
Starting Small Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"Dream big, but start small. Then connect the dots."
"Starting small is the best thing and incorporating new tiny habits for yourself daily is a really great place to start on your journey of self-improvement."
"Don't think you need a lot of money to start investing in long-term goals."
"Start where you are. Start with small steps."
"Start now with the equipment that you have and don't invest money into something that you might not be sure is your passion."
"Everyone starts somewhere, and I started with a couple thousand dollars and worked really hard to 20x my portfolio."
"There is immense value in starting small because that's the only place you can start."
"You're not scared to start your dream, you're embarrassed to be seen starting small."
"You can start now... they all started with just zero."
"It does not need to start with the perfect idea."
"Just start right where you're at and then you just add on more from there."
"Don't force it, plant a seed if you need to."
"Little steps add up. These challenges are just the start." - Dr. Andersen
"Just start creating content and build on it."
"You have to start where you're at, and your reality is maybe you only do 95 pounds, but at least you're there."
"You put your mind to all of it and all of that starts with just putting your mind to getting up."
"Try initially just buying one of each and see what you like and experiment with."
"It's not about the dollar amount...it's really about just planting that seed."
"Charity starts small and it starts at any age."
"Start now with what you have. Start, no matter how small it is."
"Starting small now is better than not starting at all."
"Just start with whatever you have, whatever you can manage, you know, just go one step at a time."
"You have to start at home in your backyard with the people that you would be closest to."
"Start small if you don't have a ton of money."
"You don't have to start with $50,000. Anything crazy. Start with a few hundred and then build your way up."
"Simple. It doesn't matter where you're coming from whether you got experience or no experience at all just do it."
"Your first thing doesn't have to be this massive success you can just start something and it can generate income hopefully and it can start to do something helpful for you."
"Something is better than nothing and you can start out small and build something big."
"Always start out small, make achievable goals."
"Start where you are, start small, and start with what you can do."
"Start with what you have. Start with your phone, start with a high-end webcam."
"Anyone can get started... pennies, dollars... eventually $5,361 passively."
"It's like maybe you want to start a business and this is saying like there are going to be multiple ways for you to start this and it doesn't have to be big, it can be very small."
"Never underestimate what simply starting something can do for you even if it feels so minuscule so incomprehensibly minute and meaningless in the grand scheme of things it has the potential to become one of the most important things in your life."
"Start small and I promise you will start to feel the difference."
"Don't be afraid to start small, like landscaping."
"Start small, start now. If you get excited about something that's probably something you should follow right."
"I didn't start with a thousand, two thousand. I started from zero."
"You don't need all the fancy equipment to start making ASMR content."
"Starting a blog was like a really good small step towards getting over that initially."
"Just get your toe in the water, start dollar cost averaging, do something to start building a position."
"It shouldn't be overwhelming if you start and take baby steps, read the rules, figure out what the base stuff you need is, build off of that."
"Start it now, even if you don't have the best equipment to do it."
"You don't need anything. When I started, I just started with my phone."
"Start small, with consistency, and build your brand online."
"One is better than zero, like they always say."
"I'm not a huge channel right now but... doing something is better than nothing."
"Start very small, identify what your innate strength is."
"Just start with where you are at, even 5-10 minutes. Perfection will come with repeated consistency."
"Start, don't worry about getting the perfect equipment."
"Start with the smallest scale that satisfies your motivations."
"Work with what you got, even if you're starting from nothing."
"Start small, lets you get your feet wet, and pay your stupid tax, but it's not nearly as large."
"You can start with like 20 bucks or 100 or 200 bucks and turn this into tens of thousands of dollars."
"But sometimes the best thing that you can do is just start."
"It doesn't have to be perfect. Start with okay, then try to turn it into good."
"Any amount of bitcoin is a good amount to start."
"Everyone can start this journey with minimal investment; it's about doing the best you can with the resources you have."
"You don't need anything to start a YouTube channel."
"Start at home... you don't need to jet set around the world to get started as a travel photographer."
"So remember to begin small and not worry about it as the beginnings often are the biggest challenges and would result in the greatest gains."
"It's like when a rapper starts out, you know, just starting and they're selling CDs on the street corner or however they do it."
"We're going to start with one finger, one pinky, one thumb."
"The barrier to entry for running is just moving your feet."
"So there's your start right there you can start with the living money and make you up to buying shoes and other things such as mystery boxes"
"I started from zero followers, and you can do the exact same thing too."
"Start with whatever you've got, start where you are."
"We literally started with dirt, grass, trees, wood sticks, you know?"
"My first ecom brand was Skinny Me Tea. I started that when I was 22 with $24 in the bank."
"The smallest way in which you could engage... start by doing walk to the end of the road."
"You don't need a ton of money to start your own business. In fact, I started my business with a thousand dollars. That's literally all I had left out of my last paycheck."
"You can start today with a low budget."
"...just take these things super slow it could be as simple as I would like to get a Walkin tomorrow and I'd like to have one meal that I feel is really healthy just start there."
"In order to make a first million, you need to know how to make a first dollar."
"You don't have to have too many bits and bobs to start, so it's quite nice because people can start slowly and then get into it."
"Start with something simple. I'm talking a $7 little product. Because if you can prove the concept and make your first $7 on your first product, it's game over, you win."
"Just get a job, you know? If you start out small, man, you don't have to have a good high paying job first come around, you know, in life."
"Always start small, start with a small car. Co-signing can help you get approved for that car."
"Every landslide starts with one pebble."
"I wanted to go as far as I could. I didn't want to start small."
"You don't have to start big to succeed."
"People think a lot of people have started with something big. It's unrealistic for them to even see what it can be."
"I owned a janitorial business for eight years. I started it with a mop bucket, a vacuum, and a wet-dry vac."
"We started mostly Earth with about 300 Euros between the two of us and built a simple website that could receive payments to plant trees."
"Starting small is also a really good idea."
"Start small... it is okay if you can only start with 10 or $15."
"I recommend always starting with a really small project."
"Declutter something easy. Declutter something non-sentimental, and see the impact of momentum."
"You can start small and I think it's very important no matter whether you want to start a business or not you need to find an outlet for creativity and for creating beautiful things."
"Just get started on something small today."
"When you start, sell things around the house first, things that you don't need anymore."
"Don't knock it starting off small, don't be afraid to start off small."
"It's almost always the case that it's easier to improve a modest start than it is to start perfectly."
"We all need to start somewhere and start small."
"You always want to start out with something very, very small and then scale your way up."
"You want to make it in the world, you got to start from your corner."
"Start with what you have and make the most of it."
"Start today and start with something small."
"It all starts with small compounding wins."
"You can start doing all those things right where you're at in a small space."
"Just by getting started and making small changes."
"I started my business with 400. I didn't have a lot of money, I just had a little bit of work ethic and a dream to make something big."
"Starting small and within your means."
"Starting from the very smallest item that I've decided to let go."
"Do your own thing. You might not have the capital right now, you know, or you can start small."
"The only way I made progress, the only choice I had, was to start small."
"Starting where you're at and starting small is the way to go. I know you guys can do it."
"Start insanely small, like even smaller than you think you're starting small right now."
"Starting small also means you have to say goodbye to perfection."
"It is extremely important not to be afraid to start small and slowly progress with learning C at your own comfortable pace."
"A mustard seed of faith starts and refuses to quit."
"All of this started with me. I started a whole... I can plant all of this into a whole new garden off of how many plants did I have? Two. Off of two plants, I can start a whole garden."
"...it's actually smart to start small when you don't know what you're doing."
"Start small and build your way up."
"Start small, start with one thing and really focus on that and do it well."
"You don't have to start at 100 you can start at one you can try one thing you can find one way to connect."
"With only $100, an old truck, and a cell phone, I got to build a million-dollar business."
"Try to make the world a better place. Start with our little corner."
"That's the only test, well, the test is a lot harder than that but fifty for the helper position, you gotta start small, you gotta crawl before you can walk."
"Sometimes we think too big... it's all right to think big as long as you start small."
"We wanted to prove that you could start an eBay business starting with just ten dollars."
"Start small and I encourage you to just exercise these disciplines, especially financially."
"If you're starting to learn something, start with really small focused projects."
"Plants are overwhelming... you can make a shift by starting with one plant."
"You don't have to start big, start small."
"Starting small doesn't mean thinking small."
"Grow your own food at least start somewhere."
"Live somewhere that is roughly the equivalent of this. You're starting smaller, and that's okay."
"You don't need to have 20 30 50 animals to start a pet channel. I started mine I literally had two bats and a mouse that was it, so you can start with just one pair if you want to."
"Start with a really small and achievable task."
"The first step isn't the hardest if it's small enough."
"Even if you don't have the whole idea put together in your head, you can just start off with something simple and as you start working on it, it will come to you, I promise."
"You don't need to know the full picture like you don't need to have the full cake you can literally have a tiny Slither and that could be enough to get you started and it was for me."
"Start with a sliver and start as small as possible, and launch as quick as possible, and then try to grow from there."
"Don't listen to people who tell you 36 cents is sugar honey iced tea. You gotta start somewhere, you get your experience."
"He starts with the details, he starts with the little things."
"I originally started my business with 128 dollars... that's all the money I had at the time."
"Just give it a try honestly... as long as you have a laptop you can really just get started anywhere."
"You got to start out where you start out and I don't know no other way to do it other than to work for it."
"You don't need a lot of money, you don't need a big network to have big wealth, but you do have to start."
"We are always encouraging people, if you have one dollar, two dollars, ten dollars, whatever amount of money you have, it's always great to begin investing with it."
"To build a successful business, you've got to dream big but you have to start small."
"My advice is always to start small."
"Always start with the simplest version of anything that you're building out."
"You don't really need much money to get started."
"You don't need any fancy gadgets or fancy things to be creative; you start where you're at and you use what you have."
"If you've never done anything, I suggest starting on little things."
"Start small, and then you can work your way up into making more and more compost."
"You don't need thousands of dollars to start investing; you could literally get started with 20 bucks today."
"If you don't start making a move, like if you don't plant something because it feels so overwhelming and you don't have the money to spend on a huge garden, start small."
"You don't need a ton of money to start; you can start with $10 or $100, but you have to start and you have to stay consistent."
"You can order very small amounts and so it's great for this type of opportunity where you're just trying to get started with a low minimum order quantity."
"Start out small because the money is still there; you will make money if you do your research and just put in the time and effort."
"Everyone has to start somewhere; you don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on outfits and accessories to put together cool outfits for all these festivals and shows."
"Once you have the operating system covered, you can start out with a little bit of memory and depending on what your needs are, you don't necessarily need to have a ton of memory to get started."
"Don't focus on details, whatever you do. You need to be starting out small, keeping it simple."
"It's always good to start small and build your way up."
"Start small, there's nothing wrong with taking the slow road, slow and steady, but just getting started is important."
"You start by doing less than you know you can do but it starts building that positive reinforcement."
"Start low, start with a dog, start with a Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and that's how you build your readers."
"People don't need to invest fifty thousand dollars; you can start with 500, you could start with 300."
"Start small and set an initial goal of a thousand dollars."
"You can still start with headphones, you can still take that shortcut, but then invest the time, invest the energy, invest the money into building a really good room and doing it properly."
"I started with my tax return because that's all I had. Most people won't start because they keep thinking they need more."
"Don't be afraid to start somewhere, just take one small step at a time."
"Exercise... start with five minutes a day."
"It's all about dipping in your toes, figuring out what works, and just starting."
"I would recommend starting with a smaller project first."
"Don't think you need a lot of money to do something. You can literally start with a pen and paper."
"Don't take on the world as your first step; take on something that you can actually do."
"Feel overwhelmed? Start small. Nobody said this is a race."
"The steps will get easier, but start with one person."
"It can be overwhelming, so I would recommend focusing on one area, starting off small."
"You don't need to even start off in a big room; you could just start in one little space."
"Start with whatever feels most doable and achievable for you right now."
"Baby steps is better than nothing at all."
"Work with what you got and starting small in the beginning is actually a really good way to start."
"I always recommend starting small, starting with a small part of the project."
"Start small... you have to keep at it consistently."
"We're starting with 20 minutes of movement a day and going from there."
"Start small and start one project at a time."
"If you can co-op it and do a few chickens together all the way through before you make any kind of big investment, that's a great way to get started."
"You start small, just get a little garden pot and put some potato starters in there and you'll be amazed."