
Health Consciousness Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"The most important thing is why aren't you living a lifestyle to prevent these diseases to begin with?"
"This is a time when you're going to go towards your health; you're going to be more health conscious."
"Almost all of the rich take health incredibly seriously."
"I have been obsessed with checking the hygiene rating of every single place that I order food from."
"It's about giving our consumers choice, to allow them to have less sugar in their diet if they so choose."
"More people are understanding that you are what you eat."
"Many Brands throughout America have started pledging to remove artificial colors and flavors from their products."
"People who eat nuts are much more health conscious they have better health outcomes across the board than the rest of the study population."
"Everything you put in your body impacts the way that you perform, what you think, the way you behave."
"The standard American diet: fast food and pleasure over long-term health."
"No antibiotics. Like, do I want my chicken to take antibiotics?"
"Magic Spoon has truly innovated and changed the game with sugary cereals. They spent time to perfect the crunchy texture and develop an astounding variety of flavors so that they always hit the spot."
"I bought as much frozen fish as I possibly could... it's healthy, it's nutritious, it's genius."
"All I could think about was what would have happened if I hadn't first listened to my mom before listening to my body when I started feeling like something was wrong."
"I use sunscreen on my face every day, on my ears, neck, and chest."
"Remember, it's not just about whether eggs are good or bad; it's about making informed choices. Opting for quality pasture-raised eggs and mindful cooking methods like using stable oils such as coconut oil."
"Plant-based meat alternatives are having a big moment."
"Lean Cuisine's pre-prepared and calorie-conscious frozen meals debuted in the U.S. in 1981."
"Be responsible for the garbage you produce, be responsible for the food you eat, be responsible for the health of yourself."
"People are becoming a bit more aware of the impact diet has on long-term health."
"Thankfully, though, it seems like a lot of people are becoming more health-conscious. There is definitely a rise in health food stores and health consciousness."
"Low sugar was the new wave which explained the immediate popularity of the Newbie Splenda."
"I know if I'm drinking a ton on tour I'm just gonna be more inflamed and tired and beat down."
"Aging you know we we're starting to get old the moment we're born a lot of people think well you know I get 60 and above I'm certain age and I want to live longer actually our life fuse is starting to burn down."
"Checking ingredient lists and nutrition labels is a great way to compare different food products, but being overly concerned with what is deemed clean can easily be taken to an unhealthy extreme." - Abby Sharp
"Better for you higher quality ingredients... then it's just a net negative."
"Your body is a wonderland, so treat it like one."
"What you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your body."
"Cooking my own food, you know what's going into your food."
"If we're gonna eat food let's at least try to be healthier... because I also want you to live longer."
"I love them because they're crunchy and salty and just a little bit healthier than the potato chip."
"Watch what you're putting in your body because it's showing up everywhere."
"It would be like yelling into a newborn's ear at full volume their entire life you're likely to damage their hearing like right out of the gate."
"I don't want tumors in my body, I don't want to be a tomb so I constantly keep it going."
"Avoid overly processed and denatured foods. Eat food that's more natural, whole, and real." - Holistic Hilda
"Learning to maintain a lifestyle where you don't have to worry about being overweight."
"If you see me in this, I'm fighting the corona so I take it very, very seriously."
"Safety was super important to me... because I can't enjoy my body afterwards if there's no afterwards and I die, you know what I'm saying?"
"When you eat the living foods the fruits the vegetables and the nuts and the seeds that are fresh it awakens your consciousness."
"You know where it's coming from you know you can grow organic you know it's good for you."
"The rest is purely a case of entitlement fueled by a need for attention and an unwillingness to take personal responsibility for your body and for your health."
"Lean proteins and higher grade. I am a fan of eating leaner cuts of meat and I know people hate on me for it but it links with exactly my philosophy here."
"Make sure that you're healthy so that you don't just one day say to yourself, maybe this is my day."
"You are what you eat. Do you want to be made of Doritos or grass-fed steak?"
"We are the body of Christ. Our duty, obligation, and responsibility is to create the blood of Christ that bears no violation, no inebrians, no intoxicants, no artificial colors and flavors, nitrates, nitrites, and shelf stabilizers."
"I look forward to the day where we have a health-conscious movement started by women, for women."
"Sometimes it's just fun to do little colorful projects that just bring us joy and sunshine during this time right now where we're all trying to be safe and healthy."
"It's about leaving physical lifestyle, respecting the body that you're leaving, constantly addressing it, being aware of it."
"Going vegan is a good first step, but there are very many layers... Maybe whole food plant-based, also known as vegan plus."
"What I really love about these guys is that even if you go to flavored ones like Chipotle barbecue they don't put any garbage in there look at these ingredients."
"I live a healthy lifestyle, I stay in great shape year-round."
"You control how much salt that's in it if that's in this onion soup mix."
"You can always choose to eat different, you could always choose to research and be aware."
"Mom, I'm eating healthy, if you were worried about it."
"Clap that up! 120 ingredients banned from Burger King's menu."
"Health, diet, exercise are key - take responsibility for your physical well-being."
"To look at food as primarily fuel for my body has been another really large shift that's been very helpful for me."
"I really love cake, but I'm really really scared of gaining weight."
"Overall I have no regrets about the decision that we made number one for the health and safety of our guests that was definitely the most important thing."
"I am taking my health seriously, looking at long-term plans."
"Those three months, I was the most fit and health conscious."
"So literally overnight I made the decision to cut out meat and dairy completely."
"I really believe that today, becoming more plant-based is not a compromise, it's not a sacrifice, it's simply a better way to live."
"Just because it doesn't have an animal that again that's the base level then from there you have to you have to be that's why if it's living it's much harder to eat bad food."
"I think what you're seeing now is that there's a direction towards trying, uh, people want to eat healthier, they want to eat sustainable."
"I think it's more important than ever to enjoy what we have now and to try to come up with ways to at least mediate some of these things in terms of our health."
"I know what addiction feels like, and I know what loving the feeling of taking care of my body feels like."
"Veganism is not necessarily a diet so much but more of a lifestyle."
"It's not health conscious, but you guys know, well, some of it is like Skinny Kettle Pop."
"Food has to be healthy, minimize harm to animals, and contribute to a sustainable environment."
"It blends so nice, right? It's paraben-free, cruelty-free, and with a minimal ingredient list."
"So this meal is actually only roughly 350 calories."
"Thrive Market offers so many cleaning products that are free of dyes, colors, additives, and parabens."
"I am so sick of the sicknesses and just us living this unhealthy lifestyle, it is not healthy and I'm ready to make a change within our home."
"You are what you eat...time to educate ourselves."
"I don't look down on anybody that does this but as a 32-year-old man that doesn't want to have a heart attack in five years, I'm not buying a candy-themed cereal for myself."
"What you put into your body affects your performance as a human being, how much more what you allow into your soul?"
"Please set realistic goals. Don't starve yourself trying to chase a physique that's not realistic for you."
"Food isn't just calories, it's information. Are you upgrading your biology or downgrading it with every bite?"
"I want to still be doing this stuff and be able to breathe at that time."
"Be very careful about what you put in your body. Read and understand."
"You make smart choices about food, exercise, and anything that affects your health."
"Brightland has no additives, no junk, and it's produced with organic methods."
"You only get one body for this physical existence while we're here on the earth, try to treat it right."
"Be intentional about what you put in your body or on your body."
"I have a whole different discipline for what I put in my body and the appreciation of food."
"Eat real food, try to stick to that as much as possible, and let's make some... lines in the sand of things that we mostly want to avoid."
"Wow. I had no idea she was so health conscious."
"If you are above a relatively healthy body fat range, you would usually want to eat in a calorie deficit."
"Brown rice, whole wheat flour, whole wheat pasta—these items add a lot more fiber, protein, and nutrients to our meals, so if it's in my budget, I always go for the whole grain version."
"Everyone loved this and like I said if you are wanting a dessert that doesn't have a ton of sugar and calories in it this would be a good choice."
"If you're using one substance to counteract the effect of another substance, that's not really a great way to do things."
"I lean more towards whole natural food sources."
"Smell of fresh fish, big difference. Oh my God I wish we had one of these at home. We would eat a lot healthier if we had one of these at home."
"I've been very conscious of just like what I put on my body and in my body."
"I'm a very big like health conscious kind of person I'm a very insanely huge hypochondriac so as soon as I got that positive test I was like freaked out but I took really good care of myself my whole family did."
"Choose calorie smart and carb smart recipes."
"I'm like past that phase of being able to just kill a big mac like now when I go I'm like I already know it's not good."
"I was smoking three cigars a day down in Key West. It's fun, but this is a much safer way to do it."
"The more we put our money into these farmers, into these companies that are actually doing right by our health, the more there's going to be a demand for it."
"I have a bag of baked barbecue chips, 75% less fat."
"I care immensely about what foods I put into my body."
"Every time we eat is an opportunity to get healthier."
"That's also what led me down the whole nutrition lifestyle and health optimization path."
"And I discovered, being sick too, that my body is my temple. And now I exercise diligently even, I love it."
"I'm totally addicted to feeling great all the time now. It's kind of cool."
"The audience that listens to mind pump is people like me right who really give a [ __ ] about what we put into our body what we do with our body."
"I always look at the ingredient list because I wonder what's in them."
"Saturn direct and things change so you can go back or to how you ate or it can mean that something shifts the direction how you eat your diet start shifting your attitude towards your diet because it's a change of a direction."
"If I grow it myself, at least the salad won't kill me."
"I just want to do good enough and, you know, stay healthy, look out for my family."
"I look after myself. I moisturize, I'm a vegetarian, I drink water."
"I like to garden, I like to cook, I like healthy food. A lot of the guys that I work with, they're getting older, they got young girlfriends, or now they have grandkids or whatever. All of a sudden the reckless lives are catching up with them."
"A plant-based diet is kind of taken over now."
"If you can't pronounce it, shouldn't be in your body."
"I count myself blessed to actually be on this Earth, you know, and I still have fairly good health, so I'm not complaining. Not complaining, not complaining."
"If you make your food at home and you know what's going into it, it's so much different."
"I'm going to be mindful of what I'm putting in my body because I want to feel good all the time."
"Make sure it's grass-fed, buy organic, buy free-range, and perhaps be prepared to pay a little bit more, but get a product that you can be reassured has been looked after and is better for the environment."
"The older I get, the more I find myself wanting to be more intentional about the way I live, eat, and take care of my body."
"Whole food plant-based eating is not a diet; it's more about choosing to eat certain foods, mainly the less processed whole foods."
"Eating mostly plant-based is like the most important thing on an individual level."
"It's a little ridiculous, I know, but I really try and protect my skin as much as possible when I'm going to be spending more than like 15 minutes outside."
"Food is not entertainment. These four words helped me change my dietary mindset."
"Health behaviors and stress matter."
"It is absolutely possible to get enough calcium without cow's milk but you do need to be conscious about your choices."
"We need to think very intentionally about the liquids that we're putting in our body and prioritize water."
"I'm really in tune with what I put in my body now."
"Virgos are very health-minded and pay attention to diet and eating habits."
"Recreational bodybuilding isn't drug tested, yet there are many that decide not to take drugs because they don't want to suffer side effects."
"I just want to feel nice and feel healthy."
"I'm getting older, guys, getting on a bit, so I think I would just like to be looking after myself as best I can."
"I'm very protective about what goes in my body and on my body."
"Every day, every meal, where can we introduce more plants on the plate?"
"I really do take good care of my health. I eat very, very clean, and that helps me to stay lean, it helps me to stay healthy."
"If you will make every thought a thought of health and every conscious act an act of health, it must infallibly follow that every internal and unconscious function shall come to be healthy."
"I have to be careful not to just replace it with something else that's bad for me."
"We're trying to be more conscious of health."
"Counting macros really helps you understand the breakdowns of foods, not just looking at the calories but the quality of foods that you're eating."
"You've been trying to eat healthier."
"They care more about their health and wellness than any previous generation ever in the history of the world."
"Being safe and being healthy is obviously my top priority."
"The Trimex volunteers are extremely smart, they're very health conscious, they flood me with information mostly about themselves; a lot of them are biohackers."
"The cool thing about these different alternative food movements though is people are discovering the importance of what they put into their bodies."
"We're trying to show how to be conscious, mindful of what you're eating."
"This is seriously the best granola I've had; I was transported to a health farm in Byron Bay as I ate it."
"They want to know that their food is grown naturally without a lot of unnecessary additives, ingredients, or poisons."
"Value the health and energy consequences above the taste of your food."
"No selfies, just say hi, I'm so healthy."
"I care about other people being healthy because I want to be healthy."
"Sometimes when someone gets a dog, it helps them be a little bit more cautious of health."
"They are very health conscious about what is good and what is not good, what is toxic and what is not toxic."
"We really do care about taking care of our bodies and our health."
"We have a limited amount that we should be eating each day, and the nutritional components that comprise those calories matter."
"Summer time is approaching, it's time to buckle down and really think about making better choices."
"Growing up, I was really fortunate 'cause I had a mother who was sort of ahead of her time when it came to health."
"That's what you want to see if you're gonna eat hot dogs: they have to be all beef, they have to be grass-fed and clean."
"It's about what I'm putting on my body, what's gonna be more efficient for my body."
"I think we're more aware of health and stuff. You do contemplate things differently now."
"If you want to eat healthy, McDonald's shouldn't even be on your mind."
"Be conscious and aware of what you put into your body, that is what the spiritual journey is all about."
"I'm conscious enough to take supplements because I know that they may help my fertility journey."
"I'm pretty healthy anyway, I mean, I'm eating right, putting good [stuff] in my body."
"I have never vaped... it's gonna hurt your lungs and I'm trying to live."
"I overall feel healthier, I feel like I'm making better food choices."
"You chose to take care of yourself, to be here, to show up to do something that's positive for your health and fitness."
"It's very simple food but I like it, and I think it's very healthy."
"I'm thinking about reducing the amount of meat in my diet."
"Basically, if food comes in a package, I'm not eating too much of it."
"Consumers increasingly are very aware of the health benefits of the types of foods that they put into their bodies."
"I don't want to put stuff in my body that I don't fully understand."
"Our bodies are temples, so if you're putting poison in your temple, what's going to manifest?"
"A woman who cares, who's conscious of our health."
"Safety first, I want to be able to hear later in life."
"Food is health, and so they want to source the food that has grown on regenerative soils."
"It's not about being or looking a certain way; it's about being healthy."
"It's good knowing that I've got meals for myself that I know it's got the requirements I need; it's going to help me stick to my goals."
"Health is important... My own mental health was way worse when I was spending every day of my life trying to get smaller."
"The meat itself is actually healthier and this is much more ethical than what you pick out at a supermarket."
"You're smart enough to not eat it, you don't even crave it because your life is more important."
"You can eat out and be mindful about what you're choosing."
"You really become more aware of the calories in food, which I never really paid any attention to."
"We're always seeking to increase the palatability of food... but do you think maybe it's a bad idea to always make things so damn palatable?"
"Health is a priority to me, physically, mentally, emotionally."
"I'm not a fan of doing anything that ruins your health. You've only got one life, you've only got one body."
"I don't pay attention to the calories too much as long as I'm just eating balanced, healthy meals."
"I'm trying to change my go-to mentality of 'Oh my gosh, I'm starving' to 'Oh, this is healing, this is good for me'."
"I decided that I was never going to drink mainly because I don't want to put that stuff in my body."
"I'm trying to make a conscious effort to eat healthy."
"Vegetarians or near vegetarians are people who care and are concerned about their health."
"Health is really important to me."
"There is a movement in people that are trying to focus on their health and wellness, especially post-COVID."
"Just be, you know, know what you put in your body, man, don't just think."
"Taco Bell has quietly and slowly become the healthiest fast-food chain out there."
"It takes active work to be conscious of what's going in your body."
"I will continue to watch what I eat."
"We try to eat vegan like three times a week just for environmental, like health reasons and stuff."
"I love cheesecake, but I am trying to eat healthy and keep my weight down."
"I have a very healthy balanced and super relaxed approach to food."
"Keep on being you and taking your health and well seriously."