
Resource Management Quotes

There are 2934 quotes

"Time management is a really valuable skill to work on because time is our single most valuable non-renewable resource. We can always make more money, but we can never make more time."
"Instead of telling people do with less, which is never going to work, we should find a way to do with more but emitting less."
"Every little mineral, every piece of gas counts at this point."
"We got to be about circulating resources. We got to be about protecting families."
"It's about not wasting the resources you've been given."
"Every intelligence point increases your mana by 13 and your mana regen by 0.04."
"They want to bleed us dry financially by shooting hundreds and hundreds of drones."
"All Things Considered, though, it just means you have to be a bit more careful with your spell management and your queen charges."
"It's really surprising how quickly fifty feet of rope is not fifty feet of rope because just tying knots and making a secure way of tying things up uses a lot of length."
"If you use all your resources in the first half, you're likely to lose the game in the second half."
"I think we have to plan for a future where our resource might not be as in demand as it is today."
"We start with four research slots, which is a lot."
"I'm out of fuel because my ships and stuff. Let's just buy it from one of our subjects."
"Western financial, military, and industrial resources are such that if the will is there, Russian victory can be severely complicated or even averted."
"Over the past 50 years, Landsat satellites have allowed us to better manage our resources, enabled countless innovations, and will let us track the effects of climate change into the future."
"This is all the farms I'll drop for now, and I'm going to go straight to the Monkeyopolis."
"As a lord of your own medieval kingdom, it's up to you to build your own castle, expand your territories, gather resources, and of course, defend yourself from hostile beasts and other kingdoms."
"Environmental sustainability is very much recognized today, everyone is talking about the need to not destroy biodiversity, to be sustainable within resource consumption use."
"Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance."
"All my levels are gone because I combined every last level I had to get protection one books into protection four."
"Mining is a game of strategy, resource management, and a bit of luck."
"Players collect resources to convert an empty slice of Hyrule into a quaint village called Tarrey Town."
"The key to placing an outpost is being close enough to areas where resources are abundant."
"If you have a wrong relationship with resources, you can never be able to be a conduit to give those resources away."
"It's time to conserve your resources, conserve your energy, so that you can focus on you and do shit that makes you genuinely happy."
"The last thing you want to do is have too many overlapping duplicative services that cannibalize each other."
"The most important issue at hand is the intelligent management of the earth's resources."
"Our water availability was lower than I would like it to be, so we're going to add to this."
"Our psychic blades don't actually require us to expend any of our psionic energy dye to bring them out or use them; they're just something that we can do at will."
"Clearing a house of all its potions and potatoes to later finding myself using those potions or eating those potatoes made me sit back and think, yes, this is fantastic."
"You see, we had fifty gold; we now have 25 gold, and we now have zero gold."
"Time is our most precious resource. Use it wisely."
"Gold, which we are pretty limited in finding, and time, an ever-shrinking wallet constantly having its budget drained by mysterious forces."
"It's close, but now I have a land tapped that I didn't have tapped at the beginning of this."
"Packs laden with loot are often low on supplies."
"Despite an ever-decreasing supply of resources and multiplying difficulties, they remained resolute and focused on their tasks."
"It is a sandbox mining/building game in which the player gathers various resources and combines them in different ways to create new objects and building structures."
"Building and advancing with 50 different buildings to grow your town."
"Don't exhaust your natural resources before you have an educated population."
"If you spread yourself too thin to gain the maximum number of options, then it doesn't matter how many you have because they'll all be too weak to be meaningful."
"Surviving isn't just about skill, it's about judging what you've got compared to what you'll have to give up to progress."
"You can't give to others what you don't have to give."
"So what happens when you combine the fun city building of a game like SimCity and smash it into the resource management of a game like Timberborne, with maybe a sprinkle of the pixel art sensibilities of a game like Minecraft?"
"The divination sigil can tell you how much life essence is currently stored in your soul network."
"Time is the only non-renewable resource that we have."
"Too much is at stake for evangelicals to waste our resources and credibility on frivolous and occasionally self-provoked injustices. Imagined offenses drummed up by sensationalists and fear-mongers should be exposed and denied."
"You just need to have enough mana... you can use it all."
"By following these techniques and starting to implement these in your life, you're going to save money, save time, and really save a lot of your scarce resources."
"Money alone is not the solution, it has to be, obviously, resources, money that is, I think, earned, and then also that is in the context of a culture that has a set of values that can hold it together."
"The reason to recycle isn't so much to keep these things out of the landfill, it's that we've already done a lot of the work necessary to turn this into the next thing."
"Every resource is an opportunity to multiply."
"Trying to exhaust those resources would be practically an impossible ask."
"Post-Scarcity Civilizations are those that have no scarcity of resources, though in the interests of plausibility for discussion inside a Finite Universe, we define it on the show as a civilization who has such an abundance of a given Human Need that getting access to it causes no serious anxiety in people."
"Ammo is also much more scarce, meaning aim matters."
"Would you pay seven life for twenty-seven mana? Heck yeah."
"Trust me, in CK3, there's nothing wrong with a thousand gold in your bank account in those emergencies when you need to bribe or whether you need to hire mercenaries."
"The more control communities have over resources and the points of production, the more resilient they are in the face of climate change."
"If we turn on the air conditioning, we won't make it."
"The presence of these replicas serves to confuse the enemy and protect the real launchers."
"The theory is not about delivering freebies for everybody, just bring the money and do it; it's about managing resources and priorities effectively."
"We really want the economy to incentivize you to interact with other players, to get out there and get resources, to develop the world."
"Greed is the mismanagement of resources for personal benefit."
"Countries with little to no natural resource wealth or geographic positions and even unstable geopolitical situations can and do outperform countries that have all of these factors working in their favor, simply because they have a better-educated population."
"You only have one source... Don't ever let a resource become a source because it can't be."
"Water can become not only oxygen for yourself; it can also be drinkable water for living."
"Deck building games can also give players extra stuff to think about by giving them some resources to manage like money or health."
"Troika is trying to make little runs of numbered space stones. It's fun having to choose between requirements and greed."
"Lever is pretty plentiful but also not worth all that much to you, whereas the valuable metals and gems in the deck are harder to come by but much more lucrative."
"True financial security comes from having that reserve of resources, of assets."
"This is not the time to have a party. Do not waste these resources or put your neighbors at risk."
"The supply pack is absolutely incredible; the fact that this will effectively not just double but triple your supply uses is absolutely invaluable."
"Millions in Syria and Iraq shortages accident warned that situation is likely to worsen due to a lack of Water Resource Management."
"Governments all around the world were making it very difficult to generate the supply of nuclear, to generate the supply of oil, and to generate the supply of nat gas."
"We don't have enough field agents to effectively run our covert operation."
"Like, developer time is a resource and it is wonderful that I and now you would be able to write code so much more quickly."
"We like to pretend 100A is not a lot of power but folks - it really is. We just have to use it wisely."
"Time on these telescopes is extremely difficult to come by and is extremely costly. You do not want people repeating efforts. We want to maximize the science yield, and the way to accomplish that is through cooperation."
"Strategy is the most important thing in a war and you can have the best weapons and the most money and you still lose."
"Respect the resource. You can't control what you start with, but you can control what you do with it."
"Experience is one of the most important stats you can get because with more experience, these guys are going to give you more resource points every event."
"This will definitely come in handy when I'm working on a new project and I need like a whole bunch of stones smelted at once."
"It gives me a lot of those things I tend to enjoy: resource gathering and then spending it for something, cars with powers, building up a tableau with stuff you can manipulate."
"Transparency is a great theme to work with during this general time. Am I seeing things for what they are? Am I spending my time, money, and energy in a realistic way?"
"Nothing gets done without energy... the only universal currency in the world we have is energy."
"We take it really seriously as an environmental responsibility to not waste wood."
"The Fletcher right off the bat will purchase sticks... which is really good as you can easily get tons of sticks."
"It is not a bad question to say, 'When does the economy reopen?' In fact, that is the exact question that is going to lead to the ramping up of resources necessary for the economy to reopen."
"Okay, I managed to eat the steak, but that was my last one."
"The prospect that two-thirds of the world's population will have no access to fresh drinking water by 2025 has provoked the initial confrontations in a worldwide battle for control over the planet's most basic resource."
"Alaska shows what a well-managed fishery can produce."
"If you treat them correctly, they're going to outlast the oil, they're going to outlast the mines, they're going to outlast everything else, and just keep coming back."
"Diamonds, you can't go wrong with, and every single thing that you will want eventually will cost diamonds."
"I care way more about the Essential Elements and The Rare Earth elements that drive the entire global economy that exist in Africa."
"If you’ve got enough food then you have to worry about it spoiling before anyone will eat it."
"Money will tend to come easily, resources will tend to come easily."
"We started off with an empty cupboard so I'm going to leave the Vice President and his group to handle it."
"So it's wide open and it's really what can the solution be and can you get the resources down to enable that solution."
"We're ordering a big stockpile and we're thinking about doing an extra 200 million [masks] should we need them."
"The problem with crafting in later parts of the game is you're constantly getting bottlenecked by rare-ish materials that are just not easy to get."
"You can do more and more with less and less."
"Pudge meat hook now instantly kills creeps. Meat hook mana cost rescaled from 125 through 140 to 135."
"A collapse of Russia could disrupt the flow of oil and natural gas to China, potentially leading to shortages and higher prices."
"You gain the ability to get discounts on the material usage."
"Your power and water output will change dramatically based on how you build your lots."
"We're stacking resource cost reduction, this is imperative to the build functioning."
"If you never want to run out of gas, realize that it's just as easy to keep the top half of the tank full."
"Africa has no friends, the only thing Africa has is a lot of resources."
"I was able to finally start getting infinite redstone."
"We defeated the wither on Hard difficulty and why God was that resource consuming."
"Use nuclear, use oil, yeah, use renewables if you want. Solar, hydro, great. Let's do it all."
"Are they going to have sufficient fuel to land on the moon?"
"If we can control who has it, that'd be better."
"Extremely helpful for players who are budgeting stones."
"Russia is out producing all of NATO on artillery shells by seven times."
"The more armies in general you have filled up with units, the better."
"And I believe that the person who has a big brain, and a little money, and a lot of time, and exceptional insight can find great bargains."
"If there was ever a clue that Russia didn't have massive ready-to-go military reserves, I think the way this operation played out provides it."
"Loba gets the good placement solely due to her supportive capabilities with the black market and her repositioning power with the tactical bracelet."
"I don't even have enough car points to actually get the upgrades that I want."
"It was time to get to work, I went off and gathered a ton of sandstone."
"Nobody wants to turn away business; it's frustrating because we have the space but not the manpower."
"Everybody now is just thinking about oil, oil, oil, whereas what we supposed to have done with this oil was to use this oil and now expand the economy."
"This one's true, you can literally farm infinite lava by just having this drip stone block."
"Sketchup not only saves time but also materials by catching mistakes before the first cut."
"It was rough, not any more than like three speed items for any of you all day."
"The world, we can take it back, we can't take it back if we have no money."
"Spirit tap is gonna give you a 100 percent bonus to your spirit for a period of time. It's gonna help you regen super quick, reduce that downtime. It is super super good."
"Doom Weaver... if you're sacrificing big creatures... you can draw four cards, five cards, six cards at a time."
"The player who spends the most mana overall is generally the player that's gonna win."
"The card advantage from [bounce lands] is a thing but it's definitely not ramp."
"Smothering Tithe might be the best card in that deck for that reason because you play it on four and then your next turn you're going to have the mana everyone pays, which I've never seen happen ever."
"The country's almost comical disregard for one of the largest natural resource discoveries per capita in history is in many ways down to something that a lot of economists, especially macroeconomists, tend to overlook. Culture."
"Is this card worth 2.5 million coins? Is this card worth putting 2.5 million coins that then become untradable in your club?"
"Having a collection of commander staples can make the deck brewing process much less overwhelming."
"Effectively, what they recognize is that they can match the supply and demand around these worlds." - Piers Kicks
"Arcanis the Omnipotent, another repeatable draw effect. Has a tap ability that says draw three cards."
"Fetorias take out 20 population space but bring in a trickle of resources."
"Grab yourself a bunch of lava in order to do so."
"A bit of lava creation or at least lava harnessing is what we're going to be using for our power source."
"Buard gave players more things to do while traveling, such as setting pace and trading for resources."
"You've got a huge amount of early game carry weight, so you're all set to be able to buy the best ships, the best weapons, and not die over and over."
"You gotta start checking those blocks. You know, food, water, fire, energy, then address your medical needs and your security needs."
"The big objection to our world, the health and wellness world, is I don't have the time, I don't have the resources. Well, there's good news, there's so much you can do if you have minimal time or minimal resources."
"The cost of his success had been substantial, depleting valuable spell cards."
"We support energy independence, energy dominance, and mining dominance."
"Mana management is a relevant resource mechanic that they have to take into consideration when they're utilizing their rotation."
"Bottles are really, really useful on Omni Knight... every bottle charge gives you 70 mana that's about half of a purification so hypothetically every time I cast a bottle twice I have also a heal on top of it."
"Managing those resources is a tricky but enjoyable challenge."
"Food is going to be a constant battle, luckily our little wagon comes with a few things."
"I've got quite a bit of crates left, let me check."
"Especially since shaders are one-time use and you're going to be using them on these ugly-ass armor sets."
"In permaculture, waste is just a resource out of place."
"Looks like we can't store any more flour now, alright let's check our international trade options."
"Use up what you already have before you replace it."
"Cash is king. You can't buy groceries with your nice house."
"Decisions made today could affect wells that will pump many years later."
"Egypt will really only be left with two available options if this day ever comes: sit back and do nothing... or lash out against Ethiopia."
"The patience with those last couple of resources was perfect. He got exactly what he needed to do."
"We've got 32 Nevercoins, we need 30. I think that's already good."
"Resilience is about navigating and managing your internal and external resources."
"If you're out of power ammo, the problem is poor coordination."
"Maximizing Liberty: get as many cities as you possibly can, prioritize gold per turn boosters, and think about early gold return, happiness, and global happiness."
"Liberty excels at war because they tend to have more hammers, use these hammers efficiently for military units that don't go obsolete very quickly."
"It's got good heart in it that could go in something else."
"Why would you ever store something if you didn't plan to fast? If you only put things in and never take anything out, then why would you store it?"
"This isn't a computer game where you can come in and do a hack and click on and suddenly see your resources suddenly build up. No, no, no, no. If you haven't planned on building ammunition, you ain't building ammunition."
"Enchanting is how you spend [experience] so enchanting it with this first enchantment would cost us one level..."
"Money is a problem to be solved. Money solves the money problem."
"We are not looking at a shortage of gasoline." - Jeanette McGee
"Recalling is the most underrated and powerful tool at your disposal. It can snowball you after a kill and stop the enemy's snowball by preventing further kills."
"Everybody wants the best that they do with their given resources."
"Infinite mana is just good in general if you have a fitting mana."
"Visibility is a resource in and of itself, and I can offer that."
"You're required to help everyone you can with the resources that you have right now."
"This card is really powerful. I want to ramp into him as quick as possible, increase my token generation, and then I have a bunch of cards that just protect my command."
"Our snow lands which basically means with my commander I can double my Mana every turn and then I have a bunch of cards that are Mana sinks so I always have ways to use all of that Mana."
"After over 500 days, my end base is finally complete, but I mean just look at this, I have practically everything I'll ever need here in the end."
"Pillage gives you all those Shields back and then a lot."
"I love the fact that they didn't have to give up any picks."
"The Earth is our source, not just a resource."
"After I looted the second chest that had enchanted iron pants and a freaking total of 55 iron ingots in it, I knew I was set."
"We ought to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. We ought to be able to safely open, but we need resources to open. You need to be in a position where you can take testing rapidly and know whether a person is in fact infected."
"We should not stimulate idle resources back into activity."
"Utilizing all the resources, time and energy that you have in order to change reality."
"Ukraine has proven capable of outperforming its material resources."
"Keep eyes on Ada-1 over the coming weeks, visit her every day and scoop up the mods that she sells."
"Any native deposits of phosphorus will be prized, mined quickly and maybe even become a critical commodity folks have wars over."
"Every skill costs action points. You should think how to make the best of them."
"We haven't completed the mission, but we did bring back some treasure, which is going to allow us to buy some supplementary equipment."
"We rather have it not need it than need it and not have it."
"These miner attacks use no dark elixir, just regular elixir troops."
"You go to war with weapons you have, not the weapons you wish you had."
"Such incredible feats of game design may not have come to fruition have the original game's small development team been given access to an abundance of resources."
"Body out management however is a massive skill and it shouldn't be ignored."
"Money really does make the world go round in Crusader Kings, and it can often seem like a struggle to accumulate enough wealth to do anything major."
"If you've got anything in your club, you're absolutely golden to very very comfortably start working through exactly like I've been working through."
"Feasts give a big boost to morale, fame, and production."
"Once you've jumped into a second town center immediately getting that second town center up is going to allow you to produce villagers which is going to make your economy boom."
"We will never go hungry again. I can also sell two of the frogs because, you know, you could only breed two frogs at once."
"Bottom line is, you will eventually get your way to the base icon and it will all be through just using bronze players, upgrading through bronze packs, and selling the bronze items."