
Inner Self Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"The more that you live it, the more that you show up for the inner parts rather than the outer parts, the clearer you become that the outside stuff isn't the answer."
"Spirit moves inside out. We're transmitters as well as receivers."
"The divine is within self. Hear the voice within, not the tempter from without."
"The outside mirrors the inside. As within, so without."
"Martin Luther importantly made a distinction between inner lives and outer lives. Our outer life is how we conceive of ourselves in relation to society, and our inner life is how we genuinely feel inside."
"The heart should be the one driving you; the soul should be driving you in all your decisions."
"The divine doesn't exist outside of me so much as it already exists inside of me, right there inside of the heart."
"Anything that you love as a child is connected to your inner child, which is directly connected to source."
"Let your spirit and your soul just guide you."
"The connection to divine guidance is within you."
"Peace is in our nature. When we dive deep, we reconnect with it."
"Soul is that inner aspect of our being where we're able to really understand who we are."
"The reality that we experience on the outside will be a reflection of how we are vibrating on the inside."
"I want to ensure that my body reflects the soul that I know I am inside."
"There's no such thing as the evil one out there; it is our inner that is represented on the outside on a global scale."
"The mirror could reflect people's Dark Side."
"Every single thing that we see outside of ourselves is only a simple reflection of who we are inside of ourselves."
"Religion is the manifestation of the Divinity already within us."
"We all have this tree of life within us... It's the DNA of this spiritual structure."
"Eclipsing the self so that the eternal self may reign."
"We all have a little Yaffi inside us, you know."
"Feelings are the language of our soul... soul language is pretty powerful from my point of view." - JP Sears
"Be your inner child, be your innocent and pure self."
"It's about your connection to the Eternal and to that Immortal spark inside yourselves."
"You can choose with the existence of your oversoul and the god mind within you."
"We all have a shadow self, you know, we all have a dark night."
"You cannot fail. You're walking in your soul, your true self."
"In certain states, even when we're alive in this world, we slip into that inner self or into that state where we're sort of more in the spiritual world than we are in this world."
"There is deity within you, that spark, that Divine thing."
"The only devil from which man must be redeemed is self. If man would find his devil, he must look within; his name is self. If man would find his savior, he must look within." - Noble J Ali
"Your heart connects you like a stargate to who you really are. This is an all-encompassing love, unconditional acceptance, serenity."
"It's the presence within that's doing the work."
"Start separating your body from your spirit because your body is just a house; your spirit is who you are."
"Jesus didn't come to make us look good on the outside, he came to heal us from the inside."
"The outside does not determine the inside; the inside is determined by the Holy Spirit, the source of joy."
"What is already inside of you will call whatever will come to you."
"What comes out is what's inside. And if you don't like what's inside, you can change it."
"The peace that I seek above all else is the nature of my being."
"External beauty is temporary, it goes away, but what lasts is the inside, what a person carries within."
"Peace doesn't come from out there; it comes from the Holy Spirit in here."
"If any man should ever come saying 'Look here' or 'Look there', believe them not; for the kingdom of God is within you."
"Who are you inside the image? That's what matters."
"Delusions really do exist within us."
"True happiness is inside of all of us, right Poppy?"
"Love is the only thing that can tame the monstrosity within."
"We all have a monster within us, and if you don't embrace it, it'll manifest out of your control."
"...the beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul"
"Who I am on the inside matters the most."
"Our inner innocence is the only thing that's capable of saving all of us."
"The joy has to come from something inside of me."
"We should have an idea of what chaos feels like within and what peace feels like within."
"It's not what you look like, it's what's inside."
"Deep down, all he wants is to live peacefully."
"When I pray in the spirit my spirit is the one praying."
"Your first responsibility is to your spiritual side."
"Motivation is to pull out or to draw out that which is on the inside."
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, but rather it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."
"... your inner being your higher self something like that."
"Shrek is all of us on the inside."
"Peace is not to be found in a thing out there. Peace is not to be found in the object. It is to be found in the subject."
"What's in your soul is in your soul."
"So, when somebody says nasty comments and sometimes I read the comments that people leave on some of the influencers that I follow and I was like, 'Wow, that's sad,' because that's within them. They can't produce something nice because that's the seeds that they have within."
"Happiness comes from within, and yes, things can give you some form of comfort and even some former happiness, but it won't be enough forever."
"Outer beauty is just a lie, mother. It's what's inside that counts."
"The Spirit comes to the believer out of the inner depths of his personality."
"Your spirit is different from your soul."
"True happiness resides within you."
"The Holy Spirit dwells in your spirit, but the reign of Your Inner Man is based on what your soul has made available."
"The message that what's on the inside is what counts and people are gonna be jerks no matter what is a good lesson for kids."
"What is promoting, what is pushing, is not you on the inside."
"The kingdom of God is within us, I believe our words to that effect, and I said well maybe I've been looking in the wrong direction."
"We've all got an inner beast, weird part of ourselves hidden away, and a lot of us never let it out. Nice."
"There is no greater agony than the untold story inside you."
"The human reality should be seen as a mine which is filled with gems of inestimable value, and it's education that mines and brings these gems to light within the inner reality of the human being."
"He's displayed such a Mastery over it purely because of how intuned he is with his inner self and with the spirit world."
"Because you wear on the outside how toxic you are on the inside."
"The mystical union is the transference of authority from the exterior objective personality to the interior subjective personality."
"The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
"You're beautiful on the outside, but inside you're ugly."
"Your trinity is in here...your intuition."
"Speak your truth. It's about what's on the inside."
"The glory of God is within you, Heaven is within you."
"The purest beauty comes from within."
"Love and happiness come from you."
"There is only the Eternal and the Eternal is in you."
"For if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it but sin that lives within me."
"It's about recognizing that each of us carries a spark of the mystical, the magical within us waiting to be awakened."
"Real happiness lives inside each and every one of us. We just have to find it."
"You don't need to eat trolls to find happiness. It's in each and every one of us."
"We've all got an inner beast, a messy, loud, weird part of ourselves hidden away."
"It's what's within us that defiles us."
"Unconditional love exists within you."
"You feel that way because you've been separated from your inner self."
"Spirituality does not come from gurus or books or churches or temples. Spirituality is in your breathing, in your heart. It comes from inside you."
"If you can't find peace within yourself, you won't be able to find it anywhere."
"Confidence does not come from what you look like; it comes from the inside."
"Follow your own inner guidance. We all have our own inner Master within us."
"I'm a big teddy bear on the inside."
"We were living a summoning that was on the inside of us."
"I delight in the law of God after the inward man."
"Breath work and meditation helps you to connect to that Deeper Self inside of you which is non-changing."
"May he continue to be the center, the inner room, that most intimate part of us to transform us."
"That physical projection is a part of beauty but it's most importantly how it's mixing with what's going on inside of you."
"You can't have love in your life and you can't give it away unless that's what you have inside."
"It transformed my life to recognize that there is a spiritual world and there's a spirit on the inside of me that cannot be discerned by any physical standard."
"It's this inner center of ourselves that if we don't do the work to remove these things that are blocking us and live in the spiritual reality that exists inside of us then we do not have access to raise to these higher levels of our fitrah because we're blocked from it."
"When someone squeezes you and out of you comes anger or frustration, it's because that's what's inside."
"Happiness really does come from within and being fulfilled within."
"A prayer starts from your mind, your heart, it starts from within."
"Some of the prettiest people have some of the ugliest souls."
"Inside of everyone there is a vacuum for healing."
"Your authentic self is inside of you. It's not something that you become."
"Look within. There is a whole inner ecosystem trying to tell you what you desire."
"I'm not talking about my big screen TVs, I'm not talking about my furniture or swimming pools or a butler, that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the inside."
"The inner child is a personification, if you will, of your inner self, of yourself at that age."
"There might be a monster hiding in all of us, just waiting to be released."
"You are dominated by the spirit, not the flesh."
"Our source is the divine and our own divine self."
"It's not just about looking that way it's like what's going on inside"
"No matter how good you look on the outside, if you're miserable on the inside, you're still very miserable."
"The gods are within, I say. Whether one has named his own or not."
"It's what's on the inside of you, how can we get the good stuff to come out even more and more."
"This brings you into your heart which is where all of the good stuff is anyway."
"...all this beauty is but a mere reflection of your own inner beauty."
"When people are so horrible inside, it does reflect on the outside. It's the face and the brain. They lose everything."
"You carry Christ in you, there's something on the inside of you"
"God lives in you you don't have to go try to find God he's in you."
"It's not about the car you're driving, it's about the person that you are on the inside."
"Peace be with you! Acquire my peace. Be careful not to let anyone mislead you by saying, ‘Look over here!’ or ‘Look over there!’ Because the Son of Humanity exists within you. Follow him! Those who seek him will find him."
"True beauty begins within. The little baby's not freaked out at all."
"A place for contemplation, for getting in touch with your inner self."
"It's a helpful way to keep a connection between your outer and inner self at the same time."
"The secret within the larger secret was the fact that there was a third self connected with man and his two lower selves."
"Your world around you is literally a mirror, it's a reflection of what is going on with you on the inside."
"You have something sacred inside of you that needs to flow."
"You cannot change anything in your 3D world without first changing your inner dialogue, assumptions, and feelings."
"You have to discover the reality inside and the reality outside."
"What's on the inside of you will eventually show up on the outside of you."
"The braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry or the clothing you wear, but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious."
"Our outer appearance is reflective of what's going on inside."
"Our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day."
"I believe we have to heal and talk to the inner child and the inner parent because we are both."
"The space of the psyche, although invisible, shapes everything outside you."
"The goal of humanity is to make known the inner self."
"It's just about the inside of you, how you feel about the inside, the real you."
"He's here, near you, wherever you be, in the heart as the self."
"When I say indigenous, I simply mean something inside of us that is indelibly earth-based, a mirror of what nature is."
"There's this place within us, deep deep within us, that when we tap into it, when we listen not with our ears but with our hearts, we start to feel that authentic core."
"Keep your whole inner self because out of your inner self will develop your outer self."
"You will only attract what you are inside."
"The inner silent voice is what defines their lives and all their outer expression is just an expression of that inner core."
"I am a creator of Peace in my heart and in my soul."
"Here you can create light beings in any form that pleases you; this is your deep inner self, and you can make it any way you choose."
"Feminine and masculine energies, yin and yang, they exist within you."
"I truly believe that the happiest lives come from building it from the inside out and always working on the inner you, whether it's spiritual, mental, or physical."
"Are you dressed for today? Do you have tender mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, forbearance, forgiveness, and love clothed in your inner woman?"
"There is a place in you that is always peaceful, always unattached and unafraid."
"There are two birds in the cave of heart; one is your individual Atma, the other is the Supreme Being's representation within you."
"What's happening outside is a direct representation of what's happening inside."
"Underneath this self-tormenting self-concept is the Christ, this magnificent love and light."
"The creator of the universe has made His house inside of you."
"It's a sacred place within us, and it is our divine connection."
"We all have a womb within us that is our soul, that is our interior world, our deepest secrets and desires."
"Their soul will show you their Persona, their Sun sign will show you their Persona, but their Moon sign is their deepest needs."
"Words and opinions of other people don't mean anything; all that matters is who you truly are inside."
"The image of God dwells within us too."
"The inner voice that speaks without words, that's the I AM."
"Man thinks he thinks, but it is I, the real I of him, who thinks through his organism."
"The great Observer is there inside of you, observing. That great Observer is waiting for you to be awake."
"That parcel of divinity which is inside of you."
"I am that Transcendent innermost part of you which quickens within you as you read, which responds to this my word, which perceives its truth, which recognizes all truth and discards all error wherever found."
"The divine within us is ever enlightened."
"It's a realm where spirits reside, each one of us has one."
"The darkness inside of you is unfathomable, as the light is so great."
"The reality is within us, is who we really are."
"The very source of this happiness is within us."
"You have what we could call an inner garden within you, and this is essentially your subconscious mind."
"The most profound part of our inner being is a state of unity."
"A part of you deeper and wider, vaster and more instinctive, truthful and intelligent than your mind is lonely for the Divine embrace."
"Christian spirituality aims to transform the inner self so that it becomes like the inner self of Jesus Christ."
"Spiritual formation for the Christian is the spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner world of Christ Himself."
"There is something inside you which will never perish. I can reveal it."
"The kingdom of God is not what you do, it's in you."
"...the primitive sources of our being are within us at the very deepest innermost level of our consciousness, those sources are there and gently pulsating..."
"Your outside relationships really just reflect your inside relationship that you have with yourself."
"Allah knows what is hidden in your hearts."
"Sadhguru is the truth that is already inside you."
"You're building up your spirit man, the real you."
"The creator resides within, is an expression of that which is everywhere present at all times."
"Do the work and work on your inner self, your emotions and your mental state."
"Spirit itself, source, is inside each of you."
"Faith is something that changes you on the inside."
"You have to focus on changing the inner matrix."
"Everything that's going on inside of you kind of seeps out; there's just no way to stop it."
"It's not about what you're doing on the outside; it's about what's in your heart."
"It's what's inside a person that matters, not the outside rituals."
"Changing your looks, but does that really change what's going on in the inside?"
"It's about learning how to live in two worlds, the inner and the outer, and to value and to foster each as substantially as you can."
"I might appear to be a big ugly troll on the outside, but on the inside, I have a creator's soul."
"She's awakening the Divine within you."