
Healthcare System Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"The reality...is that very simply put, every lever of healthcare today predominantly makes money when they're intervening on sick people."
"Healthy shouldn't be controversial. It says more about the system that's calling us controversial than it does about us getting people healthy."
"Everything we're doing is to bend that very famous chart from going up like this and overwhelming the healthcare system, to staying flat."
"It's not doctors we lack, or nurses, or factories that can make the masks, the ventilators; it is the system that's the sickness."
"The incredible work of our healthcare providers and the system of each of these hospitals that have the resources and the ability to respond to the needs of the COVID-19 patients."
"Medical bankruptcies are unheard of in Canada because we have this comprehensive single-payer plan."
"In Norway, there are no co-pays. Predictability for both providers and patients is a great benefit of a single-payer system."
"Since its creation in 1948, the NHS has become the symbol of the country that a lot of British people are very proud of."
"Health care is intermittent and reactive; it needs to become continuous and proactive."
"Social healthcare... is not 'the worst thing ever.' I have access to high-tech, state-of-the-art technology in Germany with my socialized health insurance that costs a fraction of the price of the United States."
"If you think we don't need the health system as it works...why on Earth have the health system then?"
"The whole legal system we have, if no one going... then, this whole medical system we have, is no one going."
"The purpose of what we are doing right now is to avoid the overwhelming of the healthcare system."
"Mental health care is so broken in this country it's failing to reach half the people who need it."
"This biomedical establishment...has shown its face for the first time to the public in a very clear way in this pandemic."
"Ideally, the response to COVID should be the establishment of a global healthcare system."
"We call it healthcare, but it really is sick care. There is money in dollars behind sickness."
"This is just another example of systemic issues within healthcare, nursing shortages, and hospitals and healthcare facilities not wanting to spend extra money to pay nurses to ensure the safety of their patients."
"And so the point I'm making here is that the way we're currently treating these conditions sure seems like it could be better."
"The problem is not just Trump's ineptitude, the problem is the for-profit health care system. We don't have an infrastructure that can cope with a national health crisis because our health care structure is designed only for one thing, and that's to make money."
"Our current healthcare system doesn't allow us to spend enough time to dive deep into this conversation."
"We cannot go back to the system that we had before this pandemic. This pandemic has highlighted exactly what's been wrong with our system."
"Our health care system is broken. I think it's something that needs solutions thrown at it."
"The untreated mental illnesses that we're seeing on our streets right now, that is a byproduct of a broken health care system."
"We have now a great system and it's almost fully in gear but it's able to test millions of people but we inherited a broken old frankly a terrible system we fixed it and we've done a great job."
"Flatten the curve. We want to keep ourselves safely below whatever the healthcare system capacity is in our country."
"This crisis may expose weaknesses in our healthcare system."
"Canada Healthcare is a gem famous for its publicly funded and universally accessible nature."
"America really (beep) up somewhere down the line and decided that hospitals would operate no different than a movie theater or porn theater or some other porn thing."
"The function of our healthcare system today is not to provide quality care in a cost-effective manner to everyone; it is to make as much profit as possible for the insurance companies and the drug companies."
"People who are in the mental health care system are a vulnerable population."
"Whether it be the denials, the gaslighting, the gatekeeping, feeling that they're not themselves anymore, have these symptoms that are bothering them, that that's really driving them to kill themselves unfortunately."
"Lockdowns were designed to prevent the spread from overwhelming the healthcare system."
"Huge reason why Amanda was able to get away with what she did for so long was because at least at the time California didn't have that same type of database and this just allowed Amanda to hop from hospital to hospital without detection."
"This first tranche will be administered by radically ramping up the vaccination system."
"All of that treatment that we had with the overnight stays with all the tests they run with the medication zero dollar zero euro it was completely free."
"Even if delta has a lower infection fatality rate than the earlier ones then it's still going to overwhelm hospitals due to sheer volume."
"These measures are the bare minimum we should be doing to try to shift the peak, to slow the rise in cases so that healthcare systems are less overwhelmed."
"Healthcare providers spend an excessive amount of time on electronic health records or EHR related tasks detracting from patient care and contributing to professional burnout."
"Canada has an awesome single-payer health system."
"That's fine because the same National system takes care of 11.2 million people in Cuba despite the fact that Cuba is under an embargo and completely unjustifiable illegal embargo with public centralized health care."
"The curve was flattened, the hospital system held up, and the main reason why we embarked on mitigation, that goal has been satisfied."
"We really have to stop creating so many sick people."
"Cuba, a sanctioned third world country targeted by the largest superpower ever known, has a thriving and efficient healthcare system."
"In 21st century Britain, getting sick while holding down a relatively menial job sees the sick person not just lose their wage for the days off they're sick, but actually pay money to their employer."
"Told that nurses are the problems, when in fact, we're being continually distracted from the centralized power that often benefits most from these various crises."
"The medical system is often referred to by many experts as the medical mafia."
"Health insurance is insane over there. Like, you can get an x-ray for free. Everything is free because they first want to make sure you're okay."
"To say that just because the hospital is not overloaded means that it's not serious is just messed up."
"The idea of flattening the curve, as you'll remember, remember the old days when the concern was we don't want to overwhelm the hospitals."
"Our healthcare system is not oriented towards producing health."
"The profit in the United States... distorts our health care system."
"Health care cannot be centralized. It has to be decentralized."
"You flatten the curve because you don't want to overwhelm the medical system."
"What we currently do with those gifts is broken, far too many people are dying waiting for organs that could be coming but aren't."
"We have been in a better place than most healthcare systems in the country."
"With the number of young people they have that are harming themselves depressed suicidal literally the hospitals are full."
"There's been a huge failure in the system... to listen to patients."
"We have a system today which, to me, is almost impossible to defend."
"You shouldn't have to go to a doctor and get this diagnosis and just be told, 'Here's your diagnosis. Go home and love your child. That's it.'"
"We need to realign the incentives of our health care system towards our own well-being."
"Doctors are stuck in a system, it's like a black box, and what they don't realize is that most of their education is Pharmaceutical driven."
"Service will help to save us, and Maryland will help lead the way."
"As it stands, our health care system has adequate ventilators, ICU beds, medical professionals."
"Our health care system, while not perfect, produces the best doctors, medicine, research anywhere in the world."
"The Cubans have a well-oiled system of preventing and protecting their because they're not driven by private profit the way we are."
"The NHS simply won't be able to cope with it."
"The crisis wasn't endogenous to the free-market system. It was a virus. But why is our healthcare system bursting at the seams?"
"There needs to be a system where these individuals can get further help and not just dumped on the street."
"Our system is by far the most robust and advanced anywhere in the world by far."
"I think we just have it backwards for for mental health for for physical health we Embrace these these hacks these things that kind of Band-Aid over the prom and and stigmatize the root cause and and financial incentives are at play there."
"Changes are happening very very very fast in the Alberta Health Care System."
"If the testing comes back normal they basically tell you well you're good go back home we're not giving you any more money and that's crazy because that leaves really desperate people."
"There's so much wrong, it's hard to know where to begin. Year after year, we hemorrhage more and more cash into a National Health Service that isn't, which is to say, it isn't a National Health Service."
"I just don't think right now that we can just let this pass by and allow the healthcare system to be burdened and allow other people to get hurt."
"Every single hospital system is saying the same thing."
"I'm Canadian. I have single-payer health care. The one thing that keeps me somewhat calm during this entire crisis is that I know if I get sick, I can get help and not worry about paying for anything."
"The health insurance companies kill about 45 to 70 000 people every year because they don't have health insurance and they're like we didn't make enough profit off of you so we're gonna let you die."
"They've literally paid hitmen at this point in our medical system."
"Korea's socialized health care system was amazing."
"The NHS has not been overwhelmed... we have got lots of NHS capacity."
"Make your words soft and sweet so when the times come when the time comes for you to eat them they will taste good and be easy to chew."
"It would have been much, much worse without this public health care system, which is everywhere."
"We have a great testing system in the world."
"Think of the patient as a ping-pong ball... bouncing around the system."
"You are literally paying more in your premiums than you would be if it was covered by the government and your taxes. It's just stupid."
"It is sickening. It is absolutely just gut-wrenching that our system works like this."
"The American healthcare system failed you on every single level."
"Our healthcare system is in a real crisis more than ever... It's already broken, so we need to think about how do we fix this problem of the NHS."
"Big Pharma charges Americans more than three times what they charge other countries simply because they could. I think it's outrageous."
"I really learned how the healthcare system is not set up for us."
"Canada: there seem to be a couple points of contention on things they could do better, but by and large seem way better. I don't know what we're doing with our lives here in America, but it's good to see that somebody has a grip on the situation."
"Our healthcare system should have evolved to focus on preventing people from getting sick and keeping you healthy in the community."
"Most people want to get healthy and most people want to be healthy and not be stuck and beholden to this medical system."
"We are embarking on an important mission to improve how the health and care system listens to women's voices and to boost health outcomes for women and girls from adolescence all the way through to later life."
"The system is broken and without transparency on these doctors, we as patients can only do so much research."
"France's Social Security also legally requires price transparency and because the government-funded system covers the entire population it has more bargaining power to keep the prices low."
"We invest 3% in prevention. There's no money to be made unfortunately in the way our current health care system is designed in preventing disease."
"It's not his fault. The American Healthcare system is not about helping people; it's about making money."
"Here in the Netherlands Healthcare is completely free."
"The more that individuals begin demanding access to their own health information, the more we're gonna shift the system."
"We need to ensure that the health system is maintained, which can provide preventive, promoted, curative, diagnostic, rehabilitative services."
"You are a friggin rock star and should be a damn professional advocate for those who get ripped off in healthcare like this."
"The health care is free, baby, and the tap water kicks ass!"
"There wouldn't be an NHS without them, their skill, their expertise, their dedication."
"We've got the world's biggest, largest standing military on the planet, and we've got the worst healthcare."
"There are sort of 40 to a hundred thousand unnecessary deaths per year."
"You can knock the NHS, but it works, it really does."
"...I think I'm going to have a stroke soon; I can't stand it how medical treatment is being handled in Florida."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help; our mental health care system is flawed, but it's there for a reason."
"Canada can afford to have a modern inclusive accessible public health care system."
"Unchecked COVID-19 is like exposing the health system to a year's worth of risk but condensed into a few weeks."
"The function of a sane and humane healthcare system is to guarantee healthcare to all, not to make huge profits for the drug companies and the insurance companies."
"The American health care system is a system that relies on people getting sick and coming in for treatment."
"Doctors are overworked; we want to do the care, but we want to have a system that's supporting that."
"We are a part of a healthcare system that's very good at picking dandelion heads but not very good at getting rid of dandelions."
"It is immoral that in the richest, most advanced economy in the world, we are more stressed out about navigating our byzantine, dysfunctional health care system when our loved ones get sick or injured than we are actually caring for them and helping them get well."
"Observing the primary care team at close quarters made me acutely aware of the pivotal role of primary care in overall healthcare provision."
"The reality is that this is the first of its kind state-level government-run healthcare system in the country; there is no model for us to look to, to build this new structure around."
"The structure of the US system along with the educational, clinical, and research resources available for residents make the whole system the number one in the world."
"If I leave the Health Care System more connected to my body rather than less, I'm going to take care of it better over time."
"Many European nations supplement healthcare... in one sense it's free, certainly they pay taxes for it."
"Despite being a poor country, Cuba has one of the strongest healthcare systems in the world."
"We shouldn't be tearing down what actually works really well; we should be building on top of what is actually the most cost-efficient, the safest, and the most time-effective in getting people's surgeries they need."
"The NHS, a free form of medical care at the point of consumption, was paid for by taxation."
"We have created a system that will provide high reliability care at scale and allow us to radically transform the way that we with our providers prove lives and provide care."
"Having a doctor on the spot able to make decisions has saved the ambulance an unnecessary cross-country dash on blue lights."
"It's a very interesting country with three official languages and nine ministers of health."
"Health systems that are built on a strong foundation of primary care have better health outcomes for patients."
"We've got this disconnect between the Health Care system and the public, and that's on us as Healthcare Providers to do better with that."
"If there's one doctor to 27 patients, that's just a system designed to fail."
"I think the American system is better, as long as you got money."
"Our current health care system makes it harder to hire, treat people well, and give them benefits."