
Cultural Influence Quotes

There are 1764 quotes

"If I had to add any addition to feminism, I would agree with all that and then I would also add on just kind of adding more cultural currency to just female spaces, women's interests, and just proclivities in general."
"Attention training methods we use now come from Eastern cultures... they've been developed over millennia."
"Twitter would not be Twitter without Black Twitter."
"It's hard not to notice the ever-increasing influence of Japanese art on Western media these days."
"The increasing popularity of properties like Attack on Titan and One Punch Man is noteworthy."
"The game was a cultural reset, and its influence and legacy have only grown since its inception."
"Puerto Rican food is Caribbean food. We have a mixture of cultures, including our Spaniard influence and our African roots."
"If politics is where the real power lives, politics is incredibly powerful, of course, but it has to operate within a cultural window."
"It's a little bit of the Romans in the head of every one of us. That's why Rome still matters."
"Being around him and his entourage of people, I was like, damn, these [people] know songs I never heard of that helped me make better."
"The Blair Witch Project was a cultural phenomenon, its influence on horror cinema and transmedia is unquestionable."
"We should aim to make actions of good and integrity so culturally prominent that they influence global trends and political landscapes."
"Each of us are part of a larger culture that influences the way we act, think, and collaborate with one another."
"Up and down Latin America, we heard the same thing: American weapons and gun culture are spreading like a virus."
"The Legend of Zelda is a series often influenced by real-world culture and religion."
"The swashbuckler rogue really stood out to me as being able to build on that charisma element and bring to life that fantasy of things that we've seen in popular culture like Zorro or The Princess Bride."
"Culture is more powerful than politics and law."
"One of the big influences I had when thinking of things for this hypothetical region... Scandinavia is the home of the Vikings."
"You don't understand how big of a phenomenon in the culture Pokémon was."
"I really liked how they updated Moon Knight's costume... it really makes you look at him and think Egyptian."
"Popular culture in the United States is extremely important; it's a pacesetter for the Western World."
"In Japan, the series is known as Mother. I did some googling, and apparently Itoi named that after a John Lennon song of the same name, Mother, being a huge Beatles fan."
"The biggest issue is that a Chinese controlled company is manipulating the youth of the United States."
"This philosophy... has taken over nearly all of the University system and has taken over at a lot of major companies."
"All these ideas have a way of trickling down to all parts of the culture."
"Soft power is very real, and the Republic of Korea has it in spades."
"The temple priests that would form the core of the Qumran community left Jerusalem around 150 BC. They believed the temple, the center of Jewish life and worship, had been corrupted by the influence of Greek culture."
"The only way it could make a difference is if the way that we express gender is culturally defined. That is the only situation in which an attempt by any culture to change the way that men behave would make any sense whatsoever."
"Eating disorders and body image issues tend to be quite gender specific, reflecting cultural and societal influences."
"If anything has really powered Black Twitter, it's been humor. We tend to create change, create culture, and cool."
"Our environment and the culture that surrounds us also mold us."
"More than Einstein or Watson and Crick, more than Hitler or Lenin, Roosevelt or Kennedy, more than Picasso, Eliot, or Stravinsky, more than the Beatles or Bob Dylan, Freud's influence on modern culture has been profound and long-lasting."
"Basically, I'd like to get more Aristotle into the general culture. Focusing on the golden mean between laziness and overworking is difficult to argue against."
"Politics is downstream of culture. The only time that you can create legislation like this is if the culture asks for it."
"The thing about a guy like Harry Styles is somebody who is defining culture; if he wears something, it's cool."
"America is unquestionably the world's cultural hegemon."
"The Bible is a collection of texts written by different authors over a long period of time, and its composition was influenced by various cultural and literary traditions, including those of the Sumerians."
"It's easy to think of powers outside of ourselves, but we are both products and producers of our culture."
"Let's talk about the role of families, the role of fathers in kids' lives, and just culture in general."
"Who we are is shaped to a large extent by history... from the games we play and the food we eat down to our emotions and feelings."
"The Etruscans were highly influential, particularly in shaping Roman civilization."
"It is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society."
"Politics is downstream of culture... The culture is actually downstream of what the culture worships, and that's religion."
"He identified which franchises and properties would become culturally important in the next decades and would then use them to spread Disney's brand of marketable heroes and cozy conformity."
"Italian-Americans had a good business sense, opening up small shops like restaurants, tailors, and the like."
"The triumph of Petrarch's ideas we get the School of Athens of 1507 where Islamic culture becomes a sideline."
"K-pop is no longer the cherry on top for pop culture; it is pop culture."
"But Egypt had a secret weapon, a culture so strong and deep-rooted that it seduced and then absorbed all who would claim it as their own."
"Dungeons and Dragons has been around long enough now that it has both influenced other genres... and then has in turn been influenced by those that it influenced."
"Our characters are shaped by the past, they're shaped by our culture, they're shaped by our national experiences, and the attempt at obliterating it or overriding it invariably leads to disaster."
"What we see as standards of beauty have been so heavily colonized for so long that like what Asian mothers are passing down to their children are things that have been given to us by white culture so far back that people have forgotten that at this point."
"Racism is not only this system to suppress and oppress people; it's a culture that you can buy into, it's currency that you can use to access social capital with a particular majority group."
"No matter who you are, you have to admit: Reagan, or at least his administration, has directly affected America both politically and culturally, spurring the ideas we constantly, constantly debate about."
"These monumental works have shaped the video game industry into the booming success it is today."
"We're about the gospel. The culture doesn't dictate truth; the gospel dictates truth."
"We create the cool. Don't let them tell us what's cool."
"He's fully embedded in our society and culture and has a profound legacy."
"Culture actually is a deep part of every character; it affects how they think, act, behave, humor, eat, across the board."
"Culture leads policy. You change culture by going out and doing stuff."
"Some have firm roots in the Golden Age and indeed would not exist without it."
"The culture of black men is the only thing that has genuinely conquered the world and that has become his greatest weapon for preserving his idea of human."
"I would implement God and fathers and I think everything else will matriculate down to solving itself."
"Few have maintained such an active presence as Hermes or Mercury, as the Romans knew him."
"Hermes, one of the most honored gods, had more temples in Gaul than any other god."
"Women have a kind of soft power that influences cultures, and I feel like there are dark forces that have manipulated that."
"Africa is more than ever decided and determined to take his destiny's own hands."
"He's not really a social justice warrior himself, he's just in a place controlled by them."
"It's definitely familiar. Even if it were just Kanye, it might still be worth writing about because he's such a singular figure, but it's obviously not just him."
"Confucianism spread to Korea and Japan, influencing their cultures deeply. Confucian values such as harmony and duty became commonplace in Japan as well."
"These ideas and terminologies sound very familiar to Christians and they've really gained a foothold."
"Pros: fast, fresh, and tasty Irish-inspired dishes and good portion sizes."
"I think hip-hop has caused a lot of people to go to jail as well because you have these people who haven't been in the street, don't have these experiences, glorifying it."
"Adam's role in shaping the culture became increasingly evident."
"Glee introduced us to the creative read - Santana brought a whole new level of insults."
"TikTok has had a real impact on the entire music industry."
"Pikachu's impact can be seen extensively in the real world."
"Sergio Simpson's an essential character in the modern country music story."
"More than just a musician, Michael was a cultural landmark influencing the global music scene more than any other artist in history and advancing important social causes with his music."
"Black people, we unfortunately will follow anything the white supremacists do, but the thing is, they will do things but it won't be a detriment to their society like it's a detriment to ours."
"Overlying all of this is the most unusual position which he has acquired as a messianic character within Rastafarianism."
"The country's almost comical disregard for one of the largest natural resource discoveries per capita in history is in many ways down to something that a lot of economists, especially macroeconomists, tend to overlook. Culture."
"Movies have always sparked changes in our society."
"Either the constitution matters and must be followed... or it is simply a piece of parchment on display."
"We need to win the culture war by making culture."
"Kanye's impact on culture can't be overstated."
"The only way to win the culture war is simply higher quality."
"French president warned against social science theories entirely imported from the United States."
"Culture was wet clay when he got there... He shaped it into a thing that only he could see." - Kevin Smith
"It's food that comes from migration because we have a lot of influence. There's a lot of variety. You can find anything you want."
"We should be challenging all of our artists and all of the people who influence the culture."
"The Kellogg brothers are the ones who convinced everyone that breakfast was the most important meal of the day."
"Our legal system is based on culture and morality and not the written letter of the law."
"Are we allowing culture to shape-shift us away from the Lord?"
"Resist where possible, succeed, make money, build influence, build culture."
"Beauty and the Beast took its stylistic cues from Broadway musicals, and so who better to play a talking candelabra named Lumiere than a leading man of the Broadway musical?"
"Right or wrong, your moral compass isn't objective. It's shaped by cultural differences, upbringing, and local laws."
"Only the unforgettable ones are going to survive the ones that are memorable that are unforgettable that you can't get out of your head."
"Horror belongs to China oh it does no it does and they they put out a guide on how to co-opt quora how to use quora to use the English language to change everyone's mind about the International image of the Chinese government."
"Iconic, yes. He is one of the defining artists of the surrealist movement."
"This is Shakespeare level writing in terms of its density its complexity the beautiful external internal rhymes."
"Legend goes, Nashville's own Thornton Prince, a taste maker, essentially an influencer of Yesteryear, came home from a wild night out."
"Everything you use, eat, enjoy is founded and rooted in foundational Black American culture."
"You cannot just rely on electing a politician to save you; we must build culture, the most important thing."
"Black music infiltrates everything; we are the creators of so many different things that we do not get credit for."
"Just try and tell me the Hadouken wouldn't look exactly like it does right now if it weren't for the kamehameha."
"Much in the same way that Marth and Roy's inclusion in Smash Melee spiked interest in Fire Emblem."
"We fell asleep at the wheel and let the universities dictate where the culture was going."
"Realizing at 20 years old that I could put my two loves together hip-hop and fashion."
"Conservatives need to create a culture of demanding their rights."
"Felix's influence, reach, and stardom were immediately noticeable, arguably spawning the notion of popular culture."
"Culture drives politics and everything else."
"A good yarn can shape culture, impart values, and pay respect to the subject matter."
"Everything in life that Bhutanese believe and Bhutanese do as a way of life is very much influenced by Buddhist principles."
"San Francisco has been a magnet for rebels for a long time, I think you come here and you just feel like you can do anything."
"U.S. soft power is projected now through to put it very crudely wokeness."
"As a parent, I'd much prefer to be able to determine my child's time online than to have China tell me how to raise my child."
"Politics is downstream of culture okay, and that means if the culture demands it the politicians will abide because they have to."
"Humanity now believed tyr himself brought them to their new Homeland he had become their Patron god with Tales of sacrificing his hand fighting evil transforming into stories of self-sacrifice leading to Justice."
"He defines the aesthetic that would be adopted by a generation of streetwear heads and skaters."
"Pharrell easily became one of the coolest figures in all of hip-hop and fashion."
"Politics is downstream from culture. Let's not allow Hollywood to dictate our values."
"Trump understands culture like no politician I've ever seen."
"He was a voice for our generation, revolutionary is what I would say about Tupac."
"Esther uses her sexuality as a form of cultural capital to save her people."
"The church is more influenced by the culture than the culture is the church."
"Someone's taken their love of scary movies one step too far."
"A society that, for all of its achievements and progression in the fields of education, cultures, and logic, was still largely governed by religion and mythology."
"I love garments that have multiple influences, this dress has a bit of traditional Japanese influence while being modern and sophisticated."
"You got to know who your daddy is so that when the culture tries to water down our God you can step back and say that's not my God because I have taken time to know who he is."
"Superman comics are selling better than ever. His ideals transcend into every superhero ever created."
"This incredible structure was meticulously crafted with Hindi influence and generously laced with religious symbolism."
"Parenthood isn't glorified or platformed enough... it's significant for someone on Drake's level to be platforming that as well."
"Politics does follow culture it's downstream from culture and so we need a groundswell and that's where I was mentioning earlier how important it is for us to start remembering the values that have made liberal societies."
"Be careful not to follow the ways of the people before you, handspan by handspan, until you resemble them."
"Elves have since become staples in many high fantasy works."
"Art and entertainment influences how you think, shapes who you become."
"The irony is that these elites now believe in the use of authoritarian tactics to preserve their cultural power."
"Every Christian should devote his energies to the Great Commission and the Cultural Mandate."
"Hip-hop is gonna continue to dominate because people want to be a part of it." - Hip-Hop's Dominance
"Religion has always been a huge part of Star Wars."
"Dope that hip hop has transcended all genres, ethnicities, genders."
"Just as Disney's a household name for most in the United States and pretty much the whole world really, you can say Studio Ghibli has the same reputation in Japan."
"You can be very into pop culture and these interesting things and still have a very productive Balanced Life being a strong positive contributor to society."
"Rurouni Kenshin is without a doubt one of the all-time greats."
"It's better to have a great rate and maybe not get the best rate possible than to miss out on the opportunity."
"We grew up listening to black music and we love it."
"The Lost Cause allowed historians to explain how a nation once divided could unify again."
"Without any of these influences from America, you wouldn't have had the Beatles."
"This exclusive NMD R1 colorway is being released in the US for the very first time, bringing Tokyo street culture stateside."
"Nobody's going to accuse me of being a Christian nationalist...I'm making these values cool again for the Next Generation."
"Politics is downstream from culture, but on the right, the opposite is true."
"Hip-hop is not just music, it's literally a lifestyle of the world."
"When you can't even decide if the person's at the highest level of the industry now, and you're comparing them to people that... brought out royalty to their concerts, closed down entire cities... okay? Have museums built about them."
"Politics is downstream of culture... and if politics is downstream of culture, culture can be downstream of politics too."
"Politics is downstream of culture, sure. That's true. Movies and songs and rituals and things certainly affect the kind of laws that we're going to pass."
"Drake has taken it to another level, it's a lifestyle."
"That's the magic of music. You make music for whatever reason, you throw it out, and the public has it. Then it takes on a life of its own."
"I'm a culture guy, I believe in fighting for the culture."
"Disney works to push a not-at-all-secret gay agenda and seeks to add queerness to its programming. What is a gay agenda? Like, I don't know what he means, does he think that Disney's trying to turn people gay? Is that what that means?"
"It was a true golden age that would go on to have tremendous influence."
"Black Twitter challenges spaces of power in a way that we haven't seen before."
"They came, they taught Humanity art culture architecture Agriculture and science."
"Super powerful and really keeps your footage stable."
"Christianity is on a rapid decline, Kanye West might reignite this."
"When you look at like the Bryce and tillers of the world and the traps all stuff like that that to me is the Jodeci blueprint right you know they're calling it something else but it's really what y'all were doing."
"Despite his struggles, Farley is remembered fondly for his infectious energy, memorable characters, and contributions to comedy."
"Beyonce's influence: showcasing the diversity and depth of the black community."
"Banjo and Kazooie allegedly got their names from Real World figures during a trip to Japan." - Banjo-Kazooie Names
"The truth is... the judeo-christian ethic... made the West different from every other place on planet Earth."
"You can thank chess for Game of Thrones. Thanks, chess."
"Cafes in Australia were born out of the Italian culture of meeting a friend and knowing your local barista, and it being kind of like a local meeting place where everyone knew each other."
"Video games interact with us as human beings and as a culture."
"Kodo translates to 'soul of movement,' applying Japanese aesthetics including single dramatic volume lines."
"The architecture of Chef RPG will contain elements of old and new, blending European and Asian styles."
"Sharing the show and the video with your friends just to help spread the word and maybe have an impact on culture."
"He was using it it was a tool because the young people were into the new music."
"The phenomenon of predictive programming suggests elements of popular culture are deliberately used to plant seeds or prepare the public for future events."
"Rappers taught us everything, even what to dress like."
"Can you build a civilization that stands the test of time?"
"The power of television and movies to change culture is massive absolutely massive."
"The Carthaginians made an enormous impact on the ancient world. They provided Rome with many of its best ideas."
"Goldfinger fans often point to Goldfinger as the first Bond film to truly present the traditions of the franchise in a cohesive manner. It's a film that would permanently affix itself to pop culture and how we generally view the spy genre."
"Perhaps more so than any other work, 'Snow Crash' has wielded incredible influence over Silicon Valley."
"New York City is a world capital in every sense of the word — it’s a cultural and economic powerhouse, and arguably the most influential city on the planet."
"Mark Hamill literally did and still does the Lord's work when voicing the Joker... he literally redefined the character."
"God's design is for families to stay together. Divorce can't be as easy as the culture's made it."
"It's how you win a culture war basically without firing a shot or breaking a rule."
"It's important stuff and it's how you win a culture war basically without firing a shot or breaking a rule."
"There's one hope for conservatives in this crazy culture: take over the common sense."
"ET is obviously one of the biggest cultural influences on Stranger Things."
"If you want to deny that you are denying it because it conflicts with your cultural or political principles."
"Miyamoto wanted nothing to do with the serious human-based science fiction storylines full of Mecca and monsters that were common in Japanese pop culture at the time."
"Kids today are really lucky to have the MCU to introduce them to the endlessly expansive world of superhero comics."
"The rise of TikTok during the pandemic created a perfect stage to spread the good word."
"Its influence on modern horror has been enormous."
"Exchanges between Japan and Taiwan are warm, with Taiwanese culture bearing Japan's influence."
"Your art can't change the world if there's no one to see it."
"Nikki's voice was the soundtrack to the summer."
"I just want people to talk about positive stuff more and share it more like Filipinos being in my life."
"Anime references made their way into mainstream kids shows."