
Human Emotion Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"You're saying even if an AI could be programmed to see the audience, feel the room, understand the deal, and knows exactly how the best jazz musicians communicate with that particular emotion, there's actually going to be, just by definition, something missing 'cause the audience knows that it's manipulating it."
"Human progress is a rocket ship powered by human tears, human frowns, human upset."
"‘Do not be afraid’ is not a directive, it is an earnest request from the angels, seeking to soothe man’s fears and anxieties in the wake of beholding something that they cannot comprehend."
"The way that we relate to these Technologies is we can relate to them with fear."
"No judgment should be heard without understanding the full scope of human emotion and consequence that shapes such moments."
"What is love? First of all, love is the topic without which we'd have no poets, no philosophers, no artists, no music, no painting, no Elisha, nothing."
"You strip it all back, we are humans right, and we have emotion. Islam didn't come to strip us of emotion."
"Do you not think that economic inequality creates in a human being a sense of injustice, of unfairness?"
"Everything cannot be undone, everything. And this makes us terrified, unless we have a mechanism and the mechanism is forgiveness."
"Seeing something ascend into the heavens touches people in so many different ways."
"We're human beings, we have emotions, we have spirituality... seek out the lord of the worlds."
"To love is the most glorious thing we can do."
"The world is a comedy to those that think and a tragedy to those that feel."
"Jealousy is the desire to want what someone else has."
"They're also giddy excited humans who were clearly thrilled to be where they were. It's just humanizing, that's all I'm saying."
"The Allure of the unknown captivates us all."
"The performances are marvelously understated in such a way that even the slightest spark of humanity jumps out at you, and this attention to nuance makes it the kind of film worth chewing on."
"No one likes being weak, no one likes being exposed, vulnerable."
"Final Fantasy 9 is filled with so many small details that really show off the human emotion in a way this series hadn't done before."
"Trust emerges and make no mistake of it trust as a feeling a distinctly human feeling."
"There was maybe an eight-year-old girl standing here... clearly distraught."
"Human emotion produces effects which defy conventional laws of physics."
"Throughout history, the moon has delighted, surprised, and sometimes terrified us."
"The one silver lining is that we, as human beings, have a far greater understanding of death, and the grief it causes."
"Love to me is uh the strongest emotion that that humans can have and we are ultimately emotional beings."
"Awe is almost certainly a uniquely human experience."
"Leonardo's paintings come alive because he understands human emotion, and because he has a good feel for the underlying science."
"Anxiety is an essential facet of being human."
"There is a desire for love that doesn’t cause trouble, and there is a desire that causes trouble."
"Compassion is the most meaningful human experience because it is an expression of love and care."
"Falling in love is a really interesting phenomenon. Almost everybody experiences magic."
"People were screaming, praying to Jesus, to Allah, it's terrifying."
"There's nothing more compelling and intimate with the human condition than a Cinderella story."
"I couldn't contain myself, I almost started to cry."
"It really does present that full spectrum of human emotion and only after seeing the darkness can we truly appreciate the light."
"But think about the human emotion for a minute, the concept of empathy."
"When we trace back how we got to this moment, we can see how chance and human emotion, impulse, and even folly have shaped everything we know."
"Human emotion is what made you the hero that you are today."
"Fear is the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind."
"Martin Scorsese as a director, especially when he deals with the human emotion and the depths of it and how that can manifest through the product being a product of your environment is very fascinating to me."
"Absolutely not, there's humanity and emotion in certain works that AI can never imitate."
"It's a human feeling to feel obliged."
"Dogs read human emotion the same way humans do, by reading facial cues left to right."
"One of the main fundamental elements of Torchwood is dark human drama."
"Perhaps suffering is just as great a benefit to him as well-being. Man is sometimes extraordinarily passionately in love with suffering, and that is a fact."
"Part of the strength of the moral argument is it appeals to something that is so visceral within us. It touches a real human emotion. The realm of conscience is this unique and powerful human experience."
"Love is something unique for human beings."
"I believe the mask was far more expressive than the human face."
"The Psalms are raw, they're an open cut into the emotion of what people feel in every aspect throughout the entirety of human emotion."
"Crying is a uniquely human way of expressing emotions such as sorrow and despair."
"Being human means being sad once in a while."
"I think nervousness is very endearing, I think it's very sweet."
"Fear of abandonment is one of the great human fears."
"Everybody cries, and everybody hurts sometimes."
"What truly frightens us is the psychological component."
"The screams and the cries were awful."
"Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift to humanity."
"It's not only the religious nature of the painting that made it famous; it was the way Leonardo mastered perspective, motion, and human emotion."
"Everyone is afraid of something, it's perfectly normal."
"He held her tight. What did humans have in their arsenal for these moments? Nothing but pathetic moans and tears and sobs that did nothing, changed nothing."
"Once I told you I was afraid of my father, and for a moment, I looked so human, the audience lost interest."
"Do you ever get nervous? Of course, yeah. Unless you get nervous, something's not quite right."
"For centuries, solar eclipses have fascinated people, stirring feelings of wonder, fear, and curiosity."
"Human laughter was 10 times more powerful than scream."
"It's a film of enormous scale, and yet the story has to be human; the emotions have to really land with the audience."
"Even though the Madam was an evil spirit, there was true human love in her heart."
"She portrays this real sort of human emotion and commits to that."
"It's hard not to feel compassion for a guy that in that situation crying like that."
"We're always looking for songs that cut to the core of human emotion."
"Now it used to be that comets would instill dread and fear in the hearts of men and women everywhere, but now, pure delight when we are so lucky and fortunate to see a nice comet in the sky."
"Then his lips twisted, and that time I knew just what he was doing. He was smiling."
"It's about as happy as any human can be."
"There's no accounting for the human heart as it seldom takes the expected turn."
"I see some splashes of hope in their eyes."
"There's not too many times in your life that another human being is going to jump for joy legitimately."
"I am afraid. Everyone has been afraid at some point in their life."