
Feminism Quotes

There are 4205 quotes

"What is feminism? I think the most common definition is the social, political, and economic equality between the sexes."
"If I had to add any addition to feminism, I would agree with all that and then I would also add on just kind of adding more cultural currency to just female spaces, women's interests, and just proclivities in general."
"My definition of feminism would be Gloria Steinem's definition: 'A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.'"
"The Cornerstone of feminism is choice for women."
"Why are we starting to hate on other women and what they choose to do with their clothes and their makeup? I think it's really weird."
"Women need to have higher expectations from your men, period, which is not something that feminism has taught. Feminism has let men off the hook."
"You don't have to tear girls down to bring yourself up."
"You can't call yourself a feminist if your feminism doesn't include every woman."
"Feminism isn't just about being girly and being a woman; it's about class, it's about gender expression, it's about race and ethnicity."
"Feminism is about women making their own decisions with their own bodies and their own lives."
"But fundamentally, feminism is about breaking things, creating a new, re-imagining, re-building."
"The Bonobos are female dominated, and this collective dominance is facilitated by their ability to travel together and form powerful sisterhoods, unlike in chimpanzee societies."
"Not everyone who has a period is a woman, and not every woman has a period. Period. Accept it, move on."
"Women are not dolls; they are not one size fits all. They never will be."
"Femininity and Womanhood does not look the same for every woman. We are all different people and that is a good thing."
"We can only stop male violence against women by ending male domination, by eradicating patriarchy. Patriarchy is the problem."
"The black woman has got to be the strongest woman there is on planet Earth."
"The black woman is our backbone. On blank, you got some men that's, you know, taking care of the woman in the house, but as a whole, our black sisters in America, they're strong."
"If it wasn't for the black woman, we wouldn't be here."
"Home Improvement was not a feminist show by any stretch, but was it an anti-feminist show? At its core, I'd argue no."
"Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women."
"Feminism has had knock-on effects that benefit boys and men."
"Let's stop telling women what makes them sexy—let us decide."
"Being a feminist is just believing in equal rights: man, woman, gay, straight, black, white."
"The definition of feminism that I work with is the fight for the equality of the sexes."
"I don't want her to grow up in a world where women are hated."
"To be truly anti-racist is to be feminist. To truly be feminist is to be anti-racist. We cannot be anti-racist if we are homophobic or transphobic."
"The feminist movement fought for our ability to make choices."
"Shai Wan Ru, a 28-year-old feminist and freelance writer, believes that marriage is an unfair institution."
"Clarice Starling's bravery is not only in facing an opponent to whom, on paper at least, she's outmatched; she's facing down an entire system that looks down on her."
"The Feminine Mystique...brought attention to challenges that women face."
"I am Pro women's choice for them to do what they want with their body, point-blank period."
"The film's sisters before misters' message was a reflection of the feminist mantra that women are more powerful in numbers."
"Feminism isn't about saying women you have to do X, Y, and Z instead of A, B, and C. It's about saying women, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do with your life."
"There's something subversive about women reading, independent thought."
"There's nothing wrong with being feminine, or not having the objective of ideological manliness in real life."
"Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes."
"Black women stand to gain the most from disrupting the individual and exclusionary system of capitalism."
"I've done political theses on the importance of feminism and women's liberation."
"If there was a joke like the thing that I would need to believe that he was joking, he would need to have like a consistent and principled feminist advocacy for women's equality as the main line for the content."
"Feminism and the #MeToo movement are the things that have made rape less common."
"This generation's first big feminist uprising that is militant in style is taking place in Iran."
"The belief that women are somehow a naturally weaker gender is a deeply ingrained, socially constructed myth, which of course is completely false."
"Inner self-worth is the most important thing that a woman can develop."
"The Devil Wears Prada is just a really well done example of a feminist piece of fiction."
"The lives and stories of girls matter just as much as stories about boys becoming men and they are just as ‘relatable’, and again, even if they’re not, who cares."
"Any job that a man can do, a woman is also capable of doing."
"I think that if you were to ask non-crazy feminists what are you pushing for today, I think ideally in a society, men and women ought to be able to pursue anything they want without being judged or shot down because of their gender."
"Feminism, in its normal academic understanding, is just egalitarianism."
"Are you a feminist? Let me know, and by what definition of feminists are you a feminist because I feel like there's a million."
"We need women's brains and all the things that we do, and we need women to understand that and take on their own power."
"Girl power is a slogan that encourages and celebrates a woman's empowerment, independence, confidence, and strength."
"Girl power has been printed on billions of t-shirts and bumper stickers and has been the inspiration for many a TV show, movies, songs, even especially in the 90s and early 2000s."
"It wasn't until I was in my early to mid-20s that I began to realize my impression of feminism had been completely wrong."
"One of the most radical things you can do is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences."
"Equality, opportunity, choice, respect — these are the pillars of feminism."
"Lean in is a great representation of what neoliberal feminism is...In Sandberg's own words, lean in is 'sort of a feminist manifesto.'"
"Feminism that doesn't include trans women isn't feminism."
"Feminism means support above all else. Forget about girl-hate and competition and jealousy because these things are just symptoms of the patriarchy."
"Feminism means pushing and encouraging women to get to where they want to be without stepping on the toes of other women to get there."
"As long as the human race exists, feminism will never be dead. It's something that we're going to have to strive and work towards, to make sure that there's equality."
"Men can be feminists in the truest sense of the word. Women should have freedom and should have choice."
"As long as there's power and oppression, there will be people fighting for equity and until that somehow goes away, feminism is alive and well."
"Feminism is equality to all humans no matter what race, sexuality, gender, skin color."
"Feminism is more of an action than an identity."
"Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression."
"The most radical thing you can do is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences."
"If you want to look at a real feminist, you could look at Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban."
"Powerful woman was a positive symbol regardless of her politics, her relationships with other women, or her beliefs about feminism."
"The central question of feminism is: are women materially and politically disadvantaged and how to correct that?"
"Because every single woman I know has a story about a man feeling entitled to access to her body. Every single one. #YesAllWomen"
"I always thought feminism was about choice, educating young women and supporting them in various ways as they grow into adults so they can be accepted and successful in any pursuit they desire."
"Feminism needs to support men or like trans people."
"Being a feminist makes a man more attractive, in my opinion."
"You should look after women and respect them and take care of them."
"So for screenwriters and costume designers to lean heavily into this, quote-unquote, not-like-other-girls trope for their feminist characters, having them reject and disparage traditional feminine articles of dress in historic dramas is not only poor storytelling but, at least in my opinion, is actively anti-feminist, actually perpetuates and encourages misogyny."
"Feminism could mean that women now have the option to do whatever it is that they want to do."
"Feminism isn't a man-hating movement, by the way. That's called being a misandrist."
"If you want to live in an egalitarian society, feminism and social justice is how we get there."
"I think society pushes women to work with feminism. They say, go get your bag. It's like, but you know, I think it's unfair for women is that we're pushed to do both."
"We are so strong, we are so powerful. Women, we just like, we are queens."
"Me, I support her because girls are constantly shamed for the things they like, and we shouldn't tear each other down."
"She has the sovereign right to decide what she does with her body."
"Women are not Collectibles; they're not Xbox achievements; they don't give XP to you to level up your masculinity meter."
"A high value woman is one who makes her own money, makes her own moves, and doesn't need a man for anything."
"I'm a man, I'm not a dick, I don't hate women, I'm a feminist."
"Virginity is a completely made-up concept. It's a term that was created simply to control and shame people, mainly women."
"The way you can tell how girl boss feminism works is that she is not trying to tear down the institutions and systems that oppress everyone around her, even herself, but just wishes to place herself at the top."
"Everyone, of any gender expression, men included, should be feminists."
"Women must have the right to live, to love, to be lazy, to be an unmarried mother, to create, to destroy."
"There's a difference between not appreciating men and pointing out the inequities that have been systemically put in place to favor men."
"Different things empower different women, and it's not your place to tell her which one it is."
"We're gonna actually debunk feminism by looking at what feminists are talking about today."
"Steven Universe has received a huge amount of praise for its diversity, for its feminist themes and for its positive depictions of queer relationships."
"The feminist movement was fighting for equal opportunity for women in education and the workforce."
"I strongly think that feminism is more of an action than an identity."
"Nothing about that screams feminism, literally nothing."
"Real women who are smart, and pretty, and happy to be who they are, these are the women to look up to."
"I think most women don't even want to terminate their pregnancy but because we're kind of indoctrinated in this feminist gynocentric Society, I think we have a feminist leaning."
"It's about equality and choice. It's about a woman being able to say, 'I'm gonna wear a dress' or 'I don't want to wear a dress,' or 'I want this kind of future' or 'I don't want that kind of future.' It's about the ability to choose."
"Feminism at its core has tried to define womanhood on its own terms."
"I'm a full-time ER nurse with a family of four, and I'm the sole financial provider. I did nursing school as a single mom. I want to be a homemaker. Feminism made me believe homemaking was less."
"The feminist movement was supposed to empower women and give them choices, but now a lot of women that choose to be stay-at-home moms or wives or caregivers are shamed because of it."
"We are not anti-women. How can we react against women when we are women, our mothers are women, our grandparents are women, our grandmothers are women, aunties are women?"
"There's such a reward now for being a strong woman and every woman's like a kick-ass rock star mama."
"Before Barbie, women were only given dolls that were babies... Barbie was the first time women were like, 'I can be things.'"
"It's an allegory for the commodification of females in society and also it sort of explores the aspects of dating in a contemporary world."
"Oh, screw beautiful. I’m brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain."
"In cottagecore, what is seen as feminine is respected and powerful. A sense of gentleness doesn't make you weak."
"Feminism is defined as the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes, but in the West, I must ask, what rights do men have that women don't?"
"Feminists were seeking to address a broad range of issues--which makes sense of course because women, depending on class and race and experience and profession, were oppressed in a broad range of ways."
"The feminist movement is what helped me feel empowered enough to be who I am."
"Honestly, what feminism really should be about and is about, is making it so that women, if they choose to be a mother, and just do that for their entire life, they get as much respect and value and everything that they should be afforded, as someone who decides to be a billionaire CEO as a woman."
"I seriously think the world would be better off if it was run by women...we create life out of our bodies."
"I think feminism is good for female individuality. I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman finding out who they are or what they would like without men involved."
"Feminism mixes well in a lot of cases with liberalism and some cases socialism because socialism, in some of its forms, advocates for gender equality."
"As long as men are alive, feminism is always going to be relevant."
"Feminism is still relevant in today's society. They put up with a whole lot of [expletive] that us men just don't have to."
"The guiding principle: shopping but make it feminist."
"I'm gonna want to rock like a hairy pit at the beach in a swimsuit and be like, yeah, women have armpit hair. This is normal."
"Is feminism still relevant in today's society? Yeah, absolutely, if anything it's more relevant now than it ever was."
"We might say that the modern feminist subject, who makes choices about her own body, is enabled by technology."
"Feminism is a gives a ready-made framework for identity."
"We shouldn't frame the fight as cis women versus trans women because that's not the issue."
"Overlooking a qualified woman because you expect misogynists to have a problem with her is the very definition of patriarchy."
"Not all feminists believe the most ridiculous, outrageous, and lunatic things that certain feminists have said."
"Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women's rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, and to enter contracts."
"From femme fatale to friendly foe to feminist icon, it's remarkable to see how Catwoman has evolved over the last 80 years."
"Feminism gets a bad rap for perpetuating stereotypes against men while claiming the ones against women aren't true."
"If we expand it to embrace many more forms of primary intensity between and among women, including the sharing of a rich inner life, the bonding against male tyranny, and giving and receiving of practical and political support, we begin to grasp the breadth of female history and psychology."
"Women have a ton of pressure from men and a ton of pressure from women to look a certain way."
"Female Quakers of the 17th century were clearly brave and empowered women who were not afraid to stand up for what they believed in."
"Feminism is the collective manifestation of female anger."
"Feminism's entire goal has been the sexual liberation of women."
"The feminist movement seems to be divided on the idea of trans individuals and what to do in certain circumstances."
"She was broadly understood as an all-around decent critic who was unfairly maligned, harassed, and abused because she was a woman who spoke about feminism."
"Being a feminist means working to dismantle the patriarchy, working to improve the material conditions of women, and working to achieve systemic equality between all sexes and genders."
"Feminism is defined as 'an emancipatory, transformational movement aimed at undoing domination and oppression.'"
"Feminist media may seek to show women as free agents, emancipated from the oppression of systematic sexism."
"Intersectional feminism and the analysis of female agency must include race, class, sexuality, in addition to gender."
"Women's empowerment, this feminist movement, is clearly now at the top of the agenda."
"Convicting women to give up femininity was one of the biggest tricks they pulled on females."
"Feminism's analytical nature highlighted some very real problems... but always the issue is the proposed absolutely awful solutions."
"Basically, Barbie land is meant to be a conceptual idyllic paradise for Barbies where women have all the power and all the responsibility."
"The most crucial step in writing real female characters is allowing actual women to write, direct, film, and review them."
"Iran has had an aggressive and thriving feminist movement in addition to largely underground but otherwise active secularist movements."
"Feminism is the work that you do and the people you do it for, who matter more than anything else."
"As a proud feminist, I find it simply unacceptable that any woman or girl in our city should experience these devastating crimes."
"The most feminist thing to do is whatever the you want, whenever you want."
"It's not really my place as a guy to tell Lana whether or not she should be a feminist."
"The feminism of the 70s and 80s chipped away a lot of the institutional barriers that thwarted women in the past."
"When I'm thinking about feminism, I'm always thinking about who's not part of the conversation, what are the barriers, how do we think about equity, how we think about self-empowerment and agency."
"I think the biggest issue then that feminism faces is the mindset. Women taking the agency, women taking initiative."
"I love the diversity, I love the concept about life and death, and like what is it like in the real world, and woman empowerment."
"I think one of the hardest things sometimes about white feminism™ is that sometimes they don't realize that they can be the oppressor to other people."
"The film is trying to have its cake and eat it too, by humanizing Barbie to represent all women being humanized, yet still using that to symbolize women as an idea that we can then commodify conceptually to sell as a product."
"Ultimately just reinforcing a world where she lives on the top, only choosing to leave it because she wants to be humanized, not because she seeks to humanize others and create a more egalitarian world for everyone."
"Feminism was always going to become a movement that fought for female freedom, a woman's right to choose whatever life she wants."
"Remember that this is a woman's choice and feminism is about respecting a woman's choice."
"And I'm so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for."
"How wokeness has led to, and continues to lead to, the erasure of women."
"Wokeness is not on the side of women. It is not helping women. It's denying what makes us special and unique and selling us out for retweets on Twitter."
"Feminism, what feminists did was they gave 50% of the populations the same rights as the other 50%. You can't ask for anything that is more liberating and wonderful and positive."
"The fact of the matter is, is that if feminism is about equality, then oppressing another group of women to get there is not acceptable period."
"Feminism kind of breaks my heart because I think that most of the women in my generation have been lied to."
"The patriarchy thrives off of women hating themselves."
"By giving a voice to the cognitive dissonance of living under patriarchy, you take the power away from it."
"This feminist rhetoric in society is one of the core reasons why countless men who could have contributed to women in a healthy way simply don't see the point in engaging with them anymore."
"I don't even think that you need to walk in wanting to watch a film about female empowerment to enjoy it."
"Feminism as a movement should be pro-choice to allow anyone to choose whatever path they want to have."
"Traditionalist women are leading the trend, and feminists have absolutely no idea how to respond to this."
"The rise of the Trad wife movement is actually destroying feminism as we speak."
"The Miss America competition has now decided that they are no longer going to be having a swimsuit competition."
"We are now going to do a Miss America 2.0 makeover. We will no longer judge our candidates on their outward physical appearance."
"If you want to be treated as more than pieces of meat by men, then it behooves you to understand how men think."
"Before we get started I'd like to thank the sponsor of this video: feminism."
"Feminism seems to be about expanding women's rights without applying any obligations."
"Feminists make this argument for example that women cannot be sexist because..."
"Feminists love men and want what is best for women."
"See, I don't really vibe with when feminist messages go in the direction of rejecting feminine things like makeup and fashion altogether."
"I'm about the, you know, strong women roll. I love it."
"Women are amazing we are absolutely ridiculously powerful and strong, but you have to work from home because God forbid you really cannot have anyone else take care of your children."
"Feminism means that you believe that women should have equal rights. Congratulations, you're a feminist. Good job."
"How they're both kickass women doing their own thing, often upsetting people in the process who wish they'd just known their place and do as they're told. It's iconic as fuck."
"Everybody's like 'Star Wars, what a sexist film.' Princess Leia is the driving force behind the original Star Wars films."
"Ultimately, TERFs can't build allies very effectively."
"Once you start gatekeeping womanhood, femininity is always going to be part of the criteria."
"Elite women gamers team up to destroy online bullies and abusers."
"You can be vulnerable, teaching girls that they are allowed to have a voice."
"A lot of really amazing females in my life who make me feel strong and validated and powerful."
"The reality is that men like this in particular find feminists condescending because women that display power, strength, intelligence, eloquence, self-assuredness, etc. make them feel emasculated and scared."
"I believe women can do whatever they want, they have equal rights."
"Barbie is about representing all women, including trans women."
"Why do they want us to go back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant?"
"Women's sexuality is incredibly healing and sacred."
"You're a feminist and I get to define myself as not a feminist."
"A feminist is someone who believes in equality in social equality, political equality, and economic equality between the sexes."
"I believe that pop music can be powerful and political."
"Yes, I am a feminist and I do think it's important because it's just a basic human right to be treated equally."
"She is fiercely strong, independent, outspoken, beautiful, capable of anything."