
Health Priorities Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"For longevity and supporting lean muscle mass, you should prioritize your exercise sessions and worry about fasting later."
"I would actually go as far as to say that diet is more important than smoking risk."
"When you're 90 years old, are you gonna be more proud that you lived a happy life... or are you gonna be happier that you ended up yo-yo dieting?"
"You've got to prioritize your sleep, your eating, your exercise. Then you can really do the best for everybody."
"I am absolutely certain that our shared border will be open again one day, open to all, but for now, we must continue to prioritize the health of Canadians and Americans."
"Brain health is something that we should all be concerned about, no matter our age."
"The enemy is not vaccination. The enemy is COVID-19."
"Make health a priority, mental health, emotional health, financial health."
"Diet is far more important than exercise. Yeah, I mean, exercise is important, but diet is like... like weight loss-wise, 80% diet, 20% workout. That's how big of a difference it is."
"I don't want to live for a long time in poor health."
"It really seems like the only way out is to stop trading your health for convenience."
"Never forget, you must take care of yourself first in order to be healthy enough to take care of others."
"Virus containment cannot be our only goal, no matter the cost to Americans."
"A durable economic recovery is only possible if we beat the pandemic. Health measures must remain a priority."
"It is so much better to have proper form than to prioritize getting in reps or using weight."
"Health over physique, your physique will follow."
"Food isn't the most important thing. It's your circadian biology that is the most fundamental issue."
"Keeping a healthy lifestyle is not a priority for a lot of people, especially because they have very busy routines."
"If you're obese or pre-diabetic or diabetic then it is important enough to make changes."
"We need to provide stimulus until the end of this, until the majority of Americans are vaccinated."
"Rather than worrying about how much saturated fat we're consuming, we should be worried about factors that increase our clotting risk."
"Everybody is fighting a battle that you don't know about... it's about compassion."
"The mental health is more important than physical health because it's generational."
"Weight loss truly is a side effect of prioritizing you."
"Health and safety being a number-one priority because it's not if that was the case they wouldn't play."
"Stop loving food more than you love yourself."
"There is no excuse for you trading years off of your life because you love food so much."
"We're just worried about everybody being safe, we just want, you know, mom and dad to be safe, we want our kids to be safe, make sure we got enough food."
"Take preventive health measures as a priority."
"Protecting the American people from diseases... is not a priority if it comes at the expense of their amnesty and open borders agenda."
"Priority should go to those who are vulnerable."
"Treating sleep with respect is one of the most important things we can do."
"If I don't get my exercise in, my mental health falls off the face of a cliff."
"Athletes should be prioritizing recovery in the same way that they prioritize training. It's that important."
"Ensuring health and safety is a priority will always drive our reopening efforts."
"Prioritize health and well-being; what good is money in the bank if you're not physically, mentally, or emotionally healthy?"
"There is nothing more important than my health and well-being."
"We have to put the health and safety of our children first."
"Above all else, take care of yourselves, stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane."
"Exercise and protein are going to be top of mind as well as intermittent fasting."
"Making hydration a priority is a healthy way to approach our life, even if you're not exercising vigorously."
"Good luck building something like Twilio to send text messages."
"Not exposing people to a deadly virus is probably higher on the list than missing out on math."
"Long-term health is actually more important than really fast weight loss."
"The more these news websites will call gamers and people like PewDiePie white supremacists and alt-right, the more you're telling them they are the bad guys."
"Diet is much more important than physical exercise."
"First of all, I wouldn't look at liver health..."
"Nutrition is the most important part in bodybuilding, I would say even more important than training alone."
"Human wellness is becoming a priority across the board."
"You know it is your health and it is your wealth in that order of importance."
"When it comes to your health, there is no compromise."
"Even more than being healthy, people want to feel free and in control."
"Remember, it's about preserving function, not just cosmetics."
"Human beings spend more time brushing their teeth than investing in their emotional well-being."
"Social media is not worth it if it's gonna hurt your health. Just do what makes you happy."
"Staying injury-free should be one of your top priorities."
"Short-term gains versus long-term future: taking care of health makes more sense."
"I really just want to prioritize my health and my wellness."
"There's getting jacked and there's getting fit. More people always regard healthy posture."
"Your diet is just as important if not more important than your workout routine."
"It's not lame to take your health seriously."
"Decisions really do become easy if health is a priority for you."
"Living comfortably without health risks should be a priority."
"Nutrition is much more important than exercise."
"Poor health is more important than anything else, you know. Always keep on track, keep taking your vitamins, do your exercise, eat decent food, like healthy food, and drink water."
"Exercise is great for healthy people, but the most important thing is to get healthy so you feel like exercising."
"Nutrition and sleep, I mean put that at the forefront. Nutrition and sleep at the forefront."
"It's sad, but mental health should never be compromised."
"If we can get you three years of healthy life, it's worth more than curing cancer."
"Being lean is a critical component in having good health, just as important maybe more than actually eating clean."
"How about we cure cancer and we cure HIV AIDS, how about we start there first?"
"We need to prioritize eating real food, exercising, and managing stress."
"Your health is very important... set reasonable expectations for yourself and ease yourself into things."
"Never sacrifice your mental or physical health in the name of losing weight."
"What really matters is your own personal health and to each their own here."
"The older I get, the more I care about the overall glow of my skin, the health of my skin, and being hydrated."
"If you want a skin transformation, prioritize non-negotiables in skincare."
"One thing you shouldn't have to compromise on is your health."
"What they think is valid on a cholesterol panel is not really valid. And the things they don't think are valid are of preeminent importance."
"Wellness over wealth, and when the two come together, that's magical."
"Your heart is a body part too a pretty important one may I add you could have small biceps and you're fine but if your heart stops beating guess what you're dead."
"...your mental health, your emotional health and even your spiritual health is much more important than your physical health."
"Your health, your mental health is so much more important. If veganism matters to you, then understand that it's not appropriate for you right now."
"Medical research should be led by necessity."
"Exercise, food, and sleep should be the first buttons that you push."
"Am I going to go full dad bod and not try to fight this aging thing or am I actually gonna try to really prioritize exercising and being the better version of myself?"
"What's important is for the baby to be healthy."
"The main thing is staying healthy, staying safe, being able to work every day."
"It's more important to be healthy than to be aesthetic."
"Don't push through just because you want to have some abs; it's not worth having abs if you're not at 100% health."
"My physical health and my mental health, those are the most important things."