
Proactive Quotes

There are 1062 quotes

"Don't look for happiness, create it. Happiness is not something you look for, happiness is something you create."
"Take inventory on your relationships and get out as soon as you have that inkling."
"Your money is like a bad two-year-old. If you leave it to its own devices, it's gonna be breaking stuff, backing cars. So you want to be on top of your money and be present."
"Deal with things that are important before they become urgent."
"We all need to be more proactive and gracious to each other and focus on the whole of the problem as much as one could muster."
"Emergency prep is now; it is now to get going because you don't want to be caught in a situation and you're not prepared."
"The true measure of responsibility is not in admitting fault but in taking action to prevent future errors."
"Don't wait for tomorrow. Take today to improve yourself."
"You're sick and tired of waiting for your time, for your turn, or for your spot. You go and take it."
"Taking care of your body...you don't know when all that stuff comes into play and adds up correctly."
"I'm not going to just let this heatwave destroy our power grid. I am going to take proactive measures in order to prevent catastrophe."
"We have decided that we want to take control of our health even more to figure out what things in the future might be a concern for our own health."
"Your success is based on you being able to identify those risks and take steps to minimize them."
"This is the time now to be working on getting off of these substances, these addictions. Do it now."
"By having some creative and really useful gift ideas now and starting to buy them now, I actually feel like I could enjoy the holiday season."
"Even if you are not part of the problem, you can absolutely be part of the solution."
"The secret is taking full responsibility for your health."
"Start with doing something, instead of just talking about it."
"You will become the answer to the prayer for change."
"Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty in a good way; ground yourself in what you're doing."
"They indoctrinate their children young. Y'all better start indoctrinating your children young, family."
"Being proactive... preventing it from happening in the first place."
"Face fears head-on and don't bury your head in the sand."
"My approach to things is if you think it is a problem, you take whatever action you need to do in order to remedy it."
"Make a decision. Your anxiety level will drop immediately."
"Moral of the story: see your doctor, get your levels tested, know your body."
"There's nothing like taking matters into your own hands."
"If you knew a train was gonna hit you, wouldn't you at least want to get out of the way?"
"We have the ability to show more compassion."
"Take your time, but don't take so much time that opportunities pass you by."
"Don't be the thermometer, be the thermostat."
"The remnant are the people who have the chance to see it coming and take action."
"Which one will she be? The one who waits for an opportunity to come to them or the one who creates opportunity?"
"And remember that the sooner you address a problem then you're more likely to be back running pain-free all that bit quicker."
"Rather than ask whether we do or not, how do I help determine that we do?"
"I sent these reports out well before the market makes any moves."
"What you do today determines how you start your day tomorrow."
"We need to build that framework now to protect the future."
"The fact that you were not somebody sitting around waiting for somebody else to take the lead is... heroic."
"Any smart person is taking action right now to shore up their defenses."
"Learn to be thermostats and not thermometers."
"Don't wait, don't hesitate, don't play yourself, reward yourself, and invest in yourself and your future."
"Tomorrow, don't wait. Next year, don't wait."
"It's up to us to make sure he's not able to do it."
"You're like go-getters right now; you're just being very ambitious with whatever that you're doing."
"Take control of the situation, start speaking up about stuff."
"Debt pay off does not happen passively. Making minimum payments for years is going to cost you so much more in interest."
"That's how we gotta be man, we gotta stop playing games."
"If this is what has been going on, then I can actually do something about it."
"If you want to improve your life, do it. Don't wait for a date."
"She's very proactive when it comes to her work life."
"He got out ahead of this story and people know Joe Biden."
"When they see a wrong, a problem, they do something about it. When they see a vacant place in our knowledge, they work to fill the void."
"Being proactive about going over your fears is powerful."
"I am so happy that this mother took proactive action and tried to do her best to advocate for her children because we don't see that a lot."
"Hey, now we have information... let's just start doing better today."
"I like that from Arsenal, that feels proactive, that feels clever."
"You guys are actually going to be taking action towards something that you really want to do."
"Don't come to me with 20 problems, come to me with 20 problems and some solutions."
"Address the root of the issue, don't just slap on."
"If your opponent's just sitting there doing nothing... you need to do something or he's just going to win the cycle for free."
"That kind of person who takes action before something becomes a problem is called 'proactive'."
"Super cool when people are on the ball. He got on the phone with his [ __ ] manufacturer right in front of us in our parking lot. Did everything. Got a meeting with them the very next week."
"You stay ready so you don't have to get ready."
"Protection is not something you do afterwards, that's revenge. Protection is what you do before."
"Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem."
"I believe if we identify a problem we have a responsibility to be the solution."
"I text first all the time, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
"We're not waiting for them to invade, we can hit them, we can destroy them."
"It's not just about having faith, it's about taking agency."
"I had to pull myself out of that depression and start being proactive."
"If you could see the future, would you do anything about it?"
"The one that's meant to be for you is going to come in and take action."
"I want to do things that are going to be successful."
"In League of Legends, you want to be proactive."
"It's time to ask not what can be done but what must be done."
"Leaning towards top side knowing there's a lot of action."
"The best way to know the future is to create it yourself like planning a journey, then setting out and taking the steps one day at a time."
"Finances are about playing offense, not defense."
"I'm a big believer that there should be laws and regulations put in place so that we can stop things like this from happening in the future."
"The goal of this caucus is not to talk about the environment, not talk about conservation, but to actually do something about it."
"Identifying a need, speaking up, and then filling that need before anybody even realizes what's going on, it's a proactive sort of opportunity."
"So if you're noticing that you're losing your hair, that's one problem that's not going to fix itself, do something about it."
"If you are the first to see the money, then you're going to be the first one to get the money."
"Your person took things into their own hands."
"Be proactive and worst-case scenario nobody's in the lot you get in your car and you go home no harm no foul no big deal."
"When your body is saying that something does not feel right, you need to go and check it out."
"Staring your regrets in the eye and doing something about them."
"Prepare proactively to turn disasters into surmountable problems."
"If you wait for somebody else to do it, it may never happen."
"There are things you can do to start your healing right now."
"Our future is defined by the actions we take today."
"You might be pro-life, but hey, you should be [ __ ] pro-birth control too then, absolutely, like prevent what you're so scared of and you have the tools."
"You address it immediately... that's just gonna get way worse."
"Can you ever fully recover from that addiction? With addictions, you can't just say no. You've got to have things that you say yes to."
"Putting strategies in place to minimize craving is crucial. Once craving starts, the battle is almost lost."
"Having alternatives to addictive behaviors is essential. You've got to have things that you say yes to."
"Why don't I just experiment? Why don't I get curious?"
"Love is always available to us, but we have to put ourselves in the position to allow it into our lives." - Be proactive in seeking love.
"It is never too late to begin making the best possible health choices for ourselves and for our families."
"Opportunities are opening up to you shortly, so don't let them slip you by."
"Yes, we can improve things starting tomorrow if we decided to do it."
"Time waits for no one, but if you can keep your cool, focus on what you can control, embrace the panic, and move with purpose, you just might find yourself waiting for it."
"You need to shake the tree. The dates did not just fall from the skies into her lap."
"You don't have to wait until you're retired, until your career is over, until you're old and you've made all your money... to give back."
"Don't be part of the problem, be the solution."
"I think like I said the big thing that you notice from that gameplay is it was we played it smart we always prioritize positioning but we weren't camping we're still running around getting in a lot of fights."
"I've been arguing for it for some time. If I see something that's not happening, I think it's my obligation to step up and say this is what we should be doing."
"Everybody got a play to make, bro." - Unnamed speaker
"Provoke ideas. Don't wait for them to happen."
"What I will tell you right now is that if you feel like your life is quit banging your head against the wall. Not tomorrow, not next month, not next year, not when things are perfect. Fix it now."
"You put yourself in the driver's seat and begin directing what happens to your money."
"Be the exchange you want to see in the world."
"You're gonna become very proactive with things regarding your home and family, gonna fix a lot of problems there almost like very fast."
"Don't wait until you get there, then you start making predictions of your life. Start now. Stand now."
"It's good to go to therapy before there's all these problems because it's good to vent to someone."
"Speak up earlier rather than later. The sooner you talk, the better."
"Sometimes you shouldn't wait until you need a break to take one."
"Instead of sitting there trying to figure out what's causing it what's happening you need to start taking action."
"Harm reduction is a proactive and evidence-based approach to reduce the negative personal and public health impacts."
"We may not be able to control everything, beloved, but we certainly want to make some creator moves this year."
"This isn't the passive targeted wakanda we've seen so much; this is a wakanda that chooses to act upon the larger world."
"Knowing the flaws of certain systems laid bare in dystopia helps us to try and give it our best shot."
"Instead of waiting to have it, go be it, and that will catch up with you."
"You can't wait till you get there to get there. Start getting ready before it happens."
"If you want to achieve the target of Kairos selective time in your lifetime, you can't just wish for things to be like they were and do nothing."
"Throw that out the window. You might end up saving lives because you said something."
"Just as long as you acknowledge that room for improvement, you're being proactive."
"You really have to take radical responsibility to do everything that you can do to make your life better."
"Your job is not to stand up on the rooftop and wait, it's to be proactive in your faith."
"Bosses don't wait for mountains to move before they do."
"Just make it happen and then it'll work itself out."
"We're creating the ark, we're creating the lifeboat that we can jump on now."
"Life is never something happening to you, life is always responding to you, your words, your thoughts, and actions, and you can always change your life."
"Develop that mindset now before a bunch of craziness happens."
"Tesla is already looking ahead of what are the blockers going to be and removing them and kicking them away like Waffle House chair girl before they even become a thing."
"Timing, timing, timing! You've got to start your treatment early."
"Sometimes you have to have enough optimism that you take steps to make things better."
"It's time for action and it's time for the job to get done."
"Evil is two. Let's change that scoreboard. Let's change it."
"I offered my resignation also known as I jumped before I was pushed."
"Stay open, get it out in the open, and then do something mutually beneficial."
"I'm just looking forward to contributing from day one."
"If you really want an opportunity to be there, you need to ask yourself how am I being proactive in this? How do I play a role in this?"
"You are an active participant in your own life."
"Let's take matters into our own hands and build actively."
"Don't let your health span sink into your sitting. That's the key."
"There's nothing wrong with seeking counseling; it's proactive."
"It's better to be proactive and seek help when needed."
"It's not about what you know, it's about what you're going to do."
"How can we create more green lights for ourselves and others?"
"You must defend yourself, you must be smarter than the average bear."
"A best way to predict the future is to shape the future."
"Never wait for another door to open, open and create your own."
"They like that you take action, you're not afraid to take action, to take a risk, to jump on something."
"Smart people get ahead of it. They don't resist it."
"You need to go talk to your doctor, go out there and take care of your body."
"They've already thought this through ahead, they're already working on this."
"Their response rather than to you know be dropped felt in the face of it is to stand up and do something for others."
"We can take our future into our own hands and collect the data ourselves."
"Jump for your goals, just jump and go grab what you want out of life."
"Do what you can do today and do it in the most perfect manner possible."
"We won't be so attached to those things, and we will be able to stand up and say, 'Okay, I'm going to do something about it now.'"
"Let's respond with Solutions not getting caught up in the drama."
"We saved millions of lives by what we did. We shut it down. We saved millions of lives."
"Know what's normal for you, and when things change, seek help."
"I see you taking a leap of faith in something. I see you moving forward rather than excessively planning or excessively waiting."
"Maybe the idea is using technology so we're healthier."
"We're taking action to bring legislation to secure our border."
"There are ways to protect yourself... you just have to be proactive."
"When you start seeing signs of intrusion that could be dangerous, you want to go ahead and nip that thing in the bud at its early stages."
"There's something about not being on the defense not having to wait for someone to drop the ball or wait for things to fall apart so that you can swoop in and fix it and pull it together."
"Be a thermostat, not a thermometer; set goals and make things happen."
"If you want to get something done, get it done."
"I'm willing to be the first one to go in on the attack."
"The only way to truly learn something is by doing it...don't wait."
"Every time something happens on the Sun that could affect human health I tell myself, 'Alright, you know what's coming, you know what to do with that energy, you even know the spectrum it's coming in on, don't let it do anything bad, use it.'"
"It's easier to lead someone that you have to pull the reins on than you have to push forward."
"If you take the actions necessary for there to be a good future, then we will have a good future."
"The success won't come to you; you gotta go and get it."
"If it's bothering you this much, now you gotta start doing things to be proactive instead of reactive."
"Ignoring problems doesn't work, attending to them might work."
"We have to stop reacting based upon what the left is doing."
"The squeaky wheel gets the grease, grease me up man."
"If the people will lead, the leaders will follow."
"Make the decision and the choices when you can make them, don't wait for something to happen where you may lose the ability to then make that choice."
"Metro doesn't wait till he's washed up to start complaining about it. He complains now."
"We now have a chance to take the fight to those bastards on their home turf."
"Good leaders seek out the most timely information possible. They're proactive, not reactive."
"It's time to speak to the giant instead of about the giant."
"If you get the chance to let go of all of it before you're forced to, then you can experience this life in a way that very few people ever do."
"It's solution oriented rather than dwelling on the problems."
"You sir should already know what your child needs and be proactive about doing it. The mother of your child, it is not her job to be a goddamn inventory conductor."
"Predictive maintenance is just a form of reactive maintenance... but if we do it properly, we get a nice early warning."
"Show them how you can be a solution to their problems."
"Some of the magic you want to experience in your life, you need to take a little bit of action."
"Don't just clean the cobwebs, kill the spider." - Pastor Paul's father
"The best offense is the best defense, fight them on their ground, in their space."
"I also want to offer a solution beyond just talking about the problem."
"There's a lot that needs to be done but we have the solution and let's get on with it."