
Fitness Goals Quotes

There are 661 quotes

"Muscle enhances aesthetics. Whatever aesthetics you're going for, muscle can help you have the aesthetics you want."
"Getting to a certain level of physique development or strength level or endurance capacity, anything impressive, is always manyfold harder than staying there."
"I do have really big goals for the gym... My main goal is to be the powerlifting gym in Houston."
"The goal of a fat loss phase is twofold: to lose fat for sure but also to retain muscle."
"It's important to remind yourself that not everybody's looking for that and really very few people should be looking for that. If you're not a competitive bodybuilder, then why do you want your glutes to be well-defined? It's too much."
"Start with one push-up and every day, add a push-up. If you couldn't add a push-up, do the numbers that you'd done the day before."
"Building an aesthetic that is strong and powerful."
"Every workout you complete, you're just getting yourself that much closer to your goal."
"Project me is to get to a point where I felt really good, and to not just do it just so I can get super super shredded and super super lean, but in a good, happy, comfortable place."
"The whole goal of this is to now rebuild my metabolism."
"If one wants a ripped body with a tight six-pack, is it really possible for everyone? Yes. But it does take the effort."
"Jacked, ripped, shredded, cut. Call it what you like. Right now, muscles are huge."
"Everyone's in here to get big, to lift right, or to lose weight."
"I've been saying that like part of trying to get in shape for me is like no distractions."
"Atmosphere... you want the atmosphere to match your goals."
"Taking in roughly a gram per pound of body weight is the sensible thing if your goal is to maximize gains."
"It feels really good to hit more strength goals. For me, anyways, I'm like so proud when I hit a new personal best."
"Cardio isn't just about losing weight; it's about better endurance, better blood flow, and better pumps. It's about being a more effective machine."
"My top goal for 2024 was to get into the best shape of my life."
"If this video can help you gain a sizable muscle mass over the next six months a year two years three years on body parts that were lagging boy it's gonna be worth the hour and a half."
"I want to have the best physique that I possibly can...I feel like I've earned it."
"If your whole reason for working out is because you want Gymshark to notice you, that's a problem."
"Fitness changes when you're trying to accomplish your fitness goals here to make all these little promises to yourself everything you have to eat right sleep right train right you had to do it consistently to make progress."
"A successful workout is not the sweatiest one, it's the one that you do to your best intensity."
"When you feel good, the lift is [__] awesome. I love it, right? Everything just, I mean, everything clicks, man."
"You let's say just for four weeks, you could look 12 pounds less fat and more muscular at the same time."
"Most your muscle growth is going to be the result of your strength level. If you can do 100-pound shoulder press for five reps, that's what's going to be the result of most your back muscle."
"Your 'why' is very important if you want to get serious about fitness."
"This man is obviously virtuous because he's able to stick to his diet, his regime, and therefore build his body mass as he wants to. He's achieved the thing he wanted to do."
"Focus on strength improvement as well as aesthetic improvement."
"Nutrition is going to be hands-down the most important thing when we talk about your fitness goals."
"Increase my muscle mass by 100 percent, increase my muscle mass."
"There's just no possible way you could support that kind of transformation naturally with that kind of training volume and that kind of short time preparation like three months."
"A lot of people are always looking for shortcuts when it comes to achieving their body goals."
"Thank you all so much for watching it means the world. Later this week I've got my wife's here I think we're going to go to the gym and try to be you know productive members of society."
"It's gonna be a lot easier to lose fat and build muscle if your body is functioning optimally."
"Why do things like painting or sculpting when you can sculpt your body to become a perfect gymnastics machine?"
"Building muscle takes a long time. You have to be so patient, so consistent."
"That's not how you want to feel after hypertrophy training, I want to feel jacked up."
"If I can help one person in one small way feel maybe just a little bit more sure of themselves when they're walking into the gym then I can retire today."
"I was really happy with my results because I've dropped like three percent body fat."
"I don't want to be a Jeffrey, I want to be Adonis and I'm going to go to the gym."
"You can literally lose more body fat in 30 days than at any point in human history."
"Walking about 10,000 steps a day can contribute in a massive way to your weight loss journey."
"Raising your absolute strength will always have a dramatic impact on what you can do for high reps."
"For maximum results and visual aesthetics, your training and your nutrition must be on point."
"The goal is to walk in the gym and train harder than last time."
"I decided to not lose weight, chat. I'm going for the world's strongest man title this year."
"If you're not trying to make progress in the gym, you're not giving the adequate stimulus."
"Your hormones are not on point, the connective tissue, your build, everything is gonna be subpar."
"Gaining strength and just putting on size, that should be the objective, not being shredded as a skinny fat guy."
"With proper diet and workout, it's possible to boost all these attributes to their maximum values."
"I'd rather lift zero weight and get the physique that I want."
"Your goal shouldn't be a number on the scale. It should be how you look, how you feel, how you perform, and how healthy you are."
"Joyful movement is the celebration of loving your body and not the punishment of hating your body."
"It's not too late to crush your summer fitness goals. Try fitbod today and get 20% off your subscription!"
"The squat, if you get a freaking thick voluptuously rotund glutes and quads and hams."
"It really doesn't matter... it really comes down to what you like to do in your training program."
"I'm just going to show people how easy it is... they're going to see me put on size."
"By this point, I was becoming able to do three minute planks."
"As long as I get the sets and the reps in, the weight doesn't matter too much."
"At the end of the day, what we're trying to do is get our heart rate up and consistent."
"You're going to make a lot of gains even if you're just riding indoors in shorter sessions."
"Most people end up falling off a week or a month later. Why do you think that happens?"
"If you never quit, you will build the 10 out of 10 physique."
"So if you're a you're just lifting to look better why would you want to cover muscle with money then right."
"The way to really get results with fat loss, muscle growth, or strength is to keep activating those genes." - Dr. Jim Stefani
"Wait a minute, you lost 16 pounds and put on muscle? Why, yes I did."
"That physique, can you guys out there achieve that? And I believe the answer is yes."
"My thing is that I want to be in better shape. I feel like if I'm in like really good shape then the bald head works cuz then you look like you're like an MMA fighter or like an athlete."
"I want to look like I'm a superhero, that's all I want, like the broad shoulders, the ripped abs."
"Your happiness should be the sole goal of exercise."
"I lost about 13 pounds in 8 weeks, going from 9% to about 6% body fat."
"We didn't want to just be going to the gym and do the elliptical for an easy 20 minutes. We wanted to be pushed to the limit."
"It's nuts, the guy went from you know very overweight and out of shape to yoked out of his goddamn mind."
"You shouldn't go through a workout and just feel tired, you should actually feel the fatigue in the pump within that muscle."
"Focus on hitting protein and calorie targets for significant body changes."
"Any progress is good progress I knew that it wasn't gonna be anything crazy but hey we're still trying to get to that goal of getting under 200."
"2024 is going to be our fitness era we're going to come out of 2024 looking hot, unbothered, healthy, thriving, vital it's going to be our year."
"Building your one rep max back squat shouldn't mean inevitable knee pain."
"If Lionel could get 100 percent peeled, he would be Mr. Olympia."
"Regardless of your fitness level, your goals, your weight, you deserve to be happy and healthy."
"Challenge your bodies in every single way possible, push to the very end."
"It's impossible to go from 30 body fat to 10 in one week."
"A lot of people want to know how to build their biceps... it's painful, it's difficult."
"Losing weight is the number one fitness related goal in the world."
"Last year I really wanted to get better at working out, which I actually have got better at."
"As long as you're getting progressively stronger on the squat I don't think it really matters too much whether you're using high bar or low bar."
"If you can't do another rep, mission accomplished."
"He looks perfect. He has an amazing physique, dominant arms, massive limbs, good core, shredded but not too lean. To me, perfect physique."
"Results only came when I was consistent, dedicated, and gave myself time."
"Fitness is about energy level, mood, fun, and community."
"People compare themselves to the most extreme best transformations out there."
"I'm going for ten... eight, and that's about eight more than I can do in real life."
"He's got a little bit of a long waist, but with a little bit more added lat size and quad thickness, this could be [ __ ] really dangerous."
"If your goal is to get leaner, then you don't need anything crazy. You just need to burn some calories. Don't kill yourself."
"You're not competing with me, this is your challenge."
"The goal is to have him just basically lose I would say about one pound per week."
"If we can work really really really hard in a short period of time we're getting all of the benefits for our cardiovascular health."
"With dedication and the right approach, significant calf gains are achievable."
"Take your time, do things right, come in slowly, get your gains."
"Your reason why has to be strong enough. My main reasons why actually motivate me to get up and go to the gym every single day."
"Train the way that suits your goals don't lift for others it's gotta be for you that's the only way you're gonna be consistent in the long run."
"I want to be able to do 100 push-ups at 80. F*** aging."
"It's less about looking good, it's more about just being fit and living a healthier lifestyle."
"Each meal takes less than 10 minutes of your time, adds up to 200 g of protein, and has me easily losing 2 lbs of fat per week."
"Every day we make a little bit of gains and at the end of the year we end up seeing in the mirror what we had in our mind and that's the whole goal."
"Prioritize movements that you want to get stronger at."
"That's when you're actually going to compensate and actually get fitter."
"Nothing more, all we're concerned with is your results."
"It's not all about the glute growth, it's honestly more than that."
"If we had the magic pill, no hunger ever exists, it would be easy to get lean."
"Getting that physique of your dreams comes with a price - you have to be selfish."
"Anyone can achieve his physique if you put in the hard work."
"Definitely more intense, more vigorous, more stretching, more toning, more total fitnesses."
"So his final strategy for becoming an unstoppable muscly beast was to track down a mega monster in Flavor Falls behind the waterfall."
"I want all my followers to make me look like a noob in the gym. I want the people that listen to me to look better than me."
"Ultimately, this comes down to your goals, training experience, and past injuries."
"Progress from the hardest to the easiest. Mastering each step ensures proper form and strength."
"Remember guys, it's about enjoying your training and being consistent. That's what's gonna get you the best results."
"There's getting jacked and there's getting fit. More people always regard healthy posture."
"Vision of that physique and where I would place is what's going to create all the other things."
"Exercise as a way to nourish ourselves and set awesome fitness goals that have nothing to do with weight loss or size or numbers."
"There's literally no more excuses if you're not getting the results you want."
"Stick with it, come on! Final minute now, give it everything you've got!"
"A good workout split should accomplish two things: first it should train each muscle group with adequate frequency to result in muscle growth and second it should allow your muscles to recover between sessions."
"Washboard abs is not a healthy goal for most women."
"Average isn't good enough because the average American's overweight."
"Your strength and conditioning should try to become indestructible."
"I hope I lose... 1 36.1... your girl gained a pound."
"But the the journey the process is the best part if you want to get into a bikini if you want it you know go into a competition or whatever you want to do like the journey is the best part of it."
"I would say ballpark with average to good genetics, you could probably aim to gain maybe 1.5 to 2 pounds of muscle every month under absolutely ideal circumstances."
"The main objective is very simple: to get a better squat, bench, and deadlift. That is your sport, that's the technique."
"If you can get to the point where you can do 10 chin-ups, 30 push-ups, and skip rope for like two minutes straight, you're basically in the top five percent of guys."
"Is this what they call being yoked like an ox? Am I yoked? Am I you right now?"
"Classic physique starts with a small, tight waist, and then goes from there with the flow of the body."
"If she's smart, she'll keep it together... she could have the body of her dreams."
"Fitbod's innovative algorithm learns about your goals and your training abilities and crafts a personalized training regimen that's unique to you."
"I was excited that the end goal was not six-pack abs. I was excited that the end goal was that in a way there wasn't an end goal."
"Most people assumed training means I went to the gym or I went to a class that's not training that's not specific training and guidance to get you to a specific goal that's just practice."
"Yes, it is possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time."
"But if you just want a bigger bench and someone's like hey like you'll have to be more muscular you're like well shit that's like two good things give it a shot let me know what you think comments below like subscribe buy stuff."
"Train for strength and aim to lift more every time you go to the gym."
"Gym membership... trying to get that grind on for the new year."
"It's not hitting certain numbers; it's not being a certain level of jacked. It is the ability to only progress slowly."
"Your goal on this program should be to outgrow it as fast as possible."
"If you want a summer body, go and freaking get it."
"It's so nice to finally have a champion's physique which actually looks somewhat admirable and attractive to the common man."
"Making sure you're getting the most out of that triple drop set at the end of those sets is huge."
"When it comes to dropping body fat levels... it’s only then that you can start to make progress."
"I'm gonna prove the whole world wrong... gonna look like a sculpted God... for reals this time."
"The objective in bodybuilding should be getting the most amount of muscle load with the least amount of weight."
"Power walks are blessed with that great body. I want it strong."
"If you could double your bench squat or clean what would you choose god damn that's a good fucking question dude damn damn damn damn damn damn my bench my squat or my clean oh my god."
"I've been lifting for three years and for the whole three years, I've been trying to stay in a caloric surplus."
"Repetition, consistency, and progressive overload will give you high-quality muscles."
"It's not just about losing weight but actually sculpting a more muscular physique."
"If you're running a program that you absolutely hate, you may be making strength gains but if you're not enjoying the process then you're not gonna enjoy lifting."
"It's not just about getting shredded; it's about changing your life, forming more positive habits, and just making stuff better."
"Let's put on another five pounds of muscle and show what's possible."
"The most important thing about your training is that it needs to be specific to what it is you're training for."
"I'm working out with a positive piece of motivation."
"Everyone wants the big guns, the chest, the back."
"Having a goal of natural bodybuilding... build a complete physique."
"Fitness will always have the 'let's get a small waist and a bigger butt,' and the nice thing about being in shape is you tend to look more societally accepted."
"Hit cardio is freaking hard. Hit is not just those easy workout during the interval."
"Whatever it is, rep by rep, you're getting closer to that goal."
"You and I as your trainer, I'm here getting you to be the healthiest and fittest best version of you."
"It's all about discipline and consistency, my goal is to weigh 190 to 200. Let's go let's go bro."
"Imagine getting someone in the best shape of their life for Christmas."
"You have your whole life to chase your fitness goals, you don't have your whole life to make holiday memories."
"If your weekly average is going down, you're on the right track."
"Every repetition getting you that much closer to your goals. Breathing in, breathing out. You got it, come on! What did you come here for?"
"You already body goals, you just gotta get there with discipline."
"So I probably got about four more weeks or so left on this bulk."
"If you feel like you're not making progress inside the gym at every single set that you do, you have to have the intention of exactly what the goal, the purpose of this set is."
"Get obsessed with conquering each and every workout."
"Making fitness and health a lot less confusing and giving you the tools for you to make informed decisions towards whatever your goals might be."
"More volume isn't better, the right amount of volume is better. How do you check if it's the right amount? Is the training process resulting in really good rep PR's and really good feelings in the gym? If it is, you're on the right track."
"I just train to not only look a lot better but also to feel good."
"I think the reason why is because they're that's not their goal their goal is to get stronger right they're not trying to get the biggest ass they're not trying to play"
"Efficiency and getting the most bang for the buck out of your workout... is the master."
"You will want to lose weight and then also gain muscle at some point in the movie."
"Aim for performance over developing mirror muscles."
"Your primary goal for exercise should be to build and maintain muscle."
"Your entire training plan should not be centered on this idea of feeling the contraction and then treating that as your primary gauge for success."
"Wanting to change your body, challenge yourself, lose body fat, gain muscle, build curves... that does not mean that you don't love yourself."
"Some people don't have the genetics to get strong, but everyone has the ability to get stronger than they are now."
"Prioritize the maintenance of and preservation of lean skeletal muscle while also activating your brown adipose tissue."
"Progress is strength to me. If you're 18 years old and you bench 205 right now, good job Jimmy. If six months from now you bench 200, you suck Jimmy. Let's try to bench 210, 215, 225."
"Be smart about it and hopefully you'll get massive gains."
"My goal is to help you guys to become the fittest, healthiest, most pain-free versions of yourself."
"By the way, they're gonna sponsor today's video because they want all of you guys to achieve your fitness goals just like I'm achieving mine."
"I think I made a lot of progress I am a perfectionist that honestly I really want to get to a point where I ain't got no backpack like it's just amazing like it is snatched I am so serious about working out and having the body of my dreams."
"Think about you stronger, leaner, feeling more confident in your strength."
"I wanted to feel fitter and I wanted to be happier."
"2024, I'm going to get on a bit of a fitness drive."
"If you do not adjust the amount of food you're eating to make up for how many more calories you're burning on rest, you're not going to hit your goal as fast as you want."
"Putting on raw size followed by specifically training with the lower repetitions, I feel like that's the most specific thing that I could do right now for raising the bench."
"Getting stronger is the best thing you can do with your time in the gym."