
Steadiness Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"Greatness is being at ease and steady in the moment."
"A simple, steady approach could go a long way."
"I've known victories. I've prayed about victories. I've seen God's hand. I've been delivered. But in spite of all of my deliverances and these flashes of blessing and anointings, there's something that is not steadfast. There's something I'm longing for, unshakable and uninterrupted, some kind of a walk with God that I've not yet seen or experienced."
"That's right, we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most."
"Start off with very basic movements and then progressed... nice slow and steady wins the race."
"Keep everything slow and steady, and wealth is definitely increasing for you this year."
"Scoot's most important trait is that he seems to have an advanced steadiness."
"Steadiness in life: withdrawing the prana, bringing it under control."
"Being patient and being as steady as possible."
"It's best to take it slow and steady, that is for sure."
"It's been burned on my brain for like 15 years since I saw that movie."
"Alignment leads to steady relationship growth."
"Catherine was also known as a steady and sensible woman who was warm, caring, intelligent, and reliable."
"There's nothing wrong with slow, sustained growth; it's actually a power."
"Something's moving quite smoothly here, something's moving quite slow, steady, nice. It feels really, really good."
"Peace is the capacity to remain steady when everything around us is completely unsteady."
"Eight nines are steadier in their pursuit of their goals, not as openly aggressive."
"Steady as a rock, but I shoot with this."
"You gotta be steady in the storm."
"The turtle boys. Slow and steady."
"Behind every sudden blessing there is a steady hand."
"You'd like your heart rate to slow so you can hold the gun steady."
"You've mastered guiding your life with incredible steadiness and foundational energy."
"I would love that," Betty finally said, her voice soft but steady.
"This is someone who is actually really steady and committed. They're not afraid of taking responsibility."
"What I really love about what he does is how steady his upper body is I mean you could put a plate of food on top of his head and none of it would spill."
"Steady lads. Steady," Captain Murray's voice was calm.
"Both definitely looks good overall though and low light overall it's definitely going to depend if you have a steady hand because it doesn't do its best if you you know move your hand obviously."
"Stand to your glasses steady, 'tis all we have left of prize."
"The key to abundance is to be steady, diligent."
"The osseous is the most dependable and reliable, the phrases that 'man is steady, never flies off the handle, always the same, etc.' are invariably used concerning those of more than average bony structure."
"It was pretty steady all day too, it didn't really take a break or come and go, it was just non-stop."
"...my hands about as steady as an epileptic geriatric Australian convention..."
"He painted seated, it shows the use of his Moll stick to steady his hand."
"I'm hoping you're committed to being that person of steadiness who's able to go into your place of peace"
"He's holding a pretty wheel right now."
"You try to be the same guy day in and day out, you try to be consistent."
"The candles flickered again... then ran straight and true."
"Invite a sense of steadiness, calm or ease."
"Don't change horses in midstream."
"The attitude of not moving is true budo, both in fighting and in everyday life. You should be determined, though calm."
"The thunders of battle never disturbed his equanimity."
"French commanders in Spain had learned grudging respect for Wellington and for the steadiness of his troops."
"Life is not a speedy race; it's supposed to go slow and steady."
"Sometimes we just gotta take it slow and steady."
"The stability is incredible, it is almost like using a gimbal."
"No one had to a greater extent firmness, mildness and self-possession."
"We're going to be storm chasers. No, storm chasers move; we're going to be storm sitters."
"Plant your feet firmly, and inshallah, everything that comes after that will be something that you can deal with."
"You have to remain calm at all times."
"They are steady, reliable, and realistic individuals."
"Ask in faith, without any wavering, for he who wavers is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind."
"Steady breaths, mind is nice and calm."
"Faith is not excitement. Faith exists absent excitement."
"Hold here strong and steady for a few moments, a few more breaths."
"It's been very calm, very much in control."
"Keep the mind calm and steady, calm and steady."
"You can always hold my hand if you need to feel steady."
"He's going to be the most steady non-all-star point guard in the NBA."
"Feel the steadiness, energy flowing through your body."
"It allowed me to build the infrastructure slowly and steadily and properly."
"That trueness, that steadiness, that integrity of soul and heart can be ours."
"Steady, steady," said Puddleglum. "Don't look back, don't walk too quickly. Whatever you do, don't run."
"Speak steadily and not too fast; quite slowly is acceptable."
"Yudhisthira means one who can stay calm and steady in the midst of a war."
"Fly it nice and slow and take smooth, steady shots."
"Just maintaining a steady breath throughout these postures is really important."
"Find the steadiness of the whole, the simplicity of the challenge."
"Slow, steady, deep breaths really create a rhythm that you can keep steady and constant."
"Despite everything she had been through, she was remarkably calm and steady on her feet."
"Keep your gaze steady at one spot."
"Live as a person of steadiness and be somebody that lives also inside the peace."
"And the breath as steady as possible."
"As the breath starts to flow in and out your body, feel a sense of steadiness, calmness, and ease."
"Allow the breath to start to move a little steadier, a little stronger."
"I'm hoping that you can progress and in doing so you can have growth that will take you to a place of steadiness and decency."
"Emotional peace, like there's a level of steadiness, there's a calmness, uh confidence like it's all available to you."
"Become that much more determined to be a person of steadiness and ultimately a person of peace."
"No matter how the game goes, I love how steady South Carolina is."
"Stay steady, stay in the love of God, stay in faith."
"Your work will be perfect only if your mind is very steady."
"I'm still finding me, still finding my feet."
"Let your steadiness and let your goodness be your greatest argument."
"I'm hoping that you're going to be able to find your place of steadiness and your place of peace."
"It just locks into the flow and just holds on to it."
"Ultimately, I'm hoping that you can have a steadiness and a goodness in your life that allows you and other individuals to truly be individuals of peace and contentment."
"Courtney has this amazing steadiness and composure that can help her stay in the rounds throughout the competition."
"Let our hearts therefore remain steady, ready, and steadfast."
"Find a sense of steadiness and ultimately the peace that you deserve."
"Edward may not always be the fastest engine, but he certainly is the steadiest."
"By keeping this motion steady, it shows us that any situation can be transformed into something different by tempering our thoughts and actions to bring about the desired change."
"Stay even, stay steady, keep grinding away, and I'm excited about the future."
"The rattle had left the breathing of Satan, the stagger was gone from his walk."
"Strength is always a good thing, not to whirl around but to feel steady inside."
"Slow and steady wins the race, and that sometimes your portfolio can use that versus having so much volatility."
"That's what you want. You want a guy that he's either got five hits or he's got no hits and you want to see the same out of him every time."
"I'm going to be a person that's going to be steady because I want to be a person of peace."
"There's a steadiness and confidence, call it faith, I suppose."
"A steady hand, a steady eye, and a steady heart make the arrow fly true."
"Like the eye of the hurricane, I'm calm."
"Didn't make as many putts as I would have wanted to, but it was still a very steady round."
"My rain has to be steady because if she's not steady, bad things can happen."
"I'm standing on the promise of God. I am living steady, walking steady, remain steady in unsteady times."
"When you arrive at enlightenment, even full enlightenment, the mind of the Arahant, those factors will be steady states."
"The Guru comes with stillness, with tranquility, with steadiness."
"It's a good idea to hold your breath when you're drawing a line because you've got more control there, believe it or not."
"It's all about keeping the nerve."
"To be consistent means to be steady, to be firm, to be stable, to be constant, to be persistent."
"With bitterness, archers attacked him; they shot at him with hostility. But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber."
"We live by faith, not by feeling, and we act on convictions, not on how we feel."
"The mind of the arahat is imperturbable, steady like a mountain of solid rock, steady and unmoving in all circumstances."
"Take steady eyes, steady hands, and then you get in place."
"He's unflappable, he can't be riled up."
"This is moderate today, this is gentle, this is firm, all intents and purposes basically steady-state cardio."
"The key thing to remember when shooting the hyperlapse is walk at a normal speed and keep the camera steady."
"That's some composure right there."
"Just keep your awareness with your breath, that slow and steady inhale and exhale."
"Let the steadiness and the consistency of your breath form your practice."
"Keep your breath nice and steady, inhaling, exhaling, all through the nose."
"Once you feel easy, steady in your body, allow your breath to deepen."
"Breathe in through your nose, and out through your nose."
"I've had my coffee this morning and my nerves are just steady as a rock."
"Slow and steady, even inhales and exhales in and out through the nose, really tapping into the breathing here."
"The best thing that you can do is just like hold steady, do what you know, go back to the basics."
"Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed."
"Walk steady with my head held high."
"We had ups and downs, hills and valleys, but guess what, we stayed steady through it all."
"A nice steady, strong start from the team."
"The energy of 2023 feels like a steady moving energy that is unassuming and takes time to mold things."
"Do not rush anything in 2023. Do your work, but do things in a really determined, slow and steady pace."
"You get your best performance by being extremely steady the whole time."
"When you're aware of perceptions and feelings rather than trying to fix them, change them, hold on to them, then you find there a place where you're always steady."
"You never get too high, or you never get too low."
"In the eye of the storm, Steve Beaton has remained rock steady."
"Time does dull the rosy cheek and the coral lip, but a smooth and steadfast mind, gentle thoughts, and calm desires hearts with equal love combined, kindle never-dying fires."
"The foundation of steadiness in transition is the breath."
"You're being very sure-footed and you're progressing at exactly the rate that you should be."
"Stay steady, don't gauge anything by how you're feeling, go by the mandate God gave you."
"You are a sterling character who is balanced in the middle of the teeter-totter."
"Even as a lamp placed in a place free from any breeze does not flicker, this is the simile for a yogi of controlled mind practicing concentration on the self."
"Allowing the steadiness of the breath to create that stability and steadiness in the mind."
"Be steadfast, keep your nerve, don't lose your cool."
"So as much as possible, I want you to maintain slow, steady breaths in and out through your nose, no matter how intense the poses might get."
"Confidence, steady as ever. What we could use is some luck."
"His gait was always calm and unusually steady, like he was walking to the beat of a slow rhythm only he could hear."
"Having the camera properly balanced is far more important for comfort and steadiness than the overall weight of the camera."
"It's one long steady breath in, and one smooth long breath out."
"Any amount of forward momentum is what you want, it's what we all need to build up to because this is what at the end of the day amounts to greatness—not yo-yos, not spirals, not waves but steadiness."
"He was the only thing on that battlefield that didn't pitch feverishly, like the salt-slicked deck of a ship."
"You are a good man, Bennett. Steady. Dependable."
"Sarah's actually always been very level-headed."
"Step by step, nice, slow, and steady."
"It gives the brush a bit of delay to prevent the brush from getting the shake of the hand."
"I just felt really steady all throughout the day."
"One must be steady alike in both the stream of experiences which we are having; one must be steady in the midst of it."
"One must remain steady in this Vision: I am pure Consciousness."
"He wasn't a big man... he seemed measured and balanced, smart, reliable, and steady in every respect."
"I'm like a slow and steady, still kind of enjoy my Sunday, clean as I go kind of gal."
"Can we face the pleasant and the unpleasant in life and remain steady?"
"If we go deeper, there's a constant current below the waves that's steady and peaceful."
"In killing dangerous game, steadiness is more needed than good shooting."
"You are strong, dear one, and your heart, steady and trustful, is your testament to that strength."
"He never gets flustered or loses control."
"It's finding a steady breath and at the same time relaxing your body."
"Sometimes to do what's right, we must be steady and give up the things we desire the most, even our dreams."
"To do what's right, we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most."
"You may get tripped up, you may stumble from time to time, but you never fall."
"There's something about just keeping your eye on the Savior and just being steady."
"With these three tools known as the Tristana method, you can rehabilitate your physical body and also train the nervous system and train the mind to be steady and calm in the face of any challenge, any stress, and any adversity."
"Empress, being steady in managing tasks doesn't depend on status or seniority."
"Survivor really requires a person being able to hold steady, being able to stay grounded and calm when something is really hard and scary."
"These are the things that keep me grounded, keep me steady, and bring me comfort."
"Someone steady will win this race."
"Now is the time to make sure that you're well rested and your hand is as steady as possible."
"He's got a nice lead, let's take advantage of it, nice and steady for us."
"You can also lean against something or use a tripod, a monopod, or even a beanbag to steady the camera."
"It's going to help me hold steadier on target because you're utilizing a larger muscle group."
"They're steady, they're grounded, they're cool, they're chill."
"We want to feel a sense of steadiness and joyfulness in the body, lightness through the top and steadiness through the base."
"Just stay even as much as possible and be steady, you're gonna be okay."
"God said you gotta slow down baby, slow and steady."
"What being stronger means for you, that aspect of steadiness in the mind, concentration, focus."
"Try not to doubt the pose for the moment, just keep your mind steady."
"Those whose consciousness 'I am Brahman' has become steady, unwavering, they are the ones who have become Jeevan Mukta."
"The way you stand on your principles is to not get excited, not deviate from whatever your principle is, and represent it."
"It's important just to go slow and steady."
"Slow and smooth, that's the way to do it."
"The big trick to getting a dead steady shooting position for long-range shooting is you need to have good toe support."
"It is a quiet river, steadfast and sure, flowing gently through the landscape of your life."
"Peace is like a steady flame that burns within, offering light and warmth even in the coldest, darkest moments."
"Don't let something shake your faith."
"You never miss your step anymore."
"Creating a steadiness from crown to tail, building strength, awesome for posture, for repatterning."
"And then the invitation, of course, is to take this steadiness, this strength, this Sthira, take it with you off the mat and into the rest of your day."
"Take time to get grounded; slow and steady wins the race."
"You walk slowly, steadily without stopping and just stay calm."
"You know why these hands don't shake? Look at them, all stone-cold."
"The Knight of Pentacles energy is about slow and steady, baby steps."
"Levy, of course, always very calm, always very composed."
"Somebody here wants to build, slow and steady."