
Levity Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"It's amazing what levity and humor can do for us in resetting our state and our ability to lean back into life."
"Good morning, Vietnam! Oh, we do have lamp on, by the way."
"Luckily you can always count on the shenanigans of Persians, bees, and/or racists to help make overall grim topics a bit more digestible."
"Lego defy gravity... a floating sticker in mid-air."
"Guys, it's not falling because it's the lightest one."
"I wish we could have a political culture where the leaders and the journalists could be just a little bit lighter and more self-deprecating and funnier about all this stuff."
"JP brings levity to the show with his upbeat and comedic personality."
"Humor brings perspective, lightness, and levity; it takes you out of your goddamn seriousness."
"We very much need that level of levity."
"Humor could take on serious subjects and leave us feeling a little lighter."
"Your soul knows the importance of facing your fears head on and finding ways to debunk them and to find levity within that."
"Despite him being so young and juvenile, I like that it adds levity to this whole superhero thing."
"I love humor, though. Like, I love making... I love just anything that interrogates the absurdity of life and fate and finds levity in the gravity."
"While her humor can occasionally be brash, it adds a layer of levity to her character."
"Levity in its essence is more than mere lightness, it is an upward force that counters gravity."
"...when you think of levity your acetaminophen, I want you to think of a magician making somebody levitate. How does he do the levitate trick? I don't know, that's 'I don't know' reminds me that the mechanism is unknown."
"Occasional levity and a positive conclusion."
"I loved the first Ant-Man because we know it might be emotional but it's not gonna be kind of devastating like Infinity war. And I do think that they timed this pretty well because Paul Rudd's gonna make us feel good and he brings levity to everything."
"Even moments of levity can break through tense debates."
"Humor is really, really important."
"I'm not gonna take myself too seriously, you should neither. And this just moves the whole conversation to a much nicer place."
"K's ability to inject levity into any scene he's in is appreciated and he represents the wackiest side of bleach."
"Yeah, at least got to start lifting a bit, levitate yourself a bit, don't just go in the toilet."
"My job is to get people's mind off that for an hour and a half, three hours a night. Let's have a bit of levity into what this world is about."
"When they're laughing, they ain't a bunch of sourpusses."
"Your levity is good. It relieves tension and the fear of death."
"Humor can be a powerful tool in this situation."
"By showing that the characters are also aware of how ridiculous it is, becoming invested in their attempt to add levity to the grimness of the mansion, and becoming legitimately worried for their safety."
"I beg your pardon, Parkins, I ought to have said that I forgot you didn't like levity on these topics."
"I wouldn't have said that, I forgot you don't like levity on these topics."
"I love though enough levity at different moments, definitely, to help."
"Fashion is really serious, but it's also not that serious."
"Keep it light, communication, you know?"
"I think having that levity as we were shooting the sequences was a much needed respite from the content itself."
"Comedy is like the great equalizer in that right you know right."
"Some amount of levity in it, you know what I mean, some amount of just a good feeling."
"Farts are funny. They're always gonna be funny."
"It's important to show a sense of humor."
"I wish I could be like Deadpool and not take things so seriously."
"Sometimes you just have to laugh your way through an uncomfortable situation."
"It's okay to crack a few jokes, lighten up the room. Everything doesn't always have to be so ABC one two three."
"To be too serious is a grave mistake."
"You've got to have some levity and some fun around here because it does it promotes camaraderie promotes creativity and uh it just makes it a more enjoyable place to work."
"The only tribe allowed to transport the Ark of the Covenant was the Levites. Levitation got it."
"I was like, 'Oh my god!' And I was standing too, I was standing, you're levitating."
"They're not afraid to have a little fun because they're not intimidated by the weight of the subject."
"Farts are always funny, I don't care who you are."
"I love making people laugh. It's like the one time that nothing has to be serious."
"Let's just fart on the couch. It'll get mad."
"Oh, come on, the gravity of the situation!"
"What type of bagels can fly? Plain bagels."
"You know it's okay to experience some levity once in a while; you're Superman."
"Olivia especially, she is just an adorable little flower who manages to add levity when it calls for it."
"They never took themselves that seriously."
"These will hold you up when you jump," said the King. "You will no longer feel the pull of the earth; you will be free and light as air."
"You can't have it be so serious all the time. You need a little bit of a break sometimes, and especially if you have a series with familiar characters, people that you're gonna come to love."
"The rhythm of a movie or of a show builds to a certain point—suspense, action, drama, conflict—and then you need some levity."
"My humor is a direct result of just hey look, it gets too heavy sometimes you got to find levity."
"Seriousness is sickness, please take it from me."
"No, but in all seriousness, this is all just good fun."
"Let's have some freaking lightness for God's sake."
"He is remembered as someone that could always bring levity to moments where it was lacking."
"We just cannot be serious people right now."
"Moments of levity are important too, like how that offsets the suspense and danger."
"What do you get when you pamper a cow? Spoiled milk."
"I always want to make sure I have humor in there to keep the ball in the air."
"It's fun to step back from the serious discussion and just poke a little fun."
"Gravity is a curious thing; it can be used to keep things grounded, or it can be manipulated to be non-existent for just a brief moment."
"Why are elevator jokes so classic and good? They work on many levels."
"I have to say a joke; I have to ruin the moment."
"I float over beats, pizza buoyancy."
"He never took himself too seriously, even in serious situations."
"Baking powder just rolls up its sleeves and comes in and goes, 'I live to leaven,' and that's what it does."
"He was funny, a practical joker, always cracking jokes on people."
"We learned not to take ourselves too seriously. We learned that humor is a joy that should be shared."
"I have a dad joke for you: last time I was reading a book on anti-gravity, couldn't put it down."
"Big Juke, with his larger-than-life personality, brings a sense of lightness to the somber affair."
"It's a very vibrant cultural period, many things are done with a sort of wonderful sense of levity."
"Sometimes you just need some light-hearted stuff; the garbage of the world overshadows everything."
"We're here just to bring a little bit of levity to things, some joy, some entertainment, some fun maybe."
"He was able to make her laugh and also able to puncture the solemnity of a lot of these events."
"You need a little bit of immaturity and silly things happening on the news because otherwise, it's just so boring."
"It's like a hug in TV form, and at a time when hard-hitting dramas rule, its levity and hope feel vital."
"They weren't absolutely insane, they were just funny."
"That's funny brother, sounds funny anyway."
"Oh, what if we filled it with helium, then it would actually almost float."
"I like comic book films that can take themselves serious but also have a little bit of levity along the way."
"If you can't laugh at yourself, then how the [__] can you laugh at anybody else?"
"That's my purpose in this space, to bring you a little bit of levity, a little bit of insight, a little bit of entertainment, a little bit of fun."