
National Crisis Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"This is affecting every single one of us, every one of our families, all of our children. It's a national crisis."
"We cannot give up. The life of our country is at stake."
"This nation is in crisis; our community is catching hell economically, catching hell from COVID."
"In 2023, we once again find our country at a crossroads, a tipping point, a realization that something has to change in our nation."
"It is a crisis of confidence of Sri Lankans on Sri Lanka."
"We have to tell the story of the crossroads where our nation is coming apart, and it will continue to come apart, or we can use this moment as an opportunity to transform. But there is no going back to where we were."
"God bless you. We need the blessings from God. Our country's in big, big trouble."
"We've seen Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs uniting together to answer the challenge and rise to the moment."
"Now history has delivered us to one of the most difficult moments America's ever faced four four historic crises all the same time and this is a battle we will win and we'll do it together I promise you."
"We are calling on every American to do your part because together we will get through this."
"We have a rough road ahead. This is a fundamental crisis in our country."
"This is the end of Russia, one way or another."
"Isn't it interesting that when God sends a national judgment or a judgment on a nation he will always use those three things that the those three horsemen do at Revelation 6?"
"We're at that crossroads today where all as a country in this upheaval because we're at a critical inflection point that requires us to re-affirm our values and state what it is that we are here for."
"Success in this fight will require the full, absolute measure of our collective strength, love, and devotion."
"We're gonna need every American to take this seriously."
"Distance, utilize it, be creative. Don't get in Mike Perry's range and you're gonna probably win that fight."
"The country is on fire. What can I do to reduce the heat?"
"These are our warriors: the bravery of our doctors, nurses, truck drivers, and food suppliers."
"Our country is not doing well, but I think that this is also our opportunity as a movement to level up and fill that void, that vacuum with our own vision."
"This isn't a red or blue issue, this is an American issue."
"Acting with compassion and love, we will heal the sick, help our fellow citizens, and emerge from this challenge stronger and more unified than ever before."
"It's a national crisis. I don't understand why it's not taken more seriously."
"In this time of national crisis, Donald Trump did what he always does: he lied, he bragged, he blamed, he never led because Donald Trump is not a leader."
"He's an inspirational leader and the way the Ukrainian people have come together in these terrible times, I mean like you say, we've never seen a sovereign nation invaded by a hostile foreign nation since World War II."
"We are about to lose our country and I know most Americans don't think that we can that can happen but I believe we're on the precipice."
"United we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America."
"We just, by the skin of our teeth, saved the Republic."
"We want to support helping secure our border. This is a national crisis, every state is a border state."
"Part of it is a tribute to the Queen for her guidance to the nation during this very difficult time."
"The God of all hope is going to bring us through this national crisis."
"It's insanity and it's destroying our country."
"As a nation, we face a difficult few weeks, but America will answer with love, courage, and ironclad resolve."
"This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge."
"The fact that democracy is on trial right now or being tested unlike any other time in our lives and perhaps anytime in the life of this country."
"A country is crying out for leadership, leadership that can unite us, leadership that brings us together."
"My greatest fear is that we're going to lose the one last opportunity we have to save this country."
"It's our country is in distress right now and we have to do something."
"We're in a national crisis, yet my opponent Hillary Clinton continues to attack the police."
"An assault on America, nothing like this has ever happened before." - Donald Trump
"The erosion of confidence in our elections is an existential crisis for the United States of America."
"There may be a disintegration and the need to put the country back together from pieces that remain after breaking."
"I think Mexico has still to to you know like go rock bottom and it's still still gonna be you know how so like with the Bloodshed or yeah in general."
"There is no greater moral crime than betraying your country in a time of crisis."
"Putin's absence has brought about the overthrow of his throne."
"He'll be remembered for steering Britain through its darkest hour and inspiring the nation with both his leadership and his courage."
"We've passed through a challenging time in the life of this nation...your heart is with all the families that have suffered loss."
"We are facing a very serious crisis in this country."
"Brexit sparked an identity crisis in Britain."
"We need something better. The country cannot indulge this level of stupidity and malice for very much longer before it puts us into not just temporary decline but a permanent and precipitous decline."
"Our democracy, our national character, and our ability to fight a deadly pandemic are all on the line."
"One of the country's biggest environmental disasters."
"An assault on America... never been anything like it. It's an assault on our country."
"We are at a turning point in our nation called America"
"This will be a turning point for the country to overcome this, this is a turning point for the country."
"Ukraine is witnessing the death of a nation as we speak."
"Our democracy is wounded... what happened today isn't what America is. They've been given a glorious inheritance."
"We have to do more to stop gun violence. It's ripping our communities apart and ripping at the very soul of the nation."
"This is a unpleasant time for America... but the good news is the rule of law still matters."
"It is by any objective measure an assault on the government of the united states."
"How many of you are still in denial that we are in a cold civil war, a fourth and fifth generational conflict for the soul of the nation and the future of this world?"
"There is a mental health crisis in this country like never before."
"This is the last chance that you have to save your country."
"Every single public official dropped what they were doing in Canada to handle this."
"We are heading for a massive disaster in this country."
"We are at a crossroads in the United States."
"America is a failed state, and the first step of change is acceptance of reality."
"Americans are hurting right now and getting crushed."
"The role of the opposition in this national emergency is absolutely critical."
"We can go on letting the country slip over the brink of financial ruin or find the will to work together to restore confidence."
"This is not a country on the mend. This is a country that's busy falling apart."
"This is the most dangerous moment I think since 1860 in terms of the future of the country."
"The attack on the Capitol on January 6th was the worst attack since 1814, an attack on our Constitution."
"Let's pray for those families and pray for this nation."
"Our job right now is to help as many Americans as we can."
"This is not a partisan moment. This has to be an American moment."
"Churchill's rallying of the British population was crucial as the country was now alone against Nazi Germany."
"This is a deeply deeply troubling and disturbing and shakes up the entire core of the nation."
"Realize that not only is the country under siege, but we're on the sieges of people."
"There is a mental health crisis in this country."
"The country is crying out for leadership... Leadership that brings us together."
"Opium had become an existential threat to China."
"Nobody had a job because the entire country was shut down."
"America is in crisis. What's happening right now, this isn't normal."
"This is a totally disgusting orgy of narcissism by a government that should be solving a national crisis"
"Every day the situation in the U.S becomes more dire."
"The state of the Nigerian nation calls for a change of direction to avert imminent doom."
"Remember, 24 hours ago it was the Bush tax cut, the Bush budget, the Bush economy. You don't hear any of that tonight. It's America's enemy. America is under attack."
"This is a government completely failing them. The unemployment crisis is a true national emergency."
"Millions of Ukrainians' lives are destroyed, the state is destroyed, the nation is destroyed."
"This was one of the most important public health failures this country has ever experienced."
"Haiti is under siege and it's important to understand why."
"We are all joined together as a country, fighting an epidemic that could end up killing more Americans than died in World War II, World War I, the Civil War, and Vietnam."
"We're living through a test of our constitution and the president is making it clear."
"This is in its root, psychologically, a crisis of humiliation and shame and there's nothing worse for a country."
"We're at a very dangerous hour in this country."
"As time went by it marked him out more and more as the man to lead Britain in her forthcoming life and death struggle."
"Following the explosion, Russian President Vladimir Putin was captured on television looking terrified."
"Britain's broken. How on Earth did we get into this mess?"
"Nigeria cannot continue like this, living and dying for absolute nothing."
"The only thing that is going to save Nigeria is the mercy of God."
"And I believe some of the greatest days are just ahead America is going to come through this and we will be blessed."
"The United Kingdom is in crisis, the pound is crashed, the Bank of England has had to step in to prevent pension funds from collapsing, and the chancellor is enjoying champagne receptions with hedge fund managers."
"So whoever is elected, God bless them, because they are sailing this ship of State into the biggest storm it has faced in its history, certainly since World War II and some would argue since the Civil War."
"Hyper-partisan Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol the likes of which has never been seen in our nation's history."
"Iran was in chaos... a national humiliation."
"President Zelinski clearly feels he has to lead from the front."
"We need a real agreement that deals with the pain, suffering, and death being experienced by the American people."
"It's a national crisis, it's a symptom of some great, deep-seated problem."
"Score app is being designed as a standalone business."
"We as Americans are plummeting off a cliff atop which is our flag that represents all of our dreams."
"America is doomed without a reversal of the Sedition that sealed its fate."
"It was a dark day for America, a dark day for the rule of law."
"The whole country looked like it was in a nuclear blast."
"The only way to stop a health or Skelter all the way to hell for Pakistan is to hold a free and fair election."
"The crisis that is unfolding is a humanitarian crisis, a public health crisis, and a national security crisis."
"America is a house on fire and flooding simultaneously."
"A country in crisis... if we don't do it now then I think we're going to be somewhere that's not a good country to live in."
"If the current government is going to destroy Germany, then naturally he has to oppose it."
"Our nation today is in the throes of a new era... that could destroy us, our Republic, our Constitution, and democracy forever if we do not take a stand today."
"Venezuela, a rich country blessed with bountiful natural resources, is now a hell hole." - Tucker
"The people of the country need to understand how close we were to losing it all on that day."
"I view the invisible enemy like a war. It's killed more people than Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center."
"One of the toughest challenges America has ever faced. But we know that we can overcome and heal together as one nation."
"I think the combination of all of those, for fair-minded Americans looking on, they know this is a president who has led us through one of the most challenging times in my lifetime."
"The crisis on our southern border is a crisis all across this nation."
"America needs to hear it because America is in trouble and it's going to take a whole lot of hutzpah to make it great again."
"We're going to confront the national security crisis or on our southern border, and we're gonna do it one way the other."
"This is a serious moment for our nation. We're at one of those inflection points in our history."
"Our nation is under attack, and the only way it will be solved is if we can find something to unite around."
"I believe America is in a freefall, and the detonation has already taken place. We are in a very bad position."
"Nigeria is in chaos... any terrorism everywhere. What are we gonna do?"
"We must rise...our country is bleeding, people are in poverty, there's no food, people are hungry, insecurity is threatening us."
"The last 16 months in this country have been... the most chaotic, destructive, dangerous 16 months in my life."
"We were so close to a constitutional crisis."
"This country is on the brink of catastrophe."
"This legislation addresses a crisis that this country has ignored for too long."
"We are truly thankful for the work you're doing and we recognize that you are the true patriotic heroes during this national emergency."
"This is the most serious crisis we’ve faced in the history of the country."
"Sorry, there's just not really any way to put a fun comedic spin on the impending doom of our country that we're all staring down right now. I mean, it is what it is."
"We see America being so terribly harmed economically by Corona."
"We're one team, one mission: to save lives and reopen America."
"The nation is dying because we're treating a part of us as though it will go away."
"Is America heading for judgment? Since I was last ministering on this ministry, we've experienced great shakings."
"If we didn't do the stimulus, America would have been in shambles, we would have had civil war taking place."
"We were not well prepared for this epidemic and that's actually been evident now in the number of deaths that we're seeing both excess deaths and the fact that we had to impose a national lockdown."
"This is probably one of the worst times in Canadian history."
"I consider it to be like one of the darkest days in Canada, and it's The Darkest Day for Canada in my lifetime without a question."
"It's really difficult to compare 1861 to 2021... Buchanan was a worse president than Donald Trump... left a nation in Civil War which was trying to break itself apart."
"Lincoln had seen the nation through its deepest crisis."
"This is a national strategic emergency. It is an absolute crisis."
"We are in a crisis... We have an unprecedented level of crisis in this country... I've never seen it in my lifetime." - Richard Wolff
"What President Trump has made clear to industries around the country is that we're gonna do whatever it takes. We understand this is an extraordinary moment in the life of our nation."
"We are suffering as a country because of the ignorance and apathy of our own citizens."
"Empty shelves nationwide as baby formula shortage turns to a crisis."
"The union is at greater peril than any time in my political lifetime." - Mark Drakeford
"The only thing that will save you, the only thing that will save America."
"This is not just somebody who committed crimes. This is people for the first time in our nation's history that you have a concerted effort to try to steal the country."
"It's a crisis at the border, not just an emergency."
"We need a tourniquet before our nation bleeds to death with illegal immigration."
"The war is catastrophic for the nation and the people of Ukraine."
"American democracy is both in grave danger and at a moment of great opportunity."
"These are the doctors, the medical researchers, the scientists, the entrepreneurs rising to the occasion as great patriots in a crisis."
"Ethiopia is a country that now needs a lot of international action."
"900 tons of fish have died in Lebanon. Lebanon doesn't need any more troubles right now."
"That's why Italy has been plunged into a mess."
"God help us God help us dear father God don't don't let this happen to our country"
"This American Carnage Starts Now... he is in the midst of American Carnage."
"It's going to be a constitutional crisis like we've never seen in this country before."
"Us Brits are among the fattest in the world. It's a national crisis and for some, it's a matter of life or death."
"...a cleare eyed analysis of the national and international situation that England found herself in as her King Lay Dying..."
"Covid-19 is the most devastating pandemic in our nation's history and it has caused enormous disruption and economic distress."
"The country pulled together in quite a pretty responsible way during a pretty tough time."
"The truly shutting down the drug trade would cause the Bolivian economy to collapse."
"May God grant this to be a perpetual honor to you, and may He reward you with blessings because you risked your own life when our nation was brought low."
"Our nation is unraveling; we're imploding morally and spiritually first and foremost."
"It's just crazy to see the whole country get broken down to zero."
"This is a challenging and solemn time in the life of our nation and world."
"We are broken as a nation too; mass shootings and white supremacy reign terror."
"The United States is under attack."
"We knew we were physically exposed, but you didn't have time to think about that; you only had to think about the nation."
"These are the strongest men in the country, the country's in peril, I need them by my side."
"The soul of the nation is at stake."
"This Cyber attack has affected every hospital in the country one way or another."
"Our nation is at war, and our planet is in peril."
"We got to have their back on this one; the country's really hurting."
"We're losing our country, we're collapsing, they're stealing everything."
"As you know, our country is in the midst of a crisis."
"The American people want a plan to fight and conquer this disease."
"As a nation, we are in a real crucial moment."
"During the worst energy crisis in generations, this government is on the side of the British people."
"The matter concerns the life and death of both of their nations."
"We're doing this together because this is about saving the life of our country."
"If we fall behind, it'll be the end of Japan."