
Spending Habits Quotes

There are 480 quotes

"Poor people see money as something to be spent. Rich people see money as something to invest."
"Vote with your time, vote with your wallet. You can't just say you want betterment for [the game] and then do the exact opposite."
"We do not necessarily believe that living a financially responsible life always entails spending as little money as possible."
"Well, you want to find out if somebody is stupid or not, look at what they spend their money on. That's going to be a really good indicator."
"Changing the emotional relationship you have with objects is really helpful for reducing unnecessary spending."
"It's not how much money you make that matters; it's what you do with the money you make."
"You said you're eating too much bread... You end up eating all of it in one day... You're saying you spend your bread on bread. That's so true."
"Position your money to grow. If you want your money to die, keep spending. Spending money is like a financial abortion; you're aborting all the possibilities of everything that money could have become."
"Spending money on yourself actually makes you less happy than spending money on other people."
"Buy used, use your extra cash to build wealth, and now when you have this wealth, go out and buy whatever car you want."
"If you start to take that perspective, especially on high earners and how they spend their money, all of a sudden you stop saying, 'That's ridiculous,' or 'If I had a million dollars, I would never do that.' Instead, you say, 'Why did that person spend on that?'"
"If you're making $25,000 a year, $250,000 a year, or $2.5 million a year, it doesn't matter. Spend less than what you make."
"Understanding investing versus everything else: Spend less than what you make, regardless of how much money you make. It starts with a mindset thing."
"If money doesn't make you happy, you're probably not spending it right."
"Spending money on other people has a bigger return for you than spending on yourself."
"Buy many small pleasures instead of few big ones."
"Wealthy people, the one percent, what they do is you make money, and then you save it and you invest it first, and then you only spend what's left after saving and investing."
"If you can't buy it twice, don't buy it at all."
"I don't really like expensive things, I don't own an expensive car, I only spend on food."
"The advice is simple, but when you tell somebody, 'Hey, dummy, spend less than you make,' everybody goes, 'I know, I know,' but you don't do it."
"You've got to begin to look at your budget to identify where you are overspending."
"Our goal is to be healthy and strong so spend less than you make."
"Don't bother budgeting, do keep track of your spending, set up automatic savings, and then spend without guilt."
"Budgeting is basically telling your money where to go before it goes to UberEats, Seamless, Amazon, or Netflix."
"Spending money on plastic just doesn't seem like spending real money, but there is a real cost to credit cards that completely destroys your ability to build any sort of wealth."
"Keep your head out of your purse or wallets. Some of you spend on the premise that 'Oh, I'll make it back.' Don't do that. That's a dumb mindset to have."
"Watch your spending, especially toward stuff that doesn't really benefit you in the long run."
"Watch your spending, don't spend what you don't have. Stop trying to keep up with an image."
"You vote every single month with the money you spend and the companies you spend it with."
"YOLO, or you only live once, consumers are boosting the economy by spending the last of their cash reserves, maybe even maxing out their credit cards on traveling and enjoying the summer."
"You need to watch your spending too... Don't make impulse purchases."
"I myself will spend at least 10% more in a store than I will online."
"Know where your money goes and what you support with your hard earned dollars."
"Idle Hands are the Devil's Playground and people love to buy stuff that sucks and you're like stop doing that everybody."
"Don't save what's left after spending but spend what's left after saving."
"Pay cash for items that you buy. When you pay cash, you actually feel that money going away."
"The main problem with it and what makes it a waste of money a lot of the time is that you don't actually realize how much you're spending."
"There's nothing as freeing as knowing that you're spending below what you can actually afford. I mean that [ __ ]."
"All of this explains how these games are able to make frankly extortionate amounts of spending seem reasonable."
"All financial issues come down to spending less than you make."
"Spending doesn't equal to happiness; we need to understand the current social media is promoting that spending increases happiness."
"Chick-fil-A's pace of sustained nearly Nationwide growth has been rivaled in recent years I think only by Chipotle."
"I prefer spending money on experiences over things."
"That's what billionaires do, guys. They spend their money."
"Leave your card at home to eliminate temptation."
"Be careful of financial losses; watch your spending and investments."
"Champions make adjustments, not excuses. Every time you justify being average, you invite mediocrity."
"Financial control needed, watch spending habits."
"It's because he makes more they make more money than they spend."
"Stop wasting money on things you don't use and cancel your unwanted subscriptions."
"The tack-on of a little extra money towards charity on a large ticket that we're already intent on buying is less influential."
"I love candy... that's like getting ones for the strip joint now."
"Figure out the things that are important to you and be okay spending your money on these things because this is what you're working so hard for."
"You got to stop letting this money leave your account."
"Just because you make more money doesn't mean you need to spend more money."
"Using debit cards, that's a poverty mindset. Using credit cards, that's a wealth mindset."
"I would cast for commercials, get paid, and then spend all that money on manga."
"Transactional utility is a psychological trick that companies have been exploiting for centuries to lure you into wasting your precious dollars."
"You're making conscious decisions about what you're seeing and noticing with your spending."
"The spending multiplier: when people spend, that becomes somebody else's income, and then people save a portion of that and they spend the rest."
"If you have to cut your [__] hands off to prevent spending, do it."
"Reassess your spending and financial habits."
"Money was going so fast it was giving me nightmares."
"If you believe in spending and living but also having a savings and other person believe everyday spend every dime you got because tomorrow's not promised that's a deal-breaker because that's a foundational belief."
"It's remarkable, people who just have no business affording two or three thousand dollar Taylor Swift tickets well somehow spend two or three thousand dollars on a Taylor Swift ticket."
"Every time you spend, your joy decreases; every time you give, your joy increases."
"If you can't afford to buy it twice, don't buy it once."
"Spend less money than what you make. That's rule number one."
"Cut the fluff: concert tickets, movies, going out to eat, fast food trips. Those little nickel and dime things will destroy your budget."
"Even in those moments people can be successful but if you're telling yourself that you're not going to be successful then you don't take the actions."
"What do you love spending money on? Love. And nobody talks about this, they always say, 'Oh, let me see your budget, you're overspending' and everyone's just like, 'Ah, forget this, I'll never...'"
"Spend less on the unnecessary stuff, save it, and buy your first luxury watch."
"Just because you have money doesn't mean you need to spend all of it."
"You wonder why on earth you'd be mad enough to spend thousands on a Swiss watch."
"Spending when you don't have money is still spending."
"Don't spend out of emotion, insecurity, or fear."
"You can't change what you don't see; the more aware you are of what really drives your spending decisions, the more control you'll have over your finances and therefore your life."
"Consistently overspending your income is a sure path to misery." - Charlie Munger
"You're financially incompetent if you're spending two months of your salary on a ring."
"It's as if we wrote a check, but we're using it as if it's a debit card. And that we are not charging more than we can immediately pay off."
"Learn to stop spending on things that you don't need."
"Do not tell your players that the majority of people do not spend money."
"Understanding player types: killers, achievers, socializers, and explorers, and how they spend."
"Spend your money on what you know on the things that you want because you work for it and you can't [ __ ] take it with you."
"Limit how much you frequent coffee shops... by going twice a month rather than twice a week I am able to save a lot of money."
"If you spend more than you earn not only are you not going to be wealthy you're likely going to end up poor."
"There are more important things to spend our money on than clothing."
"Make sure you're spending it in a way that makes you satisfied and not regretful."
"It's shocking the amount of purchases that it will stop you from making."
"The borrowing has gone crazy now... It's like you spending way ahead of what you're in, even if your income is going up, you're spending so fast that your debts are going up much faster."
"Spend the money, don't let the money spend you."
"The more we can try and remove that feeling of 'I want this because they want this,' the more we can start to see what is actually worth us spending on."
"Rich people don't spend fifty dollars a month on internet courses just because they think the guy who promotes them is cool."
"How you spend your money is how you vote, if you want to see more of something, you spend money on it."
"I 100% believe that my spending habits are very much under control."
"Money can buy happiness if you spend it on other people."
"What have you spent a hundred, three hundred, five hundred, a thousand dollars or more on in the last several years?"
"Some of y'all right now, you are spending money literally worried about people who are not worried about you."
"The less you spend, the faster you're going to retire."
"Financial mutants process the world differently; they view spending decisions as future investments."
"Americans shattered their online spending records."
"Generational analysis is a good place to start to predict future spending habits."
"You spend extravagantly on the things you love as long as you cut costs mercilessly on the things you don't."
"Never put anything on your credit card that you can't pay off in full."
"Change one thing and that one thing is where your money goes first."
"Hope everyone's doing okay out there. It's a stressful time but breathe."
"Everything in moderation. Spending egregious amounts on these packs just isn't worth it."
"It's becoming a status symbol to spend money on video games now."
"They gleefully make pricey purchases and literally pour their money down the drain without a care in the world." - Their extravagant spending knows no bounds.
"You're always going to spend more than you want to, whether you like it or not. Sorry."
"Do not spend money that you do not have because it will snowball."
"Spend money you don't have but... if you're paying off your credit cards every month... the credit card perks feel like free money."
"Money only has value if you spend it. If you don't use your money, then it's just dead cash sitting in a bank somewhere. It's not doing anything for you."
"Find the things that are most important to you, that way you can spend more money on these things and cut back on the other things."
"There's a point in your wealth building journey where you hit a spending ceiling. Unless you make it your priority to burn through money, no matter how much you spend, you're still going to be okay."
"I'm not cheap, I'm just privileged with my own money."
"I have no problem spending money as long as I could get that money back."
"Money is so well worth spent when you spend it on experiences."
"I think one thing that's worked for me is just leaving the credit card at home."
"Think before you spend, especially with impulsive spending."
"Spend less money than you make; 70% use, 30% invest."
"Spending money is the new meta. This is gaming now, you understand?"
"When you have higher interest rates spending starts to cool down."
"You give people extra money they'll find a way to spend it."
"People treat their pets like their kids so they're willing to spend money on them."
"Unlike teenagers who are mostly broke, middle-aged men who own a motorbike generally have a lot more money to spend."
"I got really anxious one month because I was like I spent like 800 on UberEats this month I was like that's bad."
"It just doesn't matter how much you make if you don't know how to manage and control your spending you're [ __ ]."
"I feel stupid for grinding for something you can buy and even more stupid for paying a thousand dollars for a [expletive] game."
"Don't go spend it on some jewelry, don't go spending on clothing or something like that at the beginning stages."
"Don't let other people's ideas spend your money."
"We watch our bank accounts, let's watch how we are spending, what the priorities are, do you see what I'm saying?"
"Don't let people question what you spend your money on. It's your money you made it so do what you want to do with it."
"The average American spends $300 a month on subscription services, up from $237 in 2018."
"Over time, I've begun seeing things from a slightly different perspective and spending my money just a little bit differently."
"Stop spending... stop draining yourself financially all right."
"Wealthy people earn money to invest it, not to spend it."
"People are still willing to spend on small experiences..."
"Rather than investing what is left of their money after spending, they believe in spending what is left of their money after investing."
"Rich people invest their money and spend what's left."
"Never don't pay late, don't overspend on your credit cards."
"If you can't afford it, don't you dare buy it."
"If I had a million dollars I would probably buy a house and then just buy a bunch of random stuff and kind of like a wreck my house but then I have money so I could just like fix it again."
"You really just gotta smack them in the face with some advice and just you you got to give them a little guilt about their spending and make them realize just how bad it is."
"You're gonna spend $40 on a pack about garbage?"
"Don't buy something just because it's on sale."
"Happy people tend to spend more money on experience and less money on product experiences like going on a vacation with your family or even going out and for entertainment with other people."
"Living on less than you make is one of the best financial decisions you've ever made."
"The big mistake is not the making of the money, it's the spending of the money."
"Before you go to Disney World and are considering splurging on the latest limited release souvenir, watch my 10 tricks Disney World uses to make you spend more video."
"With this new strategy from the GPU vendors of making the most expensive model look as good as possible, I think it's important to remember that you don't need to get caught up in the hype and spend well above your means."
"Changing your money mindset can have a really positive effect, if you respect your money a little bit more, you're less likely to impulse buy."
"Save on what you only just like, prioritize what you love to splurge on."
"Spending is an economic cancer." - A stark analogy to discourage reckless spending.
"I spent over a million dollars in clothes last year."
"I've spent 600 on very nice dress shoes before, but for sneakers that I'm gonna like scuff, 1200? Oh, so I don't want to wear Gucci merch."
"Earlier today I spent all my money and not on some kind of dumb influencer flex garbage."
"The spending of money is usually an invisible act."
"You can't force people to spend money if they have no confidence in the future. They're not going to spend it, period."
"Stock market participation, even if you do it poorly, is far better than just spending."
"A poor person is a person of a culture, 'Well, eat, drink, and be married, for tomorrow we die,' so they spend. So they lack the disciple..."
"Be excited for it for sure but don't forget your brain and only bring your wallet."
"Before you can really see any success in the investing world, you gotta stop spending money on things that aren't making you any money."
"That daily cup of coffee is leaving a million dollars on the table never never do I do that never that's such a waste of money for something that costs 20 cents."
"Save half of your money, save more than you spend."
"Don't go out spending money when you know for a fact that you're not gonna make it back as fast."
"Why not watch another video where I waste a ton of money?"
"Luxury purchases are pointless and frivolous. Most purchases are."
"When you give money directly to people, it gets spent usually right."
"Who's out here swiping that credit card buying stuff that you don't need?"
"Don't spend money that you don't have. It's great advice."
"I make a lot of money but I spend a lot of money."
"They tend to sometimes overspend and they definitely love luxury. They love luxury."
"It's not just about how much you spend; it's how you spend it as well."
"With a wallet you're spending money to hold your money but you don't have any more money because you bought the wallet."
"There's no point spending a thousand, $1,200 on something I don't really care about, you know?"
"I don't want to spend and not get any joy out of it."
"You're gonna make me broke, you beautiful person."
"You should spend money if it truly makes you happy."
"Most people aren't broke because they don't have enough money, most people are broke because they spend too much money."
"Financial Qunari is a bad habit of the misuse of dollars."
"Always spend everything I earn instead of ever saving, terrible advice for real life!"
"If you can't pay for it today, we don't get it today."
"Money is precious; you don't need to be spending on things that are just total rubbish and don't work."
"It's like take my money Amazon, you're taking hundreds of dollars from me every month. I don't care."
"Just because you make the money doesn't mean you need to spend it."
"Stop spending all right, just because you make the money doesn't mean you need to spend it."
"It's not about how much you make, it's how you're spending it."
"Find ways to speak with how you spend your money."
"Don't be one of the masses spending, be one of the few preparing."
"The whole goal here is to spend less on the things that don't matter to you and more on the things that do."
"You're never going to become wealthy by spending more money; you're going to become wealthy by investing more money."
"Whatever we spend our money on, we need to be having fun with that money."
"The baby's only goal in life is to grow up without being murdered so that's good."
"You gotta ask yourself, where in your life are you spending money that you could potentially be saving?"
"There's a difference between spending and responsible spending."
"If you can find ways to minimize your spending in these three categories you will essentially unlock the key to Financial Freedom for life."
"Odd numbers can be very useful for companies who want to persuade you to spend your hard-earned money."
"By paying with a credit card you disconnected yourself from the pleasure of buying to the pain of pain."
"Life lesson: If something costs a thousand dollars and it is on sale for 750, and then you decide to buy it, you did not save 250 dollars, you spent 750 dollars."