
Existential Crisis Quotes

There are 254 quotes

"In the age of information abundance, we all face an existential crisis of choosing what matters."
"There was just this profound kind of emptiness on the other side of that, of, 'Oh, what do I dream now? What do I hope for in my future?'"
"In a world where he saw so many people die before his eyes, Xiang Ye questions his existence and purpose."
"I knew it. I'm different. I'm no beast. Oh, god, it feels awful, but it proves that I'm chosen."
"He shares that he's also feeling an existential crisis because he has never played this game without trying to speedrun it."
"The primary struggle that faces the people of San Angeles is mental health. A loss of meaning is a common affliction among the docile citizenry."
"The crisis now is the crisis of significance and the crisis of importance."
"Our new modes of thinking had undermined our faith, and our old modes of thinking – and that was a problem, because people need something to stand on and orient themselves and to move forward."
"The family, the nation, community, religion, morality, art, philosophy have been lost so much of their societies are depressed to the point of committing suicide."
"The Dark Night of the Soul is when you weigh what you know against what you don't know and you realize that nobody has the answers to where you're at in your life but you."
"Christopher Nolan's 'Inception' boomed us into an existential crisis that we may never wake up from."
"I watched 'Don't Look Up' a few days ago and start crying after. Needless to say, I enjoyed the message behind the film despite it sending me into an existential crisis."
"We're facing an existential crisis and if we have to inconvenience some people to do that, including ourselves, that is something we have to apologize for, and that's something we have to do."
"We are desperate for meaning in a meaningless society."
"We are facing an existential crisis, the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced and yet it has been ignored for decades."
"Humanity is facing an existential crisis." - Climate activist discussing the urgency of addressing climate change
"A book about someone who has an existential crisis... you might relate to it, and then maybe that will help you get through it."
"A fundamental about your universe has been changed; it's suddenly like gravity has stopped working, the sun is no longer going to rise, this person is gone."
"Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas. What do you want this late at night? Can't you see I'm in the middle of an existential crisis?"
"Metaphysical collapse suggests a scenario where the fundamental principles governing existence, reality, and consciousness undergo a catastrophic breakdown."
"The actual motivations for each of the individual 13 suicides that incite this whole story vary wildly but they all boil down to the god candidates being denied the opportunity to pursue happiness by forces outside their control."
"Hello, Darren. You know me? Can you tell me anything about myself? I cannot remember anything."
"We all have to unite. This is our existence."
"Or is this something that you feel portends... like you wrote about at World War II... one of those moments in time where a country sort of comes to an existential juncture where it needs to make big bold and maybe desperate decisions?"
"If I'm not able to be myself and if I'm not able to be authentic on this channel about the fact that some of my political positions have changed, then this channel might as well just delete it."
"Saitama faces a self-imposed existential crisis as he's now too powerful to gain any thrill from Battle."
"We're experiencing a crisis of purpose. People are longing for meaning in a world that has very little meaning."
"They've lost purpose and meaning in their life."
"I realized that everything I did had no meaning if there was, you know, no... no spiritual realm, no afterlife, nothing beyond this world."
"If I can't create the world myself then I'm useless."
"Having no answers has got to be the absolute worst feeling in the entire world."
"Because once you've deconstructed everything, what's left? If everything is meaningless, you just end up with utter nihilism."
"Forget the lesser evil, fight for the greater good like your life depends on it because it does."
"We are in really an existential moment where we have to decide not only what kind of world we will have but whether we will have a world or not."
"The only choice that I made in this entire situation was this one - to choose to live as me or choose to not live at all."
"I think our generation and the younger generations have no purpose, and that's creating two kind of like pockets. The people who are attracted to Jordan Peterson's message are looking for purpose."
"Coping with an existential crisis stemming from the absence of heaven and hell necessitates a journey of exploration and self-discovery."
"The notion that everyone and everything around you exists solely within your mind is a philosophical proposition that can lead to a profound existential crisis."
"Near-death experiences often lead to an existential crisis."
"I'm in so deep, I'm one of them, I don't know who I am."
"I regret feeling loose, go, are you gonna die?"
"I am a sucker for the idea of an immortal being curled up on the floor of a church, praying to a god he doesn't believe in, for the strength to leave her."
"Literally, this place isn't falling apart, it's ceasing to exist."
"The love of my life died. I don't think you understand, do you? Understand what you have when you have everything but you have no one. It's like multiplying by zero, you have nothing."
"That person is your world. When you get broken up with, you literally feel like you don't want to live anymore."
"Your life is over. How desperate you have to be to want to die? Pretty desperate."
"What do you really have left except a dead carcass of a human being which is completely devoid of emotion?"
"In his experience, every person he's ever met who became wealthy had an existential crisis."
"I just felt like I didn't have any value, I felt like what's the point for me, you know, for anything."
"There was always this sense of like existential almost like wrongness about the way I was living."
"I think everything dies I think if if the American Republic is going to transform it something new that maybe something that is out of our control but what is in our control is what we do today."
"The sun might have exploded but I'm still trying to live, baby."
"It's an existential fight not just for us but for the world."
"The worst part about the galaxy going to hell would have been never getting to see you again."
"Has anything ever happened to make you question your entire existence?"
"This war is an existential War for Ukraine so there is no way Ukraine can stop Retreats there is no other areas where they can Retreat it's they were to protect the not only Ukrainian borders but that's the borders of the EU."
"We're in a time where the world is literally falling apart, but we have inner peace."
"What happens when a reality anchor encounters a deeply strange anomaly that the Foundation doesn't fully understand? What does it seek to maintain when it's lost its grip on reality?"
"Don't wait until you find yourself in some existential crisis because you've been living your life based upon some social rule book."
"Is it madness to see the future, to see the destruction rushing towards us, to understand there is no escape, no hope?"
"It doesn't matter how much money you've got if the entire world is coming to an end."
"It's time to let old things die the past is dead but the past died we either move forward or we die with it."
"We're all scared, we're all having existential fear now."
"It's the loss of purpose, the loss of meaning. Now you know why."
"Our world is careening as fast as they can toward death."
"I fear the worst, have you ever found yourself in a position where you found yourself questioning everything you once believed to be true?"
"The left is the embodiment of the problem of existential vacuum."
"They have to win in Ukraine... this is existential."
"But at what cost? He was hailed as a masterpiece, the perfect human. Should that make him happy? It did not."
"Why are people feeling so purposeless, so nihilistic?"
"You see how worked up I get over this. Something's going on here. We're in a parallel universe. It's tripping me out."
"I think this is the existential issue of our time."
"The size of our universe, she a thick boy now. Even those who do not believe in the UFO or alien photos and videos going around, don't do this to me on a [ __ ] Wednesday 1 pm existential crisis incoming."
"It's weird... You cry out to the father in your abandonment. You, the Eternal son, dispense no answers from on high but simply ask why."
"When you do not do the thing that makes you happy, you want to die."
"It's past the point that we can control it. We may be past the Event Horizon."
"Humanity's done. We might be all that's left and you want to continue working on this [expletive] project."
"The root of most human unhappiness is the sense that one's life has no meaning."
"These surreal experiences, these existential kind of crises, where there is a small part of us that, I think really, we don't pay attention to it enough."
"There are two levels of existential. The first level is whether you're going to be able to go on at all right. And the second level is whether you're going to be able to go on as you would like to go on."
"This is not about my life. This is about all mankind. There is a moment."
"In the absence of purpose, fulfillment, and significance, we feel like every day is Groundhog Day."
"If you're interested in expanding your awareness and becoming more conscious, existential crisis is inevitable for you."
"Existential crisis is for the sake of busting through delusions at deeper and deeper levels."
"It goes without saying that I'm subjective here it's about the survival of my people of my country it's about the existence of Ukraine."
"When nine out of ten of us are dying, there's no atheist in a foxhole."
"When confronted with images of his doppelganger in news and media reports living out his life and assuming his identity, SCP-1447-2 was unable to explain the anomaly and asserted that he was the true original version of himself."
"There's a midpoint that we're still evolving towards."
"When I look at this situation, my only response is that I die and go to heaven... I don't see any human way out of this."
"The crisis we face is a direct consequence of overlooking our true nature."
"We're at an existential moment in which we're at this fork in the road."
"I'm having an existential crisis over a water bucket."
"Russia as a nation has come to grips with the reality that they are in an existential conflict between themselves and the collective West."
"The fall of man was a fall from God's will, purpose, and fulfillment."
"We're all of us on a runaway train of near-term self-annihilation."
"These moments of grief could be distilled into a single element, the collective grief and suffering of humanity coalesced into a single form, a powerful force that sought to undo the mistake of life itself."
"The crisis today is that people suddenly don't have a purpose when before the only purpose of life was to keep living at all costs."
"Humanity's back is against the wall and I want to tell all of you that I love you."
"My world around me is crumbling, I want the pizzazz, I want the wow out of life."
"Time is meaningless... my whole brain has turned to mulch."
"Humans aren't meant to have their entire existence blown up. No one wants to have their entire worldview, which they've built a life upon, crumble before their very eyes."
"What's the point in surviving here if we have to kill everything that makes us so wonderful?"
"The world must simply sit and watch in terror as person after person vanishes into themselves—into the mysterious holes, perfectly carved to shape."
"In the space of a few hours my world has been turned on tech we realized the terrible truth the uncertainty of humankind's survival."
"If this is life, all the misery, all the shame, all the betrayal, all the hurt and pain, if this is it, I don't want it, take me out." - SL
"You've been there, and you have! everyone's been there, the underworld is where that's chaos it's chaos, it's where you go when your life falls apart."
"Forky's existential crisis managed to affect even Woody."
"It's like I'm living in some weird void or something, doing all this stuff but what's next?"
"In the face of religious decline, we confront existential questions that demand answers."
"This is life or death for them. This is literally the dissolution or the dissolving of everything that they've ever worked for."
"Maybe he's just like I need to spend all my money but I've got to run out of time I might just live forever get it all out there then."
"Only this war is the final one, the last and irreversibly significant. It is clear that we do not yet understand it. What is happening is beyond the comprehension of even those involved in it."
"They feel like they've just been like this rudderless boat for a long time, just kind of like spinning in the water and just being thrown around and they haven't had meaning and purpose."
"I don't care about living or dying anymore. I just want to send as many of these Devils Back To Hell as I can. Amen."
"The truth is that we are in a fight of our lives and we are losing."
"I think when we don't feel a sense of meaning and purpose, it can be extremely disorienting and destabilizing."
"After everything that just happened my wife is gone, my best friend is gone, everything I did was for nothing."
"Don't you feel this way, like the world is collapsing?"
"So, if you're feeling confused, this is just massive confirmation you're meant to be confused."
"The victim of narcissistic abuse feels partly dead and partly alive, caught in between."
"People want to feel like there is something out there that's going to release them from their stresses, but it ain't there."
"Krauser suffered a sort of existential crisis in the face of total Destruction."
"It's gonna test you, it's gonna make you wish you weren't born."
"If you don't have some existential crisis on your truth-seeking path every so often, you're not doing it right."
"His life being a waste means that theirs was too."
"We are facing existential threats and no, it's not some carbon made-up story."
"The world has nothing new to offer, the devil has nothing new, and I don't want to keep living my life year after year doing the same thing."
"It's like trying to take God away from a Christian. They're like, 'Well if God doesn't exist, what's the point in being alive?'"
"Do my choices mean a thing? Do I matter? What's the point? Why do I exist?"
"It's humanity's most critical judgment, the fate of all existence depends on it."
"Those who have lost or worse never found their purpose can feel so adrift at life trying desperately to fill that hole with anything they can find."
"I guess it's all up to me and I don't even know what I'm doing here. I don't even know why this is all happening to me. You're here for a reason Henry, there's always a reason."
"Life is pain and I [__] hate the existence of living."
"I now own everything in the world and yet I still am empty inside."
"Oh my God, my God, is there a God? If there be one, deliver me, save me, succor me, pardon, pity, mercy, save me!"
"At some point in everybody's life, they're questioning everything."
"It's quite terrifying, it felt as if not only are my belief systems collapsing, but it feels as if the entire human race is going to be eclipsed and left in the dust soon."
"I don't know what to do in my life."
"This disconnection from meaning and purpose, this soul depression, is devouring the psyche of millions."
"I can't find my life, someone please help."
"The dark night of the soul is when everything in your life becomes completely meaningless."
"The first existential hit with the factory farms was the first time I had suicidal ideation around not feeling okay being complicit with my species."
"I just feel like my life is slipping through my fingers."
"There are large numbers of men wandering lost in some personal Wasteland of jobs with little meaning personal lives with."
"Most reasonable people who come to that realization... still have meaning in my life. I can still experience the emotion that is meaning, which really it is an emotion. I have a sense of this having some sort of grander meaning."
"The Paradox of progress: the better our life gets, the more we seem to kind of freak out or the larger percentage of people kind of have these existential psychological crises around it."
"That feeling of being lost is something that happens to all of us."
"I remember thinking this is it, I don't want to exist anymore."
"The obsessive thinking, the back and forth, the sleepless nights, the sense of meaninglessness."
"Then we'll help in any way we can. If this plague is allowed to spread unchecked, it could threaten not just your universe, but all of existence."
"It's like, I'm 25, what am I doing, why am I wasting all this time?"
"Thank you to my patrons for supporting me through my existential crisis in life."
"The poor chap's just discovered that his whole existence was built around a delusion."
"I felt like I've been ripped out of my life, put somewhere else."
"Maybe there's something wrong with me, maybe I'm not good enough for a living."
"With escalating possibilities of war, with wealth inequalities, with hatred of different peoples... we're talking about the species itself going under. Everything is at stake."
"Oh my gosh, what am I doing with my life? Oh, this is amazing, oh my god."
"It really was more an existential shattering of a human soul."
"I was in hell, hell was realizing that your entire life up until that point is nothing but a false memory."
"We should not rely on the idea that technology will solve every single existential crisis."
"There's just too much you still got a lot to go though like how old are you again I'm 35 35 oh yeah yeah I'm 38 and I'm turning 39 this year and that freaks me out."
"Where is God's mercy? Where is God?"
"Thank you, Eclectic Energies, for this existential crisis."
"Rory doesn't understand why everyone around him, including his father, is in their place while his life is falling apart."
"Nothing matters, nothing matters."
"Oh my God what do I do with my life?"
"I'm good at having existential crises. I get really deep, I start questioning everything and anything."
"I lost my faith and had no reason to believe that it would ever return. And without faith, I could see no purpose in going on living."
"Another identity crisis: who am I now?"
"I feel like I'm witnessing an existential crisis because it feels like it, but I promise you I'm fine."
"I felt like I want to die I didn't understand how is it possible that I want to die if I'm famous and I have money and people want to be around me why am I still miserable?"
"It's like the entire world having their dark night of the soul at the same time."
"One of these days I'm going to be 45 and it's going to be like what the am I doing?"
"If this had proved a failure, what was the rest of my Christian experience worth? As the Bible proved a failure, is there no God, no heaven, no golden home city, no paradise?"
"Destiny used to feel like a main character, now she felt more like an extra."
"I was witnessing myself from a third-person perspective and I was desperately trying to tell myself that I am not supposed to live life this way."
"It can really lead to a kind of dark night for us, that the things we thought we could really hang our hat on, that we could really rest the weight of our life on, don't support us. And it challenges us to go beyond those things."
"This was now a struggle for existence."
"Sometimes touching grass isn't enough. Sometimes all you really need is to fight God, and that's perfectly okay."
"I started to pray, I started to cry out like this cannot be my life."
"I'm going through a big existential crisis right now. Let me be me right now."
"I need to get back to my sphere, I need to get back to my own vessel."
"Live, Laugh, Love, like a mid-twenties college grad going through her first of multiple existential crisis."
"Turtle trying not to panic here guys uh does anybody know how to stop moving forward why can't I hit anything am I on a different plane of existence is that why no one is responding to me I'm crying out for help somebody please"
"There is something wrong. The past, the future, the very multiverse. It's all wrong."
"A moment where everything he understood and felt to be true started to crack and peel back the world, shedding its skin and revealing an entirely new image of itself to him."
"I feel like turning 30 is such a 'oh my God' for everybody. You're like, what am I doing with my life?"
"Did the world stop spinning or did I?"
"Imagine you bought a game and it didn't exist. That's an existential crisis right there."
"It's so far away. Alright, what the hell's going on? Glasses swirl some shit or something, dude, 'cause I'm trying to not make... No, I wanna die."
"I've been having like a mini existential crisis almost."
"I realized, 'Oh my God, what am I doing with my life?'"
"Welcome to my existential crisis."
"Abel said, 'You know, I spawned daggers out of thin air. What is that going to do in the face of obliteration?'"
"I'm no better than they are. That's the worst part. I can't trust myself to stay focused on reality anymore."
"Eve is questioning everything in her life at this point."
"That situation threatened to break apart everything I thought I knew about reality."
"... essentially he'd had to face up to the possibility that there was more to this life than he was willing to consider and that it frightened him."
"The singer is riffing onstage. It's quite possible the coming apocalypse on earth has hit this singer the hardest, tempting him to contemplate his own death."
"The Terror of history is when a man is no longer religious and he has to grasp at the crimes of History without understanding the meaning of them."