
Use Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"A hammer can kill somebody or build a house."
"Car seats save lives when they are used correctly."
"God wants to use you powerfully and mightily."
"That's what happens when you use it, it makes no sense bro."
"I'll make sure to put this baby to good use and bring the championship back home to Canada."
"If you own a thing that was built to be used and you're afraid to use it I'd go so far as to say afraid to enjoy it well this starts to feel like a version of You Don't Own the guitar the guitar owns you."
"It's an honor to have my Wares used by such a wild badass."
"You gotta remember we're all flawed people, but God uses flawed people."
"Use the power, and it's not only power, it's authority."
"Better a building gets used than just set empty."
"Instead of carrying around dung, dig it into your garden."
"The Act was used by this government against individuals protesting vaccine mandates but a future government of a different political stripe could use the act in response to protests against pipelines or climate change."
"Make sure you're not being used for your job, for your title, for your connections, for your money."
"The abuse of a gift does not negate the use of a gift."
"The best way to overcome the abuse of a gift is the right use of a gift."
"It's fabulous and I actually used my most recent one while we were in Mexico a couple of weeks ago."
"I use my palettes. They're not clean, and even the mirrors are always dirty because I use them."
"...use this every day for 20 years."
"It's better to have that option to restore than to just not use it at all."
"The only just use of the dragons is to pit them against others who are also monsters."
"You don't get to choose who God will use because God will use whoever he wants to, more specifically God will use whoever he wants to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it."
"I do really love and use these very, very, very, very often."
"I think it's pretty fun, I can't wait to use it."
"Use it to calm you at the end of your workday."
"My God, I'm of course gonna use my Caraway pans."
"I think it's a cool product... I'm excited I think I'm gonna get quite a lot of use out of this."
"Wow, that was super nice. I'm gonna try to use these tomorrow. It's gonna be hard because they are nice, but I'm not gonna be precious. See, I'm gonna have to be doing mentally."
"It came out really nice but I haven't found much time to use it in the past year."
"If you're going to use your kitchen, it needs to be functional."
"I think it's really great for everyday and going out use."
"I have been so selective with what I enjoy and love and actually use."
"It's not meant for drinking it's not even for medicinal purposes either."
"There's no worse thing to do with a guitar than to put it in a vault or hang it on a wall and not use it."
"Utility does not simply come from the outside in. Use is an inside job."
"I think fine things should be used and not kept away in cabinets, but instead, they should really be enjoyed."
"I'm obsessed with these and I want to use them as soon as possible."
"Magic is like a muscle, and if you don't use it long enough, it will eventually die."
"If you use it the way it was intended, you're probably going to be able to use that successfully without having any crazy adverse side effects."
"I've got one of those in a closet and I take it out about twice a year."
"Right after Vader had finished his conversation with Palpatine, he discreetly ordered the Imperial officer to transport kaiman to the inquisitor's Fortress on the planet of ner. Since Vader did not wish to dispose of the Jedi Master just yet, he had personal uses for him."
"Stagnant water purifies iron, and disuse turns to rust; our intellects will erode if we don't use them."
"It's not about the powers you have, it's about how you use them."
"If you don't use your freedoms, you're going to lose them."
"You can always use the bad people for good."
"You do not choose how you are to be created, but you are going to choose how you use your creation."
"It answers every single one of its design briefs and it really is a pleasure to use."
"It depends what you do with the space in between."
"I used quite a bit of the chipboard in this album because it was gorgeous."
"Use it and you'll gain the wisdom of the gods."
"I hope when you receive this money, you don't smoke it out, drink it out, or gamble it out; you put it to good use."
"Overall I do think it is a really good foundation and it's something that I will get use of."
"I believe that beautiful things should be used and loved."
"If you have a talent, use it for the Lord, because if you don't use it, you will surely lose it."
"We can use this fact to our advantage."
"I will do right. I will use your gift as you say."
"It's a use it or lose it situation."
"Everyone who uses what they have will get more; they will have much more than they need."
"I'm going to have to go to a rodeo with these. These are going to have to get put to use."
"He is the director of all, and even the disobedience of man can be used by a sovereign God to carry out His purpose and will."
"God can use everything about you except your sin."
"We're kind of awake now, so we had our coffee, our hot chocolate, and then we used that time that we were awake very productively."
"This ability is a lot less extravagant I thought it was, but the way he uses it is so strong."
"No matter what, if something's made for good, people will use it for evil; they also will use it for good."
"If we don't use our freedoms, we lose them."
"Hashem gave us the brain; we have to use it."
"God delights in using people that don't have it all together."
"This is that actual holster. It's 30 years old, and I still use it today."
"God is the God of issues. He will take your issues and He will use your issues."
"God's still gonna use you, and use you more."
"I don't want to become a hoarder, I want to make sure everything I'm getting, I'm going to be using."
"Congratulations to all of our winners and hopefully, you'll put the money to good use."
"I'm really looking forward to carrying on using it when I become a mum of two."
"But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully."
"Wear your stuff now, you spent your money on it, the money ain't coming back."
"Proof that God uses the most broken people."
"Particularly for transformative purposes such as news report and parody, commentary or review."
"I can see myself using these for years and years to come."
"I don't want to just take things just to take; I really want to take things that I would use and I would enjoy."
"Use that strength and that power that you have."