
Obstacles Quotes

There are 1930 quotes

"There are no techniques to achieve God. There are techniques to remove the obstacles that you put in the way of God."
"With Reiki, you will have the strength to deal with obstacles and setbacks in your life as though they are but pebbles on the beach."
"The same walls you have up to protect you are the same walls blocking your blessings."
"We need to trust that in order to get to our success, there's of course going to be obstacles, but we're going to figure it out."
"Humans will not change unless they are faced with obstacles and adversity."
"Doubt is one of the greatest enemies of our lives."
"As long as the boss monster is still alive, they will live till infinity and they will keep multiplying."
"Obstacles are detours in the right direction."
"The number one reason why people struggle is their mindset, the fear, the limiting beliefs."
"The major obstacles to success always lie within the mind of the individual."
"The only thing that stops you from getting what you want in life is the bull (bleep) story you tell yourself of why you can't have it."
"What stops you back is the story, because the story stops you from getting honest."
"What impedes man's willingness to sacrifice: his ignorance, his perversion, his pride, his ingratitude, and his cowardice."
"The biggest obstacle here is other people's opinions or this perception of what other people will think."
"You have the power to get over all of these obstacles."
"The biggest scam of life is that the more we want something, the more our mind gets in the way of us getting it."
"It feels like there's something in the way here."
"Winning is not about the trophy and the accolades, it's about the grind, it's about the obstacles, it's about the challenges, it's about the pain that you endure along the way."
"What matters is that the intention be important to them, and that we understand why it's important to them, and the obstacles have to be real."
"If I don't clear these trees and these rocks, my Dragon City can never thrive."
"Whenever life throws obstacles in your way and things don't go as planned, accept them and say thank you. I'm ready for the lessons this alternative path will teach me."
"Remember, the circumstances don't matter; there's nothing in your way when you become the change you seek to experience."
"We're kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal."
"Your dreams never leave you... You're just blocked."
"As soon as you realize that you are the only person standing in the way of yourself, life will get so much easier."
"Everything goes right for you in January; there's not a lot of roadblocks."
"It's just adorable and really about two people confronting their own personal obstacles, learning to kind of like love and accept another person in their life."
"It's an epic epiphany to realize that the constant obstacles in my life were not actually blocking my road. They were showing me a new path."
"You have to realize that we're not your enemies. The only thing that's stopping you from getting from where you want to get to is because of your lack of execution."
"You're gonna have to either go around them, go over them, or go right through them, but you can't stop going."
"What's really holding us back from being able to make that change happen?"
"Fear may be, if not the number one, but one of the top factors that stops us from reaching and achieving our goals and our objectives."
"The correct path has a lot of obstacles on it because those are the tests."
"True success is measured not by what you achieve, but by the obstacles you overcome."
"The highest art of mastery, the highest form of mastery, is to turn the worst obstacle into the most remarkable affordance."
"There are spiritual blockages that keep us from really moving towards our prophetic destiny."
"If you just rush into it, you're not gonna see the obstacles ahead and you're gonna end up face-planting right into them."
"Don't let anything ever get in your way like stopping you from accomplishing your goals."
"Henry Ford said, 'Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.'"
"He that strives to touch a star, oft stumbles at a simple straw."
"You're kept from your goals not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal."
"What is currently stopping you from becoming that person you wish to be and accomplishing your goals?"
"The human spirit, or whatever it may be, will overcome all obstacles that are put in its path."
"Anytime you're going through phases of not being able to move forward, you feel stuck by something, it's because the universe is giving you a beautiful gift."
"Sometimes in life, you're going to come over obstacles, big obstacles, but you just keep going."
"The biggest thing that trips people up with the law of attraction is their unconscious limiting beliefs."
"No matter what obstacle falls on my lap, it's not gonna stop me."
"I am so happy that those roadblocks were in my way."
"Don't let it get in your way and don't let it stop you from starting."
"Stop letting your finances ruin your success."
"Don't let these thoughts stop you from achieving your goals."
"The enemy wants to stop you, but God's favor will open doors."
"The path is being cleared for you to make progress."
"Don't let somebody else stand between you and your plans."
"A red wave at the very least is a bump in the road."
"Typically you have to walk around the swamp and it's really annoying, enemies and you gotta light some torches."
"A wall doesn't start here, it starts up here." - Remember, a wall doesn't start here, it starts up here.
"Any wall can be gone around, gone over, go under, or gone through."
"Senton all but had to dance his way through the countless servants."
"Vincent enters the foreboding nightmare world where he must overcome the massive blocks in his life."
"If you really like somebody, this [conflict of interest] is never getting in your way."
"Never let a man c***block you from what really makes you happy."
"Never stop whatever your vision is. Never stop. There's going to be obstacles, setbacks, potholes, pandemics, illnesses and deaths, politics and taxes and regulations. Just never stop."
"It's ego and pride that gets in the way of greatness, it's ego and pride that gets in the way of love."
"Don't lose your dreams, don't lose your goals because sometimes there may be a roadblock or there may be something like a brick wall that's challenging you at the moment."
"Riding clouds used to be fun but now obstacles spawn in right in front of us."
"If you're between me and my creator, I can't cancel you, I've got to go through you."
"When we transform our fear into faith, then even when there are obstacles and things are not working out the way we anticipated, it's because there's something better."
"Presentation can get in the way of us seeing stuff that we really need to see."
"It's important to realize that we were still able to enter the area even though the force field was active during the day."
"You have the power. There's a block in that's a part of this."
"Being gay hasn't been an obstacle to pursue great political ambitions."
"It is often the mindset more than the obstacles that cause the problem."
"I thought it was a great idea and if I had stopped to do a lot of research and think too hard about what obstacles could get in my way I might not have done it."
"It's a shame when greed is getting in the way of being able to just game and enjoy technology."
"It seemed as if nothing could come between sake and his dream."
"Every time we hit a wall or look away from darkness, it's because of what's triggered inside of us."
"Free yourself from some sort of situation that's holding you back."
"What's your goal and what's preventing you from achieving it?"
"What may seem like insurmountable obstacles become opportunities for growth and learning when we view them through the lens of Faith."
"Anything that stops you from being a shining star is either a bad memory or a lie."
"Hope isn't just wishful thinking... we've got to roll up our sleeves and crawl under, climb over, work our way around all the obstacles."
"Character wants a thing, something gets in the way of the thing, eventually character either feels or succeeds in getting the thing."
"No chabby squirrel is going to stop our boy from getting these apples."
"If you want to do this stuff and if you want it to work, don't set up false obstacles for yourself."
"When most people run into an obstacle, they would simply find a solution."
"Even if there's a blockage in one area, there's an opening in another."
"You have to like you are Your Own Worst Enemy when it comes to preventing yourself from achieving what you want."
"I think they clutter your decision making. I think they prevent you from being able to move forward. I think they prevent you from being able to create what you really love and what you really enjoy."
"You are so powerful, group two, what is blocking group two from their success?"
"The wall, you know what the wall is, it's this."
"Your journey is not measured by the absence of obstacles but by your resilience in overcoming them."
"The more things try to stop you, the more you know you're on the right path."
"There's always a reason not to do something, and it's your enemy."
"I never thought they were real but how wrong I was."
"I'm gonna put Skooma in the front and fuck out this guy, if the tunnel doesn't go through, I'll just go over the top, that's what she said."
"It's not great when it starts getting in the way of actually enjoying what you have."
"The energy of the divine being thwarted... Someone is in the way of you doing what you feel divinely guided to do."
"Brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."
"Our actions may be impeded, but there can be no impeding our intentions."
"I don't understand it, I actually don't understand it. How do you stop it?"
"Consistency is sort of the biggest stumbling block."
"Start before you're ready and if you start before you're ready there's gonna be no, there's gonna be no roadblock in front of you."
"Every time I run into obstacles, I embrace them."
"Nothing can stop me, no amount of hurt is going to stand in my way."
"For some people, sweeteners can be a huge obstacle."
"It's all about overcoming a very annoying obstacle."
"You showed me that positivity Trump's all... and not let any of that get in your way."
"Perfectionism isn't the path to finishing a project; it's in the way of the path to finishing the project."
"that energy is just going to return and it would really be a shame for that energy to block the love that that could really bloom between the two of you"
"They see a really cool future together, but they feel very blocked. They feel they're not able to expand as much as they would like."
"Geography is not the primary obstacle to people entering into a salvation relationship with God. The primary obstacle is actually much closer—it's right here, in the center of the human heart."
"We will do this, and wherever we meet obstacles in our way, we have to work to overcome them." - Angela Merkel
"You're feeling victorious or you're gonna be feeling victorious after maybe an obstacle, don't let any obstacles get in your way."
"Every obstacle can be seen as an opportunity. What stands in the way becomes the way."
"They're right in front of you, but you're not seeing them."
"Focus on where you want to end up, not the obstacles in your way."
"People are rocks in your way sometimes. They have their own nature, and that nature isn't yours."
"There is no obstacle I wouldn't face for our love."
"You're moving forward and overcoming obstacles with determination."
"Your ego is your own worst enemy, the biggest thing holding you back."
"Watch out for those who may try to hinder your success."
"The hardened ground made it impossible for him to break through."
"Nothing's gonna stop me now. Wait, there was a prophecy."
"The biggest obstacle is ego. Self gets in the way."
"You are going to overcome whatever obstacles were in your way."
"I feel like nothing can stop me except maybe snipers."
"In Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, your progress is halted in Viridian City by a grumpy old man who won't let you pass until he's had his morning coffee."
"It's too much to overcome with respect to facts that are compellingly against him."
"You know this is something more and so you're preventing that."
"If you let go of the obstacles, the Holy Spirit will work with that, you know?"
"You are your biggest obstacle, but also your greatest asset."
"What holds most people back is not planning for their goals."
"The universe is not gonna get in your way, you are gonna get in your way, only you."
"Familiar obstacles stood in the way of Rich Froning and a fourth straight CrossFit Games championship: a rope, an unknown event, a dangerous challenger, and seclusion."
"They want to overcome some obstacles and blockages as the final card in their intentions because they want the timing to be right."
"Being a perfectionist is what's blocking you from just beginning the process."
"You are being blocked from certain things... you need to use the information that you have to take action."
"Resistance, obstructions, and opposition could mean you are off your path. Get still and let the new idea come through."
"Never give up on your dreams just because you're up against obstacles."
"Perseverance means allowing obstacles to build you up, not tear you down."
"Resistance isn't necessarily a villain, it's part of the journey."
"You will never face an obstacle bigger than you."
"The moment you feel connected to your future, no person, thing, or experience will stand in your way."
"It is a father's nature to be the ultimate obstacle to his child."
"If the enemy is trying to stop you from going to school, it's because he wants you ignorant. If he doesn't want your business to prosper, it's because he wants you poor."
"But the stop sign has an exceedingly long pole, so my hands are kind of tied here."
"Don't let anyone stop you or get in your way."
"In the eyes of the universe, it may seem small, but for us, these obstacles can feel insurmountable."
"The obstacle could be that there's another person involved."
"The obstacle to this situation causes a lot of anxiety."
"You are the one blocking your breakthroughs."
"Threats are like Obstacles with time limits."
"Identify what is holding you back from going after what you truly deserve and desire."
"If you really have that firm goal, those things cannot stop you."
"No obstacle which appears to confront you need to discourage you in the slightest degree."
"Acknowledge what's holding you back...stop being your worst enemy."
"The very thing that's sweet at the moment is actually what's holding you back."
"I mean like I love the dolphins but they really really get in my way while I'm trying to go after these drowned."
"The hidden move Cut allows you to chop down small trees that are blocking your way."
"You can't let anybody stop you from trying to succeed in something you want to do."
"No matter what, don't let anything stop you."
"Passion, consistency, dedication. Knocking down any obstacle in my way." - Charlotte Flair
"Lady luck was the only thing standing in my way."
"You have not seen an obstacle that is bigger than our God."
"Every year that goes by, more things will try to hold you back, more responsibilities, more obstacles, more excuses for staying comfortable with the life you're currently living." - Jeff Wilson
"This ended up being a massive challenge with lots of hurdles along the way."
"The need to adhere to a certain societal protocol keeps us from getting to the actual solution to things."
"Take a chance on yourself King Of Wands so what do you want how can you go for it what's what's keeping you stuck in hiding in the shadows in some way in your money and career life."
"I never thought about being a female and not being able to do what I do."
"Is there any self-sabotaging energies because you got the five of swords here you got the eight of swords here."
"The enemy wants to keep you trapped, stuck, and bound."
"Every inch we push forward, that is one inch more successful than the last. Ah, that's the issue, we're stuck on a tree."
"Resilience: Tell people how much obstacles come your way and how you recover."
"The obstacle is the way, the obstacle is a part of your initiation, it's a part of you learning what this journey is really all about."
"No obstacles will stop you now, go ahead and write that down no obstacles will stop me now."
"A wonderful new idea. Don't allow bumps in the road to hinder your progress."
"We are driving our own disease, we are the only thing standing in our way."
"Obstacles may pave the way to success for you."
"It's overcoming obstacles that resist you achieving that goal that is part of the experience of happiness."
"The devil can't block your blessing."
"The biggest enemy you can ever have is your own closed mind."
"Don't block yourself. Don't prevent yourself from moving forward."
"You can now create vertical sub-areas of the course."
"Enemies to allies to items, anything unsuspecting passers-by will fall victim to the obstacle."
"Anyone who's ever got stuck in a cobweb knows that these things are an absolute pain to go through."
"You're your greatest obstacle, not demons. Move out of the way and let God mold you."
"Compliance is the science; one of the biggest impediments is the friction around doing the thing."
"They will be removed, and your blessings will come. Your new beginning will start."
"The key is not to look at the size of the obstacle but to focus on the size of our God."
"Not even the things we can't see can stop us."
"Don't let this crazy man stop you from grinding."
"Perhaps there's some sort of obstacle that you're overcoming and you're finally seeing through all of that blockage."
"The enemy is in the way, but God's got you covered."
"Communication is coming in fast, obstacles won't slow them down."
"Your pride is the biggest stumbling block in the world because it doesn't allow you to admit your mistakes."
"Things are constantly going wrong so that the obstacles keep throwing and the heroes keep having to adapt."
"The very fact that you are stuck in certain areas of your life really means that there's an identity block."
"I think the only thing stopping CM Punk from becoming a world champion in the WWE is CM Punk."