
Extinction Quotes

There are 922 quotes

"The other scenario is that it's the last invention we'll ever face then 'cause extinct species don't invent things."
"For an animal so complex as man, there's no logical reason why a comparable sequence of events should not also lead to species extinction."
"The great extinction, evidence of flooding, great climate change, and structures way ahead of their time all seemed to be pointing to a single earth-shaking event around 12,000 years ago."
"Every extinction has led to a more beautiful planet."
"Extinction is the rule, survival is the exception." – Carl Sagan
"I lay in bed at night and have hot flashes thinking about why seahorses aren't extinct."
"People are suffering; people are dying; entire ecosystems are collapsing. Mass extinction is well underway."
"An existential risk is one that threatens the premature extinction of Earth-originating intelligent life or the permanent and drastic destruction of its potential for desirable future development."
"Although the Meg is generally claimed to be extinct, other people believe that there's still a chance that it might be swimming around somewhere in our oceans."
"Children will ask us what became of these ancient and ineffable creatures, and we will say that we destroyed them for something as ephemeral, crass, prosaic, perverse, and unpalatable as the way they tasted."
"We're losing 200 species a day, that are eliminated forever. The Earth is just as sick as everybody else is."
"Since being declared extinct over 40 years ago, the thylacine has generated more controversy and obsession than any other extinct animal, with reportedly hundreds of sightings since its extinction date."
"The sixth great extinction on the planet right now... we're losing one species to the point of extinction every twenty minutes."
"The last mammoth alive was around 7,500 years ago."
"The last one was a female named Celia, and a falling tree sadly ended her life."
"The last Dodo was hunted in 1681, but could it be, could we bring back said Dodo birds?"
"Humans have been the cause of hundreds of extinct animals, but none might be as tragic and as reckless as that of the great auk."
"We are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction with up to 200 species becoming extinct every single day."
"Sharks are going extinct at an alarming rate because people are afraid of them."
"Extinction is nothing new, scientists say the rate at which species are dying off is unprecedented."
"The sixth mass extinction may have already started, but there is still time to slow it down and to make sure that humans are not a part of it."
"Emitting CO2 at this rate causes near-term abrupt planetary mass extinction."
"The earth and humans have died out ages ago, except for the last 16 survivors of humanity."
"Humans have figured out that unabated hunting drives organisms to extinction."
"The reign of tyrannosaurs came to a very sudden, very abrupt, very unexpected end."
"Dinosaurs were doing well when the asteroid hit, but there's a little bit of a twist in that during the last few million years before the asteroid hit, just a few million years, a few groups of dinosaurs were kind of waning a little bit in their diversity."
"What caused the megafauna mass extinctions... they really didn't like the last ice age, or that people killed them."
"There’s absolutely no reason why there couldn’t be another mass extinction event as a result of the Earth being hit by an asteroid."
"Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction."
"When just one species disappears, then the entire ecosystem could collapse."
"We are now in the middle of the Sixth Mass Extinction. It is a disaster caused by us."
"Since 1500, we are aware of somewhere between 330 and 620 major vertebrate species that have gone extinct."
"Something caused the extinction of the dinosaurs."
"What happened to the Dinosaurs... the Ice Age."
"The dinosaurs did not have a space program and that's why they're not here today."
"The extinction of animal species must be one of the saddest things on the planet, especially if it comes from humanity. Significant ecological challenges have recently led to more animals being endangered by habitat loss."
"The Skaarj are gonna go extinct without their queen."
"Extinction only works as a Fermi Paradox solution if it is both going to end with nothing left with colonial or growth tendencies, and is virtually inevitable."
"The impact of one of them changed the Earth's climate so much scientists believe that the dinosaurs died out."
"I'm afraid that you know in my lifetime we won't have Elephants or rhinoceroses anymore."
"Well, you came at the right time, but we already made an entire galactic species extinct. Took their homeworld for our own for the sake of profit."
"The great filter theory suggests something prevents civilizations from surviving past a certain level of technological development."
"More than 40,000 species of the insects are now threatened with extinction."
"The mass extinction we feared has already begun, and we are the cause."
"The mechanicus fear the rise of AI and the power of the technology from the Dark Age of Technology, as it nearly caused the extinction of humanity."
"We've brought so many dinosaurs back from the brink, but she's special."
"We're losing two to 300 species of plant animal and insect to Extinction every single day. Try to get your arms around that."
"Panthers and jaguars are actually going extinct due to illegal hunting and deforestation."
"The last female of its kind, a quest that makes you consider."
"Path to Extinction... take all the factors of collapse and turn them up to 10 or turn them up to 11."
"And earn DNA. RNGA moves your progress bar. This bar shows your progress filled by building relationships with other species or forcing them to become extinct. Wow, we're going to kill things in game."
"Humans and dinosaurs are not going to be forced to coexist. These creatures were here before us, and if we're not careful, they're gonna be here after."
"We're losing about 200 species a day. That's 10,000 times the normal rate. Nothing normal about that."
"Tragically, the great auk was hunted to extinction by humans."
"Extinction is the rule, survival is the exception."
"Behind that is an idea of white purity so whites will be bred out of existence."
"It's possible for a civilization to reach a very high level of advancement and be wiped out."
"Extinction is unavoidable. The same fate will befall humanity."
"Life is cyclical, and I think a major point that stray is putting forward is that the death of homo sapiens is not the death of humanity itself."
"Humanity will indeed survive this mass extinction the bad news is that such an apocalyptic scenario is entirely possible."
"40% of insect species could be extinct in the next few decades."
"The ongoing sixth mass extinction may be the most serious environmental threat to the persistence of human civilization because it is irreversible."
"Human survival is no longer guaranteed as more and more species are going extinct."
"For as reprehensible as big game hunters may seem, the money and population control they bring to animal conservation efforts may make them one of the most useful groups to prevent extinction."
"Nibiru or Planet X is basically this large celestial body that is heading towards us and will either near miss us or collide with Earth eventually eliminating all life on our planet."
"It's perhaps the only example of a world religion going extinct."
"There may be a moral obligation to bring back animals that humans are responsible for eradicating."
"As the sixth great mass extinction on planet Earth proceeds and accelerates..."
"The Giants which rely so heavily on this fine balance may be the first to go."
"Humanity rose up and all but wiped out their entire species."
"Entire classes of species were wiped off the face of the Earth, and we know this because we are able to find hints of their existence: fossils."
"She is paranoid, endangered species headed into extinction. She is one of a kind. Well, she's the last of the American girls."
"But sadly, it looks like Flame Breathing may be dead in the future."
"We're racing towards the extinction of our species. We not only lack dominion over nature, we're subordinate to it." - Ian Malcolm
"Recent research has shed light on the causes of the dinosaur extinction."
"Endling: The last known individual of a species, marking the tragic end of a community of animals or plants."
"Scientists believe that as cloning progresses, certain extinct creatures, such as the Irish elk immortalized in a poem by Seamus Heaney, may be resurrected."
"God gave a total of five generations, and then he decided to exterminate the human race and start all over."
"To save humanity from extinction would be the most glorious victory of all."
"GameStop might be going in the way of the dodo."
"The dinosaurs were wiped out by a 10 kilometer size asteroid, that hit about 65 million years ago."
"I'm genuinely concerned about the state of the world and I believe we're teetering on a Razor's Edge of uh Extinction."
"Unexplained mass extinction in Russia: 'That's a troubling sign.'"
"Are we going to allow the Sumatran tiger to go extinct?"
"Unexplained mass extinction in Russia: a troubling sign."
"If you believe that extinctions are common and natural and normal and occur periodically, it becomes a moral imperative to diversify our species."
"It's not coming, it's here... we are in the sixth great mass extinction now."
"Australia has never been the same since the loss of the marsupial lion."
"99.9% of all the organisms and all the ecosystems that have ever existed are extinct."
"The vast majority of species on the planet are going to go extinct before they're even discovered."
"Every single day 200 to 300 species of plant, animal, and insect are being lost forever to Extinction."
"Samus believed the Metroid species was finally extinct, only to stumble upon a single Metroid egg."
"From the first Dutch settlements in 1638, the last confirmed sighting of the bird came in 1662."
"Life as a whole will probably survive in one form or another, but it is generally agreed that we are either at the beginning of or in the middle of the sixth mass extinction event that Earth has experienced."
"You should not be able to see a single species of mammal go extinct in your lifetime."
"It's terribly sad that some animals go extinct. More and more species are dying off every week, and it's super depressing and super bad for the environment."
"These scavenging meat eaters have been extinct for a long time, but they still take the title of the largest land mammalian carnivore to have ever walked the earth."
"These mass extinction events where a lot of them simply just disappear... significantly raises the probability of a recession in the first and second quarters of 2021."
"Rhinos are going extinct and without help from the world, these amazing animals will not be around much longer."
"I wonder how many creatures that we believe are extinct are really not extinct."
"The destruction of the passenger pigeon should serve as a poignant reminder to learn from the mistakes of the past."
"Tasmanian Tigers are an extinct carnivorous marsupial however there have been over 7 000 reported sightings in recent years." - Narrator
"Humans are driving the loss of entire branches of the Tree of Life."
"The end of the Permian was not a great time to be alive."
"It's a good thing these guys went extinct, otherwise they would likely wipe out large areas of human life."
"We're in the largest mass extinction the planet has seen in 66 million years."
"Extinction is actually a natural part of life as long as the world keeps changing life will continue to change with it or fall by the wayside, and in that process there will always be winners and losers."
"Think about it, we'll be talking about Tigers long after the last one is gone."
"It's important to note that the sturgeon has an 85 percent chance of becoming extinct."
"The spectacular Permian crisis appeared 252 million years ago, constituting the greatest ecological catastrophe in the history of the Earth."
"Everybody thinks the dodos went extinct but obviously they just went back to the dodo homeworld."
"Woolly mammoths lived during the Pleistocene and went extinct in the Holocene epoch."
"When animals end up on the brink of extinction, there's generally not much we can do."
"The V12 Mighty though it may be has found itself staring down the barrel of Extinction."
"Thanks to colossal biosciences and their amazing scientific breakthroughs... there's a chance in our lifetime we might get to see some of these long lost species brought back to life."
"Diseases evolve and change, and in some cases, they die out."
"Lions, the world's most iconic cats, are heading for extinction."
"Humanity would have almost gone into Extinction."
"The eradication of ecosystems has led to mass extinctions and Dark Ages, all corroborated by historical evidence."
"The dodo, an extinct bird that became well known through touring exhibits and fictional works, might be poised for a resurgence."
"The five mass extinctions of the ancient past were caused by natural calamities; volcanoes and an asteroid. Today, if the science is right, humanity may have to survive a sixth mass extinction in a world of its own making."
"The extinction of the bees could bring famine, poverty, and unemployment."
"I've discovered a horrifying truth, and now extinction may be the best hope we have."
"Not since the dinosaurs disappeared have animals been going extinct as fast as they are now."
"Habitat loss is the number one driver of extinction around the world."
"The brethren know they face extinction. All that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand."
"We're losing species at a rate that's almost similar to when the dinosaurs went extinct."
"Ultron's whole MO is being anti-humanity and desiring the extinction of the human race."
"Species that will never appear again, that is another thing entirely."
"99% of all species that have ever lived on earth are extinct."
"The original goal of the scouts has always been to save humanity from extinction."
"Life without the magnetic field is hard to imagine; an absence of the magnetic poles could be disastrous for many species, including us."
"Normally following a mass extinction, we see a dramatic rise in new organisms stepping up to fill the roles that were previously held by the ones that disappeared."
"Healthy love is becoming extinct and is on the brink of expulsion, and that's very scary."
"We are the one species that could prevent the type of mass extinctions that have dominated the biosphere of this planet for a couple of hundred million years."
"Much like the dinosaurs, the pseudosuchians once occupied a variety of ecological roles."
"They're amphibians and they only come from this one lake in Mexico. They got really popular online but they're almost extinct in the wild."
"Extinctions can be good things, not just bad things. For example, the extinction of dinosaurs was very good for us."
"By far the leading explanation is that an asteroid hit the earth 66 million years ago and unleashed hell on earth."
"The asteroid that ended the dinosaurs was technically the highest ratio of killing birds to one stone in earth's history."
"Ego, The Living Planet, was a primordial and powerful being, unsuccessful in his attempt to reimagine the universe by causing an extinction-level event called the expansion."
"We are complements to our environment. When we bought the idea that we can dominate and control nature, we're going extinct."
"The last known Tasmanian tiger photographed in 1933 they are now extinct."
"Ah yes. One day, the main character Earl causes the mass global extinction of the entire dinosaur species. All plant life on the earth is poisoned. The sun is blocked out, and the earth's temperatures are sent below freezing."
"People have driven Lapras almost to the point of extinction. In the evenings, this Pokémon is said to sing plaintively as it seeks what few others of its kind still remain."
"Extinction in nature is the disappearance of a particular species."
"The earth will suffocate under a stagnant blanket of heat, sparking a mass extinction."
"The idea that species have been lost over time, the idea that humans, to some degree or other, have been complicit in many of these losses, makes it the sort of subject matter that really is important to talk about."
"A species that goes extinct through natural processes, I don't think that we have any reason to feel bad about."
"The worst thing in the world would be they think we can bring things back, and so therefore, we can go ahead and let them go extinct, but we can't."
"To save ourselves from Extinction, but we never answered the question why."
"I don't see any plausible path of AI leading to human extinction."
"If all the time that governments are thinking about how to prevent extinction, which has more attention in Europe than in the US, I think that's, frankly, not time well spent."
"Is the greatest medal in the world in danger of becoming extinct? Will those seven in the safe at Hancock's Jewelers ever be engraved?"
"We have talked our extinction to death."
"This little layer, ladies and gents, is some of the most compelling evidence we have that the dinosaurs were killed off 65 million years ago from a meteor strike."
"Approximately every 27 million years, give or take, large-scale extinctions occurred on our planet."
"At some point, their planet faced destruction to ensure their species would not go extinct."
"Teach an AI to fish and will teach itself biology chemistry oceanography evolutionary theory and then fish all the fish to Extinction."
"There's also a major new plan to avoid our extinction, which actually involves accelerating AI."
"Asteroid impacts can devastate a planet and wipe out species."
"Scientists believe that the last natural blondes will die out within 200 years because blonde hair is caused by a recessive gene."
"Crested geckos were thought to be extinct until 1994."
"Every path, every direction, it leads only to our extinction."
"It will be millions of years before conditions become tolerable again, but even after the eruptions end and the planet begins to heal, some of the survivors may later succumb to extinction debt."
"Even groups like sharks and crocodiles, which have famously been around for hundreds of millions of years and lived through many extinction events, have still undergone significant losses in diversity."
"Mass extinctions have the effect of turning the entire planet into an uncolonized habitat, triggering an adaptive radiation on a global scale."
"This wasn't just human-based, everything was gone."
"The oceans will freeze over. And it looks as if this is the death of all intelligent life."
"Extinction killed the pimp without giving him many good lines at all. That's kind of unforgivable."
"My genuine fear is that we're going to go extinct, like, we're going to be replaced by an artificial life form."
"What's your biggest fear? Humanity going extinct without uploading or escaping planet Earth."
"In the wake of all these extinctions with just incredible stability."
"Our Northwestern population manages to just barely hang on only to face total Extinction along with the northern Oasis just a few thousand turns later."
"Making it the first human disease driven to extinction."
"Imagine 13 foot tall giant ground sloth, a huge herbivore slow moving that ancient civilizations of humans wiped out."
"I don’t want humans to be the laughing stock of the galaxy, having gone extinct from an asteroid when we had an active space program that could have prevented it."
"If you wanna protect the world, but you don't want it to change, there's only one path to peace: Avengers extinction."
"We've lost the thylacine, we've lost the dodo, we've lost the Caspian tiger, we've lost some species along the way. But we still have polar bears, we still have humpback whales, we still have tigers."
"In the case of the dinosaurs, the never-ending story of evolution was actually put to a very distinct end."
"We're looking at what's potentially another mass extinction, and the big difference in this case is that we can trace this to our own activities."
"It's really hard to kill all life on Earth enough to prevent multi-cellular life from returning."
"It's a great idea, you know, there's many reasons why a plant could end up going extinct."
"And it is almost certain that we will go extinct, probably within the next hundred thousand years or so. Like people have done the math on this."
"The age of extinction looked like dinosaurs."
"The question is whether or not we will end up like the dinosaurs."
"We're already supposed to be extinct."
"Global warming as a result of human activity will lead to a period similar to that known as the sixth extinction."
"The Mandalorian people, including the brightest and youngest recruits, were completely wiped out along with Sundari City's iconic dome."
"The human extinction scene is one of the scariest in the entire series."
"Every time a species goes extinct, you lose all of its genetic innovation to the future."
"Instead of just saying, 'Well, that sucks,' can you actually hold a sadness of, like, no? Should we say goodbye to the species that's going extinct?"
"The end is inevitable Maverick the kind is headed for extinction damn all right Thanos but not today."
"Pragmatically you have to understand that these animals 20 years ago were on the verge of extinction..."
"...Extinction is the inevitable result of one or the other strategy too much change or too little."
"Starting with our first species which if rediscovered would be the largest gecko on the face of the Earth."
"Next up, we've lost one of the world's only flying mammals but maybe just maybe it's hanging on by a thread on a remote island in New Zealand."
"The bullneck seahorse, last collected in 1997 in Australia, has been lost for 27 years."
"Just because an animal is declared extinct doesn't mean it couldn't still be out there."
"Everything changed in an instant, and the dinosaurs were no more."