
Societal Challenge Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"The real question is not about whether this problem exists... it's how do we solve this?"
"It's the fact that we have lost the ability to... admit that it's happening because the change that would be necessary to address it is almost unfathomable."
"The greatest challenge of our time is teaching people that they are worthy of love and belonging."
"One of our challenges is convincing people that freedom is actually a good thing."
"The primary struggle that faces the people of San Angeles is mental health. A loss of meaning is a common affliction among the docile citizenry."
"These three questions are my challenge to you. Each question poses a challenge to the very basis of the market system itself."
"America, this is your chance. We must get it right this time or risk losing our democracy forever." - Michelle Alexander
"The central animating question of the next 10, 20 years is going to be: do we accept this new version of racism?"
"It’s time to take on the elites in this country. Take the torch to them. Hit them with a blowtorch."
"Courage is the first virtue because without it there are no other virtues. You need to have courage in order that virtue always involves restraining yourself and going up against a non-virtuous society."
"With no unified front for America... then we just get crushed."
"This is the biggest challenge we face as a people: healing the divisions and the wounds in our country."
"One way or another we need to solve this birth rate issue or civilization will go a little to nothing."
"No one is denying the fact that we are going through a very, very difficult time right now."
"The reality that for so many that came to this country on America's promise, the prospect of women and girls being returned... it is very difficult to swallow."
"People do understand that we've turned the tide on it, we haven't yet finally defeated it and that is the reality that we have to face."
"We've got to figure out a way to do this as a society or we will fail."
"There's too little productive suffering in the US right now."
"What can even be reasonably done about the gun violence situation in America at this point?"
"You're basically losing a generation of people who are just going without skills."
"A society that's not even able to discern fact from fiction, because you have a former American president throwing fuel on that fire."
"Heartbreaking sentence: 'It is painful for me to realize that youngsters growing up... have far less chance of rising economically, educationally, or otherwise.'"
"Free speech is worth saving, it's a hard problem but it's worth trying to do."
"The world crisis of today is a moral crisis—and nothing less than a moral revolution can resolve it."
"People cannot live on the salaries that they have right now."
"We are all here right now under the yoke of something that I think a lot of us will agree is very uncomfortable. How do we conquer that? How do we overcome that?"
"It is not an economic or financial or philosophical or social crisis. It is an evolutionary crisis."
"The nation's greatest war is within itself over whether or not it can make the hard decisions needed to sustain success."
"History is watching us now, it's waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion."
"Until we regain the balance, I think we had, people will find life difficult."
"Will the upper chamber respect the will of the people in a nation known for its steady diet of coups, crackdowns, and turmoil?"
"It's a difficult time to discern the truth and a lot of people struggled that Tony."
"The situation we're in right now is we've had like 70 years of unfettered immigration with people who don't care to even integrate with us and unfortunately there is no guaranteed solution that they ever will."
"Years before her time, she challenged society’s expectations, and was able to create Surrealist works of art that examined the inner workings of the human soul."
"He could be a thief, it doesn't make him a murderer."
"The racial wealth gap is real and it's growing."
"The emergence of a free marketplace of ideas challenges existing power structures."
"The cost of living in the United States has skyrocketed over the past few decades, putting a strain on the wallets of many Americans."
"If this virus were a physical assailant, an unexpected and invisible mugger which I can tell you from personal experience it is, then this is the moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the floor." - Boris Johnson
"We're going through a period of time now where we've got, as a country, to pull together."
"Low social mobility makes it harder for people from poorer backgrounds to climb the economic ladder."
"The inability to see outside our own frame of reference is holding us back."
"It's a battle between authenticity and fabrication... if you don't join that battle, then you'll lose your democracy."
"We're not in a battle with the Democrats or our neighbors. We are facing evil."
"This is the test whether you really want freedom."
"The fight for racial justice is also their fight."
"Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning."
"Black women have to work twice as hard and are still half as liked as their white peers."
"The scary thing right now is that the people who want to end liberal democracy As We Know It in America are offering a vision that reads as more welcoming and more inviting."
"We all need to fight this disinformation war."
"Now is the time where we need to unite as Americans and really realize what this fight is all about."
"We are in a war over consciousness that requires we master the psycho-spiritual warfare being directed toward humanity."
"I don't like the idea that as soon as you have a criminal record you will not be able to get a job again."
"There is a battle going on right now for the soul of America."
"At this critical juncture, Mark Levin stands as a sentinel of morality urging Society to reflect on the ethical boundaries breached."
"Let's make it a fair fight... Let's make it the people versus the tech companies."
"Sometimes people you don't like do good things, we are doomed if y'all can't recognize that."
"I think art should challenge what we currently believe, not just regurgitate and reinforce what we already believe."
"We each, all of us, must summon the courage to stand against the tidal wave of insanity, no matter what the cost."
"We're facing this as a nation, as a global population, and we're going to have to pay close attention and watch out for our families and our neighbors more than ever before." - Deborah
"Your number one enemy is the same as mine, and that's white supremacy."
"Creativity is going to be unleashed. Struggle is going to be an unavoidable part of trying to steer this battleship away from the cataracts of history."
"I think this is the existential issue of our time."
"This war is a test of whether it's still possible for regular people to go up against entrenched power and win."
"There is a struggle for the soul of America underway."
"What they really want is to take Christ from us."
"We cannot allow ourselves as a society to descend into this and thus we must be wise enough and proactive enough to work together to get out of it in a way that doesn't require the barrel of a gun."
"I think the war against misinformation must supersede the war against all other things."
"They're killing people. I mean, it really... they'll look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated and that's... they're killing people."
"An aging population is a problem but it is something that we can deal with internally."
"I suggest that what you're doing is in the eyes of many in the community not working."
"We are in essentially one of the generational challenges that we've experienced. Are you confident we can win it? Yes. Why? Ultimately, our values, our free market system, I think, will prevail."
"A relentless revolutionary assault on the conventions of bourgeois drama."
"Superman's not coming. That's our wake-up call."
"Just see out in McDonald's parking lots with their kids in their cars because they get access to the internet to be able to help the kid in school."
"I want to confront the epidemic of irrational superstitious thinking."
"This is the biggest crisis in modern history, and when push comes to shove, most of the Patriots who are supposed to stand up for this country are nowhere to be found."
"We had to fight to get a meal, wrongfully accused."
"In today's society, it's entirely unfeasible to get everyone to switch from an animal diet to a non-animal diet."
"Our leaders won't do it, we are all 8 billion souls answerable for what has been created."
"We clearly have tremendous work ahead of us to address the rot of anti-Semitism."
"We're always discriminated against... but what we can do is we can try to treat people more meritocratically."
"To exist in a world that is so dominated by fighting... as a being of near pure empathy... I think is remarkable."
"This is actually one of the most interesting questions that our country faces right now."
"Short kings don't let their shortness define them, but they aren't trying to hide it."
"The world has come to a point where it's so complex and so complicated that the amount of time you can spend learning certain things most people simply aren't going to be able to dedicate that much time to that particular thing."
"The very thing that the people need the politicians to fight against are the same things that are funding those politicians to begin with."
"In today's world, especially, you need to be constantly swimming against the grain. If you're just neutral on all your topics, you're gonna be pushed down."
"Everybody's struggling with something...to just be kind to everybody."
"The most important lesson that we have to learn they're never gonna stop"
"Black men are a big part of this charge. There are people offended by the idea of black men claiming control of their communities, leadership, saying no to the okie-doke."
"That's what we're up against you know what authoritarians do that too."
"The purpose of comedy is that it has always been meant to challenge."
"Critical engagement with U.S. history threatens the white supremacist status quo."
"We have to be able to love defiantly, to touch the untouchable, to reach the unreachable."
"We're not taking this, we're not swallowing this, and we're gonna stand up for our kids."
"Why attack a movement simply by design asking people to think for themselves."
"Anytime you think for yourself, it's gonna be a problem for some people."
"The pandemic was without a doubt creating a crisis."
"It's amazing though talking about mental health and that kind of thing how many people struggle with it."
"The racism that these people are encountering day to day... is it really so racist that we couldn't expect you to engage in the close reasoning about often rather anodyne topics that legal training consists of?"
"It's rough that a victim might have to prove that they're a victim."
"Discrimination is the enemy that we're fighting against here."
"Civil disobedience challenges society to engage morally."
"We can no longer fool ourselves in thinking everything is okay and we can enjoy our democracy without having to engage and fight for it."
"You have to do things differently than what our society is telling you."
"The Border issue is only going to get worse come May."
"It's time to raise up, show that evil we don't turn the other cheek."
"Is this country divided? We have a political crisis, but not a national crisis. People are coming together and saying one very simple thing: just get on with it."
"Truth matters. If people cannot stomach the truth, that's their problem."
"The virus epidemic is a demon we cannot let hide."
"But then again, the situation where you're unaware of mental illness things that you can't necessarily control, you know, it's a double-edged sword. It's a good thing and a bad thing."
"The issue that we're here to discuss... are two sides of the same coin... systemic racism has plagued our country since before its founding."
"The nation needed this because we need an accounting and we've begun a process to have that."
"The denial of racism existing in America is a denial of a community that experiences... from the core which means that generation to generation to generation there's something that happened to that particular core that still continues to permeate."
"We can't afford a government working for us."
"How much closer to peace in the United States would we be if we just stood together and said that's evil?"
"It's already happening, New York is seeing at a record pace crime increase, violent crime increase, shootings increase, car burglary, burglaries, jackings."
"This issue is not going away, that's for sure."
"Just get vaccinated and everything is going to be okay, and we can't even do that right for many reasons in countries that have vaccines we can't do it."
"We can stop it if we all stand up. We're already seen them in Congress and Senate saying we can't use the word woman and mother anymore."
"When we live in a country where free speech is being silenced, it's no longer free anymore and a win for me would be a win for all of us."
"America isn't easy. America is Advanced citizenship you've got to want it bad."
"How can you solve the challenge of [racial inequality]?"
"There is a nucleus of zealots who are pushing this hard left cultural agenda on the country."
"The media and the public are freaking obsessed with the cause of fires. Fires are going to continue to occur. Our challenge as an advanced technical society is to refrain from joining one tribe or the other and all going to war."
"We’re all trying to make sense of something we’ve never dealt with before. Every single day."
"You have to fight against mainstream media, they're not going away."
"Enough is enough, I'm tired of feeding other people."
"Together we can defeat the lingering giants that remain fighting us." - Bishop T.D. Jakes
"White folks can't save us; they hunt our steps."
"I really think makeup addiction is more intense than we like to call it."
"White fragility is an impossible goal. White identity is inherently racist."
"Recognize the limiting beliefs born from taboos. How to challenge them."
"We not only have the responsibility to meet this moment together; we have the capacity to meet this moment together."
"Taxes are the devil, dude. That's trouble, yeah it is trouble man."
"The United States today is once again headed for civil war and once again it cannot bear to face it."
"I think this is a huge reset energy for our world. We are being forced to face some uncomfortable truths."
"Mental health and physical health has just kind of taken such a beating for everyone in the past year."
"Free Speech First Amendment rights are about protecting speech that is challenging to Elite consensus."
"Every time you exist in this body with this hair, with this mentality, you are so challenging society, and that should always be rewarded."
"The enemy of an open city is disguised homogeneity."
"We're in this state of a mental healthcare crisis."
"We have a model in the United States that's kind of an unaffordable model... figuring out how we're going to meet the promise of making state-of-the-art medical care available to everybody."
"Setting the rules for online discourse is an important challenge for our society."
"AI is a problem that is for the whole society; it's not just a technical problem, it's also a political problem."
"We're better than this; our democracy is under attack right now."
"A woman who loves herself and feels like she deserves better from the world and from her relationships and from people in general is a threat to the way we live."
"We're gonna have to face this problem as a society eventually."
"We have a million care worker shortage in the country; who's gonna take care of them, not robots."
"Hip hop has a really colorful history of challenging its audience and society at the time with abrasive lyrics and dark themes."
"If we don't scale the Golden Rule, we're in for a real problem."
"Anti-Semitism is a total evil within our society and it has to be challenged in every single form."
"The greatest challenge we face is a growing chasm between rich people and poor people."
"We want to put a mirror up to our audience and challenge the way we think, the way we look at each other."
"It's extraordinary to think that after 200,000 years on the planet, humankind is still struggling with how some of us love."
"Picard seems to be positioning itself to make that challenge, and I am 100% here for it."
"The problem here is racism; that's the problem."
"Structural racism can't be ignored."
"We are as a people living longer, and diseases... they are the big ones now, and so as a society, we have to look this in the eye."
"Mental health is the existential challenge of our time."
"As a parent, I know this fight might not be winnable, but it's a fight that must be fought."
"The defining challenge of our time."
"So long as all of us... are drunk on certainty and virtue, it's going to be hard to make progress."
"We have to find a way to get young people to be able to afford quality jobs and houses."
"Colorism is a big issue that hasn't been sorted out yet."
"The great challenge that faces us as a people is to learn to thrive in freedom."