
Good Life Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"What is the good life to you? Each of us has to realize we are living our own best good life right now, despite the adversity, despite the challenges."
"I think if you are living out the life that's in line with your values, then you're living a good life."
"The most gripping thing, the only thing that's more gripping than [tragedy and vulnerability] in truth, is to live a good life, to live the best life you possibly can."
"Philosophy is about the teaching of the good life, and that by learning from tradition, we can get closer to living the good life ourselves."
"Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do."
"There's only one end, and that's a good life."
"Whoever does righteous things, whether male or female, we will grant them a goodly life."
"In an age of technology and big data, it's all the more important to cultivate in students and citizens the ability to reflect on justice and the good life."
"The greatest value in life is not a bank account, the greatest value in life is living a good life."
"A good life to me is having a garden and your friends and eating food that you want to eat."
"The good life doesn't have highs and lows; it's just every day is a good life."
"...a habit of mastering your time, a habit of discipline that will lead you to good life."
"I think the hedonist gets a lot of bad press and I want to talk about that. The hedoness represents you know the love of the good life and what we'll do what we are willing to do to get to the good life."
"For me, living the good life is that I have a good relationship with my God and I'm making a difference in the lives of those around me."
"Your future hasn't been written yet. No one's is. Whatever you make it, make it a good one."
"...there's never been a moment in human history where there has been more opportunity for more people to live a truly good life."
"...there's massive opportunity... to live a truly good life with respect to your own selfish pleasure but to affect the future in a propitious way."
"Human dignity is crucial for a good life."
"Deeds are necessary to make the good life possible."
"Pleasure is only a property of the good life, like the smell of the Rose, it's not the rose."
"Expansion and contribution are key to living a good life."
"I just want him to have better than what I had. I had a good life even though I didn't have my dad. But I want him to have a great life."
"The most important thing is not life but the good life."
"This could be something that really supports Humanity's ongoing evolution of what it means to create a good life on the planet on your own terms."
"What problem he good life you good life"
"You can find satisfaction and good life without being a complete [__] right."
"If you participate, you win. If you live the good life, eat the good food, and have love for other people, you win."
"It is only necessary that educated men, the leaders of the masses, should understand that religion is necessary to man, that without religion men cannot live a good life."
"My interest is in trying to produce better ways of thinking about what a good life would be."
"Maybe that's just the simple legacy that I wish to leave: that I was living a good life."
"If you lived a good life and the people around you truly miss you and the good deeds you used to do, you are going to a better place."
"I want you to live a good life and you've been through the situation where you didn't have anything and something happened and I don't want that to happen."
"Whoever obeys Allah will have a good life defined by focusing on the reward in challenges and experiencing contentment."
"Looking for tools is the mistake. The wisdom in the religious point of view is actually a way of being, a mythical point of view in which we sit and are capable of seeing that which is good."
"You deserve it, and your son deserves a good life."
"This is likely the Italian version of the good life, slightly more aromatic, with better weather, less mud possibly."
"He's comfortable, has a new found family, living a great life."
"The duty of every Muslim is to live a good life, be faithful to God, and obey the commands of Islam."
"For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile."
"We have a good life, we have a great relationship."
"Good morning everybody, it's the next day, but look where we are, look at the pool, life is good."
"God wants you to live a good life, and He wants to bless you."
"Your kids have a right to live for Jesus and live a good life."
"Government has a legitimate place in defining what the best life or the good life is and then regulating accordingly to encourage people to live that life."
"Whoever performs righteous deeds, whether they are male or female, while they are a believer, we will certainly give them a good life."
"Life was pretty darn good, successful, married to a stunning lady named Miranda."
"Immersion in those practices aims to make us love that vision of the good life."
"My father had a leif tov... it was very obvious by the way he interacted with people."
"To serve another person and to live a good life, to love those that are around you."
"It was a realization on the part of the community as a whole that these structures were necessary to reach towards that goal of a good life."
"Maybe that's all we need to have a good society and a good life."
"That is the recipe to success, isn't it? A good life."
"He's having a great life, isn't he? Everything about this life."
"A good society is a means to a good life for those who compose it, not something having a separate kind of excellence on its own account."
"You're gonna live a good life; you're gonna live a blessed life."
"We just want you to have a good life, we want you to have the best life you can."
"Make me obedient so that I can live a good life."
"What does it mean to be a good person, and what is a good life?"
"Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good life let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom."
"You're having a good life if you're living in the now and not worrying about the past and not worrying about the future because that's wasted energy, that's stress."
"For he that would love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile."
"Life is really good here right now."
"Living whatever you feel is the good life, being the best version of yourself."