
Incremental Improvement Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"You don't want to try to be a completely different person tomorrow, you want to be 1% better 100 days in a row."
"The slight edge...helped me understand the importance of marginal gains and the tiny things in life and how they're compounding for or against you invisibly in every aspect of your life."
"The Sorites Paradox... is one habit going to change your life? One percent increase is that going to do it? Well no and yes, if you aggregate and compound a thousand of those."
"You can create real huge change in your life by changing one percent every day."
"My definition of greatness is trying to be just a little bit better, inch by inch, millimeter by millimeter, whether it's the next day or the next week."
"Every day we just get a little bit better out here, and it just makes me so happy."
"Continuing in pursuits that we already have some degree of mastery over and thinking about where could I notch that up another two or three percent."
"It's best to start at lower intensities and build yourself up to higher intensities."
"Incremental improvement...compounds by the way so that's very powerful incremental improvement."
"Improving by one percent isn't particularly notable sometimes it isn't even noticeable, but it can be far more meaningful especially in the long run."
"While the improvements aren't leaps and bounds different, it's about the subtle improvements and consistency."
"If you can learn to protect yourself even five percent, that's better than just protecting yourself at a rate of zero."
"Watch world a better place one watch at a time."
"All the right has to do is just be at every turn be a tiny bit better. You don't have to be, you know, to be like, now I just a little bit better."
"iOS 15 is a bunch of small and medium-sized things that add up to something big."
"Even if it's just 1% better than what you were yesterday, that's what you're looking for."
"Changing your life isn't about having some crazy breakthrough, it's all about those small little habits."
"Got more and more infantry that I'm bringing down. I'm gonna upgrade more and more of them. I just need a little bit of time."
"Embrace the energy of transformation by saying, 'I can make things better in baby steps.'"
"Incremental improvement that's sustained is extremely powerful from the perspective of transformation."
"Every last percentage fraction of a percent makes a difference."
"In the grand scheme of things, it's just another step forward, an improvement, just like all the others that came before it, that helps make Search a little bit more useful than it was yesterday."
"Successive approximations: Strive for improvement every time."
"Every day has to matter, and you've got to succeed just a little bit every single day."
"Start small. Five minutes, ten minutes. That's enough."
"Start small with the mind to continue to build a little more every few days."
"Find something even if it's the smallest thing to focus on to be positive about and then you know build on that the next day and build on that the next day and you know hopefully keeping that positive mindset is is the best thing that you can do."
"It's just a matter of taking a little piece at a time... a sprinkle of a little bit more patience... a dash of some self-value."
"Every day you show up, you put in the work, and you get that much better."
"Start where you are, start small, and start with what you can do."
"Being one percent better every single day is what's going to lead to that growth."
"It's so small, little daily improvements that I think really lead to big success in the end."
"Hope things get better and change happens one simple thing at a time."
"Marginal gains strategy: if you are a winner and you have a strong mentality and you improve on everything you're already doing by 1%, you will see major gains."
"It's not going to be a straight day after day improvement on the leash train."
"Expect incremental changes in the coming races."
"These are bit by bit, she's chipped away year on year."
"Good design is an incremental process of learning and discovery."
"It's so awesome that the teapot is getting more and more features."
"Baby steps are particularly important when it comes to improving your health and fitness."
"Ultimately, this is kind of a test. Valve is intentionally trying to pace out how quickly these are reaching a large number of hands as they continually work on the system and improve the experience more and more with every passing week."
"Those small victories, those tiny, seemingly insignificant victories, add up to improving yourself."
"And remember, good, better, best – if carrot juice is going to allow you to drink more and eat more vegetables than you normally would, then it’s a good thing."
"It's those small things that drip feed so much more loveliness into your life."
"Last year's leap was so good already that now we're just adding to it what needs to be added and perfecting the formula."
"Time heals all wounds, and if you make small little positive steps every day, man, it really adds up."
"Let's see how this thing handles, and we'll lift it higher in a little bit."
"Take little steps and learn to trust yourself."
"What tiny thing could I do tomorrow that would make my life a little bit better?"
"Progressive overload is doing more over time."
"Semiconductor manufacturing excellence built on evolutionary improvements."
"I think the skin is actually fairly decent, I gave it a C rating but I can already tell I'm gonna give it a B."
"Better safe than sorry. We'll take a very small damage upgrade and get the heck out of here."
"It doesn't have to be perfect. Start with okay, then try to turn it into good."
"Consistency of execution is more important than what they've done. Everything since sandy bridge has been more or less an incremental upgrade."
"Samsung can work to improve further on that but right now what they've done is just kind of give you the familiar experience and yet they give it to you in two different places."
"Remember, get 1% better each day and you're gonna be so grateful 365 days from now."
"Progressive overload is not a strength specific term. It literally just means doing more over time."
"We want to improve by small percentages week by week, day by day."
"It really shows that Land Rover is making some incremental changes until their major redesign but they're still bringing that overall platform that people have fallen in love with for years."
"1% improvement on every video continuously will make your videos better in the long term."
"Applying this information to your life at a minimum gives you a 1% improvement. And if you stack that 1% better every day, it compounds very quickly."
"Consistency of training, deposits every day, over the long term, is what makes the most changes."
"The goal is to just continue to move forward not take steps back even if it's just five percent better ten percent better just constantly moving forward."
"Take one step every day toward that sort of path or goal and remain consistent."
"Whatever you do today, if you go out just today and you get a couple of cans of beans, that means you're more prepared than you were the day before."
"Something is better than nothing, and you can build on it and improve it little by little over time."
"That five percent is totally worth dedicating years of your life, five percent here, here, here, here, and here and now it's 40% better."
"Small gains, that's what it's all about."
"Little tiny bits have made a big difference."
"Just because you're not making 100 steps, as long as you're making one forward step, that's all that matters."
"Every little move is going to go a long way."
"The great decision makers are not making decisions that are impossibly better than the average decision maker. They're a little bit better than the average decision maker, and the thing about that is that that compounds over time. It really makes a difference."
"I want to think of it in bite-sized pieces. You know you can improve every little step along the way."
"At the end of the year, I've made tens of thousands of extra dollars just by doing little tiny changes because they all add up."
"Showing how lots of little steps can make a big difference... they really do."
"It's all about baby steps and progress."
"Better to build things up in little bits rather than necessarily try and get it all perfect in one go."
"Not a lot of progress but any progress is progress."
"...you're teaching the LLM to role play and you're encouraging it to incrementally improve."
"I want you to make your next dive that one percent better than your last dive."
"I talk about being one percent better, so maybe we're one, two percent now, I think we're climbing."
"You don't have to change a billion things at once, all it takes is to be 1% better every single day."
"How can we squeeze out one percent? What habits can we form to gain one percent kind of advantage in different points of your life?"
"Everything is improving 1% better every day."
"Every year they just keep tweaking little things, and it's hard to really put your finger on exactly what, but the general look and feel is really posh and upscale on the inside right now."
"The way to get to that goal is to just get 1% better each day."
"By picking services one by one and adding them to the pipeline, it'll gradually improve the score of your cluster over time."
"All done a little bit better, and that's a good thing."
"Overall, it's not that big of a change as iOS 10 was, but it's still a very welcome improvement."
"The Neotec 3 is very like the two; it's just a little bit better."
"You got to see that you're making incremental progress."
"Those like one percent improvements really will help you in life."
"We deploy a new version every single day, silent slow silent changes that just automatically improve the user experience 1% better a day."
"Sport and life is all about the marginal gains and the percentage improvement."
"Little changes over time; that's what people should focus on."
"It's not about getting great in all aspects of your life overnight... You want to be incrementally choosing different things to work on that you focus more on while you're continually incrementally getting better in all different aspects of your life."
"You can make very, very small changes to your business, but then over time, the effect that that has on your growth is exponential."
"For every one unit increase in the ladder, students go up about 0.07 units in tutoring satisfaction."
"Incrementally improve on a consistent basis and watch your skills and your career capital grow."
"Just going on a 10-minute walk every day and then on the next week go for a 15-minute walk every day and just increasing a little bit every week will make a bigger difference than you could ever imagine."
"Just start focusing on improving it by one inch, improve it by one inch each day."
"We're always leveling up a little bit, maybe not a lot, but just a little bit can make a big difference."
"Every day, we just want to get 1% better; by the end of the year, amazing."
"The baby step improvements starting today can drastically change what your tomorrow becomes."
"It's not about perfection, it's about progression and taking small steps and getting better."
"Incremental builds are as reliable as corrects to build."
"Every inkling of improvement was infinitesimal at first, but oh my god, you just cling on to feeling a little better."
"The important thing is to start improving incrementally because incremental improvement pays off like compound interest."
"Your core content will get you to a base level, and then the A/B testing of your title versus your image will give you the incremental on top of that."
"Let's have the great foundation and we'll add in the elements as necessary."
"Incrementally improving these things, then I'm gonna get there."
"If you don't focus on nobody else and just beat yourself by one percent, in a year's time you're 365 better than what you were last year."
"As long as I've made some progress, then progress has been made."
"If you can improve every single thing by 1%, you will see massive changes at the top end."