
Thought Control Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"I deliberately introduce a gratitude practice, and the reason for that is thoughts are very hard to control. It's hard to suppress thoughts, but we can add thoughts deliberately."
"Your life is a series of actions that you initiate or don't initiate, and that your thoughts are going to control that roadmap."
"Deliberate thinking is when you start to take control of your thoughts instead of succumbing to the default way that you think."
"Self-control is solely a matter of thought control." - Napoleon Hill
"You have not only the power to think, but what is a thousand times more important still, you have the power to control your thoughts and direct them to do your bidding."
"Mastery of self, control of your thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement."
"We can control all of our thought processes."
"If you control the framework, you control the way people think."
"You can't control your thoughts. The thoughts just happen. You get to control how you react to it."
"Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts."
"You have the ability to change your life by changing your thoughts."
"Our thoughts control how we feel, which control how we act, which control who we are, which controls how our life turns out."
"We can't always control the thoughts that pop up in our head... but what we do have control over is how we engage with those thoughts once they surface."
"Meditation requires very strict Focus; it's about sitting down and controlling your thoughts."
"You have incredible power over your thoughts."
"Our strength in spiritual warfare is no greater than our ability to control our thoughts."
"Meditation determines your destiny. We're always meditating; your thoughts and feelings control your destiny."
"We can't control the thoughts that pop up in our head... but what we do have control over is how we engage with those thoughts once they surface."
"If you control your thoughts and you're careful about how you plant your thoughts, then you'll be able to change what you automatically think."
"The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought...every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten."
"If you possess the power to control your thoughts, you have at once the power to control your actions."
"A mind in which something has the power to regulate what can be considered by whom and in what way, that mind is much more dangerous."
"If you want to control people's thoughts, begin by controlling their words."
"You're in control of your own thoughts, and they create your reality."
"You're not allowed to have certain thoughts or question things."
"There might be this possibility, this possibility, this possibility because they don't want people thinking."
"Big Tech has the ability to filter what we can think."
"Not all thoughts are yours and you shouldn't listen to them."
"When you start controlling how and when your mind thinks a particular way that's when your mind starts to get purified."
"Choose only positive thoughts... your words determine your outcome."
"It's very hard to control negative thoughts directly by trying to suppress them generally they tend to just want to continue to geyser up all the time."
"Controlling what we can say is a means of controlling what we think."
"Both settings share parallels with how they are run, a form of thought police is in order."
"Think happy thoughts because no one can make you think anything you don't choose to think."
"Many politicians won't stand up to big tech because they control thought."
"See thoughts become things see thought patterns is the only access that the enemy got to God's people if you think it he know what you're trying to do he know how to control you."
"We have to bring every thought into captivity of Christ."
"The starting point of success lies in your ability to control your thoughts. If we are not creating our lives the way we want them to be, then we are creating from an unconscious mind."
"The pathway to controlling our thoughts begins with understanding our relationship to Jesus Christ."
"The goal of the Chinese Communist Party is to get into your mind and determine what you're allowed to think."
"Recolonize your thoughts... civilize your mind."
"Being more conscious of our thoughts and learning how to control them can help a great deal."
"You're in control of your thoughts and ideas."
"Casting down imaginations... take every thought captive."
"Once we learn to master our emotions and master our thought process, our reality shifts."
"In the immediate, there is no end to individual power through the right use of thought."
"Conscious control of thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement."
"When people control what you say, inevitably they will control what you think."
"This bill would move even further from policing and criminalizing of deeds and acts to the potential policing of what people think or feel."
"The very law that gives us success is a two-edged sword. We must control our thinking."
"You are not a helpless victim of your thoughts but rather a master of your own mind."
"Controlling Twitter is a gigantic thought control process."
"The power of thought and the control of thought are of great importance."
"It is possible for us really to pray if we possess a measure of thought control."
"Don't you dare step out of line with our thoughts. This is what we tell you to think. Nobody's ever told me what to do."
"Speech is a representation of thought. When you police someone's voice, you place the vocalization of their ideas by forcing people to say or not say things."
"When you control what someone says over time, you'll control what they think."
"What are you thinking? Where is your thoughts going?"
"I think there is a massive reaction to being told how to think."
"More censorship coming this time out of Europe, you will be told what to think, you will be told how to think."
"You cannot think positive and negative thoughts at the same time."
"Stand guard continually at the door of your mind and let in no thoughts or feelings that you do not want to out manifest."
"It's not just the memory hole aspect, but the elimination of language so as to minimize our thought range."
"There's no real ability for us to silence our mind... just sitting in your thoughts and beginning not to follow them is the practice."
"The media was designed to control how you think."
"Every thought we ever have, every emotion we ever generate, we consciously generate."
"just try not to get caught up in the nonsense of the head"
"Our spiritual warfare is to bring every thought into captivity. That's what it's for, to work with those thoughts and take them captive."
"If you don't like where your train of thought is going, get off that train and just go, 'This is not where I want my thoughts to go.' See Jesus' face, not false narratives."
"Just because you think a thought doesn't make it true. Capture every rebellious thought and teach it to obey you."
"Practicing that sort of mental muscle to be able to choose which thoughts you're going to pay attention to and which ones you're going to let pass."
"Sinful thoughts cannot be entertained."
"Bring every thought into obedience to Christ."
"Your thought life matters, what you think on, what you meditate on matters, and you have to take captive every thought and bring it into obedience to Jesus."
"The only way you're ever gonna take captive all these thoughts is instead of chasing all those thoughts you have to get all the thoughts that come chasing you."
"This is the internal battle. Are you entertaining thoughts? Are you entertaining them on a daily basis? You begin to meditate even on these things that you do not have."
"The enemy's job is to get you to stop thinking, to nullify your thoughts, to decimate your ability to be able to think and convert that into action."
"I choose the thoughts that express beauty and gratitude."
"the more you try hard not to think about something it's just going to get stuck in your head"
"Cancel that. We can't control the thoughts that come in our minds but we can control the thoughts that we dwell on."
"When you start to realize that you are not your thoughts and you don't create thoughts, then the real you observes the not you, and that's when you can win the battle."
"It's not about not having thoughts, it's about acknowledging them and dismissing them."
"Your thought life makes the determination of whether or not you can have peace."
"I've been careless about what I think about. I thought you could just serve God and then let any thought come in and out, and then I wondered why there's such an up and down in my spiritual walk."
"The moment that you say, 'I forgive myself for that thought,' it doesn't have power over you anymore."
"Your subconscious is in control of about 95% of your thoughts."
"It's not about not having thoughts. It's about understanding that they don't mean anything."
"The more control you have over your thoughts, the stronger you'll be."
"Thoughtcrime is gaining momentum, controlling what can and cannot be said or thought."
"One of the things that's made me successful in my life is making it a priority to control my thoughts."
"I'm not a slave to my thoughts anymore. I don't feed them anymore, except my practical thoughts."
"Words control how we think. If I can change the words, I can change the context and the meaning."
"It diffuses or pacifies the power of thoughts and enables you to remain in the blissful nature of your own mind."
"Cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bring those thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ."
"Learn to handle your attention, be very strict and disciplined in what you allow yourself to think about."
"The most important thing that anyone can do to have better control over their own thought process and ideas is to do some kind of daily or weekly review process."
"The more mindful you can be about the thoughts that you're having, the better control you will have over the choices you make."
"You control reality by controlling your chain of thought."
"Consume every wayward thought with the flame of his loving mention."
"The importance of understanding your thoughts and to control your thoughts is because of the impact your thoughts have on your feelings."
"Only you assign the meanings and the thoughts and the beliefs to everything and you control everything with your thoughts and your mind."
"Whoever controls what you think... will be able to determine your quality of life today."
"You can, when you decide to, control your thoughts."
"I love being regulated. I love having the capacity to control my own thoughts."
"The ability to perform tasks on a device with just the power of thought."
"The only way to eliminate the things you do not want from your life is to break free from the influence of the pendulum that has seized your thought energy."
"Take control over your thoughts; your thoughts are creating your reality."
"Stay positive... it's not easy to choose happiness, but if you can, control your thoughts, control that energy, keep it positive."
"Nobody outside of you can make you think what you don't want to think."
"Take every thought captive, we control what resonates in our mind."
"Recognizing this uncertainty and having a mind that lets go will prevent us from getting carried away by our thoughts."
"Peace is not achieved by controlling nations, but by mastering our thoughts."
"Your subconscious mind controls your thoughts, and your thoughts will control your actions."
"So science shows us how to use this powerful mind. How to renew our mind, how to bring thoughts into captivity."
"God says He makes all things new; we can bring our thoughts into captivity."
"The more you are aware of your thoughts and choose to redirect them, you actually build your prefrontal cortex."
"A daily meditation practice is one of the best things that you can do to help you control your thoughts."
"We are to cast down all these thoughts and bring it into the obedience of Jesus Christ."
"The more unaware you are of your thought process, the more that thought process will control you."
"I can learn to put a full stop to wasteful thoughts."
"It's just a phrase, but there's some amount of thought control in that song that's unforgettable."
"If you try to ban thoughts, all you do is encourage people to share them in hiding."
"Yoga is a method for restraining the natural turbulence of thought, that otherwise impartially prevents all men, of all lands, from glimpsing their true nature of Spirit."
"You are in control of your thoughts, knowing that your thoughts create your emotions."
"The suit can also repair any tears in the fabric at the command of the wearer's thoughts."
"If you want to achieve your goal, you have to control your thoughts; you have to control your actions and behavior."
"Stop trying to control them all and observe the thoughts and understand that they're there, they're gone."
"Every thought is important; if you know how to use that thought, if you can control that thought, if you can focus that thought, and you focus it in the right way, you become a saint."
"Casting down every vain imagination, every thought that prevails against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."
"You have control of your own thoughts more than you think."
"I am developing the skill to direct my thoughts."
"Learning to control your thoughts and choose the right thoughts is like the secret to a happy life."