment of emotional growth."
"The blinders are coming off. You're coming to your senses."
"You don't have to be successful to be worth something. When you finally have that realization, that's the most beautiful thing."
"I thought I needed glasses because I'm nearsighted; Turns out, my vibes were off this whole time!"
"I realized like how do I have less time now than now that I'm not doing my full-time thing?"
"Getting older is a big adjustment. It's like you're young and healthy and then at some point you still think you're young, but you realize it's hard to continue to be healthy."
"You're gonna realize who values you and who [__] doesn't spell manifestation ooh"
"A chosen one is any being who realizes they are a spiritual being having a human experience."
"John Gotti wanted to kill Paul because he said the Gambino family will be better off without him."
"If you do what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always gotten."
"What I realized at that moment was that I had to change."
"It not only exceeded my expectations it gave me what I didn't know I wanted until they gave it to me."
"Forgiveness is realizing the perfection in the other person."
"I'm the first to realize that luck plays a huge part in it."
"Just cause it doesn't look the way you thought it should or would doesn't mean you're not living your dream."
"I wrote this song with Liz and I think the lyrics are some of the best I've ever written. It's about the moment you realize someone isn't who you thought they were."
"Once you realize that this is all a sham, this is enormously liberating."
"Nothing externally needed to change for me to get the results I'd always been looking for in my life."
"I can't please everyone is what I've learned."
"Let's just say these things brooks said robbie wake up sancho's home."
"Finally, I was like, 'Oh my god, like holy [ __ ], it's real.' You know? And I remember the thought popping into my head, like, 'I could do this forever.'"
"You're essentially doing all the work and it reaches a point where you're like wait I'm getting kind of screwed here."
"You realize how smart you actually are. You didn't even realize how much you know."
"Own it. You got it wrong. You didn't know who it was in the first place."
"Once I got here and once I realized the freedom..."
"You realize you don't belong on this particular path, that's why it's epic."
"It just makes me realize how important this community is to me."
"Suddenly you feel valuable, suddenly you realize what you're worth, suddenly you realize how you are spiritually special."
"I didn't know that there were other people my age that were struggling with the same things as I was... I'm not alone in this."