
Gender Studies Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"If I had to add any addition to feminism, I would agree with all that and then I would also add on just kind of adding more cultural currency to just female spaces, women's interests, and just proclivities in general."
"Most narcissists are male, and therefore narcissistic abuse is largely something that men do to women."
"Increasing the proportion of female mentors is associated not only with a reduction in post-mentorship impact of female protégés but also a reduction in the gain of female mentors."
"I think everyone should take a woman's studies class, even men or other genders, because it's important to be informed."
"Toxic masculinity is a hegemonic form of masculinity that protects aggression and unemotional detachment, and it defines manhood in narrow terms while de-emphasizing positive traits that are sometimes coded masculine like personal integrity and courage."
"The distinction between sex and gender is recognized by the vast majority of scientific and educational institutions."
"We live in an era of a widespread rejection of traditional sex and gender norms, a decreased interest in organized religion, and a rise of non-traditional relationship structures like ethical non-monogamy."
"Domestic abuse is a typical manifestation of toxic masculinity... Is there an analog of toxic femininity in which women use female typical forms of power to have power over the opposite sex?"
"As the country becomes more egalitarian, the differences between men and women increase. They don't decrease."
"The workplace bullying Institute found that women bully other women up to 80 percent of the time."
"The reason for that is because it was only up until very recently that sex and gender were used interchangeably."
"Queer theory looks at all sexuality and gender as being neutral and questions why weight and preference are given to some while others are seen as abnormal."
"Men are more dangerous drivers than women across the board."
"Women and fem presenting people... drive consumerism. They deem what's popular."
"Instead of sinking into this scholastic gender theology... the end goal of a political movement is not validity, it's equality."
"When you control for upper body strength, the differences between men and women [in depression and anxiety] get smaller and smaller and then essentially go away."
"The goal of most of my work is to remove coercive mechanisms that force people to comply with heteronormative gender and family norms."
"Understanding gender requires nuance and empathy, not oversimplification."
"Bad science with regard to sex and gender leads to terrible public policy ramifications."
"It's easier to understand gender essentialism than to consider everyone is different."
"Gender essentialism seems very restrictive and telling people what men and women are."
"Women that earn a lot of money studies show they're not as happy."
"White women have benefited more than anybody else."
"Before the late 18th century western science recognized only one sex, the male, and considered the female body an inferior version of it."
"There's a proposed narrative among faculty. I have to take a gender studies course, and it's all about these issues. They're selling it as fact."
"Women are not just men with different parts, but they are still human beings who want the same things that everybody else does."
"The failure to distinguish between sex and gender is clearly an incredible thing, and the fact that so many in the scientific community have pretended to buy into this, and I say pretend because they do know better."
"Male disposability has been around since the dawn of time, and it's based on one very straightforward dynamic: when it comes to the well-being of others, they come first, men come last."
"Let's see what Kate Milner PhD candidate by the way candidate at Anne Berg School for Communication hmm okay I'm a FEMINIST media scholar and such I don't believe in gender essentialism while sex is biological gender is a social construct."
"Gender is a performance. You actually perform it every day."
"Gender is an impossible and sprawling topic, but one we’re going to dive into anyway, stepping our way through a handful of works that address just a few of the many ways we humans have negotiated this ever-changing idea."
"Denying sex differences in these contexts actually does harm women."
"Evolutionary psychology predicts both sex differences and similarities between the sexes at the psychological level."
"The smartest person in the world was in fact a woman."
"Masculinity has been associated with fossil fuel consumption, extraction, and burning for decades."
"White male see less risk in the world because they create, manage, control, and benefit from much of it."
"Queer theory is the Marxist theory of sex, gender, sexuality, and more."
"The male is a biological accident, the Y male gene is an incomplete ex-female gene."
"Many papers have shown that just the presence of other female rivals, particularly attractive ones, increases incidents of female versus female indirect aggression."
"Men and women just operate differently and that's a fact."
"I appreciate the concept of a trans reading."
"There is a study by Morgan Stanley, financial... it's called the rise of the she economy... by 2030, women between the ages of 25 and 44... over half... will be single for the rest of their lives."
"Why do people even try to figure out what a woman is or what a man is or what anything is for that matter?"
"Recognizing aggregate differences in men and women does not equate to sexism."
"NASA is sending artificial female bodies to the moon."
"Masculinity actually manifests itself in a strategic logical approach to life."
"Women perform better in high-pressure situations."
"But there is one place in the world where men live as long as women."
"Black women were always public intellectuals because they didn't have the institutional perches to be anything but that."
"Women are stronger than men, biologically proven."
"What does a female gaze potentially look like?"
"The nature of true crime often defies understanding, our logic, and in my opinion, the most difficult perpetrators of crime to work out are the women that murder time and time again."
"Jesus had more women followers than he had men."
"Women would prefer a man who has a similar level of education or more."
"Female shapes and symbols suggesting it's the city of the goddess might have secretly been included in the city's design."
"Men do live shorter lives and that's because of a repression of emotions."
"Gender expression is socially constructed, but sex itself is real."
"Does this so-called eco-gender gap exist and what can we learn by looking at sustainability through a gendered lens?"
"American men are failing in body in mind and in spirit this is a crisis."
"I think at this point, um, in our world, uh, we've got to really confused, uh, idea of the way gender and sexuality works."
"If they're the abusers like let's say 80 percent of the time that still means that they get abused twenty percent of the time that's twenty percent that's [ __ ] huge."
"The idea of the masculinity of other men, it is all a performance."
"Biological sex and gender identity are not necessarily the same, and failure to recognize their differences can be costly."
"The culture of objectifying women is very much alive and well."
"Women objectify themselves on Instagram all day every day."
"Women aren't really that bothered how you look."
"Men will communicate in more depth and frequency on controversial issues."
"This gender Theory, it's sacrosanct because the white woman is sacrosanct."
"So much of feminist thought over the past decades has been based on this premise that gender is a social construct."
"Gender is a spectrum, culturally we tend to perceive different traits and attributes as either masculine or feminine."
"Something is brewing in the category of masculinity... Men are not feeling like they have been heard for years."
"Golden found a U-shaped curve of women's involvement in the workforce over time."
"Golden's thorough exploration of the past is going to prove incredibly useful for our future."
"Recognizing that the sex binary is a colonial fiction."
"Female and female sexual assault in American prisons is actually three times higher percentage-wise than in male prisons."
"In fact, you're aware that there are large-scale studies that do say that IPV towards males does exist."
"There's more women on the planet than there are men on the planet."
"Over 70% of men never make $100,000 even one time in their life."
"Women have as many or more lovers than many of the men do."
"Peasant women even do have some power and some control over their circumstances."
"Women who were sensitive and apprehensive would have had the most children."
"The man who was most desirable to women was the one who is vigilant."
"Black women operate at the intersections of a number of discriminations."
"Women invest more in something. They just get more in-depth into the job, take more responsibility, take it home with them, and it pays off."
"In relationships where the woman was more educated than the man, they were more likely to stay together."
"There seems to be a very tight relationship between changes in the gender gap in education and what happens to marriage and cohabitation patterns."
"Women who were higher educated and earning more were much more likely to report all types of intimate partner violence."
"Men and women are fundamentally cooperative."
"That psychological serotonin boost that women get when you just pay for the [ __ ] meal, that hasn't gone away, that's the same boost they got when you killed the mammoth and brought the meat back home."
"When you look at a department like women's and gender studies, you realize this is not about a classical liberal education; this is about radical political indoctrination."
"The problem has shifted away from being white supremacy to now the problem is patriarchy."
"Can men get pregnant? Yes, it's possible for men to become pregnant and give birth to children of their own."
"Judith Butler's concept of performativity is itself a graft and a graph that originates in Continental philosophy."
"Women are The Second Sex, intrinsically understood in terms of the male-female binary."
"Gender and sex are two different things. Gender is usually assigned based on perceived sex and some people don't feel comfortable in the gender that they were assigned at birth."
"Women today are really, really self-absorbed because social media is kind of like their generation's version of pornography."
"The only reason men and women are different."
"Women's waking hours are spent trying to figure you out."
"Patriarchy limits the autonomy of other genders specifically and historically the bodily autonomy of women."
"I have tremendous faith in female resilience."
"There is a crisis of identity in American manhood."
"Gender and sexuality are two very different things."
"The most obvious lesson he can teach you is what women's sexual desires can be."
"It's not about whether you should or shouldn't, I think if you really want to build a case for like this uh argument or like line of thinking is coming from a place of maternalized misogyny go for it."
"We've moved so far into correcting the shortcomings of women that we've now left men behind."
"Daughters of working mothers earn 23% more compared to peers."
"Gender is a hierarchy and a system of oppression."
"It's mainly dark-skinned black women that are colorists."
"Light-skinned women were more likely to marry higher-earning partners."
"Sex and gender are two different things, it's just ignorance."
"Gender ideology turns out is not only modern and western but also in its own way colonialist."
"The greatest male privilege is that I have the privilege of being completely unaware of my male privilege."
"The unique nature of women is something incredibly precious."
"Don't waste your money on a gender studies degree."
"Gender is the behavioral manifestations, the personality manifestations..."
"Apparently, out of all the positive emotions men were told to feel, women thought those of pride were the most 'drool-worthy.'"
"The Vikings are very influential, women in the north and the West Scot in particular."
"We're starting to find empirically that men are the victims more often than we think."
"A woman's body language speaks more than what she says."
"Hibristophilia is common in females, stems from parental relationships." - Dennis Berlin
"If sex is a social construction, then where do we stop in our understanding of things?"
"There's no pot of gold at the end of the masculine rainbow."
"It would be very implausible if the sex differences in bodily features were not reflected in brain mind features as well."
"Men generally commit suicide about four times as often as women do."
"High testosterone predisposes the male or female to become competent at things."
"Trans women retain muscular architecture and strength that would favor competitive advantage, according to scientific evidence."
"Open hypergamy is the comfort with which women will express their sexual strategy."
"Hypergamy is something that's natural, it is part of women's innate mental firmware."
"Virginity is a construct, it's a social construct."
"Gender is all about identity, about being, nothing to do with doing."
"Gender influences everything, including the size, scope, and decisions of government."
"In every society they looked at that has marine mammal hunting it's always the men who do it."
"Feminism does blame men by the use of the word patriarchy."
"Life is a long game... we peak about 12 years later than women."
"I'm not like a gender studies sexuality PhD major whatever. I've learned a lot of this from existing and reading about it and other people's experiences online."
"As you make your societies more egalitarian, fewer women choose STEM fields, not more."
"Gender bias is not the mechanism behind the difference between the pro career prize winnings earnings of these individuals."
"Girls actually benefit more from viewing my videos."
"Masculinity is a rather delicate subject and for good reason."
"The more that gender affirming doctors and, uh, the more that like this sort of gender stuff becomes more prevalent, the more we know about this field of study."
"Female Beauty acquires its ontological status in the social gaze."
"Men need to balance the divine feminine within their hearts."
"Countries with more gender equality actually have fewer female STEM grads."
"It is correlated with differences you know the shoulders are built differently the forearms are longer in men relatively uh relative to overall size in women that that difference is evident prenatally."
"What is much more interesting to me are the fundamental capability differences especially when it comes to things like accuracy."
"The findings are a reminder that biology does not directly dictate a person's gender expression and identity."
"The maternal body is, as far as the limited male gaze is considered, a source of anxiety for men."
"The emergence of gender-focused histories on Ebo women was an important milestone in the journey of historiography."
"The discipline of gender studies is maybe even more shaped by the imaginations of teenage girls on Tumblr than by Judith Butler's theories."
"It increases the richness of our perspective on early Christianity to have an author which is such a significant portion of our canon that is so interested in women's issues."
"What is feminine gaze really? Is it even definable?"
"I think the other thing that's important that you talk about in gender is the need for role models. The importance, not just the need, but the importance, impact of role models again in the primate world."
"...his new book 'Different' which discusses gender and sex as seen in very different lights with these two in some sense very different primate relatives of ours."
"He explodes a number of myths about gender and sex that we might have about hierarchy and gender and matriarchy and patriarchy in human societies and in primate societies."
"This core demographic has historically skewed male."
"I appreciate that they understand the difference between gender expression and gender identity."
"Jane Austen's novels are full of interesting readers that I would argue are very different from the sorts of reading that women of the time period read..."
"Over time sexuality is fluid... both women and men."
"For Butler, it's not as though sex comes before gender, in fact, it might actually be the opposite."
"Woman is not just simply biological but also socially, culturally, and politically constructed."
"Men were in awe of women's creative power."
"We understand that there's a problem with loneliness of men."
"I think an amazing book that every woman needs to read... talks about the development of men and understanding what phase they're in."
"Women are 50% of the population, so actually, to study history, you have to look at the women."
"Women have more brain cells, are generally cleverer, and on the whole more intelligent."
"The female Corpus callosum is larger than the males, which is theorized to be one of the main reasons why women can multitask with such high efficiency."
"Women are clearly affected more than men by RLS."
"It's showing the relevancy of this topic and how maybe certain attitudes towards women in medieval society continue to impinge on or affect women in modern society."
"What are we saying about sexuality, about feminism, about women, about misogyny, about art?"
"Gender inequality affects men as well as women."
"Women are innately multitaskers. There actually was a study that said women multitask better than men."
"Asian-American women's racialized dating choices have drawn widespread attention both in academic and public spheres."
"We need to know more about the women and the children who were involved in textile production."
"Females might fare better than males from a head injury."
"We have to bring biology and authentic study of medicine, anthropology, history back into gender studies."
"The Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity is multifaceted and includes several things articles studies and so forth scholarly dialogue all to advance the psychological knowledge."
"Mary Magdalene isn't just a character in Renaissance art; she's an archetypal masculine projection, a simpering female fantasy figure given a saintly form."
"There are substantial differences between men and women, but the question is, are the differences between men and women greater than the differences within each gender? And the answer is they're not."
"If you look at some of the data, you would conclude that boys are in fact in some real trouble."
"Women's happiness is going down a little bit, but men's happiness is actually tanking more than women's right now."
"Men are more likely than women to want kids, study says."
"Any critique of racial capitalism means that we have to understand the role of paid and unpaid women's work in social reproduction."
"The ideas of masculinity and femininity are very subjective; they vary from culture to culture, from community to community, from person to person."
"Women are the majority of graduate students in China."
"Human males, specifically, are corrupted by power."
"Masculinity is vital for society to continue existing."
"The history of glaciology is not simply about the ubiquity of men in the absence and or erasure of women, it is also about how scientific practices and results are gendered."
"Women often do possess different knowledge about glaciers due to many issues such as spending more time than men attending to livestock near glaciers."
"The importance of gender in glacier-related knowledges and the ways in which systems of colonialism, imperialism, and patriarchy co-constituted gendered science."
"Women have a higher pain tolerance, isn't it a fact?"
"One of the fundamental preoccupations of feminist theorists was the discriminatory representation of women in literature produced by men."
"Gender studies is not an ideology; there are many debates about how best to define gender."
"Gender studies is interdisciplinary by definition."
"Educating kids on sexuality and gender isn't gonna turn anyone into anything."
"Studies show that women are really good with trading because we're very systematic."
"I am Judith Butler. I teach at the University of California at Berkeley, and about thirty years ago, I wrote a book on gender called Gender Trouble, which, as predicted, caused me a great deal of trouble."
"Women enjoy the act of communicating... it's pleasurable for women to actually have that conversation."
"What do women want? It's not that simple."
"Differentiating between sex and gender is incredibly important."
"Most research on family planning and fertility focuses on women, but the new research sought to understand the perspective of childless men."