
Systems Quotes

There are 1182 quotes

"We don't rise to the level of our goals, but we fall to the level of our systems."
"Systems are what make people collectively richer or poorer."
"Focusing on systems...is actually an amazingly useful productivity tip."
"The universe is an information processing system... all systems are information processing systems. You poke them, they change a little bit, they evolve."
"Goals are useful for setting a sense of direction, but once you know what direction you're moving in, then I think it's best to put the goal on the shelf and focus on the system or focus on the process in the habits."
"You do not rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems."
"Goals are good for one-time wins; systems are for people who want to win repeatedly."
"Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress."
"The whole reason I believed that a hundred was possible was if I remove chaos, put systems in place, can we double what everybody thought was impossible and defy logic."
"Chaos is when a system is oversupplied with energy that can't be put to productive use."
"In mathematics, certain systems, after you wait a long enough, but finite time, will return to their initial state."
"Systems make good governments, not the other way around."
"Political corruption is not a monolithic entity and a fact of life; it's a consequence of a system, and a set of beliefs and economic realities."
"Set systems, not goals. When you set systems of how you're going to do something, you inevitably already will achieve the goal."
"Modularity...if all of your behavior is isolated to systems, if you want to completely rewrite that system, that's not hard to do at all."
"We have to recognize how these systems of control get to where they are, affect things the way they do."
"Governments, militaries, armies, nations, all of these are complex systems."
"And like so many complex systems, they all suffer from a common flaw, namely they're all made up of people."
"Functional complex systems, human systems, require discretion to be functional."
"Goals are okay, but you need systems. That's the more important part."
"If you improve the systems you use, then the outcomes become a lot more predictable and they can make you feel more confident."
"If you push too many variables to the max in any given system, every engineer knows this, the system becomes less stable."
"You don't rise to the level of your goals, you fall to your systems."
"Work on your business, not in it. Start building systems...and always think about income-producing activities."
"As designers, it's easy to go like, 'Wow, random is random.' I personally feel like that's when we need to put systems in place to sort of offset that a bit."
"I think systems that allow you to feel like you have more control over the outcome are better."
"Disruption leads to new systems with new properties."
"The intertwining of those two systems and our inability to receive open transparent information."
"Everything is an open system and therefore related to everything else."
"It's much easier to manipulate a system than to understand the full consequences."
"Productivity goes through the roof when people focus on systems."
"It's not a cop show, it's a show about systems and power and money."
"A professional organization is one where even ordinarily skilled people can produce extraordinary results by the power of systems."
"So long as we are overly reliant on a centralized system, this will happen."
"Last Epoch's endless Arena has a ladder system, a fully functional active ladder system."
"Nothing happens in a bubble, everything exists as part of the same establishment, the same system."
"Everything we talk about today is going to be about systems."
"Good systems, if properly instituted, allow you to effect real change."
"There's a need for accountability in fixing broken systems."
"The key to mental health... is building great systems so that you never get overwhelmed."
"In order to get past those early few years, you really have to have some stuff figured out and have systems in place."
"Success comes from systems. Don't leave it up to chance."
"Success comes from systems. Systems equal success, y'all."
"Create non-negotiable systems that will change your life and that's how your life changes."
"Real change comes when we have systems that prevent us from being evil."
"Can we get down to... are our systems really learning?"
"Understanding and exploiting complex systems is the key to success."
"The game itself has some really good systems in place."
"If we have a system that kind of sucks, then maybe we should just change the system."
"Knowledge always overruns the systems that think they're in control."
"FreePBX can blow the doors off of any of those systems. It can do absolutely anything that you would possibly want it to do."
"Systems can change and systems can be broken down."
"The power of systems and the power of leverage."
"The only difference between who you are now and the you that you really want to be... is a system that you haven't yet put in place."
"Put a working system in place and trust the system."
"Real deft politics actually challenge those systems directly."
"No system is perfect, but we can do a lot better than we're currently doing."
"So this is a really nice system that really aids in our survivability."
"We don't have sub-uniformity in our approach, and that's a problem."
"There's so much frailness to the system, to the supply chain, to everything."
"A resilient system is key to overcome hardship."
"Bigger is not always better, but when you match something that is bigger with more control, more operator comfort, and more precise systems, well, that is when bigger really does become better." - Fendt
"You cannot just have diversity; you have to actively create systems for diverse perspectives."
"Overall, I love how the last two tracks were connected and were two of the best tracks on the album."
"Every system and order for a system to perform at its peak as it was designed to do, every last system, comes with rules, regulations, principles, ordinances."
"We're slowly inching our way towards a working system."
"Everything is political and therefore we should reject that naturalization and say with mobility, with our food systems, with how we organize the corporation and work, we need to say actually let's go to the root of this."
"Habits and systems are the real way you're going to upgrade your life in the long term."
"If you don't have a system in your life, in what world could you possibly be getting incredible results?"
"Everything is working how it's supposed to work."
"The world's already got a system in place that has been working forever."
"Once you have the systems in place then everything kind of starts homing along properly."
"You can't understand any of these hierarchies of power and repression without understanding the interrelationship among these different structures and hierarchies."
"Planning system operates on top of this, coming up with trajectories that avoid collisions."
"You can't explain manifestation, but when you put the right systems in place, the universe arranges things for you."
"People do not in the long run benefit from systems designed to hurt those other than them."
"That's an insane statement. You can't even read all the code on a big system."
"What you need isn't more motivation... better systems."
"When you have these nice systems, you're gonna end up having more patience for your wife and kids and yourself. You didn't just get me, he said, look at this. I looked, he got me, boy."
"You don't judge a system by the people who claim to be a part of it."
"Chaotic systems never repeat themselves identically, while random systems can fall into repetitive cycles."
"For me, it's about systems and giving people control and power over their lives... You're in charge."
"The new installer does not support ZFS or ZFS, however you like to pronounce this thing."
"Great businesses are run by great business systems."
"Systems are the way to have that discipline."
"We're on the eve of a truly historic movement away from legacy systems."
"A the system's broken, um, but it's funny how we're, we're, I feel like the, the classically liberal position."
"Systems are really the way that I'm able to travel the world."
"It's about becoming a weatherman for figuring out how is this system incentivized for negative outcomes."
"Systems should be made simple rather than more complex."
"The rules matter, and the name of the field is mechanism design."
"First things first, I want to attempt to power the system on; this baseline is important."
"What about that magic is when you put a system behind it, when you put a system, now you can reproduce that magic over and over."
"It's all just very interesting to see how it all works together, you know."
"In our model for physics, we have a framework for thinking about how systems work."
"Support systems can be super important."
"Every system is perfectly designed to produce the results that it gets."
"The world is full of interesting systems sort of behind the scenes of everything that's going on."
"We are more likely to blame individuals and less likely to blame systems than we should be."
"It might be a combination of a couple of different systems that get you that kind of perfect sweet spot for your specific use case or conditions."
"It's so important to have a working knowledge to understand how these systems work, how the house works."
"You don't rise to the level of your goals, but you fall to the level of your systems."
"Living in a democracy is better than living in other systems. This is not a moral statement; this is an empirical statement."
"Having systems that are a little bit fun for kids to use might increase the likelihood that they use them too."
"Not knowing your systems is really important."
"I love these large-scale systems because they give me a window into Computing that the normal person would never have been able to see otherwise."
"So, an intricate system here as you can see it goes up and over which um can offer some complexity."
"Brakes are set to park. Now the engines are running and the starters have become generators. Now less systems are being load shed and the Apu has now been switched off."
"Striking similarity is the existence of surprising capabilities."
"The capacity for surprise in even small systems is massive."
"One of the most important things in this time period for your exams: build effective systems."
"I've heard like the United States is actually on the metric system. It's just the stupid people that use the imperial system."
"The answer is it helps us reason about the systems."
"You're never going to arrive at a perfectly organized world. It's a constant checking in with your systems and seeing how they're going and checking in with your inventory of stuff."
"We can cut your budgets in half, we can cut your timelines by a quarter by implementing a more systemized approach to the way we develop creative."
"Focus on learning how to build systems, and that will pay you no matter what you do."
"These systems are growing in power and capabilities at an astonishing rate. The growth is exponential, not linear."
"In this one, nobody can get in unless their IDs are checked or maybe their bad system is checked, making these two best."
"Through decluttering, through organizing, we can make easy-to-understand systems."
"Hidden variables, this is one of the things that is like fundamental in engineering systems and physical systems."
"Anything from the telecom towers data centers for cloud toll roads pipelines transmission systems of electricity."
"It's about systems. More organized information is better."
"Revisiting any systems that we've put in place... is really just a way to adapt and evolve with it."
"Create systems for yourself so your life doesn't ever get too out of hand."
"That's a beautiful system and I'm honestly hoping we employ something similar in the United States."
"We need to start optimizing the whole, not just the parts."
"...since Teslas are electric there's no engine that needs to run for the systems to work in fact you can run any system in the car without needing the car to remain on this includes the heater and air conditioner."
"They all had a small portion of the truth but failed as a complete system."
"Systems are the habits, patterns, and routines that produce consistent results."
"It's exactly the kind of lifestyle I wanted to have when we were planning all of these systems."
"Most stars were in binary or multi-star systems."
"The purpose of setting goals is to win the game; the purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game."
"It's basically to ensure that all of your systems are tight, all your tanks that are being tested for the first time don't have any leaks or anything like that."
"Routines and systems are your friend."
"...the system of real estate is radically different than the system of the Internet."
"...what do you need to really fundamentally change the society? You have to gain control of the educational system, control the media, and control the judicial system."
"...tinkering around with a fundamentally flawed and...corrupt system."
"You cannot divorce this ecosystem from that ecosystem around you without an immediate failure of the system."
"It's hard for us to realize what it was like then, but that notion that you have to have totalizing systems for everything, that's just... that's why you can't count Hegel, Schopenhauer, Plato, Aristotle."
"If you can turn a single social media platform, a single newspaper, or a single university so that it functions towards its stated goal, you actually stand a chance of fixing the system."
"Remember the weak point on a system, almost every system in terms of pressurization, is actually the fusion plug on the compressor, the compressor shell is actually low pressure."
"Even an experienced pilot can rely too heavily on his systems."
"All of these different things that we don't necessarily think of as being interrelated are profoundly connected to one another."
"When a system is far from equilibrium small islands of coherence can shift the entire system."
"Anyone who has tried to learn a language knows that there are a million different learning systems and methods out there."
"Many people lose their job many of us have our jobs because the system is inefficient."
"We don't raise to the level of our goals but we will sink to the level of our systems."
"Set yourself up for Success this year with actionable goals and systems in place."
"This is a very complicated world, it's a complex world. You talk about the... some of the most complex systems on Earth are the human mind, the economy, and the biosphere. So, we'll... we'll go, you know, I'm fascinated by complex systems."
"Everything impacts and is impacted by everything else."
"We're either pulling logs when they login or we're pulling... that's for Active Directory."
"People are going to start competing systems."
"But this is not about people. This is about systems."
"The more I see that happens outside the US, the more the systems that are here within the US I get resentful."
"There is a natural tendency for systems to evolve from order toward disorder."
"You don't need better goals, you need better systems."
"Now, no system is perfect and it's going to require some tweaking."
"Create a system that means you actually get to the end of your to-do list."
"Keep in mind that systems always beat talents and luck."
"People interact with your system by doing things not by objecting."
"We need to throw away systems that are too expensive."
"You need to make sure that there's a healthy human distrust of systems."
"Humans are inherently flawed. It doesn't matter what system we're using because humans are using the system and humans are inherently flawed."
"There's systems and that success is really an OS and there's ways to build an audience monetize build a team hire on board there's these are all systems and the tighter those systems I think the stronger your business."
"There is a radical difference between how we should act depending on the nature of the systems that we find ourselves to be part of."
"Chaos Theory refers to the study of systems in which small changes in initial conditions can result in vastly different outcomes."
"Dynamical systems are a great way of describing physical systems, biological systems, really anything that changes in time."
"Don't make new year's resolutions, make new year's systems."
"And in this series, we're going to look at different ways we can approach system identification for linear systems, nonlinear systems, and for online and recursive system identification."
"Recognize the reciprocal impact of every individual and every relationship on the functioning of the whole system. Family systems resist change in favor of homeostasis."
"Their system seems a lot more robust than ours, ours just seems like there's too much opposition."
"We've palletized it and we've created a winch system."
"Goals are good for people who care about winning once, systems are best for people who care about winning repeatedly."
"If you want genius, look for systems that create foolishness."
"No matter how complex a system is, someone will always be an expert in it."
"Building systems and models around being consistent."
"Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets."
"It's not about messaging, it's about the difference that makes a difference to the system itself."
"The rarest skill is systems of codification which work in practice and codify the essence of the success of an imaginative idea."
"He tried his best and there are so many ways that I think all sorts of systems fail him."
"Building systems is beautiful. I love the creation of systems."
"In all of our political systems, there's no neat divisibility between internal and external politics."
"Criminals don't they aren't the obvious people criminals were they're actually very obvious if you're paying attention these systems replicate themselves."
"People love systems and structure and anything that is step by step."
"Who makes the most cash? Any guesses? The people that own the systems. Because systems are hard to build. They're very buildable but they're hard to build."
"Your profit margins actually are increasing the better we get with our systems, our automation, and our software, and our people and processes."
"There were a lot of systems that had to fail in order for Theranos to become what it was."
"You're building up the biggest, most valuable asset in your business which is a database of systems that solve business problems."
"Business really is a collection of systems and processes."
"Systems and processes are the most important foundation, no matter what business you're in."
"Systems are the most valuable asset in a business."
"Every problem is a systems related problem and business is simply a collection of systems that's really the heart of all of the the every business is just a system or a process"
"You're always trying to reduce it down to one thing... when in fact it's this interplay of systems that's so complex."
"The master skill of the entrepreneur is building systems."
"Systems and processes are a way to extract that, and I think as you grow within business, you go through these different stages and different lessons and different insights will resonate more with you depending on where you are growing a business."
"Processes exist within processes themselves."
"Systems are there when motivation isn't."
"Every person that you think of as a creative... they all use systems for their content."
"The difference between being able to make a 2x contribution in your life and a 10x or 100x is if you can construct systems, hire the right people, get the right teams in place, empower them in the right way—they can produce results while you're sleeping or not."