
AI Limitations Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"You're saying even if an AI could be programmed to see the audience, feel the room, understand the deal, and knows exactly how the best jazz musicians communicate with that particular emotion, there's actually going to be, just by definition, something missing 'cause the audience knows that it's manipulating it."
"Without the sense and awareness that people take for granted, AI can't make ethical judgments or know what's right or wrong in society."
"If all of our news articles are just derivative of human articles, the AI will never be able to update ever again."
"It shows how the software can create without any real understanding of what is being created."
"His victory is a profound reminder that no matter how good deep learning data-driven AI looks when it is trained on an immense amount of data, we can never be sure that systems of this sort really can extend what they know to novel circumstances."
"A generative AI model will never think like a journalist, recognizing the importance of specific details."
"AI cannot replace the work of a television writer because the work of a television writer is not simply to output text even though an ignorant person might think so."
"Just because you can replicate the syntax of the language doesn't mean you can truly understand it."
"The AI can never replace the soul of an artist. It will never be able to produce unique ideas the way a person can."
"AI is never going to really be able to give us originality."
"But what I would avoid... is trying to have it write everything for you and replace yourself, because I don't think it'll work."
"Artificial intelligence is very important, but there's also a lot of crazy hype on the subject. Artificial intelligence is not going to cure cancer." - Charlie Munger
"AI-generated text lacks context and structure."
"AI might be able to perform some impressive tasks but it can't replace online creators because it's not capable of imagination creativity and a human perspective it's a tool not a creator."
"People are yearning for relationships, connections, and community—things AI can't replace."
"Creativity and judgment are going to be at the top of the list for valuable skill sets in the future because AI can't replace either of those things."
"BERT is pretty bad at some tasks compared to models trained on much more data."
"The voice in my head: 'AI can't replace real artists. AI can't even draw hands.' Can you?"
"AI has to be given a directive. It does not have a will of its own and never will."
"Contemporary neural networks fall short of human-level generalization."
"The AI doesn't solve the problem, the AI makes a lot of difficult things easy but you already have to be an expert to use it."
"There's an ineffable quality to being a human software engineer, something about our training, our knowledge of the world, our ethics, our socialization with other humans, that a model isn't going to capture."
"Chat GPT can generate text and provide automated responses, but they have limitations."
"Absolutely not, there's humanity and emotion in certain works that AI can never imitate."
"But there's still one thing that I think AI will not be able to do as well as a human."
"The non-human-like errors and vulnerability to adversarial examples are strong indicators that these systems are not actually understanding the data that they process."
"The very high-end super translators... that is unlikely to be taken over by AI in the next 20 years because mistakes are extremely costly and there's a lot of subtlety."
"AI can't do everything; there's a lot AI can't do as well."
"We have moral commitments that an AI does not."
"AI can mimic human feelings but it will never understand them."
"Learning to use logic can't be made into a differentiable loss function."
"Those are the kinds of things that AI just isn't capable of doing, and those are some of the most important things that we do."
"The AI should not do things the player cannot do, or know things the player cannot know."
"It isn't complete; there's a missing piece in the AI puzzle. It can't make informed decisions or apply meaning to data."
"We're a long way from replacing humans, maybe never because is that really the goal?"
"Having a connection with a real human being is something that you need; you can't replace that with AI."
"Chat GPT is a three-year-old with infinite knowledge and no context."
"Not all human capabilities can be replicated with AI; we still have something about us that's not purely mechanical."
"It's a fallacy to think that a machine could be 'smarter than humans in all respects' and still lack any common sense understanding of humans."
"I'm just a computer program, and I don't have the ability to buy or sell Bitcoin."
"The AI had been trained to detect humans walking, not humans somersaulting or hiding in a box."
"You have to do that at every single step, otherwise it's going to veer off in a wild direction that you didn't intend."
"Chat GPT was not created to completely replace content creators."
"Most teenagers can learn to drive a car in about 20 hours of practice, whereas, even with millions of hours of simulated practice, a self-driving car can't actually learn to drive itself properly."
"Large language models cannot take an infinite amount of data in one go; they have a token limit."
"LLMs on their own do not have an epistemology; they don't have a theory of knowledge."
"What is it that humans want? Like in general, if I- even- even in the case of robotics it's a big problem."
"I'm safe because nobody could dance like I dance, and AI can't replicate those steps."