
Standards Quotes

There are 9384 quotes

"Never settle for less in a relationship, your career, your friendships, and your personal growth journey."
"Your ability to reach your standards actually comes through action, not just waiting and prepping on the sideline."
"Make decisions based on standards and values, not emotions or feelings."
"Being outstanding is not just called the polygyny thing or anything like that, it's really about being outstanding."
"I love you too, Lil. And with that, I'm off. Remember, two stars or better, or we're out on our asses."
"I don't want my kids to live like this. We're better than this."
"Having standards is a good thing, having zero tolerance policies for plagiarism is a bad thing."
"I hope that he and his current moderation team are holding themselves to a higher standard."
"It's not our job to decide where someone's standard should be; it's our job to help guide them to where a standard should be through our example."
"I feel like to keep my videos genuinely interesting and full of substance, I have to keep my standards high."
"I am looking for beautiful lines, for great feet, for technique."
"You deserve love and you're no longer going to settle for something that's false that's going to crack down the line."
"We must affirm that this type of behavior is not now, will not be tomorrow, and will never be tolerated in the United States Congress."
"Time and time again, works that feature diverse casts or are created by marginalized people are held to much higher standards in online communities than other works."
"Notice when you violate your own principles and standards."
"Set reasonable standards and start somewhere."
"You can't have equality in any sense when you are subjecting different people to different standards of assessment based on skin color, ethnicity, or any other immutable characteristic."
"The lie that inequality is the result of inequity means that the solution will be to destroy standards."
"I raised the bar. I made those girls step it up."
"You can't draw on the skin, you can't lay out a good tattoo, you can't be here. It's that easy."
"In life, we don't get our goal; we get our standards. So, the question becomes, what's the standard need to be then?"
"You are a prize in relationships and because of that, you're not settling for any old relationship that comes your way."
"It's not just any average haircut; this is the big leagues we're talking about."
"This is not what I stand for, and it's not what America stands for."
"Your standards are raising to a point where you feel comfortable going out in the world and not being unsure of yourself anymore."
"As your ceiling is getting higher, so is your floor. This is what I was saying earlier: you can't just try to achieve progress and growth by having bigger goals, you achieve progress and success essentially by increasing your standards."
"If you want to build your ceiling, you have to bring the floor with you."
"What you celebrate and what makes you feel good, numbs the pain and becomes your standard."
"The easiest way for you to achieve your goals or to achieve your dreams is to make them the lowest standards that you are willing to accept."
"A person with standards has no problem with leaving or being left."
"Deal breakers: What is unacceptable? What's unacceptable to me is cheating, abuse... any form of abuse is unacceptable."
"Don't settle for anything less than everything you always imagined your life to be. Keep your standards high always."
"People don't respect people that don't have standards, people don't respect people that don't have boundaries."
"It's impossible for a people-pleaser to have standards and to have boundaries."
"The first thing is, know your standards in relationships...that's absolutely huge."
"It's not about how close we can get to the line; it's how quickly we run far away from the line."
"The power of having your standards and boundaries is immense."
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today."
"Her conduct should be measured against the strictest of scrutinies, held to the highest of standards."
"I have never settled for mediocrity as an acceptable standard, and neither should you."
"You get your standards, not from the world, but from what's inside."
"It takes nothing to be a loser, and that's why I hold most people to a higher standard because I know how little it takes."
"Senior government leaders should be held to the highest standards."
"You do you. I'm not saying that you have to have these same values. I'm just saying these are my standards."
"Good isn't enough. What things need to be is they need to be exciting."
"I want this thing to perform as good as new, or better."
"If you are going to come and be qualified to be an addition into my life, you better be offering up the whole damn table."
"Stop settling for relationships that are less than you deserve."
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness, that's what they say, right? So you're supposed to be like that."
"Everyone thinks lowering their standards means settling when it really means dating realistically based on our available options."
"If you don't know what love you're supposed to accept, you accept what's given to you."
"Just look for a good quality guy that can hold a goddamn conversation."
"Being around people that have higher standards...feels freeing."
"Standards and an awareness that we have standards should dissolve that feeling of desperation."
"If you don't trust your partner, you shouldn't be in a relationship with them."
"Don't put standards on the person you're gonna be dating that you yourself are not gonna be practicing."
"Hold yourself to a standard, push yourself to improve, do the things that are necessary to actually turn potential into skill set."
"Learn that you deserve to be loved and not accepting anything less than what real love is."
"Our standard for death is lack of brain activity; shouldn't that be our standard for life?"
"You're not being ridiculed for having standards; you're being ridiculed for trying to make women feel unattractive if they don't meet your standard of attractiveness."
"If somebody cannot love you the way that you love yourself, then they don't deserve you."
"Having low standards is not a virtue, detective. Let me see if I can broaden your perspective."
"We don't check the fridge multiple times to see if new food has appeared; we check to see if our standards have dropped enough since the last time we opened it."
"The line always moves; the standards for what is or is not acceptable change tremendously."
"You are not perfect, nobody is, and you are not required to be held to a standard of unattainable perfection."
"Your server should be non-toxic and stable. Discord considers partnered servers as role models for other community servers."
"Never ever settle for someone who treats you like a backup plan or a second choice."
"A grown woman has a sense of assertiveness, standards, and boundaries, and can speak her mind when she needs to."
"High earning or not, if a man is low quality and he has bad character, he should be dismissed."
"We have built ourselves to have really high standards."
"Having high standards leads to peace and contentment with your choices."
"We teach men how to treat us with our standards and goals. That's how we get men to invest in us."
"I just want everyone to have equal opportunity, equal representation, and the ability to live their lives to the same standard as other people."
"Don't lower your standard of living to meet your income. Raise your income to meet your standard of living."
"When you become your best version of yourself, men are going to be attracted to you. Be prepared for that, but then you're also going to have to have standards."
"Don't lower your standards just because everybody else in the world doesn't believe in or can't afford you."
"A woman who believes she's worthy of being cherished is not going to settle for anything less."
"You set the tone and standards, and then it's up to you to choose whatever you want to do."
"What would happen if you set high expectations for yourself? What would happen if you actually set higher standards for yourself?"
"The only way to earn my respect here is to graduate. There are no prizes for second place."
"I would rather be single and happy and know I'm not settling for less than to settle for less."
"Don't cover your ears. Don't aim for a good-looking boyfriend, okay? The average-looking one is fine. You should look for someone who likes you, not someone you like."
"Never settle. Even if you're feeling upset and want to move on, don't lower your standards."
"Do not settle for anything other than what you deserve. And once you know what you deserve, you won't settle for anything rubbish."
"In my work, I'm very proud of the legacy that I've inherited and I feel that I have a very high standard to live up to."
"I think there's unrealistic standards going around and I think it's partially because of social media."
"Sometimes if you get the idea of what a good relationship looks like in your mind, it's easier to start weeding out all the stuff that's not so good."
"I am quite obsessive. I'm a fantastic cleaner. My standards are so high, they hit Venus."
"Monogamy is a beautiful standard for a relationship, and I think if you agreed to hold a monogamous standard in your relationship, you should do your best to uphold that."
"Don't expect to go in with a double standard. If you're going to ask for additional freedoms in your relationship, be willing to extend those to your partner."
"Justice is not often easy. It does not fit the mold of public opinion, and it does not conform to shifting standards."
"My thoughts are with those who work in law enforcement and public safety. We hold you in high regard. We also hold you to high standards."
"The left has to eat its own because no one can live up to their ever-evolving standards."
"We need to ignite like human dignity again in people because when women uphold themselves to a certain standard, men are forced to uphold themselves to a certain standard in order to be with those women."
"If you don't have a building block of standards, then that winning culture, everyone goes, 'What's winning culture?' It has to start with a basic standard."
"Everyone has a version of success, but it starts with a basic standard that they just build on."
"I wish we could get back to a place where journalism still really existed, where there was like ethical standards that reporters abided by, anchors abided by."
"Let's hold people to high standards, sure, but at the end of the day, everyone's a person and everyone's trying their best."
"Do not lower your standards. What you're looking for exists, you just have to be patient."
"The beauty industry is evil and is pushing increasingly impossible standards."
"Standards should be rooted in morals and values. Preferences are not connected to morals and values."
"We all have a responsibility to choose our words carefully, apply labels correctly, and hold our own nations to the same standard we expect others to meet."
"You're not going to settle for less, so these people approaching you, thinking you're going to settle for them, it's almost like a joke."
"Don't settle for less, and have self-respect."
"You create the standard by being the standard."
"I think schools should have grades, they should have advanced math, we should hold our kids to a high standard."
"Just because it's a less bad version of something bad does not make it good."
"Toys that fail to meet safety standards and conceal their potential hazards could negatively impact the physical and mental well-being of children."
"The whole idea of other scientists reviewing manuscripts is kind of like the gold standard for academic publishing."
"Because they are officers, they should be held to a higher standard of accountability, not lower and not the same, a higher one."
"Standards of decency change over time, standards in our communities change over time."
"These are standards and these are principles and these don't change."
"We do have professional standards that require that we utilize instruments that are relevant and appropriate for the particular setting and that we substantiate our opinions based on data that is reliable from tested accurate reliable tests."
"Never accept anybody's half-assed. I want the whole ass or no less."
"The bar moves because your standards for excellence continue to improve."
"I refuse to compromise my standards or values."
"If you hit those two off the checkbox of most people's lists you're already doing better than most people."
"If you're going to be someone of importance in my life, then step up and be that person of importance."
"You're not a 10 or you're not a high-value woman they look at me like i'm crazy it's like no no i'm just putting standards on you welcome to reality like the rest of us."
"Animal Watch prizes good training as paramount."
"They set the standard that others failed to live and they still are the standard. They set the example for us to then follow."
"If you want a guy that's worth something and that's in that percentage of guys, like, you have to get on this program."
"There's nobody better, I don't think it's just the best, I think for commentators today, he's the measuring stick."
"I have high standards of expectations, tremendous attention to detail, and I'm driven to dominate life."
"Media coverage sets a dangerous precedent with uneven defamation standards."
"Just have your standards, have your checkpoints, know what you want."
"A woman who lives from the inside knows who she is, where she's going, and won't settle for less."
"It's a bit of an aside, but when I was a Cadet, the motto was 'You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.'"
"After New Vegas, the bar has been raised so high that they should probably just stop making video games now."
"The standard of a queen conscious woman creates isolation."
"I think it's good, the protocols have put in place."
"Is Baldur's Gate 3 an outlier? Yes, but I for one wish it could become the standard."
"With passion comes hard work and high standards."
"It's not unempathetic to hold that person to the standard. It's actually more empathetic because you expect them to be a rational human being."
"What aboutism is simply trying to understand what the standard is and it's holding you to your own standard."
"For people watching now, I think we know the bar."
"Expressions in perfect condition and is built to the highest security standards."
"Is this the best we got? Is this really the best we can do?"
"Everything should be done to a very high standard."
"Enthusiastic consent should be the standard."
"They didn't follow dr. Ehrman's standard in regards to these things the question this evening is why should we."
"That's the point of the [ __ ] tweet: it's your definition of what it is, not a high value man. So you must be comparing him to some standard in your head."
"They will torment you to make sure you don't set a precedent."
"You deserve to be with someone that actually wants to spend time with you every day."
"Accessibility should be the standard, not the exception."
"Behavior is key, you may need to look at a woman that might not look completely like you want her to look, but who might behave like you want her to behave."
"In a society where standards are so low, it really doesn't take that much more work compared to everyone else to succeed."
"Break boundaries, set new standards for yourself."
"Crysis: Setting the bar for immersive gameplay experiences."
"Fair is fair. We want equal standards across the board. That's justice."
"Do not settle for anything that you wouldn't put up with."
"If you feel the need to enhance a tale about a rogue secret Inquisitor seeking to save the very Imperium of man from total destruction at the hands of a sinister court, then you have not told the story properly."
"Makeup should be celebrated as fun, not an expectation."
"I'm not gonna settle for anything less than what I deserve."
"You deserve the best, not wasteful relationships."
"If your man won't shield you from a collapsing building, then it's time to get back in the dating pool."
"ES2015 (ES6) is the established standard for writing modern JavaScript."
"Once you set the standard, the standard is the standard. You don't get to change the standard because Republicans are in the crosshairs."
"The Witcher 3: Shaped the way I view gaming, set the standard for quality and excellence."
"If you can't love me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best."
"Friendship is a similar beast. Your standards for who can be a friend shouldn't be limited to a roster of those that fit in your narrow world views."
"Women will share a quote-unquote high-value man rather than be saddled with a faithful beta."
"You communicate clearly, but you make sure you don't compromise on standards."
"You don't want anyone who like lower than like you want least double digits and ideally you'd like 20 or more I mean 50 or more is pretty good 20 or more is amazing."
"You think the bar couldn't get lower I don't know it did the bar is somehow lower you're not going to believe this we checked the bar is even lower."
"He basically critiques every movie as though if the events the movie were not inevitable in the way that they're set up then it's bad writing."
"People tend to hold things that are said in Let's Plays up to the same standard that they would hold a professional comedian up to."
"The club standards are on the floor. It's Disneyland FC."
"So some of this is fine if you are just an entertainer but if you start marketing your business on accuracy and data and objectivity like those of us who've occupied the space since the website days then we should all be held to the same standards."
"Code is a minimum, there's nothing wrong with going above and beyond."
"Professionals have standards. You have to have a standard to measure your actions against in order to ever grow."
"If you have a double standard then you have no standard because nobody is going to abide by a double standard."
"As a community, we can hold ourselves to a higher standard."
"Baldur's Gate 3 is setting an unrealistic and unprecedented standard for the rest of the gaming industry."
"Real champions raise the bar before they hit it."
"It's almost like you're setting his shoes as the standard of what you're looking for in the future."
"If you give me an ultimatum, I don't want to be with you."
"There's many interviews you can look, he's like I think it's a double standard, women should be able to do whatever they want just like men."
"If you're doing what you're supposed to be doing for a woman you're dealing with and she's not showing you appreciation, don't deal with her."
"That's how it should be, personal Excellence, high standards."
"I'd rather have no relationship than a BS one."
"MAC was literally the standard. It really was the standard."
"Top shelf men don't put up with crap, that's just the way that it is."
"This game is an institution to what games could be."
"It's just appealing to the lowest common denominator because they have no argument."
"Relationships don't need to reach a superficial outward standard to be valid."
"Imagine like your hypothetical child coming up to you and telling you that they're in a relationship like this, and then you said, 'Oh, you need to stay with him, you can't break up with him,' blah blah blah. That's absolutely horrific."
"Perfection is an unrealistic standard. Let's just compare it to what else we have."
"I think they need to make all qualifications for president higher after Donald Trump."
"So sad to me that we now hold the bare minimum in such a high regard."
"Clarity and accuracy are supposed to be things that they go for."
"Do not be satisfied with where you are in every ramification. If you become too comfortable, you will live below your standard."
"The beauty of setting the high bar is you eliminate all kinds of nonsensical false positives."
"If we don't hold ourselves to the highest standard, we simply cease to be America."
"We have to hold our government to a higher standard."
"Nobody's perfect, nobody. If that's your standard, then nobody can."
"Holding people to different standards defeats the whole concept of justice."
"World in Conflict was an incredible breath of fresh air and a standard bearer for what the genre could be."
"Your only power is recognizing this is what's on offer and actually it's not enough for me. I want better. I deserve better."
"God isn't a God that settles. Not good is not good enough."