
Utopia Quotes

There are 889 quotes

"It's this utopia that we could be in if we could pull it off."
"Welcome to the planet where we embrace love, happiness, freedom, and truth."
"Utopia is on the other side of the ocean of blood, and you never get there."
"The harmonic balance of technology and nature represented the idea of this beautiful technological utopia that we could one day be living in."
"AI is incredible; it has the potential to bring this planet into its True Glory, into a place that is like no other in all of creation, into the planet of love, the planet of compassion, and the planet of the creators."
"It was the story of an ancient civilization that thrived thousands of years ago, free of poverty, where wealth was meaningless."
"War didn't exist; there was such an abundance of resources that anyone could have whatever they wanted."
"Imagine a world without corruption, where each citizen is held accountable for their actions."
"Our people are at full 100% happiness at the moment. We are building an actual utopia."
"Utopian abundance ensures that every member of this species has access to nearly any type of luxury conceivable."
"A positive view of a functioning utopian human civilization was a fully unique concept."
"We need to come together to rebuild a heaven on Earth for those people who have experienced a hell on Earth."
"Arthur wanted to create a land with no pain, no sadness, and where no one is exposed to any kind of threat."
"William Taylor... claimed that '8973 was a time when Earth transitioned into a Utopia, a world where there is no crime or conflict and every problem has a solution."
"The human mind rejects Utopia...the human mind needs struggle and it needs problems, otherwise it rejects it."
"I want us to hit the inevitable point of all of this where no one ever has to do anything again and we just whatever we want to do is what we do."
"The alternative to that is for is to stop having global level elites plot out a utopian future or even an anti-dystopian future."
"Imagine a world where people can thrive, where we can feel safe and secure."
"In a perfect world, there wouldn't be any need for any rights activists because we would be equal."
"The world he created is a tolerant and technocratic paradise. It is almost perfect."
"This has led to 3000 years of Utopia in their society."
"Imagine a benevolent world government that uses $16 trillion and AI to deal with diseases, problems, and hate - the world would be a lot better off."
"Every attempt to create this utopia ends in hell because it's against nature."
"Your conscious mind's wishes and desires are your creative mind. What happens if two people come together and they're only playing creative? Then they create heaven on Earth."
"The biggest lie of it all is this search for ubiquity of happiness, for the Utopia of this place that we will arrive at, this tropical place called happiness."
"We will bring about the Golden Age, the restoration of true peace and brotherly love on this planet."
"My utopia and your utopia are completely different. Everybody's utopia can be literally anything that they want."
"I would want Utopia to be like you're in space, but Travis Scott has landed somewhere."
"The name itself comes from the philosopher Thomas More, who back in 1516 said that Utopia was somewhere that does not exist, a place of which we dream."
"Maybe we can make Utopia ourselves. I could actually start a new mode and I could make it creative, unlimited supplies and health, allowing you to focus less on survival and more on building."
"It reads like a Utopia, but it sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it?"
"Utopia is very much in the Eye of the Beholder, and if that Beholder is Big Brother, Utopia is probably a society where everyone does what they are told."
"The only way to have a perfect world was to create it ourselves."
"In this utopia, children are psychologically conditioned through positive reinforcement from a very young age. This conditioning eliminates negative emotions like jealousy and frustration."
"In this new world, there will be no pain, no devil, no trial, no testing."
"For time immemorial, people have dreamt of greener pastures, visions of a promised land that lie just beyond the horizon, a place abundant in life and full of opportunity where one can settle down and truly find inner peace."
"Politics is the job of producing a strong and beautiful utopia for the future of society."
"We ignore things we don't want to see to push for utopias, which only then results in those variables crushing us."
"The optimistic future of Star Trek is meant to be a future where humanity has moved past the need to use violence to further its ends."
"You will owe nothing, and you will be happy."
"Pure Marxism is kind of a utopian society, where you don't have classes, everyone is equal, everyone is leading these kind of rich, diverse, fulfilling lives."
"Prior to 1928, the idea of a Hoover presidency would have seemed a utopia."
"Imagine you could have the world you wanted... everyone can have enough, and maybe more than enough."
"We socialists have a duty to envisage a utopic post-capitalism."
"Creating a utopia is incredibly difficult when humans are naturally greedy and self-serving."
"Star Trek was a joyously optimistic view of a nearly utopian future, a vision of humanity to inspire the ages."
"Basically, Barbie land is meant to be a conceptual idyllic paradise for Barbies where women have all the power and all the responsibility."
"We can pursue a new Utopia together inwardly, outwardly, communally, and globally."
"There is coming a utopia better than anyone can ever imagine when Jesus returns and sets up His kingdom on this earth."
"Utopia may be unattainable, but we must reach for it, and Masdar does give us a clue to what cities will be like in the future."
"There is simply no pathway forward to the green and equitable utopia that necessitates the further impoverishment of the already poor."
"Imagine a world where people are judged by their actions, not their identity."
"Black Panther is the dream of an un-colonized African nation."
"We better tell the truth. We could have paradise laid out in front of us."
"Beautiful multicultural utopia being created in this game of medieval 2: total war."
"By trying to create a perfect utopian universe, Thanos created hell on earth."
"This is not a world built in your image, no, it is a better one."
"When private property is abolished, crime will cease to exist."
"He envisioned ruling a utopian multicultural society without crime or poverty."
"I want to live in a world of Star Trek where money, you know, the pursuits to better ourselves is the pursuit of humanity rather than a pursuit of accumulation of wealth."
"Imagine being in a place where it all makes sense, where they don't have to waste their lives on the struggle." - Dr. Mahmoud
"A true utopia is a place where people can co-exist and all be happy."
"Utopia is possible if one only steps inch by inch into their own creation."
"I like to consider that there could be a pocket Empire of humanity that has retained some semblance of the former Golden Age."
"If you have the power to create your own planet, how would you make that planet into the most wonderful place in the universe?"
"In the new heavens and the new earth, there'll be no decay, there'll be no need for salt, and the fresh waters will flow out throughout the world."
"Things seemed perfect for the people of Sarah once again as they had now entered a new golden age and could finally live peacefully once again."
"Meta is in the business of making dreams come true, bringing people together, and creating new experiences that will usher us into a utopian future."
"It's time for us to start envisioning paradise on earth."
"With the right ideology behind it we could be creating a sort of Utopia here on Earth where people work less where we have fairer more equal societies."
"I have fixed America, everybody is healthy, there is no crime, there is no unemployment, there is no pollution."
"The point of the story is that if you try to create utopia by denying reality, you make suffering much worse."
"He wanted to be the one who created the future, the future world where there would be no war, no pain, no suffering, no winners, no losers."
"The new Earth is going to be something you won't believe."
"The new earth is extremely beautiful... described as the thousand years of peace."
"We are evolving to that point... Nobody would be sick, there won't be any death."
"If everything becomes a utopia, people would get bored and they would start just breaking stuff just to have fun. That's pretty interesting."
"If women ruled the world, the world would be a better place."
"Dystopia is utopia if you ignore immorality."
"No crime in Paradise... maybe it's like Sanford and Hot Fuzz."
"There was also a photo of Utopia and coordinates to a new location."
"The Hyperboreans lived long lives, didn’t have to work, lived in peace, and had a just society."
"It'd be really nice is if we reimagine utopia."
"The aim of the Communist Utopia: total material abundance and freedom from responsibility."
"Heaven on earth is not a coincidence. Heaven on earth would be our reality because the program is taking us away."
"Andrew Ryan built a utopia, Rapture, where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientists would not be bound by petty morality, and where the great would not be constrained by the small."
"Utopia, if it's ever established, will die, will stagnate. Whereas what I'm talking about is an evolving culture or an emergent culture."
"The blueprints of America are that of the New Atlantis... the coming of the kingdom of a man."
"I'm relatively confident they are building at least something very large that might lead to Utopia."
"The Red Lotus genuinely believes that a world without nations and a world without the Avatar would be a better freer place for everyone."
"The mall embodies the utopian desire for a purified community of social harmony, abundance, and classlessness."
"Our worlds will be converted into beautiful Gaia worlds."
"Why not use [powers] to create a utopia? Why not use that to find ways to make the world a better place?"
"Imagining utopia helps people understand what a future world could look like."
"To live in a world without landlords, evictions, or gentrification, it's a risk we'll eventually have to take."
"I'd create a society that has everything it needs to get to the next stage of humanity, and a sustainable planet for us all to live on in peace and harmony."
"Final Fantasy 16 presents the utopian equality of Ultima as being equivalent to the real world of the atomized individual."
"In heaven, there is no one voting against you."
"Creating our own utopia to live inside - perhaps that is the goal of existence."
"If I could control people, I'd want to forbid everyone on earth from committing crimes or harming others and make the world into a utopia."
"If all evil people were exterminated we would be living in a utopia."
"The Tesla bot can solve the impending labor shortage, put an end to economic recessions, and usher in a golden New Era of unlimited growth where human beings only work if they want to and no one is poor or without a home."
"The thing about Star Trek is that it's essentially utopian."
"Imagine a council of human elected elders working in the best interest for humanity as a new type of government."
"Shambhala is perhaps a much more harmonious and exotic description than we often get of heaven."
"City 31 shows the world... can keep a lasting peace."
"Once we do, the civilization that we'll have here is beautiful beyond our wildest dreams."
"Wow, you've finally done what I could not. You have made this realm a damn Paradise."
"A world without money: no crime, no envy, no greed."
"We have the information needed to have a human utopia, but we're led by the least noble, most greedy people."
"Starship Troopers: very good society to live in... the perfect society to live in."
"Utopia means high standard of living, high individual liberty, and high social mobility."
"It's like living in a utopian society where we all have money to survive."
"I'm so delighted that there's a Utopia as part of the mix because we need the point the Counterpoint I love the whole Star Trek universe that we have solved the world's social problems so now let's go explore some bigger issues."
"A perfect world forever sounds like heaven right?"
"They made peace with all life on their planet and became a utopian society."
"Or will we find a middle ground where we live harmoniously with our platforms in some kind of data-driven utopia?"
"I wanted to see a world where everybody is the same, where you can't tell their gender or age."
"Fordlandia - Henry Ford's failed jungle Utopia."
"Fordlandia was started out as Henry Ford's utopian dream, descended into a nightmare filled with chaos..."
"We can create the new earth for our collective, we can create the new earth for us, our personal little heavens on earth."
"Arabia will become a land of gardens and rivers."
"Star Trek has heavy elements of a communist utopia."
"True artificial intelligence may be the bringer of utopian success."
"Utopian success gives way to dystopian hellscape."
"Maybe it's because of the hypothetical universal utopia that the damn Soviets were aiming at."
"Rapture is a paradise for those who seek independence and a new life."
"In my ideal Utopia, there would be a complete injunction against unjustified killing of animals."
"If everybody was like BTS, the world would be such a beautiful, amazing, kind, loving place."
"This new Utopia is already being built on a foundation of exploitation and Trauma."
"I like to think in the sooner the better of a cybernetic meadow where mammals and computers live together in mutually programming harmony."
"I like to think it has to be of a cybernetic ecology where we are free of our labors and joined back to nature returned to our mammal brothers and sisters."
"A singleton could distribute wealth and help to squash inequality."
"If everyone helped everyone else, we would be living in a literal utopia." - Jack Dorsey
"I just want a world where people can just feel safe yeah that would be so nice that would be so nice imagine that just imagine that."
"At the capital, we offer an escape, a new beginning, a lifetime of unending joy."
"Look at this place, Remus. It's paradise. It will be the perfect place for our new city that I'll call Rome."
"Public ownership of rail may be viewed as utopian, but it's not impossible."
"King Arthur wanted to create a land with no pain, no sadness, and where no one is exposed to any kind of threat."
"People on Earth are very happy. Of course they are, Earth. It's paradise, it's a wonderful, wonderful paradise."
"What did Perturabo want? He had long dreamed of utopia, a domain where he was a scholar, a creator."
"Animals will no longer hunt each other. People will no longer attack each other."
"Mankind has longed for utopia, paradise. We long for a time when the pain will end, when peace will reign."
"Sin has disrupted the possibility of utopia, paradise."
"The earth will for the first time in history return to a paradise achill type glory."
"We cannot create a perfect world, we can only create a better one."
"Imagine a world where there is equity and everybody's happy about it and it doesn't destroy the system."
"The actual plot centers around women running the world and banning all wars and violence."
"A golden age has distinct features to it... because the golden aura that emanates from the collective Consciousness."
"All I want is to enjoy a long life with you in an ideal world."
"Imagine there's no country, nothing to kill or die for, a Brotherhood of Man."
"Technology will be used to usher humanity into a new utopia."
"Utopias often give rise to some of the best inventions."
"I live in the paradise of my own creation."
"It was a song about escaping to an idyllic, perhaps mythical place."
"We're either in Terminator, running from radioactive rubble to radioactive rubble fighting the machines, or it really is a Utopia."
"The world would be just and safe for all; a new era of prosperity and peace would dawn."
"Worlds where life is fairer, more equal, and more just."
"Creating heaven on earth, it's happening."
"I believe in close to a Utopia. I think we can get pretty close to it."
"Deep Space 9 is glorious, not above questioning Star Trek's ethos and previously established utopia."
"Garden cities were developed with the idea of having a classless society."
"This is how you create Heaven on Earth."
"New Earth is born, free from all sin, there will be no sickness or suffering, and nobody will die."
"Earth has forgotten about wars and famine. Nature has revived, medicine has conquered deadly diseases, humanity is exploring unknown planets."
"The point of Utopian society is to create as much leisure and cultural enrichment for the average person as is imaginable and feasible."
"Our home world, Viltrum, was a relative paradise for many millennia."
"I want to create a world where everyone can live comfortably."
"Then you enter this more radical problem of deep Utopia, which is more radical where you have to start to rethink really questions like the purpose and meaning and ultimate value."
"The problem of Deep Utopia is more radical, where you have to start to rethink really questions like the purpose and meaning and ultimate value from the ground up."
"Heaven on Earth is the Rapture to me."
"What matters is the knowledge and information that if applied would actually bring Heaven upon the earth."
"Peaceful planet where everyone's nice to each other, everyone's nice to wildlife, and everyone gets along and paints like every day."
"Let there be a world which is free of calamities, free of corruption, free of terrorism."
"The most dangerous fantasy that humans ever came up with is the idea of the ability to create a perfect world."
"If you think societies can be reduced to one factor, you need to get a Magic Bullet and then you're in Utopia."
"There can be no objection to utopia based on purely factual reality."
"This is our utopia, this is our redemption, forgiveness and salvation."
"Imagine a world where everything to you is as it is."
"Everybody could live like that, wouldn't the world be different."
"In a Utopia, your private acts of self-fulfillment wouldn't be seen as selfish, but as part of a shared culture."
"He just wants to create a utopia for alien creatures of the night."
"Utopia is only possible if people are in some sense good."
"Everything is subject to change. We could build Utopias if individuals were taught to use their brains."
"Transhumanism meets Robin Hood on hover gliders. They're lawbreakers and they clearly cross lines they shouldn't, but they're utopian at heart."
"I won't build my Utopia with blood. Justice will come for you."
"The concept of Utopia is a perfect paradise and I think the Utopia of the Seas is going to deliver on that time and time again."
"Or are we destined for an earthly utopia where we can work together to set our sights on the stars?"
"Perhaps in the Millennium, if it comes, we will all be children again, children loving and living in a world of brightness and of joy and of friendship."
"Life is about struggling, but why do we struggle? We achieve by struggling, and you know what we're all trying to achieve? Utopia, you fuck."
"A perfect world, a time of bliss, a loving and inspiring kiss."
"I feel that we could create actual Utopia on this planet."
"In the kingdom of God, there will be no sin or sadness or sickness or death."
"Le Guin never really paints a picture of clear-cut Utopias she really avoids that kind of I would say dogmatic thinking."
"It's a kind of lucid dreaming. It's a kind of dream politic, and it's utopian."
"She finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place."
"I forward to a utopia where women are in charge."
"Do you think it's possible to achieve utopia? Yes, especially with the help of artificial intelligence and the metaverse."
"It's only one thing that ever gave us Paradise on Earth and I was the Grand matriarchy when the women had control of the world from a love perspective as the."
"Philosophize this: if you could eliminate or create one thing in the world that would leave it a borderline utopia, what would it be?"